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Killing You Softly

Page 11

by Khara Campbell

  I wait for her to flip through the scrapbook and locate the picture. When she finds what she’s looking for, she lifts up the book and shows me the picture.

  Auburn hair. That’s the first thing I notice when I look at the picture of Jade and her cousin as teenagers. Elena’s hair is the same color as the person that was driving the car that tried to run me over. Admittedly, Elena is beautiful. Her amber colored eyes are striking. I see why Vic chose her.

  I pull my cellphone from my pocket then take a picture of the photograph of Jade and Elena.

  Jade is standing before me shaking like a leaf.

  “Breathe a word to this to anyone and I will make you watch me kill both of your children.” Jade’s eyes widen with fear.

  I’m bluffing of course. I would never kill innocent children but she doesn’t need to know that. She needs to believe that I’m a terrible monster.

  She quickly nods her head up and down. “I promise. I promise I won’t say anything. I’m sorry, Jade. I only helped her because she threatened me. I swear I didn’t want her to kill you. I’m happy that she didn’t. I really do see you as a friend.”

  Yeah, whatever.

  “You contact me when she gets ahold of you again.”


  I turn and leave the way I came in. I’d parked my car a couple streets down near where Cage and his guys are parked. I’m sure they’re outside discreetly keeping watch of the house.

  Now it’s time for me to get some answers from Vic.

  Chapter 21


  It took a while, but I was able to convince Cage that I’m good returning to the house to confront Vic, alone. Besides, I’m still wearing the necklace and earrings Cage gave me. If anything goes down, they can track me right away just how they were able to after the car attack – I really have no need to worry. Nor does Cage.

  I storm into the house, slamming the front door behind me. That was a bad move though because shoving the door closed with my right arm only reminded me of the pain in my right shoulder. I’ve been trying to ignore it for the past few hours, now it’s screaming again in agony. I need relief. I grip my sore shoulder with my left hand trying to bring it some comfort.

  I’ve got bigger issues right now.

  I walk past Sten, giving him a sneer so he knew to move out of my way.

  “Where is she, Vic?” I snap, storming into his office. My nails dig into my palms with my hands balled into fists. I’m ready to gut him like a fish.

  “Who?” He lifts his head up from his computer screen to grace me with his undivided attention. My disheveled appearance causes him to stand and start walking towards me.

  I step back as he draws nearer. Too close to my personal space. “Elena! She tried to run me over and I’m about done with playing hide and seek. Tell me where she is so I can end her pathetic life. This ends tonight!”

  “I don—”

  “Vic!” I grit through my teeth. He better take that as a warning.

  “Let me take you out to dinner tonight and I promise to tell you everything I know about her. I want her taken care of as much as you do.”

  Total BS! “Tell me now.” I’m teetering on a hairline of calm and total chaos. He probably doesn’t realize how close to death he is. I’m sure I can empty a bullet into him before Sten, standing outside the door, can protect him.

  His eyes glide over to my injured shoulder probably sensing my throbbing pain. “Are you hurt? Did you reinjure your shoulder?”

  I huff a breath, trying to simmer my rage. “You owe me the information of who Elena is. Or do you want her to kill me? Are you protecting her and not me?” The sudden realization is daunting.

  Vic’s face turns angry. “I want that cagna dead too, Cass. She’s disobeyed me, which is why I haven’t been able to track her down. If she’s hell bent on getting to you, we can work together to capture her.”

  “At the expense of my life?” I look at him incredulously.

  “Never!” He declares and I try hard to believe him. “Get cleaned up. Take some meds and let me take you out to dinner. I don’t want to use you as a pawn; however, it seems you being back here means she’s been waiting for your return. We can set a trap.”

  I like the sound of that, however, I’m leery of trusting a man whose entire life is a pit of lies right now, especially with all that just happened hours ago. I need to get Elena. I got away with my life twice, I don’t want to chance a third blind attack.

  “Fine.” I turn to leave.

  I relented easily because I really need to get some relief for my shoulder. I hope the attack didn’t cause a setback to my months of physical therapy.


  The pain meds are finally kicking in. The roaring pain in my shoulder is now a tiny whimper and soon it will fully be at ease.

  Vic said to dress up for dinner, so I decided on an emerald colored, deep V collar, backless empire evening dress. I probably shouldn’t be a little excited about dinner tonight – but I am. Only because it’s been a while since I’ve dressed elegantly – and what woman doesn’t like playing dress-up? Fully dressed and wearing six-inch heels, I check myself out in the full length mirror.

  I’m loving what I see. My hair still looks good in the press and curl and flows bountifully along my back and shoulders. I kept my makeup simple yet elegant with ruby red lips. I wonder if Cage would like how I look.

  There’s a soft knock on the guest bedroom door. I turn away from the mirror and walk to the door. Vic is on the other side, dressed nicely in a tuxedo. The man sure knows how to wear a tux. My days of falling into lust with him are over but I can still admire his good looks. His green eyes appreciatively appraise me. He licks his lips and steps further into the bedroom. I step aside to give him more room.

  “Damn, Cass, you are one goddamn beautiful woman.” His fingers reach up and stroke my cheek. I let him, not stepping away from his touch. When he steps closer as if he wants to kiss me, I step back.

  Disappointment flashes in his green eyes but he gets the hint.

  “When are you going to allow me back into your bed?” He moves his fingers from my face to my hair, letting a ringlet curl around his index finger. “If there’s one thing that was perfect with us, it was our sex life. Your vigorous need matched mine.” He steps closer and leans into my ear. “Doing it for yourself can’t be that satisfying.” He licks my ear.

  And dammit if my body doesn’t quiver.

  I push him away using my good arm and shoulder.

  He laughs heartedly, knowing that he hit a nerve.


  “Oh, I’ve got a lot of pork that’s ready and waiting for you, baby.”

  I know he does and it no longer entices me, I ignore the comment.

  He slides his hand into his tux jacket and pulls out a rectangular velvet box. “I bought you a gift. Remember I would always give you a gift on our dates?”

  I remember, even though it’s been a while.

  He opens the box and reveals a white gold necklace with a ginormous diamond and ruby pendant that forms the shape of a flower and a pair of ruby and diamond dangling earrings to match. They are absolutely gorgeous. My jaw drops at the sight of the obviously expensive jewelry. I’m not one for showy pieces of jewelry, I like simple elegance – and this necklace screams the need for security for the woman who dares wear it out in public. But I’m willing to take the challenge.

  I lift my hand and reach out to touch it, Vic clasps the box closed on my fingers. Definitely a Pretty Woman moment. I laugh, like Julia Roberts in the movie, despite myself.

  He chuckles, showing me that side of him that I can stand.

  “Let me do the honors.” He places the velvet box back into his tux pocket, then reaches his hands up towards my right ear to remove my earring. I hold my breath when he takes the stud out. I hope he doesn’t look at it too closely. He doesn’t. He swiftly moves to my other ear and remove the other earring. He keeps them in his palm then walks behind me,
sweeping my hair to the left side of my shoulder to give him access to the clasp of the necklace around my neck.

  Vic leans in closer to me, I can feel him taking a whiff of my hair. He undoes the clasp of the necklace, bringing one of his arms around to the front of me, brushing my breasts, catching the necklace in his hand as it falls from my neck. The act is very sensual and months ago, before Cage, I would’ve been putty in his hands.

  I feel him reach back into his tux jacket to retrieve the velvet box. I turn my head to look over my shoulder, I see him put the jewelry he removed from body in the corner of the box. Seconds later he brings the diamond and ruby necklace around my neck. I touch the pendant as he secures it in place. His fingers lightly touch my ears when he placed the jeweled earrings in place.

  “Perfect,” he says, kissing me softly on my exposed shoulder.

  I step out of his touch. I already feel like I’ve betrayed Cage by allowing Vic’s hands on me for so long. I turn to face him. He’s walking over to the dresser, setting the velvet box on top.

  “Go take a look,” he urges me over his shoulder.

  I walk over to the full-length mirror. The ruby and diamond necklace is like an elegant centerpiece right above the V of my breasts. Stunning.

  “Shall we?” Vic picks up my clutch off of the dresser then starts towards me.

  “Yes.” I touch the huge pendant again. “This is nice. Thank you!”

  “Anything for you, Cassandra.”

  I think I can sense sincerity in his voice. With Vic – you can never be too sure. For so many years his sweet lies had become my normal. My truths of who he really is. And now that I’m ready to break free from this false paradise he’s brought me into, I can no longer trust them.

  Looking into his beautiful green eyes is like having a dark spell cast upon you. And I’m foolish enough to set my gaze upon them. Vic leans down and presses his lips upon mine. And I let him. His hot tongue snakes out, entering my mouth and coaxing my tongue to mate. It’s when he sucks on my tongue that I finally snap out of the bewitchment. I step back, away from him, so fast that I almost trip on the hem of my long dress.

  My heart is thudding in my chest. I can’t believe I allowed him to kiss me. Oh God! Cage please forgive me.

  I feel like such a traitor. An idiot to get caught up in Vic’s web. Cunning bastard!

  “It was a little kiss, no need to have heart complications about it,” Vic says assessing the anguish on my face. “Come. Let’s go to dinner.” He holds out my clutch for me.

  I silently accept it then briskly start for the bedroom door. This will be my last night here. Vic will tell me what I need to know about Elena. We’ll set up a plan. I will kill her. Then I’m going back to Cage – where I belong. Where my heart is.

  Chapter 22


  “Thank you,” I tell the waiter after he places my hot dish in front of me: Colorado lamb loin with squash, eggplant, and other seasonal vegetables. My plate looks delish. And I’m completely famished. That apple I ate earlier did little to appease my appetite. I waste no time picking up my fork to dive in.

  “You never had any quarrels about eating. I always liked that about you.” Vic picks up his fork and sticks it into a scallop on his plate.

  It’s true. I love eating. “I didn’t develop my curvy hips, thighs, and butt, by only eating salad.” I bite into a piece of the lamb. My taste buds are shouting hallelujah in response to the glorious taste. I close my eyes, allowing the aroma and taste to take me under. I moan my pleasure.

  Vic clearing his throat brings me back from my food induced trance. “You even make eating look and sound sexy. Keep that up and I will have you as my main course.”

  I groan. Not in desire rather in frustration. I already feel terrible for allowing him to kiss me earlier. I’m not going to fall into his trap again.

  I continue to eat, choosing to ignore his comment. Vic gets the hint and continues to eat his meal. We enjoy our dinner and wine in companionable silence.

  “What is your plan regarding Elena?” I ask after the waiter clears our table of our dinner plates.

  Elena is the reason why I agreed to dinner with him, so it’s time to get down to business.

  I watch as he takes a sip of wine from his glass, then places the wine glass on the table. He lifts his hand up and rub his chin. I follow the movement. Allowing my eyes to roam over his olive colored skin and dark straight hair. He’s slicked it back to keep it from falling on his forehead.

  “First, you should know that Elena isn’t her real name. It’s an alias. Unlike you, she chose to use one.”

  My parents naming me was probably one of the only good things they ever did for me in my life. I sometimes wonder why social services never stepped in and took me away from them. I guess no one, not even my teachers, cared enough to report the terrible state of my young life.

  I love my name, Cassandra, so I chose not to use an alias.

  “…She’s been trained to kill like you have. Which means we know what she’s capable of.”

  “Which means she knows how to blow your brains out as well?”

  “She won’t try to kill me.”

  Cocky much?

  I smirk. “Why? Because you’re the father of her children? Children you don’t care about?”

  His handsome face flashes with irritation. “I never wanted children. You know that.”


  “In my absence, she was able to hide the pregnancy from me. All the reports I received, assuming they were from her doctor, showed she wasn’t pregnant. She had twins.”

  Wow. “How old are they?”

  He picks up his wine glass and takes a sip. I wait for him to swallow. “Eleven.”

  The same amount of years we’ve been together. No wonder she’s hell-bent on killing me. She feels I took Vic away from her…and their kids.

  “I guess you’re going to have to step up as a father, seeing as they’ll be without a mother soon.”

  “You’re saying you’re ready to become stepmom?” He has the nerve to ask.

  “Hell no! I’m not your wife, remember?” I take a sip of wine. “Now about Elena. What do you propose we do to bait her? That is if I can truly trust you, a snake is never to be trusted.”

  “Your safety has always been my priority, Cass, from the beginning. That’s not to be doubted.”

  I look around the crowded restaurant, taking in the ambiance. Now that my stomach is full, I allow myself to relax into the setting. The hum of chatter from the patrons and the sounds of music coming from the stage. A woman, dressed in a long sequined black dress is singing a rendition of Roberta Flack’s “Killing Me Softly.”

  “You’re okay with me killing the mother of your children?”

  “When it’s between your life or hers, of course I will choose yours.” He leans comfortably against his seat. Looking suave, as always.

  “Hmmmm.” I push my chair back and Vic stands in response. “I need to use the lady’s room.” My bladder is full. Too much wine. I watch him walk around the table to help me to my feet. I pick up my clutch off the table. “Got to go tinkle and reapply my lipstick.” He nods, then watches me head for the lady’s room.



  “Dammit, why did she take off the jewelry? And why isn’t she answering her calls and texts?” I run my hand over the waves of my hair. “Any signs of them leaving the property?” I ask Rick.

  “None. Kent said there’s been no activity at the front gate,” Rick updates me.

  “Maybe Vic decided to eat in instead, have the chef cook them up a meal,” Cherese tries to reason.

  I shake my head. “Nah. Something’s not right. I’m getting a bad feeling about this.” I’m pacing the office floor. Anxious.

  I don’t like the way Vic was looking at Cass in that dress. Damn, she looked beautiful in that green dress. I don’t like how he was touching her. I don’t like that he bought her jewelry. And I don’t like that I ca
n’t get a hold of her.

  “Tā mā de!”

  “Did you just curse in Chinese?” Cherese asks me, raising her brow. I ignore her.

  “According to the tracking on her cellphone, she’s still at the house,” Rick says. “Is there a possible back entrance that we don’t know about?”

  Jesus! Could there be? “Pull up a layout of the property.”

  Short minutes later, me, Rick, Cherese, and two of my men are reviewing the layout of Vic’s property on a large monitor.

  “Zoom in over there, by those set of trees,” I tell Rick, pointing to my area of interest on the monitor. The image expands as he zooms. Crap. “There,” I point. “…looks like a dirt road…leading to a back gate.” I’m slipping. I can’t believe I didn’t thoroughly check out Vic’s property beforehand. Especially before agreeing for Cass to return there.

  “You think they used the back gate?” Raj, one of the guys on my payroll asks me.

  “I’m one thousand percent sure. Which means Vic didn’t want us tracking where they’re going.”

  My heart plunges to my stomach. Some caca is about to hit the fan.

  I’m in complete panic mode but I’ve got to remain calm. I’ve got to get to Cass. She has to be safe.

  “We need to find out where they went. Have Kent check out that back entrance.” I hold my head in frustration. And fear. Just hours ago, Cass was almost run over by that maniac, Elena. Now this.

  “Cass knows how to handle herself, Cage. She’ll be fine until we track them down.” Cherese’s voice and confidence helps bring some calm to my raging emotions.

  “I know. I never knew love would make you want to tear the whole damn world apart, just to protect the person that holds your beating heart in the palms of their hands.” I blow a frustrated breath. “I won’t survive if something happens to her, Cherese.”

  “She’s good. She’s had years of training on how to protect herself.” Cherese pats me on the back. “I’m going to see if I can hack into the computers of the local high-end restaurants. See if I can pull up their reservations. The way she was dressed tells me they’re not having dinner somewhere cheap.”


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