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Killing You Softly

Page 12

by Khara Campbell

  “Good idea,” I tell her.

  “We’ll track them down, boss,” Raj says from his desk.

  God, I hope so.



  I watch the mass of sludge walk towards our table as soon as Cass disappears around the corridor, heading for the bathrooms. He’s flanked by two bodyguards, and I’m sure many of the patrons in the restaurant tonight are a part of his crew.

  Sten, along with a few of my men are in the mix too.

  The stench of cigar clinging to his expensive suit assaults my nostrils as he occupies the chair Cass was just sitting in.

  “Paid in full,” he says. He reaches for Cass’s half empty glass of wine and gulps it down. He places the wine glass back on the table, stands, and heads for the exit. His faithful goons are right behind.

  Chapter 23


  This dress is beautiful and trying to use the bathroom while wearing it is a task but I managed to relieve myself without an accident. Thank goodness. I step out of the posh bathroom stall and head for the sink to wash my hands. After washing and drying my hands, I reach for my clutch on the vanity to get my lipstick to reapply. Looking up in the mirror, lipstick lifted up towards my lips, a dark figure suddenly appears behind me in the mirror. A tall man wearing a dark suit and shades covering his eyes. Before I can scream out loud, a gloved hand squeezes my mouth shut, pushing my cry back down my throat. My eyes bulge out of my head. I lift my arm to jerk my assailant in the gut, the move is blocked. His free hand locks my arm in place.

  I try to reach for my clutch to pull out my dagger or gun but another man, dressed the same as the man covering my mouth, moves to grab it off of the vanity before I can get to it. Then he glides his hands over my body, feeling my thighs. His hands stop once he feels the strap on my thigh. He lifts my dress, revealing my shapely bare legs then snatches my hidden knife before standing to his full height.

  Despite it all, I refuse to go without a fight. I lift my leg best I could in this dress and slam my six-inch heel down onto my assailant’s shoe. It does nothing but make him grip me harder, awakening the pain in my shoulder.

  I use my free hand to scratch at his face. Jab him in the side. Pull his hair. I even reach down to punch him in the nuts from behind. He grunts in pain. His hand never leaves my mouth or my arm he’s holding in place.

  The second assailant, the one holding my clutch, pulls out his gun and presses the cold metal firmly to my temple. “We’re going to walk out of here quietly, or I won’t hesitate to put a hole in your pretty little head.” The steel in his voice lets me know he’s not bluffing.

  I swallow hard.

  If I want to make it out of this situation alive I must comply. I’m at a great disadvantage. Maybe Vic would wonder why I’m taking so long in the bathroom and send Sten to find me.

  I nod and he removes the gun from my head. Next, he’s putting tape over my mouth. Then, he puts a black veil over my head. I guess that’s for when we walk out of here no one notices the tape covering my mouth. After that’s done, he nudges me to the bathroom door. Assailant One is gripping my left arm, Assailant Two is gripping my right arm. Assailant One opens the bathroom door and there’s another man, dressed like them, standing in the hallway. He must have been sending woman away to use the secondary bathroom in the restaurant.

  My eyes frantically look around, hoping that someone would notice me helpless and flanked by three men with a veil over my head, no less. Someone that would try to help me. But the hallway is clear. We walk the short distance to the end, then make a quick right to head to the back entrance of the restaurant. We pass the kitchen and I try to beckon attention my way best I can by willing someone in the kitchen staff to look our way, but they’re too busy perfecting their dishes. Soon, I’m led out back. The night sky is clear, the air a bit crisp for late fall in Atlanta. A black sedan, heavily tinted, awaits us. I’m pushed roughly into the backseat and within seconds we’re speeding out of the back alley.

  I’m sitting in the middle, pressed against two hulking men. Assailant One and Two. The third guy who was in the hallway of the bathrooms is sitting up front in the passenger seat. No one speaks. It’s fearfully quiet and my nerves are starting to get the best of me.

  Are they taking me to Elena?


  About thirty minutes later, we’re pulling up to an industrial area. The lights on the buildings are very dim, or maybe it’s because this veil is still on my head covering my eyes. We seem to be the only car in the area. The driver stops in front of grayish building with a garage door.

  Assailant One and Two open their doors and get out of the car. Assailant One doesn’t give me a chance to slide across the seat and get out of the car myself, instead he yanks my injured arm and pulls me out of the backseat. Since my other arm is free, I pull the veil off of my head and the tape off my mouth then spit at him. The spit lands right on his chin. He draws his hand back to slap me but one of the men who were sitting up front in the car stops him by pulling his hand down.

  “You don’t want to do that. Boss won’t hesitate to kill you.”

  Assailant One glares at me angrily and I only smirk.

  He roughly yanks my left arm and Assailant Two yanks my right, then they start walking towards the garage door that’s now open. I have to walk quickly in my six-inch heels to keep up with their strides.

  The place is mostly bare. Cement floor. A large desk in the middle with some chairs around it. And an old couch set against one wall.

  Blinding headlights appear through the open garage door. A black luxury sedan with heavily tinted windows pulls up, parking halfway in and half-way out of the garage door. The Assailants’ grip on my arms tightens.

  A male driver gets out of the car, then walks to the rear passenger door and opens it. I expect to see Elena stepping out, instead, it’s a large mass of a man. Caucasian. Dark hair slicked back away from his face. A face that’s far from attractive. Even his expensive suit doesn’t lessen his unattractive face. However, he walks towards me with some swagger. It probably speaks of his power and wealth.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Cassandra. I’m Lucius.” He extends his hand out to me. The men holding my arms release them, allowing me the opportunity to accept Lucius’s handshake, I don’t, so, they grip my arms again.

  “Why am I here?” I demand.

  "I own on you!"

  "I'm not a thing to possess," I snarl.

  Lucius steps closer to me. The stink of tobacco permeates off of his greasy skin. "Oh, I. Own. You! And you're not cheap. Five hundred and sixty-five million to be exact."

  My jaw drops.

  "And I must say. You are worth every penny." His porky fingers graze my cheek. I flinch. Completely disgusted. His guards’ grip on me strengthens as I try to fight out of their hold. "Vic has been holding out on you for too long."

  My eyes widen like saucers. Vic?

  "Yes. Your husband owed quite a hefty debt from his gambling and business deals where he didn’t pay me my share. He couldn't afford to you became his payment."

  Bile stirs inside my gut.

  His wide grimy mass leans closer to me, taking a whiff of my fragrance. "I look forward to our new life together.” He sticks his thick sticky tongue out licking my cheek.

  Vomit violently erupts from my mouth, catapulting directly into his ugly face. It made an improvement. Pink gunk slides off his lashes, onto his cheeks, nose, and mouth. His hand shoots out and grips me tightly around my neck. Squeezing. His other hand retrieves the silk hanky from his pocket and wipes the puke off his face. The fire ablaze in his amber eyes puts a little fear in my heart.

  "I own you now. So, if you want to live another second you are to obey and respect me."

  The back of my eyes burn with tears from the pressure he's applying to my neck, but I refuse to cry.

  His mouth comes crashing down on mine. "You can make your time with me go very well if you play by the rules
." His tongue tries to enter my mouth, my teeth are clenched blocking entry. The taste and smell of my vomit on his mouth makes me want to throw up again. He pulls back, freeing my mouth but his hand is still gripping my neck. Hard. "I look forward to tasting every inch of your ebony skin. So beautiful. So sweet. Worth every goddamn penny." His hands loosen around my neck. I gasp for air.

  Weakness gets you hurt, weakness gets you killed. I mentally repeat my mantra. It has been my saving grace since my training. I won't show him weakness. He won't break me.

  Lucius steps away from me. "Call to see if the jet is ready," he tells one of his men. "Time for you to go to your new home, Cass."

  My heart slams against my chest. The grip of fear is strangling the little bit of courage I have left out of me.

  Chapter 24


  I knew Cass didn’t come back to me because of Cage breaking her heart. I saw it as a complete setup. But I needed her back home so I went with it. I needed Jake in Arizona taken care of – but the logistics for that was taking far longer than I could stall. I also needed Cass back home for another reason…

  I knew the earrings and necklace she was wearing were rigged. Cass likes the finer things in life and anyone with a good eye could tell the stones in the jewelry were fake. So why would she wear them? Every day? They had to be listening devices, a camera, or both. Which is why I gave her the ruby and diamond necklace and earrings to replace them tonight. And while she was admiring her new set of jewelry in the mirror, I discreetly removed her cellphone from her clutch. I needed to ensure that Cage would have difficulty tracking us here to the restaurant.

  Tonight had to be the night. I had stalled long enough. Lucius could no longer wait. And quite frankly, I needed to pay up. Why not any of my other wives? He wanted her. The “Ebony Goddess”. He had to have her. And I – well, it was either her or my life’s work down the drain, so the choice was very easy.

  I’m a liar and schemer. The devil’s son. I make no apologies for that. Cass knew this from the beginning…well, not all of it; but she’s gotten herself embedded in my web of deceit so this is just a liability she has to pay for being my wife.

  I actually care about Cass, even though it may not seem that way. Lucius will be good to her…I hope. He will treat her like a trophy. Prized possession. Everyone treats what they highly value, well. As far as living in her new hell goes – she won’t suffer to death.

  And me? I get to keep my millions. An even trade.

  I pick up my glass of wine and gulp it down. I turn my attention back to the stage, enjoying the song the songstress is belting out.



  I take cool calculated steps towards Vic’s table in the restaurant. When what I really want to do is empty every bullet from my assault rifle into him. But I left that weapon in the truck. I don’t want to cause a scene, so instead, I have my Glocks, one strapped behind my back and another around my ankle, ready and willing to end Vic’s pathetic life. Not before he tells me where Cass is.

  I spot Vic’s men as I make my way through the crowded restaurant. Six. They all blend into the crowd – eating dinner, at the bar, near the stage. They’re all wearing their signature uniform – dark suit, white dress shirt, no tie. And feeling their eyes on me helped. They spotted me the moment I walked into the establishment, bypassing the hostess who is too busy to notice me slipping by. I have my men here too. Ten of them. All trigger happy and ready. After some trial and error, Cherese was able to hack into the restaurant’s computer system and saw that Vic had made reservations for tonight.

  To not draw further attention to myself in this swanky restaurant, I’m wearing black slacks, loafers, and red button-down dress shirt under a black blazer instead of my usual cargo pants, Timbs, and polo shirt. I notice a few women ogling me. One even going so far as to lick her lips as I walk by her table. Her date doesn’t like the attention she’s giving me and turns her head back towards him by tilting her chin.

  Sten steps in front of me when I’m six feet away from Vic’s table. “Going somewhere?” He asks me. His hands are crossed in front of him at his wrists and the tip of his silver gun can be seen.

  Since he’s in a clear view of the floor to ceiling windows at the front of the establishment a red dot immediately appears on his nose.

  “Move out of my way or say your Hail Mary’s before you die. It seems a red dot just grew on your nose.”

  The red dot moves up to his eye, giving Sten confirmation. He smartly steps aside. Punk! Vic really needs to get better help. They make getting to him too darn easy.

  Vic doesn’t seem surprised when I slip down into the seat across from him. Rather, he has a cocky smile on his face that I want to slam my fist into.

  “Where is she?” I ask with controlled calm in my voice, when my insides are in a freaking rage.

  “She’s safe.” He stirs the glass filled with ice and a dark liquid, which I assume is alcohol, in his hand. “She’s not with Elena.” He gulps some of the contents in the glass.

  “Where. Is. She?” I demand again. I’ve never had to use so much self-control in my life. I’m ready to rip his head off. I get up, place my chair next to his, pull my gun from behind my back, and shove it into his side. My finger twitches on the trigger, ready to send him back to hell.

  He laughs. I grab the fork off the table and jam it into his thigh. His eyes enlarge as he grunts in pain. Then he grabs his glass and swallows all the liquid. “You should never show your weakness in combat. I thought you knew that from your many years in the military. Cassandra is your weakness, which means she will most likely get you killed.”

  I press the gun further into his side. “Or it’s gonna get you killed.”

  “You’re not going to kill me, soldier. Not in front of all these innocent civilians. The moment I lift my hand, my men will shoot, damn who’s in the way of a bullet.”

  I look around the crowded restaurant. Patrons enjoying their evening. Some on dates. Some closing business deals. Some hanging out with family and friends.

  He’s right. I can’t and won’t kill him here. I’m not heartless like he is. I may take a life, but not that of an innocent person.

  “Where is she, Vic? What did you do?”

  “She’s safe. You need not worry about her whereabouts. They’re probably flying out of the state as we speak—”

  Fury takes over and I punch Vic hard in the gut. “This is not over. Your days are numbered!” I push away from the table, toppling the chair to the floor. I step over it and head for the front exit.

  I pull out my cellphone. “Track any private jets leaving the airports within a three-hour period.”

  Chapter 25


  My hands are bound in front of me. Lucius and his men got tired of me trying to fight my way free from their hold, so they tied my wrists together. They taped my mouth again and placed the veil back on top of my head.

  After going through security, we pull up to a private entrance at DeKalb–Peachtree Airport.

  I’m hauled out of the car. We walk through a series of doors and entryways. Lucius is in the lead. Everything is pretty much a blur, I don’t take in the details of the airport or the people around me who are too busy to notice, or couldn’t care less that I’m in distress. Next, I’m walking down a flight of stairs, still wearing my six-inch heels and my long evening gown. Now we’re on the tarmac heading towards an awaiting jet.

  I can’t believe this is really happening. I’m being taken against my will to God knows where. All because of Vic.

  I walk up the stairs leading into the private aircraft. “Welcome aboard, Cassandra,” a blonde hostess greets me.

  I arch my brow, finding it odd that she would greet me so happily when I’m bound with a veil over my head. Brought on this jet against my will. Shouldn’t her womanly intuition know to help a sister out? And how does she know my name?

  I’m pushed past her into the main sitting area of the jet. I take it
all in, noticing how nice it is. Cream colored leather seats with blue and cream paneling and plush blue carpeting. This jet looks even better than Vic’s. That much I can tell with the veil still over my head, shielding my eyes.

  Two of Lucius’s men walk past me to take seats further in the back. Lucius walks towards me, stopping when he’s an arm length away. “I’m going to take the veil off and the tape off your lips and remove the ties from your wrists. I expect you to be a good girl and enjoy our flight back home.” He looks at me intently, not moving to do as he said yet. I guess he’s waiting for me to acknowledge that I will follow his rules. I nod my head. There won’t be much I can do when we’re thousands of feet in the air. “Good.” He pulls the veil off my head, then peels the tape away from my mouth. I instantly lick my lips to moisten them up. Next, he’s cutting my wrists free from the rope. “Come, take your seat.”

  He steps away and sits in one of the seats located in the front of the jet. I watch him, surprised by the fact that he can actually fit in the seat, he does so effortlessly and snaps his seatbelt in place. It must be custom-made, considering his large size.

  “Sit!” His voice cuts through my thoughts.

  Obeying, I take a seat directly in front of him, buckling my seatbelt.

  “I promise you, Cass; your time with me won’t be terrible. As long as you understand that you belong to me, we won’t have a problem.”


  The pilot announces for us to fasten our seatbelts and prepare for takeoff.

  “What do you expect of me?”

  “I expect you to play the role of my woman. Which means, whenever I desire you, you will give of yourself freely. And always be wet and ready…” I cringe. “…You are to conduct yourself with tact and decorum when interacting with my associates and when I have you on my arm. You will never, ever disobey me or try to leave. Simple rules I’m sure you can abide by.”


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