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Killing You Softly

Page 13

by Khara Campbell

  So pretty much he expects me to be his loyal whore. Except I won’t be getting paid to do so.

  Vic sold me as a whore. Rage washes over me like a tsunami. I have a death grip on the seat arms as we ascend into the night sky. Not because I’m afraid of takeoffs, because of the ultimate betrayal from Vic. The final nail in the coffin I will put Vic in if I make it out of this alive. No, when I make out of this alive.

  “Do we have an understanding?” Lucius asks as we reach cruising altitude.

  “Where are we going?” I need to know that he’s not flying me out of the country somewhere.

  “New York. Have you been there before?”

  I mentally blow a sigh of relief. It would prove difficult to try an escape from a foreign country. But, is he really trying to have a casual conversation with me after informing me that he now owns me and I am to be his whore?

  The hostess places a drink in his hand, never asking if I even wanted anything, then rests a drink along with a small tray of a variety of fruits, cheeses, and nuts on the table next to me. She leaves us alone and goes back behind the curtains to the back of the plane.

  I wonder if Lucius owns her too.

  “Yes, I’ve been to New York, never against my will. Is the hostess one of your whores too?”

  He cracks a smile after taking a sip of his drink. “You’re not going to be my whore.”

  “Your description of your expectations of me suggests otherwise.”

  “Hmmm, perhaps, but that won’t be your title. And no, she’s not one of my whores.”

  “How many other women have you bought?”

  “Contrary to what you may believe, you are the one and only…”

  I find that hard to believe. With a face like his, he probably only gets laid if the twat is bought. Then again, a man with money and obvious power, which he seems to possess, women probably flock to him like flies, willingly giving of themselves.

  So why does he want me?

  “Why me? You said Vic owed a debt, why me as repayment?”

  “Because you’re the most gorgeous black woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I always get what I want. By any means necessary. Money. Power. And now you.”

  He makes my skin crawl. I scratch an itch on my arm.

  I’ve got to figure a way of escape. No way am I going to be his or anyone’s whore.

  For the rest of the flight, I bide my time and give false pleasantries to Lucius.

  We finally land safely in New York. I unfasten my seatbelt then watch Lucius as he does the same.

  “Will I have to tie your hands up again, Cass?” He arches his brow in question.

  I shake my head no.

  “Good girl.” He stands to his full height. “Come, let’s go.” He reaches for my hand and I reluctantly extend it out to him. He helps me to my feet. “You’re going to love your new life with me.” He leans down and kisses me wetly on the cheek. My stomach turns from the contact. I can still smell my puke on him, mixed with tobacco. EWWW.

  Lucius’s two guards step out of the plane before us. Then he lets me go down the steps before him. When my feet touch the tarmac, I step quickly behind one of the guards and snatch his gun from behind his back. I butt him hard in the head with the gun, sending him tumbling back, then shoot the other guard in the arm before he can fire his drawn gun at me, he hollers in pain. I go to him and kick his gun away, then turn my weapon on Lucius, while being aware of the fallen guards to my side. I’m surprised Lucius doesn’t have a gun of his own drawn and pointed towards me. He’s standing at the end of the steps of the plane looking at me in…awe?

  He claps slowly. “Now that was sexy. You’re black, beautiful, and badass. A perfect combination for my woman.” He walks toward me with that confident swagger of his. “But what did I tell you about trying to escape?”

  I don’t get to respond because, after feeling a sharp object hit the back of my skull, everything fades to black.

  Chapter 26


  I’m about to lose my wits!

  It’s been three days. THREE AGONIZINGLY LONG DAYS since Cass has gone missing and our searches keep coming up empty. I’ve never felt this helpless and afraid before. Not even when I was on the battlefield fighting in the trenches for my country. Not even when I’ve watched fellow soldiers die horrific deaths from war at my side. Not even when deafening bombs were exploding around me. Dust flying into my eyes, blinding me. The smell of death everywhere. Never had I felt then the fear and helplessness I feel now.

  My love. My heart. Cass is gone and I don’t know where to find her. I’m a walking zombie. I can’t sleep knowing she’s out there probably hurt. I’m like a ticking time bomb about to explode from the tension and stress of her disappearance. I know she’s tough. But as the woman that holds my heart, it’s my duty to make sure she’s safe. And she’s not safe because she’s not here with me.

  “Why in the hell haven’t we snatched Vic up yet and put a grenade up his toot?” Cherese asks while bustling into the office with a tray filled with coffee cups. We’ve been here in the command center for the past three days.

  I run my hand over my face. I’m extremely exhausted, but I can’t rest until we find Cass.

  “Because I want Cass to have the honor of sending his soul back to Lucifer, his father.” I’ve been tempted many times to slit Vic’s throat and watch him die slowly. But I know when I get Cass back, because I will do everything in my power to ensure she gets back home alive and well, she will want to take care of Vic herself. She deserves to take care of him herself. I snatch a hot cup of coffee out of the tray Cherese just walked in with and take a much needed gulp of the hot liquid. Instantly, the aroma and taste helps to rejuvenate my tired body.

  “I think I got something,” Rick announces, drawing our attention to him sitting in front of his computer screen. “After doing another search, I found there was a private jet that flew out of DeKalb–Peachtree Airport three nights ago to New York. Jet is registered to Banca Enterprises. There were four passengers. Two pilots and one other crew member–”

  “Banca Enterprises – yeah, Cass was definitely on that flight,” a voice chimes from behind us. All heads turn to the doorway. There stands Drake. He walks further into the room. “I should’ve come to you sooner, I wasn’t sure–”

  “Why are you certain about Banca Enterprises?” I question eagerly, walking towards my friend. He’s been on Vic’s payroll longer than Cass and I have been in the picture. He must know something.

  “Lucius Romano. He owns Banca Enterprises. He’s a huge bigwig. Besides some legal stuff he does to clean his dirty money, he’s heavy into underground gambling and fighting rings. The man probably wipes himself with hundred dollar bills. He’s been putting heavy pressure on Vic for the past year because of money Vic owes him. I was at the warehouse one night and overheard Lucius stating he would take Cass as payment, forgiving Vic’s five hundred and sixty-five million dollar debt.”

  “What the French toast? Five hundred and sixty-five million?” Cherese exclaims in disbelief. Her jaw drops.

  “Dayum!” Raj booms.

  My blood boils. That son of a bitch traded Cass for a debt repayment? Un-freaking-believable. How heartless can that prick be?

  “If she’s gone. That’s where she’ll be. In New York with Lucius. And the man is hard to touch. His estate is guarded more heavily than Fort Knox. Getting to Cass will be almost impossible.”

  “The operative word is almost. Nothing is impossible. And I’m sure not going to let that stop me from getting Cass back.”

  Drake stares at me, probably seeing the determination in my eyes. “Then I want in.”

  I nod in agreement. I close my eyes and try to breathe normally to get my temper in check. “Cherese reserve us a jet to fly to New York.” I start rattling out commands. “Rick, locate Lucius’s property and get all the intel you can. Raj, we’re going to need lots of fire power. Get with our contact in the New York. And I need as many of our men
on that plane with us within the next two hours. Time to get my wife-to-be back.”

  Chapter 27


  After getting knocked out when I had a gun aimed at Lucius at the airport, I wake up to find myself tucked comfortably in a large bed. I immediately jolt up with my elbows pressed into the soft mattress. I take in the bedroom. Black and white is the theme from pillows and curtains, throws, rugs – even the plush chaise and arm chair are a mixture of black and white. The armoire and dressers have red trinkets on top– adding a splash of color. A huge vase with many dozen red roses sits on one end of the mirrored dresser. I look down at the comforter I’m snug under and notice it’s a deep red and the throw pillows at the side of me are red too.

  If I was a welcomed guest in this home I would be very appreciative to be sleeping in this room. It’s beautifully and richly decorated. However, I’m not a guest here. I was brought against my will. A prisoner. As payment. To become Lucius’s whore.

  I sit up further on the bed, then I lift my hand to the back of my head. I feel a small lump in the middle from where I was hit. The blow that left me unconscious. It’s a little tender to my touch, however it’s not painful. I also notice that my shoulder isn’t bothering me much either. That must mean someone gave me pain medication. But who?

  I push the comforter away to see that I’m dressed in a silk purple pajama slip. No bra, but I feel that I’m wearing panties. Someone also undressed and put pajamas on me. The thought of Lucius’s grimy fingers on me makes me want to throw up. I dry heave at the thought.

  How long have I been out? I look to the nightstand and see a clock, which reads 8:02am. And the date also confirms that it was just last night that I was brought here.

  Cage. He must be losing his mind trying to find me. How stupid of me to fall into Vic’s trap. The dinner. The necklace and earrings. I lift my hand to my neck and feel the ruby and diamond necklace. I reach my arms up and unclasp the jewelry from my neck. I ball it in my fist and haul it across the room. “Oh, the hell I’m going to unleash on you, Vic when I get out of here.” I promise. I take the earrings off as well and throw them away from me too.

  Revenge! I will get sweet revenge.

  There’s a soft knock at the bedroom door. I turn my attention to the double doors. I stare at it, not sure if I want the visitor to enter. Without waiting for a response from me, the door knob turn and in steps an Amazon of a woman carrying a food tray. She looks like the late wrestler Chyna with the same dark hair and muscular body and huge boobs. She’s dressed in a designer jogger set and sneakers.

  She kicks the door close behind her, then walks toward me sitting on the bed. “Breakfast,” she announces dryly. She places the food tray on the nightstand. I notice scramble eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, toast, juice, and coffee. The spread surprises me for some reason. With Lucius obviously being Italian, I expected an Italian breakfast – although I’m not sure what an Italian breakfast consists of.

  A thought just occurs to me. Could Lucius and Elena be related? They’re both Italian and connected to Vic. I mentally shake my head. Although it won’t be surprising if they are related; I doubt that they are, I’m sure he would’ve mentioned it last night. As jacked up of a situation I’m in right now, it won’t make a difference.

  “Eat. Shower. You allowed walk around estate, if you try leave, you gets shot, killed. I no want to clean up your blood.” I now notice her Italian accent as she speaks in broken English.

  What the f—?

  “Here!” She shoves the tray over my lap, stopping my train of thought. “I be back in hour to get tray. Clothes in dresser and closet for you.” With that she walks back out of the bedroom, leaving me speechless.

  Amazon Woman was really weird, but it didn’t stop me from enjoying the breakfast she brought. It was really good. I wonder if the chef is black.

  As instructed, after eating I took a long hot soak. And despite the circumstances of why I’m here, I couldn’t help but notice that the attached bathroom is a woman’s dream. I tried not to enjoy the amenities, but I couldn’t resist. It has a round Jacuzzi tub with a crystal chandelier dangling over it right in the middle of the bathroom. Tan and white marble covers almost every inch of the bathroom. And one whole wall has an aquarium like fish tank. And it isn’t filled with goldfish either, there are hundreds of tropical fish, and even some jellyfish and a stingray. I soaked in the Jacuzzi just watching the fish and other marine life, feeling like I was on an underwater adventure.

  The walk-in shower is so wide with open skylights and water plants strategically placed. When you turn on the spray it’s like standing outside in open rain.

  I’m used to opulence however this bathroom is like nothing I’ve seen before, I almost didn’t want to leave. Then I remember where I am and why I’m here.

  Amazon Woman was right. The closet is filled with clothes and shoes in my size. Seeing it all is jarring. It confirms Lucius wants me here to stay.

  That won’t be happening.

  I choose dark skinny jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt. I noticed last night after arriving in New York that the air is much chillier than the temperature in Atlanta for late Fall.

  If I’m going to plan my escape I need to know the layout of this place. I open the bedroom door and step out into the hallway. The first thing I notice is the expansive floor to ceiling windows, and by looking down from the railing, I’m on the third floor. Beyond the windows is a vast landscape of trees already decorated in their natural fall colors. And beyond the trees I can see a pond…or is it the Atlantic Ocean? Okay, so I may be in New York, this estate is definitely not in the city.

  I’m guessing the Hamptons.

  I venture down the stairs, taking in more of the grandeur of my prison. There’s a butler…or guard, standing post at the front doors. He watches me descend the steps but doesn’t say anything to me when I finally land on main level and make a left. I notice he’s not holding a weapon, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one on him. I mentally file that observation away.

  It took about an hour, but I think I toured the majority of the estate. This place makes the ho me Vic and I shared look like a small-time middle class house. However, my reason for touring wasn’t to admire the exquisite dwelling, rather to see what I’m up against regarding an escape.

  Security cameras are mounted discreetly throughout the estate. There are guards at almost every entrance and exit. They all observed me as I walked by, no one said a word to me. Even a few house staff I saw didn’t speak, only giving me a simple nod and a smile. I guess everyone had been briefed about my being here.

  I make my way back towards the bedrooms. I intentionally make a right towards the kitchen coming from the side door that leads to the left-wing grounds exit. I notice the guard I pass did not lift his eyes to look at me, he’s engrossed in whatever is on his phone. Another thing I mentally file away. I slow my pace as I near the kitchen. Kitchen staff inside are busy prepping meals. My eyes move to the kitchen door that leads outside. No guard is posted at the door – neither in or out. And from what I guesstimate, I would have to sprint from the kitchen door into the trees and probably have to go a few yards before I reach the shore. The front of the property has a tall wall and gate, the back doesn’t. I guess because it would be a travesty to block the ocean view with a hideous security wall. Imagine how much the property value would drop. Whatever the reason, I have to find a way to use it to my advantage. It certainly won’t be an easy feat.

  Heading towards the front of the house, to get back to the stairs to take me to the bedrooms, the guard standing by the door leading to the pools licks his lips as I approach. His cognac colored eyes lustfully caress my body. Instead of giving him the stink-eye, I encourage him by seductively blowing him a kiss. As I pass him, I intentionally sway my hips, I look over my shoulder and see that his eyes are glued to my behind. Bingo! Another fact to mentally file away for later.

  Back upstairs, I pass a series of rooms, wondering which be
droom is Lucius’s. I get the sense that he’s not on the property. The air about this place seems a bit lax and I get the feeling that the atmosphere around here is not like that when he’s home. So, that is a relief. I need time to plan and perfect my getaway because I know if I blow it the second time, I may not get a chance of a third escape.

  “…Work, work, work, work, work, work

  When you all gon'?

  Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn

  Me no care if him

  Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting…”

  I hear Rihanna’s song “Work” blasting, coming through a bedroom door that’s slightly ajar. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I walk closer to the door, nudging it open just a little. To my shock and amazement – Amazon Woman is…singing, with no trace of an accent, and dancing to the music. Her hips mimic Rihanna’s in the music video. Dang, I’m almost sad to admit that she puts me to shame in the dancing department.

  She flicks her head back and forth, causing a wave of her long dark tresses as she moves. For her height and muscular build, she dances like a pro. She makes another turn, facing the bedroom door, when she spots me with my mouth agape.

  “Don’t stop,” I tell her when she halts in place. “You can teach me some dance moves. And I’m the black chick that’s supposed to have some rhythm.”

  “You no dance?” She asks incredulously in that Italian accent of hers.

  I shake my head no.

  “I teach you. Come!” she demands loudly over the music.

  I step into the bedroom, closing the door shut behind me. I can’t afford some unsuspecting soul to catch me doing the funky chicken. I think I’m already an embarrassment to my black heritage for having two left feet when it comes to dancing.

  “Move hips like this.” She does some type of whine with her hips and I try my best to mimic it. From the frown on her face, I know my attempt was an epic fail. “No! No! Like this.” She puts her hands on my waist and moves them in a circular motion. “Yeah, yeah.”


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