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Alice In Chains

Page 6

by Adriana Arden

  She began to back away around the pit, only to give a yelp as she pricked her bottom on a branch of the holly tree that flanked one side of it. Even as she looked about for a different escape route the twins hemmed her in, moving disconcertingly in step. They were as tall as she was and much bulkier. Reaching out they each caught her by an arm. Alice tried to wriggle from their grasp but they were too strong. A sick sense of fear began to well up inside her.

  ‘Maybe she’s not a proper girling at all,’ Dum suggested, then added grudgingly, ‘Though she’s very pretty.’ With his free hand he clasped and squeezed her right breast, as though testing a melon for ripeness. Alice bit her lip but said nothing. Maybe after a bit of a grope they’d get bored with her. ‘Her titties are bigger than that girling Old Mr Meles has.’

  ‘Remember the trouble we got into about playing with her,’ Dee said. ‘P’raps we should let this one go.’

  ‘But this one’s different,’ Dum insisted. He pointed at Alice’s pubes. ‘Look, her cunny’s got feathers all over it where it should have hair.’

  ‘Bet they’re not real.’

  ‘They look real.’

  Dee reached down, took hold of one of the larger feathers in the middle of her pubic delta and with a swift jerk plucked it out of her. Alice gave a shriek of pain. Dee held up the golden feather, which had a smear of blood on its quill.

  ‘They are real,’ Dee agreed. ‘And it’s pretty.’

  ‘I want it,’ Dum said.

  ‘This one’s mine. Get your own.’

  Alice whimpered as Dum pulled a second feather from her pubes. ‘But what is she?’ he wondered as he admired his prize.

  ‘Maybe we should pull out some more until she tells us who she is?’ Dee suggested.

  ‘No, please don’t!’ Alice said quickly.

  Their big mouths turning up into malicious grins, they pushed a squirming Alice further back into the holly bush. A hundred spines pricked her soft skin, making her yelp and bite her lip.

  ‘So tell us who you are, girling,’ Dum said.

  ‘It’s true,’ Alice gasped. ‘I don’t belong to anybody. Not on the Boardland, anyway. I’m working for the Red Queen. She wants me to find something for her.’

  Dum and Dee exchanged curious glances, then frowned at Alice. ‘You’re lying,’ Dee said. ‘The chesspeople are all gone. Nobody’s seen them in years. We learnt that at school.’

  ‘Only we don’t go to school any more,’ Dum added. ‘School’s stupid. Now we do what we want. So as long as nobody’s going to come looking for you then, contrariwise, you belong to us.’

  They were pressed against her, holding her close to the tormenting holly sprigs. She felt bulges growing in their trousers beneath their fat bellies and could almost smell their growing sense of power over her, even as her own resolve was melting away.

  A broad unpleasant smile split Dee’s chubby face, which sent a shiver down Alice’s spine. ‘You mean we can do what we like with her? Have fun, punish her, like Old Meles’s girl but more? The way they do with other girlings?’

  A mirror of the smile now distorted Dum’s features. ‘That’s right. Finders keepers, losers weepers. We keep her and make her weep. What’s your name, girl?’

  ‘Alice Brown,’ said Alice in a faint voice.

  ‘Say “Master” when you speak to us,’ Dee said, giving her nipple a pinch. ‘Cos we’re your masters now, and you’ve got to show proper respect.’

  ‘Yes, Master,’ Alice said wretchedly.

  Between them they dragged Alice away from the pit. As they went Dum began to chant. The rhyme was all too familiar but its words were no longer nonsense. Instead they presented an ominous vision of Alice’s immediate future.

  ‘The time has come for Alice Brown,

  To learn the way of things;

  Of games her masters like to play,

  And how much holly stings;

  Or why a beating makes her hot,

  And all the tears it brings.’

  Dee took over.

  ‘We’ll take her to our secret place,

  And teach her to obey;

  After swishing sticks and many pricks,

  She’ll do anything we say;

  Our slave she’ll be, for otherwise,

  Her pretty flesh we’ll flay.’

  Holding Alice firmly between them, the pair pushed their way into a great mass of rhododendron and emerged into a small natural clearing at its centre. The space was littered with carelessly scattered tools, wooden boxes and odd lengths of rope and chain. In the midst of this, assorted boards, scraps of tarpaulin and old fence posts had been nailed and lashed into a rickety hut. painted over its sagging door were the words: HEADQWARTERS (SECRET). Beside it was an equally rough and ready cage made out of slatting and chicken wire, with straw strewn over its floor.

  ‘We made that to keep a tove in,’ Dee said, as though inviting Alice to admire their handicraft skills.

  ‘Or a mome rath,’ Dum added.

  ‘But now it’ll do for you,’ Dee continued.

  ‘It’s very nice, Master,’ Alice said automatically, thinking wistfully of the fine cage she had shared with her lover Valerie.

  ‘Alice’ll be more fun to have than a tove or a mome rath,’ Dum said. ‘We can do girling things with her and also teach her tricks like a pet.’ He prodded Alice. ‘Can you learn to do tricks, girl?’

  Alice found her mouth working without conscious thought as her instincts took over. ‘I’ll do whatever you tell me, Master.’ There was no point in protests now. She felt a frisson of dark excitement run though her as her senses heightened and her loins stirred in anticipation of what was to come. There would be pain and pleasure and she would embrace both to the full while keeping a small part of herself aloof from it. She was a helpless girling and that was her only power.

  ‘It’ll be dark soon,’ Dee said, ‘but we can have some fun with her now and start training her properly tomorrow. Get some rope and we can tie her up.’

  ‘You get the rope, I want to have her first,’ Dum said, pulling Alice towards him.

  ‘No, I’ll go first,’ Dee said. ‘The pit was my idea.’ And he jerked Alice back.

  ‘But I dug more of it than you!’ Dum retorted, hauling the other way.

  ‘But I hid it so well she didn’t know it was there!’ Dee shouted.

  Red-faced, they were each gripping her arms with both hands now, throwing all their considerable weight into a tug of war with Alice stretched between them like a living rope.

  ‘But it was my rattle I put there to lure her!’ Dum screamed. ‘My old rattle, do you hear?’

  ‘You can keep your mouldy old rattle,’ Dee hollered back. ‘I’m having first go with her!’

  Alice cringed at the rage and spite washing over her. However old they actually were, the pair were behaving like selfish children and might pull her apart before either one would give way. She took a deep breath and shouted, ‘Masters, please! You can both be first!’

  That got their attention. Their plump faces screwed up in frowns of puzzlement. ‘You’ve only got one cunny hole,’ Dee snapped. ‘One of us has to be first.’

  Alice gulped queasily at the thought because the pair repulsed her, but she continued doggedly. ‘No, Master. A girling can give pleasure with her mouth as well as her cunt … I mean, cunny. A lot of men like it.’ She looked round the debris of construction work. ‘If you tied me face down across that saw horse over there, then one of you could have me from the front while the other had me from behind both at the same time.’ Even as she spoke she knew she was orchestrating her own double rape, which was somehow appropriate for a masochist. And this way at least she wouldn’t have them lying on her.

  The pair were silent for a moment, weighing up her suggestion, then they grinned.

  They dragged her over to the horse and pushed her across it, so that her stomach rested on its crossbar. With odd lengths of rope and string they tied her wrists and ankles to the ends of the saw-
horse legs, then found a piece of rusty chain which they looped around the crossbar and over her back, securing her firmly in place. Alice winced as the coarse ropes and rough metal links scraped and dug into her skin, but the pain seemed only transitory. Her nipples pulsed with blood as they hung under her hot, heavy breasts, her heart was thudding and her swollen pussy lips were slippery with lubrication. She was helpless, aroused and ready.

  The twins stepped back to admire their handiwork, savouring Alice’s naked and bound form. Dee rubbed his bulging crotch, then feverishly unbuttoned his flies and released a thick rod of pink flesh that sprang out stiffly, projecting beyond the bulge of his belly. Alice’s eyes widened in alarm and she hastily licked her lips. It looked painfully large.

  ‘Look, mine’s bigger than yours,’ he said, massaging it proudly.

  Dum pulled out his own cock, rubbing it into its fullest erection. ‘No, look. Mine’s bigger,’ he said.

  They stood side by side, each thrusting out his hips to try to make his penis stick out further.

  Not another dispute! Alice thought desperately. Anticipation was fast becoming urgent need. How quickly she became a hot shameless slut with so little persuasion. Aloud she said: ‘Please, Masters, it doesn’t matter. I … I think you’re both too big for me. You’ll split me open. Please let me go!’ And she tugged theatrically at her bonds, even as she secretly delighted in their confining strength.

  That caught their attention. They were advancing towards her when Dum said, ‘Wait! We need a stick or something. We’ve got to beat her before we have her. You’ve got to make them cry first or else they don’t do it properly. Everybody knows that. Isn’t that right, girl?’

  And Alice found herself saying: ‘Yes, Master. Hurt me, Master, make me cry, Master …’

  Dum found a couple of lengths of garden bamboo and, with their straining cocks bobbing stiffly in time with the swings of their canes, the pair laid about Alice’s bound body. Her bare back, outthrust bottom and spread thighs were inviting targets and they covered them in red stripes, making her flesh shiver and jump. Alice yelled and shrieked and blubbed. Tears ran down her cheeks as she writhed on her wooden mount and strained at her ropes.

  The sight of her abused body was so exciting that it brought a rapid end to the chastisement. Dee and Dum threw aside their bamboos and hunkered down over Alice, Dum positioning himself between her thighs while Dee knelt in front of her. Grasping her hair he jerked up her head. Her mouth gaped open ready …

  ‘What if she bites me?’ Dee wondered.

  Dum’s cocktip was pressed to Alice’s hot wet cleft, his eyes glazed with lust. ‘She won’t dare bite,’ he snapped.

  ‘I promise I won’t bite!’ Alice gasped, blinking away her tears.

  ‘But she might by accident,’ Dee protested. ‘And don’t you start before me,’ he warned his twin.

  ‘Put something in my mouth to hold it open,’ Alice sobbed desperately. ‘Just please hurry …’

  ‘What?’ Dee asked foolishly.

  ‘Hurry up!’ said Dum.

  Hell! Alice thought, do I have to arrange everything? ‘Get a short piece of that thick rope … yes, that bit. Now tie two knots in the ends … yes. Now put it round the back of my head and pull the ends round into my mouth between my teeth so the knots hold it in place … glumpth … uhh.’

  The rope cut into the sides of her mouth, pulling her lips back and tasting musty. The knotted ends lodged between her back teeth and her mouth was wedged open.

  Dum rammed his rod into her cunt from the rear without any consideration for her comfort. Her gargling yell of surprise and pain was stifled by Dee’s shaft as it was pushed into her gaping mouth with equal lack of ceremony. The fat flesh plum drove past her lapping tongue and down her throat, making her neck bulge. She was penetrated front and back.

  Her oral skills were not required. Her gullet was simply being used as a hot wet hole for him to spend himself inside. But Dee was not withdrawing. He was savouring the moment. Alice’s eyes grew rounder. She couldn’t breathe. He had hold of her hair and she could not pull away. Didn’t he realise he was choking her with his cock? Why should he? He’d never had oral sex before.

  The twins withdrew together and Alice desperately sucked in air past Dee’s cockhead as it paused for a moment resting on her tongue, even as Dum’s was still lodged in her nether mouth wet with her juices. Then both plunged into her again, stifling her squeals. In, out, in, out. They were shafting her in rhythm, making full use of their pet, their helpless slave bound to a screwing horse. It was careless and selfish and incredibly exciting.

  They came quickly, like boys might in such a situation, almost before she was ready. Twin jets of sperm were pumped into her like the spouts of water pistols as her own orgasm erupted. She jerked wildly against her ropes and spluttered on choking ejaculate as it slid down her throat. She heard them laughing at her struggles as she mindlessly licked and sucked and slobbered the last traces of come from the softening shaft. Then she slumped limply over the horse, drained and utterly exhausted.

  Alice was distantly aware of being freed from the sawhorse, having her hands rebound behind her back and secured with another cord round her waist, then being dragged into the cage and the door being bolted behind her.

  ‘There’s water in there,’ she heard them say. ‘We’ll bring you some food in the morning. Then we’ll see what else we can do with you.’

  By the time she had recovered from her post-orgasmic swoon the camp was deserted and the skylight was dimming. Her skin still smarted from her beating and her vagina felt bruised. She squirmed across to the metal bowl in the corner and lapped water from it as best she could, washing the taste of come from her mouth. There was nothing she could do about the same substance oozing from her well-used cleft except try to rub it off on the straw bedding.

  Finally she curled up in a corner, trying to get as comfortable as possible while confused thoughts tumbled through her mind. What she had suffered at the hands of the twins had satisfied the masochistic side of her nature, but she also knew she had to get away from them. It was not entirely because they looked so gross, but because deep down they frightened her.

  Underland had turned Tweedledum and Tweedledee into malicious, self-centred adolescents who would perhaps never grow up. To them she was no more than a new toy. Who knew what they might do to her tomorrow?


  ALICE AWOKE, STIFF and aching, to the sound of banging on the wire of her cage.

  ‘Get up, girl!’ Dum, or possibly Dee, was saying. Both the twins were standing by the cage. ‘It’s breakfast time.’

  A tin plate had been pushed inside. On it were two slices of marmalade on toast, a shelled hard-boiled egg and a dollop of porridge.

  Alice blinked the sleep from her eyes, squirmed awkwardly round into a sitting position and forced her mouth to work. ‘Masters, please can you untie my hands so I can eat?’

  They grinned at her. ‘No, you’ve got to eat like you are. You won’t need your hands for anything we want to use you for, and you’re our pet now, so you’d better get used to it. Hurry up or you’ll get nothing.’

  Everything was cold but Alice cleared the plate, picking up the pieces of food as neatly as possible between her teeth. Denying her the use of her hands was basic slave indoctrination, as it made her more helpless and dependent on her masters. Fortunately she had gained some practice at eating without using her hands at Topper and Lepus’s, where the trainee girlings’ food had been served in what had closely resembled a pig trough.

  As she ate she wondered where the food came from. Dum and Dee must have a house somewhere nearby, but did they live alone or with parents, assuming they ever had any? She suspected a lot of things here had not come into existence by normal means. Just because the pair still dressed like schoolboys didn’t mean much in Underland. Pity their parents if they did have any, though.

  This was not simply idle speculation. She knew she must either escape from the pai
r or else wait for them to get bored with her, which might take a long time. The more she learned about them the more chance there was of discovering something she could use to her advantage.

  She finished her meal by licking the last of the porridge from the plate like a good pet. It would do no harm to make a show of obedience. Besides, she did get an illicit thrill at being made to eat doggy fashion. If only they were nicer, and she was not on such an urgent quest …

  They let her out of the cage and clipped a chain leash to the ring of her collar. She remained on her knees but sat back on her heels, looking up at them plaintively. ‘Please, Masters, I need to go to the toilet.’

  There was a spade amongst the scattered tools, and with this the twins dug a small latrine pit. Even this simple task they managed to argue over while Alice watched on, squeezing her thighs together in rapidly growing need.

  ‘She could dig this herself,’ Dum said.

  ‘But we said she wouldn’t need to use her hands, so that would make us look wrong if we changed our minds,’ Dee pointed out.

  ‘But she’s our slave.’

  ‘But we’ve got to mean what we say, or else …’

  ‘Or else what?’

  ‘Or else, contrariwise, what we say doesn’t matter.’

  Eventually the hole was dug and Alice squatted over it, gratefully emptying both her bowls and bladder. She was very aware of their curious eyes on her but there was no way she could hide anything and she had to keep her legs wide to balance, so they saw all that she voided. Like all boys, and indeed most men, she suspected, they were fascinated to see where a girl’s pee came from. They watched the hissing stream twinkle merrily from her nether mouth with wide eyes. Fortunately, during her previous time in Underland, she had become used to the fact that girlings had no privacy, even to perform their so-called ‘private’ functions. Dum and Dee’s attention almost made her smile, even though it also generated a little nervous shiver as a reminder of her complete vulnerability. In Underland a girling was an animal who lived to serve the whim of her master.

  Of course, once she was finished, the pair argued about who was going to clean her, neither wanting to wipe her bottom.


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