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Alice In Chains

Page 7

by Adriana Arden

  ‘But it’s got to be cleaned. We don’t want her smelling of poo!’

  ‘Let her do it.’

  ‘But we said she couldn’t use her hands.’

  Alice listened patiently as they ran through the same argument as before. Eventually they settled it with a round of paper, rock, scissors, which Dum lost.

  As Alice meekly went down on her knees and leaned over to rest her head and shoulders on the ground so her groin was conveniently exposed for cleaning, she wondered at the way they either behaved in close synchronisation or else complete disagreement. Their counterparts in the book had also been prone to histrionics. She might be able to make something of that.

  When the job was done, and Dum had run to the stream and back to rinse off his own hands, they bent Alice over the sawhorse once again. Their caning of her was a little more leisurely and not so fierce, and Alice made a satisfying show of shrieks and groans of pain, which greatly amused them. This time Dum took her in the mouth while Dee availed himself of the pleasures of her vagina. Again they thrust into her simultaneously but she was ready for it and managed not to choke on Dum’s cock as it slid down her throat. He discovered he could play with her freely dangling breasts while he screwed her, which was quite nice until he began twisting her nipples too hard. This time she came before the boys, and her orgasmic writhings spurred them on to fill her with their seed. As they rested, panting, slumped over her so she was squashed between their bulky bodies, Dee asked, ‘Do they always do that when they come?’

  ‘Girlings can’t help it,’ Dum declared confidently. ‘It’s how they’re made.’

  They hardly allowed Alice time to recover before they set her to work. Overnight they had evidently put some thought into humiliating ways of using her, and perverse smiles came to their faces as they brought out a besom broom and explained that she was to do some sweeping. But of course she had to hold the broom without using her hands.

  With her still bent over the horse they forced the thick handle of the broom up into her bottom hole. Alice squealed as the roughly trimmed handle slid into her, her anal ring stretching and rippling over its bumps and knots, and forcing her pliant rectum to conform to its unyielding contours. She was trembling when they allowed her to stand up, feet spread wide and hardly daring to move. The broom jutted out from her rear like a bizarre tail dragging on the ground. There was no way she would be able to move it, she thought. It was far too heavy for her anal muscles to hold.

  But the boys had apparently thought of that. They tied a cord round the middle of the broom shaft and the other end round her bound wrists. This at least enabled her to support its weight. By bending forward and pulling her wrists further up her back she was able to lift the broom end off the ground.

  ‘Now begin sweeping all these leaves up,’ they told her, indicating the litter on the camp floor.

  Alice gulped and, keeping her legs wide, shuffled round, let the broom head down and tried to make a sweeping motion with it. But she dug it into the ground too hard and only succeeded in twisting the broom end painfully inside her. The boys laughed at her agonised expression and the tears that sprang to her eyes.

  ‘Go on,’ they said, ‘get sweeping.’

  Biting her lip, she tried again. This time the bristles hardly touched the ground at all and she had to twist round to stop the momentum of the overswing hurting her almost as much as her first attempt.

  The third time she got it right and managed to brush a few leaves across the ground. The boys retired to the cluttered interior of their ramshackle hut and began reading comics, watching her through its open door and unglazed window and laughing from time to time at her obvious discomfort.

  There was little need to keep a close eye on her in case she tried to escape. With the broom stuck up her rear she could hardly manage a hobble.

  She attempted to work methodically, shuffling along a straight line while looking over her shoulder to see how she was doing. Slowly a pile of leaves began to accumulate.

  As the exhausting morning began to blur into a test of endurance between her back and rectum, a recollection ran through her dulled mind that ‘besom’, apart from a bunch of twigs from the bush of the same name used for sweeping, was also an old word for a low woman. Well she was certainly that right now. A besom in every sense of the word.

  She suspected that in her world she might be at risk of seriously damaging her tender rectum doing something like this. But none of the variety of things that had been pushed up it during her time in Underland had ever done any lasting damage. For that matter the bamboo welts on her back from the previous night’s thrashing, though still sore, had been healing amazingly rapidly. If it hadn’t been for the latest batch they might have faded completely by the end of the day. The marks from the worst beating she had ever experienced, at the command of the spiteful Queen of Hearts, had completely vanished in a couple of days. Why this was so she had no idea, but she was very grateful.

  For Alice the ordeal gradually took on its own peculiar twist. The broom handle ground away inside her, painful and yet insidiously stimulating as the pressure of the rotating tip transmitted itself through the relatively thin membrane dividing her front and back passages. Soon her loins were warm and her pussy lips wept in mock sympathy for her suffering, partly with Dee’s sperm and partly with fresh lubrication. That was both her burden and her reward for being who and what she was.

  Finally the job was done. All the leaves were in one neat pile and the shack and cage were surrounded by a ring of swept earth. As the twins inspected her work, Alice sank carefully to her knees, the broom still sticking out of her, and bowed her back until she could rest her head on the ground.

  ‘It’s all right, I suppose,’ Dee finally conceded, much to Alice’s relief.

  They untied the cord and pulled the handle out of her, grinning at her whimpers as it came free with a sucking pop, then watching intently as her well-stretched anus slowly contracted. Dum looked thoughtfully at the end of the broom handle, now stained dark by her secretions.

  ‘If there’s room to stick this up her bumhole,’ he said slowly, ‘what would it be like to put our prongs up there?’

  Alice hung her head. She was afraid they might think of that. At the same time she wondered how much experience they had actually had with girlings if they were only now thinking of anal sex.

  ‘It would be dirty!’ Dee objected.

  ‘We could wash her out with a hose first. It looks tighter than her pussy hole. It might be fun.’

  Dee peered at the crinkled pucker of Alice’s anus, prodding it thoughtfully. By reflex her sphincter tightened then relaxed as though pouting at him. Dee grinned at the sight. ‘We can try. And it looks like its tender, so she’ll squeal a lot.’

  Alice quickly spoke up. ‘Please, Masters, put some grease or lubricant in me first. Anything will do.’

  Dee grasped her by the hair and lifted her head so that she stared into his puggish features. ‘Have you done this before, girl?’ he demanded.

  ‘Yes, I’ve been sodomised,’ Alice admitted.

  ‘What’s that?’

  I’m going to be the first girl they ever do anal with, Alice thought. What an honour I could do without! ‘Having a girling up her rear is called sodomy,’ she explained patiently, ‘and if you grease me properly you’ll enjoy it more because then you can go deeper, where I’m really hot and tight.’

  Dee let her head drop and beamed at his twin in anticipation. ‘We’ll do it! It’s lunchtime now. We’ll bring the things after we’ve eaten.’

  They did not put her back in her cage, but chained her to a ring set in the shack doorpost. While they were gone she examined both the chain and the ring in case there was any weakness in them, but they were regrettably solid. If her hands had been free she could have simply unsnapped the spring clip from her collar ring, but with her wrists tied behind her back and the rope round her waist preventing her from sliding them down and stepping out of them, it was impossibl
e. Alice flexed her fingers and rolled her shoulders as best she could as she wondered how long it would be before she was permitted to use her arms properly again.

  She explored as far as her chain and bound hands would allow in case there might be anything of use to her. They’d bolted the shack door, but she looked in at the unglazed window. Inside was a rickety table littered with garishly printed pulp paper comics, two old armchairs leaking stuffing and a peeling cupboard with an open shelf top half-filled with the assorted junk juveniles might collect. Pinned to its side was a crudely drawn picture of a naked woman bent over a four-legged frame, and another picture showing her standing with something projecting from her rear. Alice blinked when she realised they were meant to be her. She had already become the boys’ pornographic pin-up. Terrific!

  By the side of the shack she did find the stub of an old pencil and a rusting two-inch nail, presumably left over from the construction work. The pencil she could see no immediate use for, but she might possibly be able to sharpen the nail enough to cut through her ropes. Even so it would hardly make a decent blade. If she used it on the rope it would be more like fraying it strand by strand. Still it was a tool of sorts. There was just enough slack in her chain to allow her to tuck both items out of sight under the bottom slat of her cage.

  When the boys returned Alice was sitting innocently by the side of the shack. As she ate lunch from her tin plate, a mash of potatoes, veg and sliced meat, the boys laid out the items they had brought with them.

  There was a bucket of water, a towel, a bar of soap, a short length of thick black rubber hosepipe, a jar of what Alice fervently hoped was Vaseline and, slightly alarmingly, an old-fashioned leather bellows.

  When Alice was finished they bent her over the sawhorse once more and tied her ankles wide. Then they rubbed some of the soap, which was quite soft, into the water and worked it up into lather. Dee applied some soap round Alice’s anus, then daringly slipped his soapy finger inside her and tickled. He laughed as she squirmed. They plugged the tip of the bellows into one end of the hose, dipped it into the bucket of soapy water and sucked some up inside. Dee guided the end of the hose into Alice, feeding a good foot through her rectum, and then Dum pumped the bellows. Alice shivered and gasped as the cold soapy water was forced into her entrails, making her stomach swell. It was too much, they’d burst her! Then the hose was withdrawn. As the tip came free from her bulging anal ring, Dee pinched it closed between his thumb and forefinger.

  ‘Please, Masters,’ Alice begged, ‘let it out.’

  Dee grinned and released his grip. A fountain of brownish soapy water spurted out of Alice’s rear into the bushes as she gasped in relief. The flow slowed to a trickle and then just a few bubbles blowing out of her anus. The boys laughed uproariously at the sight. Dum chanted:

  ‘With soap and water Alice was flushed

  To open the way to her prize.

  I’m hot and tight within she said and

  She’d better be telling no lies.

  Because when she’s wiped and clean as a pin,

  She’s going to be sodomised!’

  Dee added another verse:

  ‘When her hole’s washed out and all of a pout,

  With grease we’ll anoint her rear.

  Use plenty she begged if you want to go deep,

  Of that she need have no fear.

  Cos she’s due to be riddled like never before,

  Then Alice can shed a tear!’

  They found the whole process so amusing they did it three times.

  When the stream from her bottom ran clear and they were satisfied that Alice was perfectly clean, they smeared her anus with Vaseline and worked a large gobbet up inside her, much to her relief. At least I’ve been properly prepared, she thought, as she felt herself warming in anticipation.

  They put aside their things and Dee loosed his flies and positioned himself behind her.

  ‘No, I go first this time,’ Dum said. ‘You had her mouth first. I should have her bottom first.’

  ‘But I wanted her cunny slot,’ Dee protested.

  ‘But it was new and this is new, so it’s fair I use it first. You can have her mouth again. It’s your turn anyway.’

  ‘But that was turns between mouth and cunny,’ Dee persisted. ‘This is different. It won’t be even any more!’

  Alice listened to the petulant exchange with mounting frustration and wonder. Only in Underland could two, for want of a better description, young men, argue over a helpless slave girl like this when they could just get stuck into her!

  ‘We’ll take her turn about,’ Dum suggested. ‘I’ll have her bottom because I’m almost here already, and you have her mouth. Next go you can have her cunny and I’ll have her mouth. Then you can have her bottom and I’ll have her cunny.’

  ‘Then we’ll both be at the same end of her!’ Dee exclaimed. ‘But we can’t have her cunny and bottom at the same time!’

  Alice said nothing, knowing it was physically possible but shrinking from the thought of doing it with them. With three orifices to choose from they seemed to be getting confused. Perhaps they were compelled by their nature to mirror each other as closely as possible. They even screwed in sync. But two into three did not go.

  Then the outline of a plan struck her.

  ‘Masters, please don’t argue over me,’ she said, trying to sound reasonable. ‘You can’t both have had me the same number of times now you’ve got my bottom as well as my mouth and, er, cunny, to chose from. Not if you want to use all my holes properly and because two into three gives you a remainder, but it doesn’t matter as long as it adds up fairly and evenly at the end, does it?’ Her head was beginning to spin trying to keep up with her own explanation, but she ploughed on: ‘What you must do is keep a record, a tally chart, of which of you has had me in what way, then at the end you can add it all up and whoever hasn’t used a bit of me as many times as the other can make up for it. You see?’

  They were scratching their heads and nodding slowly. As long as they didn’t ask when the ‘end’ would be, she thought.

  ‘Does that sound right, Dee?’ Dum asked.

  ‘I think so,’ Dee said. ‘Better than fighting.’

  They fetched a crumpled sheet of paper and a pencil from their shack and then looked at Alice expectantly.

  How can they spin rhymes off the top of their heads yet need help drawing up a simple chart? she wondered. Were they idiot savants, or was it simply different rules for different worlds?

  ‘Draw two columns down the page and put “Dum” at the top of one and “Dee” at the top of the other,’ she told them. ‘Then draw three rows across the page and mark them “Mouth”, “Bottom” and “Cunny”. Good. Now fill in all the ways you’ve had me so far, one tick for each … That’s right, you’ve both had me once each in my mouth and in my cunny’ – and now its written down in black and white for all to see, which is sooo weird! she thought – ‘now, why don’t you pin it on my cage where it’s clearly visible. What about on the door frame so you’ll see it each time you open it to take me out … good. That way you can’t go wrong and you won’t have any more arguments.’ She felt an urge to cross her fingers at that point, but instead rushed on. ‘Now, Master Dee was going to have my nice hot, greased bottom,’ she said, leaning forward over the horse and wiggling her backside provocatively.

  ‘But what about me?’ Dum said.

  ‘You can have your turn afterwards, Master Dum,’ Alice said. ‘Now we’ve got the tally chart it’s all perfectly fair.’

  Before Dum could argue further Dee clasped Alice by the hips and drove his hard cock into her anus. There was a ludicrous farting squeal of air escaping through layers of Vaseline as his shaft forced its way up her rectum until it was lodged in her to the hilt. Alice’s secret smile of triumph was wiped away by a gasp of anguish as he filled her tight back passage. Shit but he was big, she thought. This had better be worthwhile.

  With a sucking sound Dee pulled back a littl
e and then thrust into her again. Alice squeaked and groaned, saw Dum look on with a scowl on his face and forced a smile. She was going to break them apart whatever it cost, she promised herself. Then she stopped worrying and let herself enjoy being sodomised.

  When Dee had spent himself in her, Dum used the hose and bellows to wash her clean before taking his twin’s place. He was of course just as big and hard, and Alice strained to accommodate him in her rear. When he had finished Dee said he had enjoyed Alice’s rear so much he wanted another go. Not to be outdone, Dum also used her a second time.

  Whether it was because she was putting on such a convincing performance or else because she simply couldn’t help herself, Alice had four orgasms. With weary satisfaction, however, she noted that each time they used her, the boys made a point of marking a bold tick on the chart.

  When they finally let her crawl back into her cage that evening, it felt as though she still had a red-hot cock up her rear. She just wanted to sleep, but there was something she had to do before the light faded.

  She waited until she was sure the boys had gone, then squirmed about and retrieved the pencil stub from its hiding place. Then she edged over to the door, turned her back to it and slid her fingers through the gap between the frame and the badly fitting door itself. Her fingers closed on one corner of the tally sheet and carefully she curled it back through the gap until half of it hung inside her cage. She sat on her heels and slid her roped hands down until she felt her feet and carefully pushed the pencil into the gap between the big and first toes of her right foot. She swivelled round on her bottom, reached out with her left foot to steady the paper as it hung against the inside of her cage and, with the pencil clasped between her toes, carefully added a tick to the chart. When it was done, she replaced the pencil in its hiding place, carefully slid the paper back out of the cage and, finally, allowed herself to curl up and go to sleep.

  The twins didn’t notice her addition the next morning until after they had each used her, Dum in her mouth and Dee in her pussy. She was grateful they seemed to be giving her still sore bottom a rest. It was only after they had rebuttoned their flies, with Alice still bound over the horse, that they went to make their ticks on the chart. Dum hesitated with pencil in hand.


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