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FEARLESS: Standalone

Page 7

by Simone Elise

  “Picking you up.” I answered getting up, leaving the magazines that had had my attention for over half an hour.

  The glass sliding doors slid open and I glanced seeing Tyler furious as he stormed towards me pointing a finger.

  “You and I need to talk.” He was so furious with me, he hadn’t noticed that his girlfriend was standing behind me.

  “Why are you so mad?” Danni asked, stepping around me. I watched and I admit with pleasure as Tyler’s expression changed.

  Should I let him drown in deep water or safe him?

  “Oh he is just mad cause I palmed a phone call with Dad on to him.” I came to Tyler’s rescue. I even added a shrug. “What can I say, I wasn’t in the mood for talking.”

  Tyler’s eyes were narrowed on me and I knew then, we would have to have the conversation but it was going to be later— and I wasn’t planning on being alone with him anytime soon. Danni would be at his house for the rest of the night and I could literally do whatever I wanted.

  “Alright lets go.” I said and walked off. “You love birds can go back to spending the night together.” I wanted to squirm saying that. Admitting Tyler was in a relationship was like pouring acid into my stomach. As much as it burnt and hurt— I needed to feel the pain, because it was a reality check.

  Tyler was not mine.

  He was Danni’s.

  Why was nothing making sense? I wanted to groan. This shit was getting me nowhere. Whoever was ratting on the club had serious connections or simply wasn’t in this chapter. I had spent hours going over each charge filed at the club, seeing if I could link it back to whoever was involved in the crime.

  Still nothing.

  It was late and I was tired, so I packed up and headed out of the office. As expected, the boys were all drinking. Seemed like just another Friday night for them, though this time there wasn’t a party. Simply a drink with brothers.

  I noticed Tyler at the bar, and immediately picked up my pace through the crowd. Like I had planned, I hadn’t given Tyler another opportunity to talk to me. I assumed he wanted to forget what happened that night, so I was doing him the favour and letting that happen.

  When I was at the club I was in the office— giving him no reason to come in and see me, without getting questions from the boys. I had spent very little time at his house. Left early and was back late.

  I made sure I was back at his place late— ensuring that he would have had to go bed with Danni.

  Honestly my plan was bullet proof. Until tonight when I was escaping the clubhouse early. I made a beeline for my car, having gotten out of the clubhouse alive.


  Fuck. So much for getting out of here alive.

  I turned around, my eyes locking on Tyler. So much for having a bullet proof plan.

  “Can you give me a ride home?”

  My eyes widened, it sounded like it was a genuine question with no hidden intention. Like locking me in a car and questioning the shit out of me.

  I kept looking at him and started to nod my head. “Sure.” I finally said and got into the car.

  I expected him to bring up our ‘situation’ but he didn’t he was quiet. Had he accepted the fact I was doing the right thing, well what he wanted anyway.

  “What time is it?” Tyler asked. I glanced at him and his blank phone.

  “Phone dead?” I asked. I didn’t expect our first conversation alone, to be about the time.

  “Yeah, and I’m guessing your clock is out.” He glanced at the console. “I do know it’s not ten in the morning.”

  I nodded my head. “Disconnected the battery and haven’t fixed it.” I pulled the phone out of my pocket lightening it up. “It’s after seven.”

  Tyler groaned. “I was meant to be home by five thirty.”

  “Hot date or something.” I kept the conversation neutral and did hide how pissed off of the thought of Danni and him having a date or couple time, made me. It actually made me sick to the stomach.

  He didn’t answer. Ok. Maybe this was his way of dealing with what happened— giving me the cold shoulder.

  He remained quiet the whole way to his house. I wasn’t even expecting him to say bye when we pulled up at his behind on fancy ass BMW.

  I automatically put the car in reverse, guessing they didn’t want me around while they spend quality time together.

  “What are you doing?” He glanced at the gear I had just put the car in.

  “Leaving you to have your quality time with your girlfriend. Let’s face it, you won’t score if I’m around.” Danni still was not fond of me, doubt that was ever going to change.

  “Nah you’re coming in.”

  My eyes snapped back to Tyler. “Why?”

  “Cause you are going to be my excuse.” He cracked open the door.

  “I doubt I need to make an appearance in order for your excuse to hold up.”

  “It’s dinner with her parents. And her dad likes evidence.” Tyler looked back at me. “And as soon as they piss off and Danni’s in bed, we are having a conversation.”

  I pouted. “I don’t make a great impression on people.” Maybe reminding Tyler of my poor attitude will make him not wanting me to be at his dinner.

  “I think you make a great impression.” He held my eyes with his. “Now get out of the car.”

  Well this was just going to be swell, wasn’t it? Not only did I have to suffer through a meal with people— I already knew I didn’t like. But after that, I get a lecture I’ve been avoiding!

  I rolled my eyes "Fine." I was slightly interested to meet her parents, seeing the reaction from Tyler.

  I had never seen anyone walk so slow— but Tyler was literally dragging his feet, in the end I gave him a push towards the door. A few moments passed before he opened the.

  "Tyler is that you?" Danielle's asked as soon as we entered.

  "Yeah it’s me and Alexis." Tyler pushed me slightly to walk into the kitchen first. Suddenly I was feeling like a lamb up for slaughter.

  "Sorry Danielle I held Tyler up." I glanced at the set table. Danielle was sitting next to a man with short hair— I'm assuming that is her father and her mother was sitting across from her. The next thing I noticed was the four place settings. "Well I'll leave you to it."

  Danielle didn’t have to say a word, I knew she didn’t want me here.

  "Who are you, sorry?" Danielle's father stood to his feet and shot his arm in my direction "I don't think we have met, I'm Andrew Spencer and this is my wife Sandra." He gestured to the perfect modelled wife.

  Such a cliché.

  I hated shaking hands, but not being rude I shook his lightly "Alexis Lawson."

  "Alexis Lawson." He repeated my name, and a flash of shock hit his face. "Your father wouldn't be Lewis Lawson."

  I knew that tone. That was the judgement tone. I shot Tyler a look, but he missed it. He was going to fucking owe me come the end of this night. But Tyler’s eyes were narrowed and locked on Andrew. Maybe he wasn’t a big fan of his possible father in law.

  "Yes." I answered. By the tone he used when asking that question I had a feeling I should be on the defence.

  "Well tea is ready." Danielle interrupted our conversation. "So..."Her eyes went to me. Geez she could have at least been subtle.

  "So I'll be going then." I turned the car keys in my hand; Tyler was still was glaring at Andrew.

  "No stay." Andrew spoke up, "Danielle get another plate."

  "Alexis mightn't want too." Tyler looked at me, seems like he was going to make me stay. "Do you want to stay?"

  “No.” I scoffed and realizing just how abrupt I was. I coughed slightly. “I umm would love to.” I quickly tried to cover up my rude reply.

  Gritting my teeth I took the seat that Danielle had got from who knows where. I hated family dinners. Even if I was dining with my own family I would hate this situation. I never understood how or why people wanted to sit at a table and watch others eat.

  “So like I was sayi
ng, your father I know him.” Andrew took the first moment he had to bring back up about my dad.

  “Great.” I stabbed the potato on my plate and shot Tyler a glare from across the table.

  Was this Tyler’s way of paying me back? God all I did was avoid a lecture, this sort of pay back was way too cruel.

  “Yes I put him away back in 2009 I think.” Andrew tone was clear with pride.

  I whipped my head in his direction. So it was his fault dad missed two years of my life. I clenched the fork in my hand tightly and breathed through my nose heavily. What on this earth would make him think I wanted to hear that?

  Andrew wanted to make me squirm, maybe make sure I knew, he was behind locking up my dad- which had impacted my life. Two years I lost with Dad.

  I shot Tyler a dirty look, this was all his fault. Okay. Well I wasn’t going to let Andrew get pleasure out of punishing my family. In fact my birthday that year was one of the best.

  “Well it is thanks to you I got one of my favourite birthdays.” I shot Andrew a tight smile.

  “Sorry for costing you a birthday with your father.” Andrew basically gloated.

  “No complete opposite.” I reached for my drink and swallowed. “My birthday was the best. Dad threw a party for me in the prison hall. I was surrounded by club members and family and friends.” I looked at him rather smug. “I was queen of a prison for a day. Loved it.”

  Andrew didn’t have to hide his disgust— hell he didn’t even hide his expression at all.

  “That shouldn’t have been allowed. Prisoners do not get rights to have parties.” Andrew was saying that like he was going to punish whoever was in charge of the time for letting it happen.

  “Well like the club says, you call it prison, we call it a chance to improve business. Guards really don’t have any power.” I looked Andrew in the eye. “Those two years Dad was locked up, resulted in us increasing members and getting more territory.” I pointed my fork at Andrew, while chewing on some roast. “Actually thanks to you, we got to spread into a whole new state.”

  I glanced at Tyler, seeing pride in his eyes, as he looked at me. Why was he looking at me like I was a miracle? He then supressed his smirk.

  “Let’s change the subject.” Danielle cleared her throat “Let’s leave the past in the past dad.”

  I wanted to scoff, cause by the look on her dad’s face, he wanted me dead.

  After all a look of determination covered Andrew’s face “Well I think the past should never be forgotten. So are you staying with my daughter then?” The disgust in his voice wasn’t hidden and I really couldn’t be bothered faking a smile.

  “No I’m staying with Tyler.” I took a bite of the roast. It was cooked perfectly. Well at least she was good for something.

  “You didn’t mention she was a criminal Danielle.” Andrew looked at his daughter.

  “Dad just drop it.” Danielle hissed.

  I could see Andrew was about to launch into full attack mode. So I was going to save Danielle from having a family fight.

  “You know what I need to go.” I stood up.

  This was way too much family drama. Hell he had only wanted me to stay and eat because he wanted to grill me.

  I knew I would have to make up a reason to why I was leaving. “I left my phone back at the clubhouse and my dad will be ringing me soon and I wouldn’t want to worry him.” I knew it was evil but I had to add “After all he might end up getting in the car and driving all this way just to check if I’m safe and well that would mean another unwanted guest staying in your lovely daughter’s house.” I smirked at Andrew while I pushed my chair in.

  “I better go to.” Tyler rose to his feet and I couldn’t wait to hear what his excuse was to be ditching this event. “Alexis won’t be able to get in without me the prospects won’t let her through the gates.”

  He lied perfectly and if I didn’t know better, I may have believed it. I didn’t say a goodbye, hell I didn’t even fake a small wave. Those people were not worth it.

  Danielle didn’t know her boyfriend and if she thought that he would even be up to her parents standards she was sadly mistaken. We weren’t the type of people that got awards or promotions. We were the type of people that steal the prize money and take the promotion.

  I wasn’t sure who was the real fool. Tyler, for thinking he can be the guy she wants. Or Danielle, who thought Tyler could change and be the type of guy, her parents would be proud of.

  Everyone has it, that gut instinct. You know when you are about to cross a line or when you know a situation could go from innocent to deadly within seconds. So I couldn’t say I hadn’t been warned. Instinct had warned me, yet here I was, in Tyler’s office, about to take a seat across from the devil himself; fighting the sexual pull towards him.

  Why was it I always choose men that I could never get? It was my own form of self-harm. As if my body got a kick out of falling for men— who are so out of my league.

  I looked around his office, prolonging the moment I had to face him. He hadn’t given me the lecture in the car, which meant I was most likely going to get it now. You know the whole ‘I’m in a relationship’ line. I was expecting it. Didn’t mean I wanted to hear it.

  I looked around his office. Looking at the upside-down vests- clear trophies. Dad and his chapter had similar ones— though I hadn’t seen a Skulls Head MC being patched over. Must have been a breaking MC.

  “You want something to drink?”

  My eyes flashed to him. “Don’t you have somewhere you need to be?” I knew Danni was expecting him back, sometime soon. I doubt having a drink with me, would be acceptable.

  He just shrugged his eyes locked with mine. He was acting like he didn’t care if Danni stayed up all night wondering if he was coming home or not. Suddenly my body was filled with nerves— over powering nerves. I didn’t know if that was purpose of his intense eyes on me, but it had me nodding my head to the drink.

  Again, another warning went through my head. Questioning myself on whether I should really be drinking by myself near him.

  I saw the glass he was extending to me, having a drink with the devil what possibly could go wrong?

  “Thanks,” I said, wrapping my hand around the glass. I had a feeling as soon as I sat in that chair, he was going to be grilling me about what I did. So if that was the case, I wasn’t doing it sober. I put the glass down on his desk, and peeled off my leather jacket. “I swear your towns weather is hormonal.” I made small talk while stripping off a few layers of clothing.

  It was when I looked back at him, I realised my mistake. Showing more skin in front of an already tempted man, rookie mistake Alexis.

  That’s the other thing about Tyler, he wasn’t the bulky, hulky biker you’d expect or imagined to be. He was built, but it was well portioned. He was perfectly craved, solid arms that I couldn’t wrap a hand around, then that chest— but it all ended in a perfectly in a narrowed V.

  He was incredible and Dannielle was lucky.

  My eyes dropped.

  The feeling I had been trying to suffocate since it appeared the other day, reappeared within those moments and the reminder ran through my head I realised I didn’t hate Danielle, a sickening feeling followed that thought. No I didn’t hate Danielle. I hated that she was with him.

  “You’ve gone quiet.”

  My eyes slowly drifted up, his chiselled eyes watching me, as if all he wanted was to read my thoughts. Lucky for me, my thoughts remained private because if he knew how jealous I was of his soon to be fiancé; it would be embarrassing.

  “What you said to Danni the other day, did you mean it?” His eyes still held mine.

  Frowning I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. Then I realised he was talking about what I said to Danielle the other night. I saw the disappointment creep across his face, as he thought I didn’t remember what he was talking about, maybe thinking I had just spun lines at Danielle.

  “The lifestyle comes with you.” I put my glas
s down. “You aren’t you, without the club. She has to learn that.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  I tilted my head to the side, he knew the answer to that question. “Then you’ll be forever leading a double life.” I pushed myself away from his desk, slowly walking towards him. “Danielle has you so blinded, you’ve forgotten the number one rule.”

  He arched his eyebrows at that, watching me approach till I stopped in front of him.

  Going up on my toes, my mouth went to his ear. “President’s don’t follow, they lead.” I pulled away from him, I saw the immediate debate in his eyes. But he still wasn’t seeing it. I sighed. “Why do you do it?” I just snapped at him, sick of it. “Why do you stay with her?”

  It was answer to the million dollar question. Why did Tyler stay with Danielle when she wasn’t right for him?

  “She is completely wrong for you.” I couldn’t stop myself adding. “Why do men like you fall for women like her? You need….” I exhaled sharply— what was the point of telling him?

  He placed his glass down. “I need what?”

  I remained quiet and he kept looking at me.

  "So what do I need then?" His black enchanting eyes allured me in.

  "You need a woman who will stand by your side. Who won't tear you down, but build you up.”

  He arched his eyebrows. "And you are that woman?"

  “No. Maybe. Yes.” I shrugged, “I know that I won’t change the man I love. I won’t care how many men he kills. How many laws he breaks or how many years he serves." I couldn’t pull my eyes from his "Because I get it. The risk is worth the thrill. You see Tyler we are one of the same. I have the blood and the stomach to back up your every decision and I won't ever want you to change."

  But then again I guess all the reasons I just listed are reasons why he would never want me.

  "Not even when you're left alone because I'm serving seven to ten years behind bars?"

  A dim smile lit across my face. "I'd be there every Sunday. And you're looking at it all wrong.” I looked up at him. “You aren't behind bars, serving time. You're making business contacts." I slowly backed away from him. “You should go Tyler.” Because we both knew, I was the sinner, and Danielle she was the angel. “Tell Danni I’m sorry for pulling you away from her dinner.”


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