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Krystal Le Beau

Page 8

by V. A. Dold

  Krystal was unsure if the intruder heard Doug moving closer or saw the sliver of light showing where Lucas peaked out. Either way, before Doug could leap forward and grab him, he spun on his heel and flashed with shifter speed into the dark of night.

  Both men rushed to catch the stalker before he escaped. But he was gone. Stilling all movement, they listened, breathed in the light breeze, searching out his scent.

  Doug caught the scent first. “I’ll go left, you go right. He headed for the cover of trees but may circle back to get to Krystal.”

  His feet ate up the distance even while he carefully avoided stepping into the stalker’s footprints. Suddenly, the footprints disappeared, forcing him to pause and locate the trail. After two minutes of searching in a grid pattern, he was back on the freshest scent. The stalker wasn’t a slouch. He knew how to lay a false trail to mislead anyone coming after him. Just as he began to track in earnest, an engine roared to life and sped off.

  The sound had come from the far side of the woods if he wasn’t mistaken. He couldn’t recall a road or horse trail beyond the trees, but he wasn’t familiar enough with this property, to be sure. A mistake he would remedy tomorrow.

  Running at full speed, he didn’t slow until he reached the far side of the stand of trees. Lucas turned as he approached, having made it to the edge of the grazing land ahead of him. Open ground with nothing but scrub brush stretched out before them. Only a cloud of dust lingered in the air from the passing of the motorized transportation.

  Lucas spoke first. Pointing at the ground a foot in front of them, he said, “He had a dirt bike waiting here.” Doug followed Lucas’s finger as he pointed out the tire track and the direction the bike had taken.

  Cursing a blue streak, they punched fallen branches into the ground, marking the location, and headed back. They’d return to inspect the track more closely in the light of day.

  Doug and Lucas returned from chasing the stalker sans a prisoner. To add salt to the wound, they herded her from her cabin and into the main house. No matter how much she insisted she had locks on her windows and door and could, in fact, shift into a wolf, they refused to listen.

  “You’ll be safer with us at the main house. I’m sure you will sleep better for it,” Lucas stated as if he had the last word.

  Then Doug added his two cents. “I know I’ll sleep better if you’re under Lucas’s roof.”

  “I don’t care how handsome or charming you are, you’re annoying me. Go home.”

  It’s about time you noticed, Stefanie whispered in her ear.

  Krystal swiped at her ear as if mosquitos were bothering her. Stefanie just giggled.

  “Handsome and charming? Why Miss Le Beau, I do believe you like me.” His tiger purred contentedly in agreement.

  When she snarled at him, Doug grinned but took the hint. “Good night, sweetheart. Sleep well. I’ll be back in the morning.” He walked to the door but glanced back one last time to grin and wink before he walked out.

  Krystal sighed as she turned away from the door. “A feline as my mate will never end well with my mother.”

  Lucas grunted. “Screw your mother. He’s a good man and your mate. Lucinda’s opinion doesn’t matter.”

  He chuckled when she rolled her eyes at him. “Do me a favor and tell her that.”

  “I’ll do better than that. I’ll have my father tell her. Once the king decrees that your mate is accepted as a member of the pack, she’s required to accept him as well.”

  “That would be nice, but my mother has a way of getting around royal decrees. She’s careful that her interference is done second hand.”

  “I’ll warn my father of that when I talk with him about what is happing here.”

  “You can try, but she’ll find a way around it. Just thinking about her has given me a headache. Good night, Lucas.”

  “Good night, cuz,” he called to her back as she walked away.

  Later that night, Krystal punched her pillow into shape as she attempted to sleep. As if the stress of the evening wasn’t bad enough, the bed was as hard as a rock. It was nothing like her soft as a cloud mattress. She tried every trick in the book to fall to sleep. She took long, slow, deep breaths designed to relax her body. When that didn’t work, she tried meditation. She cleared her mind and imagined a quiet meadow of wildflowers. Still, sleep evaded her.

  The next morning, Krystal stumbled from the guestroom with a sore back, bags under her eyes, and in desperate need of caffeine. Heading for the dining room, she spotted Jojo behind the front desk and gave her a weak smile. “Do you think you can handle things today?”

  “Absolutely. Are you all right? Lucas told me what happened. We’re all keeping an eye out for strangers who don’t belong here.”

  “I’m fine, just a little rattled.”

  “I would be too. Those pictures were creepy. Don’t worry about the dude ranch. I have things covered. Go home and try to get some rest. If I can do anything to help you, let me know.”

  “Running the operation for me is more than enough. Thanks. Jojo.” Giving her assistant a little wave, she stumbled to breakfast. Thank God for Jojo. There was no way she would be functional today.

  After downing several cups of coffee, she wrapped two sweet rolls in a napkin and headed for her cabin. After giving her home the once over for evidence, Lucas and Doug had given her the green light to return. But not until they had installed new locks on every window and door.

  Once inside of her beloved little cabin, she locked the door, double-checking it to be sure it was secure. Then she took a bite of a sweet roll before going from window to window, checking the locks. “Fine,” she groused under her breath, “I kind of like having the guys looking out for me.” Narrowing her eyes on the deadbolt, she bit into the sweet roll again. That didn’t mean she would admit it to Lucas or the meddlesome sheriff. Satisfied that the stalker couldn’t get inside, she fell into bed.

  Sheriff Dansby stared at the first page of a report he’d been trying to read for the past half hour. His concentration was shot to hell. A vision of Krystal naked and beneath him had played on an endless loop in his mind all morning.

  Rubbing his jaw, he glanced at his phone. She thought he was handsome and charming, huh? Who was he to disabuse her of that impression? Dialing a number he had committed to memory, he ordered two dozen roses and a box of Krystal’s favorite chocolates. After learning about her predilection for the dark chocolates made by a local sweet shop, he’d opened an account there and arranged for the candy maker to work hand in hand with the florist. Both shop owners found his quest to win Krystal’s heart romantic and approved of his tactics wholeheartedly.

  Like all felines, he was patient and tenacious. He would win this battle; it was just a matter of time.

  If she had thought about him enough to conclude he was handsome and charming, she was falling in love with him, she just wouldn’t admit it. No matter how difficult the situation may be, she belonged to him, and he was going to wear her down until she gave in and let him openly court her.


  “Krystal!” Lucas yelled from his office.

  Huffing out a frustrated breath, she thumped her still empty cup down on the coffee station from where she’d grabbed it. Marching out of the dining room, she threw her hands up in the air and demanded, “Good lord, Lucas. Do you have to start bellowing before I’ve had my first cup of coffee?”

  Lucas made a vague wave toward his private coffee station on his office’s far wall. “Make a cup and take a seat. We have trouble from Louisiana headed our way.”

  She shot him a worried look. “My mother is coming here?”

  “No. A couple of my brothers and a few vampires.”

  Frowning, Krystal walked to the coffee station and made a cup, adding two espresso shots for good measure. She had the feeling she’d need to be wide awake for this conversation. Taking a seat across from Lucas, she blew across the surface of her coffee befor
e taking a careful sip. “Oh, yeah,” she sighed. “That’ll do the trick. So, we have family on the way. Why are you fussing about it?”

  “They aren’t alone. Xander Beck, I think you’ve met him, he’s one of Etienne’s vampire generals.”

  “Sure, I know Xander.”

  “He and a couple of other vamps are protecting a witch named Sheena Savoy. The witch witnessed a mob hit and now she’s part of WITSEC.” Lucas made a face like he’d eaten something nasty. “That means we have a U.S. Marshal on the way as well.”

  Krystal’s brows pinched together. “Why isn’t she in a safehouse somewhere?”

  “Marcus, who is with them, said the Marshal has tried several safehouses but somehow the mob keeps finding them. They aren’t sure how that’s happening, and until that mystery is solved, Etienne felt she’d be safest here when the mob finds her again.”

  She took another sip. There were several reasons for Lucas to be on edge about this turn of events, Krystal was still unsure which of those had her cousin so agitated. She decided to take a guess and went with the mob. “Okay, the whole New Orleans syndicate thing explains the bellowing. But why are you aiming all that volume at me?”

  “Well, let me see,” he growled. “Not only will our paying guests be in harm’s way, Marcus and his crew need three cabins, and they want them spread out to form a defensive perimeter. Per Marcus, they don’t want to be boxed in by unwanted visitors.”



  “Today! But we’re completely booked. I don’t have one cabin, let alone three.”

  “Thus, the request for your presence.” Then under his breath, he mumbled, “I don’t bellow.”

  “What is with the bellowing, Lucas?” Kensie asked as she entered the office, rubbing her still wet hair with a towel. “I heard you all the way in our bedroom,” she accused. “In the shower,” she emphasized, shaking the towel at him. “With the water running,” she added, as she plopped into an empty chair and took the cup of coffee Lucas held out to her.

  “My apologies, mon amour. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Leaning down, he kissed her gently.

  “Mm. Apology accepted.”

  “Are we solving your cluster fuck or making out?” Krystal grumbled. “I have things to do.”

  Chuckling, Lucas returned to his chair. “We’re solving our cluster fuck.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. What about putting them up in town?” Krystal asked.

  “No. They can’t protect the witch in town. Too many variables and too much exposure. What about rescheduling the reservations?”

  Krystal used her cup to point at his computer. “Pull up the reservation log. Who are we expecting? I’m pretty sure we have a few repeat guests scheduled.”

  He did as she asked. “Yes. The Murrys, Collins, and Nelsons.”

  Krystal sat back to sip her coffee. “There you go. I’ll call them and let them know we have a family emergency, but we would love to give them an extra free week next month for their trouble.”

  “What about the other cabins? I don’t want witnesses to a blood bath when the mob shows up. We need to clear the ranch of all guests until this is over.”

  Sighing, she leaned forward to look at the schedule again. “This is going to be a pain in the neck, but I’ll take care of it.”

  Grinning, Lucas relaxed into his chair. “And that’s why I pay you the big bucks.”

  Krystal snorted. “Big bucks, you say?” Tapping her chin, she pretended to think. “Oh! You mean the ten percent raise you’re about to give me.”

  “If you free up the cabins, I’ll do better than that, I’ll give you a ten percent raise and pay for a two-week honeymoon for you and Doug. Tell me where you want to go, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “Deal.” Smiling, she made herself a second cup of coffee. “I’ll think about that two-week vacation while I make those calls.” She thought aloud as she left the office, “I wonder if Doug would like Paris?”

  She was still thinking about the Eiffel tower when a delivery boy walked in with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates.

  “Hi there, do you know where I can find Miss Krystal Le Beau?” the nice young man asked.

  “That would be me,” she said with a genuine smile. Now, this was the way to receive flowers and candy, not a cryptic delivery in the dead of night on her porch.

  “Then these are for you.” He sat the vase on the front desk and handed her the candy box.

  “Thank you.” The first thing she saw was the envelope with a card inside standing proud on a florist pick. Pulling it free, she read the greeting. For the woman destined to be the love of my life, I can’t wait to make you mine forever. Your djairu, Doug. She pressed the note to her heart and grinned. She couldn’t wait for that either.


  Xander’s little convoy arrived at the ranch with time to spare. They had plenty of daylight left to secure the area.

  By the time they were out of the truck, Lucas and his ranch manager Joe were chatting with Marcus. Xander guided Sheena across the yard and up the steps with the rest of his men following behind. Smiling, he offered his hand to Krystal, but she was having none of that and pulled him in for a hug.

  “Xander Beck. It has been far too long. How have you been?” she asked as she held him at arm’s length.

  Laughing, he tugged on Sheena’s hand until she stood beside him. “I’ve been well. This is Sheena Savoy, my muierimei.”

  Krystal’s eyes widened. “Really? Congratulations!”

  “Thank you. What about you? Have you found your mate yet?”

  Krystal glanced away. “Yes and no.”

  His brows tightened. “That rings of complications.”

  Krystal snorted. “You have no idea.” She released Xander and pulled Sheena into a hug. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope you’ll be comfortable here.”

  Sheena grinned. “I’m sure we will be. How could we not? The place looks amazing.” Then she paused, her smile fading. “I hope we won’t be too much trouble.”

  Krystal waved her concerns away. “You won’t be any trouble at all.” She proceeded to hug each of the men, then added, “Your cabins are ready and waiting. Here are the keys. The cabin numbers are on the attached tags. Make yourselves at home and when you’re ready, let’s meet up back here. Cook has a wonderful dinner simmering on the stove. We can eat while we talk tactics.”

  Xander took the keys. “That sounds great. Which of these is the most defendable?”

  Lucas stepped up and looked at the numbered keys. “I would suggest this one. It’s in the middle of the complex. That way, Sheena will be covered from all sides.”

  “Thank you. She and I will take that one. Nick and Derick, I want you in the cabin closest to the parking lot. Simon and Marcus, that leaves the cabin at the rear of the complex for you.”

  “What about me?” Bastian asked.

  Xander clapped him on the back. “I’d like you to take a room in the main building with Lucas. You’re the spearhead of our defense grid. With you up front guarding the public entrance and the team evenly spaced out, we can cover Sheena from any direction.”

  Bast nodded and grabbed his duffle bag. “You got it.”

  Xander looked at Lucas and lowered his voice. “By the way, Sheena has her cat, Salem, in the car. Is he welcome in the cabin, or should we make him comfortable in the barn?”

  Krystal, with her wolfish hearing, missed nothing and looked mortified. “You can’t leave him out there. Take him in the cabin with you.”

  With that settled, the team made their way to their assigned accommodations. A short time later, they returned to the dining hall after unpacking their bags.

  “Goodness. I wasn’t expecting all of this,” Sheena gasped at the feast prepared for them.

  “Thanks.” Krystal beamed. “This is pretty much where all the action starts every morning. The meals at the food bar are all sel
f-serve. Tonight, Cook has made a few options. There’s a bit of Cajun, Italian, and good old grilled steaks. Help yourself and grab a seat at the big table.”

  After filling their plates, Sheena led the way to the table Krystal had indicated.

  Xander waited for her to be seated before sitting himself. “Thank you for hosting us, Lucas. Perhaps before we talk shop, you could introduce your mate to Sheena.”

  “I would love to. Miss Sheena, this is my beautiful mate Kensie.”

  Kensie waved from where she sat next to Lucas. “Welcome to the ranch. You’re going to love it here.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Kensie. The ranch is beautiful. I’m just sorry to bring trouble to it.”

  Lucas laughed at that. “No worries. We’re used to dealing with criminals. Hell, Krystal has one stalking her right now. If the syndicate comes sniffing around here, we’ll handle them, too.” He refilled his glass with sweet tea and glanced around the table. “So, what’s the plan?”

  Sheena held up a palm. “Wait, what? Krystal has a stalker?”

  “Creepy secret admirer is more like it,” Krystal grumbled. “Whoever it is, keeps leaving me very disturbing gifts. But, don’t worry, we’ll catch him.”

  Carol, Joe’s wife, nodded. “We always catch ‘em. It’s just a matter of time.”

  Lucas glanced around the table again. “Like I was saying, what’s the plan?”

  “For now, we hide Sheena here and wait to see if anyone comes sniffing around while Etienne and Darius flush the last of the mob from their hidey holes. If you have a few minutes to give me a tour tomorrow, the men and I will set up a defensive perimeter based on your suggestions.”

  Lucas nodded. “Marcus mentioned several safe houses when he called. What happened there?” Lucas turned his attention on the Marshal and waited.

  “I suspect there’s a mole in the WITSEC office that has been leaking her location. Every time I moved her, we were attacked within twenty-four hours. That’s why we brought her here. No one but the people sitting at this table and Etienne knows where she is,” he assured.


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