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Krystal Le Beau

Page 9

by V. A. Dold

  Lucas glanced at Xander and tilted his head toward Bast. “Are you sure he isn’t part of the leak?”

  Xander gave Bast a hard look then said. “Sheena is sure, and I trust her judgment.”

  Lucas picked up his fork and steak knife. “That’s good enough for me.” He cut a piece and held it partway to his mouth. “So, if it isn’t Bast, how are they finding you?”

  Bast rubbed his face with his hands. “I don’t know. I ditched my cell phone, and we aren’t using a WITSEC car. There isn’t anything left that they can track.”

  Krystal looked from Bast to Lucas. Worry creased her brow. “I’ll see what I can find out.”

  Lucas nodded. “That’s a good idea. Ask around. One of them might know something.”

  “What are they talking about?” Sheena whispered to Xander.

  “Krystal’s gift is seeing auras and talking to spirit guides. We all have at least one guide, so there are a lot of them hanging around. One of them may know what’s going on.”

  “Shut the front door!” Sheena blurted louder than she planned to.

  Krystal laughed. “It’s true. I talk to spirit guides. As a matter of fact, yours and Xander’s are positively giddy about your relationship.” Getting to her feet, she made her way around the table, conversing with invisible people while the rest of them dug into their meal.

  After several minutes, Krystal took her seat and sighed. “Sorry, guys. They haven’t seen or heard anything helpful.”

  Lucas rubbed his jaw in thought. “That leaves the personal items you brought with you from New Orleans. If, as you say, the syndicate has been tracking you since you left town, it has to be in one of those items. Anything you picked up along the way should be safe. Go through every piece of clothing, bathroom products, etc. Check the seams to make sure a tracker wasn’t sewn into it. You have one somewhere, you just haven’t found it.”

  Xander agreed. “I’ll help Sheena go through her things. Bast, do you want any help?”

  Bast waved him off. “I’m good. I only have one bag. It won’t take long.”

  When dinner was finished, Lucas glanced at Xander and nodded at Bast. “We need to clue him in about you guys being vampires. We won’t get through this without everything coming out. He’ll handle it better if it comes from you.”

  Sighing, Xander got to his feet. “Fine, if you think it’s necessary.”

  “While you do that, I’ll have a word with Sheriff Dansby. I’ll ask him to keep an eye out for city slickers who look mobby,” Krystal offered.

  “Thank you, Krystal.” Lucas gave her a wink and added, “Take your time.” Then he led Bast and the vampires to his office.

  Scowling at her cousin, Krystal excused herself to meet with the sheriff.

  As Krystal walked into Doug’s office, she waved him back to his seat. “No, no. Don’t get up.”

  “Hello, Tamaali. What brings you into town to see me?” He leaned forward expectantly and grinned. “Have you changed your mind about having dinner with me? Please say you have.”

  She glanced away, unable to look him in the eye. “Thank you for the roses and chocolates, I loved them, and your note was very special, but no, I haven’t changed my mind. I can’t, but I’m working through what I’m going to say to my mother. Once I do that, I’ll know more.”

  Doug sighed loudly. “How about your stalker? Have you had any more problems with that?”

  “Not since the pictures. It’s been quiet the last couple of days.”

  Doug leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. “Good. But stay vigilant, he’ll try again, I don’t want you hurt before we get him.”

  “I am. Lucas escorts me to my cabin at night and waits while I lock up. With that and the men he has watching out, I think I’m pretty safe.”

  “I’m glad to hear Lucas is looking after you. Now back to us. I’m glad you liked my gifts, but I need to up my game. You’re still not ready to let go of your concerns about your mother, and for that, I’ll have to revisit my tactics and supercharge my passionate pursuits. But I sense that’s not why you’re here, is it? How may I be of assistance?”

  “There may be men coming to town in search of a woman we have at the ranch.”

  “These are bad men, I take it?”

  “Yes. If they come looking, the New Orleans syndicate sent them. The woman is a witness to a crime they committed. They take exception to her being above ground and breathing.”

  “I see. What would you like me to do if I see them? I can’t arrest them unless they break the law, but I could kill them and dispose of the bodies,” he offered in all seriousness. “As a general rule, my people prefer peaceful resolutions, but defense of the innocent is encouraged.”

  “Thank you, but all I need is a heads up if you see them, so we are prepared.”

  “I can do that. But you must know, if they go to the ranch, I’ll be there as well. You’re mine to protect, and I take that very seriously.”

  “I had a feeling you would say that.” She stood and offered her hand for a formal handshake. “Thank you for helping us.”

  “You’re welcome, Tamaali.” Doug clasped her proffered hand and pulled her halfway across the desk to lay an all-consuming kiss on her lips. Her lips parted beneath his and his tongue slipped in. Her hands slipped around his neck as a soft moan escaped her lips. Her tongue danced with his, sipping and tasting. It was several seconds before she realized what she was doing and ended the kiss.

  “That wasn’t fair,” she scolded, but there was no anger in her tone.

  “All’s fair in love and war, and we’re dealing with both,” he said with all seriousness.


  “Something smells good,” Xander called out as they entered the dining hall the next morning.

  Cook grinned, straightening from where she was adding bacon to the breakfast bar. “Thank you. I just added fresh scrambled eggs and a stack of pancakes. Fill a plate before they’re gone.”

  Krystal waved them over to her table. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  Sheena took the chair Xander held for her. “Yes, I did. I’m not sure if it was the bed, the country air, or the fact that I didn’t have anyone launching an attack.”

  “My guess would be all three,” Lucas said with a wink.

  “Yeah, and maybe Xander’s personal attention, too,” Nick added with a snicker.

  Xander reached around Sheena’s back and smacked the back of Nick’s head.

  Nick rubbed at it and, with a grin still tugging at his lips, mumbled, “You know it’s the truth.”

  Derick frowned at his brother before asking, “Do you think we’re in the clear? It’s been over twenty-four hours since the last attack.”

  Xander set his cup on the table and picked up his fork. “No. Comeaux’s crew hasn’t survived this long by leaving loose ends lying about. Speaking of Comeaux, did you find a tracker in your luggage, Bast? We struck out with Sheena’s stuff.”

  Bast sat forward in his chair. “I struck out, too. I checked everything, even the soles of my shoes. But Lucas is right, there has to be one somewhere, we just need to keep looking. That being said, how do we handle the situation?”

  Before any of the men could answer, Sheena took control of the conversation. “If we have a tracker giving away our location, we should leave. I don’t want to attract a hit squad to the ranch. Besides, if we keep moving, they won’t be able to pinpoint us.”

  Kensie put her fork and knife across her plate with a sharp smack. “Absolutely not. You’re staying right here where the men can protect you, and I can patch you up if need be.”

  Sheena huffed out a breath and hissed. “There are innocent families here. I couldn’t live with myself if anyone were hurt.”

  Krystal waved her protest away. “We’ve handled more than you could imagine. And don’t worry about the guests. Check out is at noon. By lunchtime, we’ll have the place to ourselves for a couple of days.�

  Sheena opened her mouth to object, but Lucas cut her off. “My cousin is right. There’s no safer place for you to be than right here. We can handle anything they throw at us.”

  “Shadíma, they’re right. I brought you here because I knew this was the safest place for you.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine. But for the record, I don’t like it. And we keep searching until we find that tracker.”

  Krystal beamed and reached for the maple syrup. “Good. Now that that’s settled, dig in before your food gets cold. Cook gets angry when food goes to waste.”

  Bast scooped up some scrambled eggs and paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. “We still need a plan.”

  Kensie surprised everyone by piping up. “I’ve been thinking about the layout of the ranch and how best to protect Sheena while avoiding a confrontation near the main buildings on the property. There’s a new house on the river and a couple of others under construction downriver from it.”

  When Xander raised a questioning brow, Lucas said, “Guesthouses for my parents and family when they visit and want a bit of privacy. I think Xander and Sheena should move down there. If someone comes looking, they’ll stake out the main house and cabins, unaware of any additional houses. Even if they suspected Sheena is here, they wouldn’t see her, and they will eventually give up and search elsewhere.”

  Simon nodded. “It sounds like a good plan.” He pointed his fork at Xander. “Besides, you need a little alone time with your muierimei. The rest of us can handle things if the mobsters get adventurous and try to explore the ranch.”

  Xander opened his mouth to protest, but Lucas cut him off.

  “As much as I’d rather have you close, I agree with Kensie and Simon. Hiding Sheena away, far from where they would expect her to be, is a good plan. After breakfast, either Krystal or I will take you to the house. You’ll like it. It’s larger and more comfortable than the cabin you’re in now. Plus, it’s about a half-mile from here. Far enough that they won’t look for her out there, but close enough for us to get to you if trouble comes calling.”

  Krystal waved her hand to get Lucas’s attention, unable to speak until she swallowed the pancake she just put in her mouth. Chewing fast and swallowing, she said, “I’ll take them. I wanted to see it again anyway, just to make sure we haven’t forgotten any of the items Emma had on her wish list.”

  Lucas’s smile widened. “Perfect. That gives me more time to help Joe move the herd to the north pasture.”

  Krystal followed them back to their cabin and waited while they grabbed their things. Like most men, it only took Xander a few minutes to throw his things in a bag. That worked to Krystal’s advantage. “While Sheena finishes packing, why don’t you grab your vehicle. That way, you can follow me to the house and have transportation at hand if you need it.”

  “Good idea. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Ten minutes later, Krystal watched as Xander parked in front of the Le Beau family guest house.

  He let out a low whistle. “Wow, you guys never do anything halfway.”

  “No kidding. It’s beautiful. And huge.”

  He helped Sheena from the truck and grabbed one of the bags from the back. By the time they reached the door, Krystal had it opened and was going room-to-room, airing the place out. “Why don’t you go and explore, babe. I’ll get the rest of our stuff.”

  “Okay,” Sheena agreed, excitement in her tone.

  As Sheena climbed the staircase, Krystal walked out of the kitchen. “Hey, Xander, I loaded the refrigerator with prepared meals, so you’re all set if you don’t want to join us in the dining hall. Why don’t you guys take a look around and make a list of anything I’ve forgotten and call me. I’m running to town later, anyway.”

  Xander accepted her goodbye hug. “I’m sure you thought of everything and then some, cher. But I’ll let you know if we need anything.”

  “Excellent. Enjoy the view while you can. I’m sure you will have visitors before long. Bast is going to keep an eye on any incoming traffic. But Lucas, Simon, Marcus, and your men will be running four-hour rotating shifts of your perimeter. Don’t be alarmed if you see a wolf. The Le Beau boys will likely take their wolf form while on watch.”

  “Good point. I’ll warn Sheena, so she isn’t alarmed.”

  The next morning, Krystal was going over paperwork at one of the dining hall tables when Sheena breezed in and joined her. “You look like you got some fresh air,” she said with a grin. “What have you been up to?”

  “Xander took me horseback riding. It was amazing! If I could have a horse in the French Quarter, I would.”

  Chuckling, Krystal raised her coffee cup. “Want some? Cook just put out a fresh pot.”

  “Oh my god, yes!”

  When she rose from the table, Krystal noticed she was moving a little slow and walked like she was stiff. “You should get that big brawny vampire to give you a rub down. You’re going to be very sore in an hour or so, and a massage after a hot bath would do wonders.”

  Grinning ear to ear, Sheena sat again and sipped her coffee. “I like the way you think. I’ll absolutely take that advice.”

  She glanced up from the schedule she was making. “Speaking of your vampire, where is he?”

  “He and Joe are taking care of the horses.”

  Krystal snorted, covering her mouth to avoid spitting coffee all over Sheena. “Did you take any pictures of that before you left the barn? Seriously, I know people who would pay good money for Xander the cowboy photographs.”

  Sheena frowned. “I didn’t think of that. Damn, I’d like to have the pictures too.”

  Giggling, Krystal set her cup aside to search through her papers. “All is not lost. You can get a few photos the next time you go riding. Better yet, keep your phone with you at all times. A photo op could present itself at any moment while you’re here.”

  Sheena smiled brightly. “That’s an excellent idea.”

  About ten minutes later, Xander strolled in to collect Sheena. “Good morning, Miss Krystal. How are you today?”

  “Fantabulous. Your beautiful lady has been telling me about your morning.”

  Laughing, he helped Sheena to her feet. “I bet she has. Sheena loved the horses. If she had her way, she’d figure out how to house break one and keep it as a house pet.”

  Sheena’s eyes went wide. “Is that a thing? Can a horse be house broken?”

  Both Krystal and Xander busted out laughing. “No, my love. I was teasing.”

  Krystal stood and walked with them to the front porch. She was hugging Sheena goodbye when the woman stiffened. “What is it?” she asked, holding Sheena at arm’s length.

  Pulling back, Sheena stared at her. Then she ran her fingers through her hair. “God, I can’t believe I’m about to ask this. Is there such a thing as a tiger man?”

  Krystal glanced away and sighed. “Yes, there is. My mate. He’s the local sheriff. Why do you ask?”

  Sheena shrugged. “I get visions, and when I hugged you, I saw a tiger man.”

  Xander narrowed his eyes at Krystal. “Why aren’t you with him?”

  “It’s complicated. If you knew my mother, you would understand.”

  He scowled. “I see. Etienne knows your mother quite well. He won’t stand for her interference.” He held up a hand when Krystal opened her mouth to argue. “Neither will your uncle Isaac.”

  Looking utterly defeated, Krystal snorted out a laugh that sounded more like desperation than humor. “I know. I’m trying to figure out how to tell my parents about him.”

  Sheena put a hand on her shoulder. “It’ll all work out. I promise. In my vision, you and the sheriff were very happy.”

  Krystal searched her eyes, hope shining on her face. “Do all of your visions come true?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  Krystal’s eyes widened in alarm.

  “No, no! Not your vision. Your vision was be
autiful. I only said that because most of my visions are… less than pleasant.”

  Krystal visibly relaxed. “Oh. Good.”

  Xander took Sheena’s hand and pulled her toward the door. “With that, we should get going. The longer we stay at the main house, the higher the chance of Sheena being seen.”

  “Thank you for the coffee and girl talk,” Sheena called over her shoulder before Xander could pull her out the door.


  It had been a long seven days without seeing his djairi. Both Doug and his tiger were short-tempered and less than what you would call good company. He’d been able to stay away from Krystal through sheer tenacity and will. He wasn’t sure how much longer that would last; his willpower was fraying at the edges. Now that he had identified his companion, he wanted her with him. It wasn’t just a sexual thing with his people, it was the deep bond they enjoyed with their partners. The connection was a total package of mind, body, and spirit.

  Utilizing every local delivery service he could think of, he made sure that Krystal thought of him every minute of every day, too. Eventually, he’d break down her barriers and have her by his side. She’d reacted to him as a djairi should, that is, until fear of her mother drove a wedge between them. Damn the woman, she belonged with him, and he would end this separation one way or another.

  But right now, he was hungry. As he pulled up to the Burger Hut for the third day in a row, he promised himself that he would go home for lunch tomorrow and eat something healthy. All of the additives and saturated fats, not to mention animal products, were wreaking havoc with his system. Mer Ahn Tians were vegetarians, something he’d found difficult to be in cattle country.

  Getting out of his truck, he heaved a heavy sigh. Every time he deviated from his vegetarian regime, he swore, his vibration fell so low he was no longer a fifth density being.

  Yeah, he’d get in the habit of eating at home, where he could eat his preferred diet without receiving scowls and raised brows from everyone around him. Every Mer Ahn Tian was capable of fending for himself, but cooking for one and eating alone was lonely and isolating.


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