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Jack Tar

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by Roy Adkins

  Dannatt, Jane 218

  daughters 160

  De Venner, John 318

  decks, cleaning 201–3

  Dedaigneuse, HMS 168

  Defence, HMS: battle casualties 270, 278; battle emotions 278, 280; battle preparations 262; foreigners aboard 283, 360; French prisoners 282–3; religion aboard 34, 132; surgeon 294–5; women aboard 157–8

  Defiance, HMS 112, 179, 281, 282

  Defons, Nicholas 178

  Delafons, John 220

  demotion 209, 215, 220

  deserters: descriptions circulated 68; Nelson’s policy 67–8; prevention measures 153–4, 281; punishments 216, 223; return of 338; after shipwreck 116

  Diamond, HMS 21, 22

  Diamond Rock, Martinique 92

  Dibdin, Charles 241

  Diego Garcia, island of 94

  diet, see food and drink

  Digby, Henry 376, 377

  Diligent, French brig 72

  Dilkes, Charles 183

  Dillon, William: attitude to command 27–8; attitude to foreigners 283, 360; on battle casualties 270, 276, 278, 327; on battle order 268; on battle preparations 262–3, 264, 267; on battle scenes 274, 278, 280; on captain’s religious views 34, 157–8, 213; on discipline 27–8, 196, 219; on French prisoners 282–3; on ladders xxxvii; laundry 136; on lieutenant’s dress 132–3; on pigs 81–2; on prize-money 378; on rats 72; on repairs after battle 286–7; on round robin 221; shaving 138–9; snobbery 27, 283; on surgeons 294–5; on swearing 213; on women aboard 157–8

  disease: bad air 190–1; bad water 95; causes 308–9, 317; dysentery 143, 312; gangrene 298, 306; malaria 93, 316; plague 310, 316; quarantine 310; scurvy 82, 89–90, 97, 313–15; transmission of 54, 311; typhus 54, 311–12; ulcers 319; venereal disease 157, 160, 317, 318–19; yellow fever 310, 312–13

  Dixon, John 102, 103–4, 217

  dog watches 198

  dogs 351–3, 354–5

  Dominica, West Indies 94

  Donegal, HMS 359

  double-headed shot 269

  Douglas, William 67

  Dove, HMS 250

  Downs anchorage 52, 157, 172, 193, 233

  Dreadnought, HMS 50

  Dredge, William 277

  dress: buttons 99–100, 126; buying 121–2, 369; footwear 128–30; hats 127–8; keeping dry 144–5; making clothes 20, 123, 128; marines’ 124–5; officers’ 125–9; seamen’s 121–4; sleeping in clothes 130; ‘slops’ 121; sold for drink 99–100, 122, 124–5, 364; uniforms xxxi, 23, 121, 124–7; washing clothes 130–6

  drink, see food and drink

  drunkenness: accidents caused by 104, 344; availability of liquor 100–3; after battle 288; boatswains 103–4, 211, 217; Christmas celebrations 105–6; court martial for 103–4, 127; frequency 99–102; officers 102; prisoners-of-war 248–9; punishments 100, 104, 210–11, 368; seamen 102; ship visiting 349–51; ship’s cook 71; shore leave 363–4, 368; surgeons 103–4, 211, 294

  duff 77

  Duncan, Adam, 1st Viscount Duncan 87

  Dundonald, Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl of xxix, xxx

  Dunn, William 103

  Durham, Philip 281

  duties, seaman’s 205–6

  Dye, Ira 51n dysentery 143, 312

  Eagle, Excise cutter 48, 380

  Eagle, HMS 1, 24, 105, 109, 242

  East India Company ships (Indiamen) 55, 56, 61, 68, 213

  Edgar, HMS 139

  Eldon, John Scott, 1st Earl of 43, 321–2

  Elephant, HMS 326

  Elizabeth, HMS 295

  Elliot, George 263

  Elliot, Hugh 359

  Ellis, Samuel 266

  Ellis, Thomas 149

  embalming 321–2

  Emidy, Joseph 334–5

  England, Ann 169–70

  England, Thomas 169–70

  English Harbour, Antigua 117

  Enterprize, HMS 67

  epaulettes 126

  Eshelby, Thomas 299

  Ethalion, HMS 235

  executions 225–8, see also hanging

  explosions 284–5, 304–5

  Fairweather, William 7

  Falmouth, Cornwall 49–50, 335

  Falso, Francisco 12, 149

  Fame, HMS 33, 80, 105, 174–5

  Farington, Joseph 158

  Farington, William 158

  Farrell, Garret 57

  Favourite, HMS 96, 271, 316

  fear 280–1

  Fearall, David 389

  Fernyhough, John 347, 359

  Fernyhough, Robert 347, 358–9

  Ferrol, Spain 140

  fiddle players 333

  Field, Augustus 71

  Finlayson, John 326

  Finny, John 250, 259

  fire 91, 147–8, 284–5

  fish 86–7

  Fishguard, Pembrokeshire 47

  fleets xxxix

  flogging: appeal against 226; attitudes to 211–12, 215; for bestiality 186; cat 209–10; court martial sentence 223; descriptions 209–10, 212; for desertion 216; for drunkenness 100, 210–11, 368; exemption from 332; frequency 211–12, 215; midshipmen 219; offences 208, 209, 212–13; reprieve from 214–15; round the fleet 224–5; running the gauntlet 215–16; for scabby and lousy hair 10; of slaves 166; for swearing 213

  Flora, HMS 25, 73

  Flying Dutchman 37

  Flynn, Thomas 8, 325

  fog 87, 112

  Foley, Thomas 176

  food and drink: before battle 267–8; burgoo 20, 72, 76; cooking 75–8; diet of crew 72, 74–5; diet of officers 71–2, 78; drunkenness, see drunkenness; fish 86–7; fresh fruit and vegetables 73, 89–90; live animals on board 80–4; meals 76–8; plates and bowls 78–9; prisoners-of-war 251; rations 71, 73–4; rats 71–2; storage xxxviii, 79, 84–5, 87, 93, 95–6, 146; turtles 85–6; see also beer, cheese, grog, meat, milk, rum, water supply

  forebitters 336

  forecastle (fo’c’sle) xxxvii, 13, 14, 15, 191

  foremast 13

  Foudroyant, HMS 279

  Fremantle, Betsey 81–2, 89, 92, 113, 149, 380

  Fremantle, Thomas: on brewing 98; on garden 89; on lighting 149; on livestock 81, 82; on news 239; on pets 351; on returning to his family 380; on snowstorms 113; on tooth powder 140

  French, Mary 176

  French language 22

  French Navy 246, 247, 257–8

  French Revolution 44

  frigates: battles 268; captured xxxiv; design 110; guns xxxvi; health 144; marines 30; messes 17; models 38; numbers xxxviii–xxxix

  fruit 89–90

  funerals 321–4, see also burial at sea

  Furber, Thomas 25

  Fyffe, John 135, 175

  Gale, James 254–5

  galley 75, 144

  Galley Packets 342–3

  Gambier, James, 1st Baron Gambier 34, 132, 157–8, 213, 278, 280

  Gamo, Spanish frigate 16

  Gander, James 2118

  Gander, Sarah 2118

  Ganges, HMS 81, 140

  gangrene 298, 306

  gardens 89

  Gardner, James Anthony: on battle casualties 266; on Carthage visit 358; character sketches 6; on dogs 352; on dress 128; on man overboard 37; on mutiny 82; on rat pie 71; on religion 32; on silence aboard 204; on snow and ice 113; on teeth 139

  Garrick, David xxvii, xxviii

  Gentleman, Francis xxviii

  George, John 9

  George III, King xxxiv, 33, 379

  George IV, King xxxiv

  Gibbs, Thomas 183, 184

  Gibbs, Sir Vicary 218

  Gibraltar 98, 175, 192, 319, 364

  Gibraltar, HMS 90, 211, 333, 335

  Gillespie, Lionel 300, 308, 310, 318

  Gillies, Jack 20

  gin 48, 101, 242, 344

  Givet prison, France: conditions 249, 250–1, 252, 253; escapes from 254, 256–7; fortified stronghold 248

  Gladiator, HMS 228

  Glascock, William 35, 36

  Glenmore, HMS 221

Glorieux, HMS 120

  Glorious First of June, Battle of the (1794): aftermath 327; casualties 276, 278; descriptions 268, 274; French ships captured 282; medals 374; medical care 295; preparations 262, 267; repairs after 285, 286; victory 378

  Glory, HMS 351

  Gloucester, HMS: cabins 186–7; crew 6; food 88–9; prostitutes 154; punishment 225; sick-bay 296–7, 319; tattoos 8

  goats: aboard 80, 201; in battle 265; deaths 82; dung 81, 201; feeding 83, 106; milk 82, 178; pet 80, 352

  Goliath, HMS 176

  gonorrhoea, see venereal disease

  Goodall, Daniel: on attitudes to marines xxxi; on cook 76; on discipline 25, 214, 215, 228–9; on drunkenness 100, 210–11; on food supplies 73; on gossip 342; on ‘idlers’ 15–16; language 12; on leaving the navy 382; on messes 17; on musical entertainment 331; on mutiny 222–3; on pay 365, 366–7; on prize-money 375–6; on punishments 214, 215, 216, 225; on recruits 1–2; on religion 34; on theatricals 339–40; on treatment of recruits 29–30, 53–4; on watch system 197; on women aboard 156, 159–60

  Goree, West Africa 136

  gossip 342–3

  Grant, Richard 7

  grape-shot 269

  Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 320–1

  Greenhalgh, Richard 345

  Greenwich Hospital 8, 319, 386–9

  Griffith, Edward 22

  Griffiths, Anselm 81, 154, 171, 202

  Grigg, Matthew 277

  grog: ashore 363, 368–9; clothes sold for 68, 122, 125; cost of 368; cure for stage fright 340; as currency 99; drunkenness 99–101, 103–5, 140; issue after battle 241–2, 288; issues of 77, 97, 208; ration 97; recipe 97; regulations 101; songs about 337; stopped as punishment 209, 210; substituted for beer 74, 98; on Sundays 349; surgeon drinking 295–6; watered down 97, 100, 209, 210; women drinking 182

  Guerrière, French ship 286

  Guerriere, HMS xxxiv

  Guillaume Tell, French ship 279

  gun decks xxxvi, xxxvii, 15, 188, 270

  gunboats xxxvi, 242–3, 277–8

  gunner 15, 16, 31, 103, 173, 270

  gunpowder: cartridges 269, 270, 271, 275; explosions 284, 304; lightning strikes 114, 115; magazines xxxviii, 176, 206–7, 284; powder monkeys 180, 271; quantity 270, 274; smoke 273; supplies 272; tattooing with 7

  gunroom cook 78

  guns: accidents 272, 274; broadsides 279; cannons, see cannons; crews 270–1; exercises 205, 271–3; numbers xxxvi; shot 269; smoke 273; weight 270

  Guthrie, James 16

  hair 8–11, 124

  half-pay 379, 380–2

  Halifax, Canada 319

  Hall, Basil: on battle gunnery 273; on burial at sea 324–5, 327–8; on candles 150; on class distinction 27; on cleaning the ship 191; on dogs 354; on food storage 87; on hammocks 189–90; on joining the navy 3; on marines and seamen xxxi–xxxii; on messes 17, 77; on noon observation 198–9; on prize-money 236; on promotion 25–6; on punishment 209; on shipboard life 205–6, 369–70; on Sundays 204, 349; on wine 98–9

  Halloran, John 320

  Ham, Elizabeth 332

  Hamilton, Edward 97, 211

  Hamilton, Emma 63

  hammocks 30, 136–7, 187, 188–91, 200–1

  handicrafts 341–2

  hanging: court martial before 223; for cowardice 226–8; crimes ashore 217–18; descriptions 225–8; for desertion 216, 223; from foreyardarm xxxv; for homosexual acts 184, 223; for murder 57, 223; for mutiny 208, 223, 228; of officers 220, 225

  Hanway, Jonas 59

  Hardy, Sampson 335

  Hardy, Thomas Masterman 129

  Harvey, Thomas 142–3, 167, 342

  Harwich, Essex 326

  Harwood, William 265

  Haslar Hospital 308, 319, 320

  Hatch, Thomas 306

  hats 127–8

  Havre de Grace, America 139

  Hawker, Edward 160

  Hay, Robert: on admiral’s dress 129; on backgrounds of seamen 11; on barter fraud 122; on daybreak 200–1; desertion 116, 121, 124; on discipline 12; dress 121; on musical entertainment 333; on naval language 18; on pests 146, 147; on pumping 116; on seamen’s dress 124; on superstitions 37–8; on tattooing 7; on training 19–20; on turtle raid 85–6; on visits ashore 359

  Hazard, HMS 183–4

  headroom xxxvii, xxxviii heads 140, 142, 296

  health: accidents 305–7; amputations 150, 277, 293, 298–304; anaesthetics 298; burns 304–5; constipation 140; hernias 307–8; hospitals 319–20; hygiene 302, 311, 312, 327; infection 302–3; smell of cheese 85; teeth 88, 139–40; ventilation 144; see also disease

  Hebe, HMS 52

  Hebrus, HMS 79, 299, 302, 322, 323

  Herculaneum, Italy 358

  hernias 307–8

  Herodotus xxvi, xxix

  Herring, John 150

  Hewitt, William 6

  Heywood, William 254–5

  Hilliar, Joseph 10

  Hilliard, William 344, 364

  Hind, HMS 37

  Hodgskin, John A. 6

  Hodgson, Richard 16

  Hoffman, Frederick: on fire aboard 284; on midshipman’s letter 348; on scurvy 313–14; on seamen’s finances 364–5; on superstition 35, 38; on yellow fever 312–13

  Hogarth, William xxviii

  hold: access 110n; battle preparations 265; bilge water 144; bodies in 327; casks of food and drink 79, 93, 95; contents xxxviii; falling into 305; hiding place 150; pests in 146; recruits in 53–4; size of Victory’s xxxviii; smell 144, 327; water in 116, 117, 118–19

  Hole, Henry 168

  Hollesley Bay, Suffolk 88

  holystoning 201–3

  homosexuality 154, 183–5, 223, see also sodomy

  honours 374, 379, 380

  Hood, Sir Samuel 368

  Hopping, Ann 176, 179

  Hopping, Edward 176

  Hornet, HMS 167

  Hotham, William 59–60, 345–6

  Hotspur, HMS 185

  Howe, John: background 66; on brooms 202; on fishing 87; on Newfoundland Banks 112–13; sale of clothes 124–5; on storm damage 117; volunteering 66

  Howe, Richard, 1st Earl Howe 262, 267, 378

  hulks, prison 256, 283, 305, 383

  Hull, Yorkshire 57, 386

  Huntley, George 299–300

  Hussar, HMS 161, 246, 326

  Hyperion, HMS 148

  icebergs 112

  ‘idlers’ 15, 196

  Illustrated London News 388

  Immortalité, HMS 13, 333

  Imogene, HMS 237

  Impetueux, HMS 5, 335

  Implacable, HMS 240, 241

  Impress Service 42, see also press-gangs

  impressment 42–4; American seamen 41–2, 51, 332; disappearance of pressed men 52; exemption from 47–8, 50; ‘hot press’ 41, 43, 48, 56, 64, 389; merchant seamen 55; pressed men volunteering 61; prisoners-ofwar 55; quota men 59–60; rescues of pressed men 56–7; release from 50; treatment of pressed men 53–4; vagrants and criminals 59; violence 57–9; see also press-gangs

  Indefatigable, HMS 135, 175, 334

  Indus, HMS 169

  Infernet, Captain 249

  Inglefield, John Nicholson 118–20

  Ipswich, Suffolk 58

  Jack Tar xxviii–xxix

  Jackson, George Vernon 46, 92, 97, 211, 257, 283–4

  Jackson, William 178

  Jamaica, West Indies 312

  James, Robert Bastard: on blockades 239; on drunken prisoners-of-war 248–9, 257; on prison charity management 251; on prison conditions 252–3, 254–5; on prison escapes 256; on prisoners-of-war joining the French 257, 258; on toothbrush 140

  Janus, HMS 117

  Jase, Joaquin 276

  Jennings, Miss 174–5

  Jervis, Sir John, see St Vincent Jews 32, 122, 161, 162, 367–9, 376

  Johnson, Robert 318

  jolly boats xxxviii, 82, 243 ‘Jonahs’ 36

  Jones, John 6

  Jones, Joseph 122

  Jupiter, HMS 89, 272, 274

sp; Kelly, Samuel 50, 56

  Kennedy, Stephen 306

  Keppel, George Augustus 119

  Ker, Robert 295

  Kidwell, John 218

  King, George: on cutting-out operation 240–2; death 389; on drunken death 140; on flogging 212; life after naval service 386–7; on New Year celebrations 106; on shore leave 363–4, 369; spending prize-money 100–1

  King, Thomas 149

  Kirby, Robert 181

  Kirkwood, Charles 185

  Kirnan, Francis 375

  Knight, Cornelia 324

  ladders xxxvii, 53, 77, 110n, 297, 306

  Lake, Captain 127

  Lambert, John 149

  landsmen 12, 13, 170

  Lane, Charles 68

  language: African languages 362; learning French 22; naval speech 18–19; Portuguese 385; swearing 159, 213–14; variety of dialects and languages 11–12

  lanterns 148–9

  Lapwing, HMS: animals aboard 83; capture of French ship 234–5; drunkenness aboard 102–4, 217; prize-money 375; punishments 211, 215–16; rats 90–1; sanitary arrangements 142–3; surgeon 167; in West Indies 8, 26, 67, 81, 102, 325

  laundry 130–6

  Laurel, HMS 52

  law 208, see also regulations Lawrance, Joseph 305

  Lawry, Richard 57, 61, 323–4

  lead, heaving the 205

  Leander, HMS 3, 189, 370

  leave, shore, see shore leave

  Leblanc, Nicolas 133

  Lee, Theophilus 376

  Leech, Samuel: on aftermath of battle 287–8; on amputations 299, 302; on battle casualties 275–6, 298, 302–3; on battle preparations 262; on battle scenes 279–80; on births at sea 177; on Christmas celebrations 105; on daily life aboard 195, 200–1; on deserters 68; on dress 122–3, 127–8; on drunkenness 99; on flogging 209–10; on food 72; on gun practice 271; on letter writing 345; on Lisbon 361; on marines 206; on messes 16–17; on musical entertainments 332, 338–9; on pursers 366; on seamen’s purchases 369; on shore leave 362–3; on shot effects 269; on smuggling of liquor 102; on yarns 343

  Leighton, Sir William 385

  Leister, Robert 309

  leisure activities 331, 336, 341–2, see also dancing, music, songs

  lemon juice 90, 97, 315

  letters 345–8

  Leviathan, HMS 305, 308

  Lewis, William 306

  Leyden, HMS 6

  libraries 349

  lice 10, 311

  lieutenants 24–5, 170

  lighting 148–51

  lightning 81, 109, 114–15, 118, 285

  Lind, James 315

  Lisbon, Portugal 105, 361

  Lissa, Battle of (1811) 275, 287

  Lively, HMS 137, 145

  Liverpool, Merseyside 41–2, 56–7, 59

  Lloyd’s Patriotic Fund 163, 251, 253


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