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Jack Tar

Page 51

by Roy Adkins

  loblolly men 301

  Logholm, Jacob 299

  London, England 43–4, 59, 95

  lookouts 14

  Loten, James 57

  Louis, Sir Thomas 321

  Lovell, William 135

  Lovett, William 45, 52

  Lowry, James 137

  Lutine, HMS 324

  McCartney, James 305–6

  McClary, Robert 162

  Macedonian, HMS: band 332; battle casualties 298, 302–3; battle damage 269; battle preparations 262; battle scenes 279–80; births aboard 177; captured 287–8; Christmas festivities 105; gunnery practice 271; messes 16; punishments 68; singer 338; smuggling of liquor 102

  Mackay, George 55, 245–6, 254

  Madagascar 110

  Madras, HMS 116, 294

  Madras, India 122, 319, 359

  Magrath, George 299, 301, 309, 315, 318

  Maidstone, HMS 335

  Majestic, HMS 302

  malaria 93, 315–16

  Malcolm, James 295

  Malcolm, John 231, 232

  Mallet, William 65–6

  Malta: accidents 306; Christmas celebrations 105–6; funeral of admiral 321; graffiti 358; hospital 319; shore leave 364; sickness 192; subscription for widow 244

  Malta, HMS 141

  Manah, Elizabeth 342

  Mangin, Edward: on burial at sea 325; on cabin 149–50, 186–7, 191; on converting crew 34; descriptions of crew 6; on food 88–9; on naval language 18; on prostitutes 154; on punishments 224–5; on sick-bay 296–7, 319; on sickness 95, 319; on tattoos 8

  Marine Society 59

  marines 29–31; in battle 281; daily life 206; duties 206–7; numbers xxxix; recruitment 29–31, 64–6; roles xxx, 29, 208, 281; training 29, 207–8; uniform xxxi, 124–5; see also Royal Marines

  Marlborough, HMS 187

  Marryat, Frederick 36

  Mars, HMS 122

  Marsh, Edward 197, 214

  Marshall, prisoner-of-war 256

  Martin, Abraham 305, 321

  Martin, Sir Thomas Byam 179

  Martinique, West Indies 38, 92, 173, 226, 375

  master, see sailing master

  masts: battle damage 264, 285, 287; ‘before the mast’ 13, 27, 28; carpenter’s duties 31; carvings 14; lightning strikes 114, 115; loss 328; masthead 219; three xxxv; tops 14

  Mathews, Thomas 120

  Matilda, HMS 26

  measurements xl–xli

  meat: before battle 268; captain’s food 78; cooking 75, 80; prison rations 247; ration 32, 74; salt 72, 77, 79–80, 82, 89; stew 77; storage xxxviii, 79; substitutes for 74; theft of 215; see also beef, pork

  medals 179, 374

  Mediator, HMS 88, 145

  Medway, River 283

  Melpomene, HMS 100, 240, 242

  Menelaus, HMS 322

  merchant seamen: exempt from impressment 47; impressed 12, 41, 42, 50–1, 55; in Royal Navy 4, 17, 64

  messes 16–17, 20, 77, 78

  mice 84–5, 90

  Middlesex Journal 43

  midshipmen: appointment 13, 64; background 31, 64; bullying 218–19; careers 63–4; code of conduct 218; diet 72, 239; pay 170; pigtails 9; prisoners-of-war 253–5; prospects at end of war 379; punishments 219; quarters xxxviii; relationship with seamen 20, 23–4; sleeping arrangements 188; theatricals 339–40; training 21–3

  Milbanke, Mark 68

  Milford, HMS 389

  milk 80, 82, 83–4, 89, 168, 178

  Mill, John 46

  Millard, Thomas 178

  Millard, William Salter 113, 280

  Millington, Richard 178

  Milner, George 6

  Minerva, HMS: captain 249, 251; crew captured 249, 253, 255, 256; dress aboard 123; repairs 101; swearing 213

  Minorca 33, 17–5, 202, 319, 364

  Minotaur, HMS 135, 346

  Mitchell, Admiral 223

  Mitchell, Alexander 320

  Mitford, Henry 26

  Monarch, HMS 324

  monkeys 354–5

  Moor, Eleanor 179–80

  Moore, Elizabeth 176

  Moorsom, Robert 391

  Morgiana, HMS 379

  Morning Chronicle 183

  Morning Post 322, 345

  Morris, Captain 96

  mosquitoes 93, 146, 313, 316

  Mouat, Andrew 13

  Mowbray, Captain 335

  murder 56–7, 223

  music 331–5

  musicians 332, 334–5

  muster books 4

  mutinies 60, 74, 82, 208, 221–3

  Naiad, HMS 235

  Naples, Italy 358

  Napoleon Bonaparte: on British seamen 39, 239, 248; death 380; defeat xxvii; on impressment 45; Nile defeat 373; prisoners-of-war policy 244, 247–8; on seamen and officers 144; troops 258

  Napoleonic Wars xxv, xxvii, 19, 79, 197, 315, 319

  Naval Chronicle 62, 383

  Naval General Service Medal 374

  Navy Board 4, 124

  Neilson, Jna. 50

  Nelson, Horatio, 1st Viscount Nelson: accent 12; amputation of arm 299, 324, 374; birth xxvii; body 172, 321, 328; chaplain 114; Copenhagen bombardment 113; death 18–19, 126, 275, 390; desertion policy 67; diary 275; distribution of religious texts 349; dress 126, 127, 129; friends 62; height 8; honours 374, 379; languages 22; leadership 25; letters 63, 72; memory 388; naval career xxxviii, xl, 43, 44, 64, 373; pigtail 9; provisions for seamen 90; ships xxxvii; Trafalgar preparations 268; victories 373; views on class 27; views on French 359–60; views on health 309; views on prize-money 378; views on seamen’s pay 366; views on women aboard 175–6; in West Indies 167, 169

  Neptune, HMS 82, 239

  Nereide, HMS 141

  Nevis, West Indies 167, 364

  Newcastle upon Tyne 384

  Newfoundland: Banks 87, 112–13, 118; burials 324; dogs 352; fodder for animals 83; impressed men 56–7, 61; murder 56–7; spruce-beer 98

  Newlyn, Cornwall 45, 52

  newspapers 344–5

  Newton, David 390

  Nichola, George 385

  Nichols, Thomas 58

  Nicol, John 5, 166, 176

  Nile, Battle of the (1798): animal casualties 265, 266; British forces 268; charity payments to wounded 386; medals 374; news of victory 373; prize-money 375; ships on fire 284–5; women present at 176, 301–2

  Nisus, HMS: design 110; man overboard 307; pests aboard 146–7; seaman hiding in hold 150; in storms 110; in West Indies 145; woman aboard 182

  noon observation 198–9

  Nore: anchorage 133, 157, 172; mutiny (1797) 60, 74, 221

  Norfolk, Virginia 362

  Norman, Josh. 7

  Northumberland, HMS 283, 319

  Norwich, Norfolk 65

  nurses 168–9

  Nymph, La, HMS 118

  oakum 203

  O’Brien, D.H. 275

  O’Brien, Michael 298

  O’Donnell, schoolmaster 340

  officers: background xxviii, 8, 20, 62–3; cabins 264–5, 369; clean-shaven 8; court martial 223; diet 71–2, 78; dress 125–9; hair 10–11; half-pay 380–2; height 8; ‘idlers’ 15; meals 77–8; medals 374; prisoners-of-war 244, 249–50; prize-money 377–8; promotion 379; prospects at end of war 379; punishments 220, 225; relationship with seamen 144, 274–5; religion 32; servants 359; shore leave 356–60; wardroom 111

  Oldfield, Thomas 266

  O’Loghlen, Terence 207

  O’Meara, Barry 45, 144, 239, 247

  orchestras 332, 333–4

  ordinary seamen 12, 13

  Orient, L’, French flagship 284

  Orient, L’, French privateer 244

  Orion, HMS 176

  Orlando, HMS 106

  orlop deck xxxviii, 188, 296

  Orontes, HMS 42

  Otway, Captain 352

  overboard, falling 37, 68, 140, 306–7, 344

  paintings 341, 369

  Palermo, Sicily 164–5, 305, 346

  Palinure (French vessel) 226

  Palmer, Edmund 323

  Palmer, William 58

  Panther, HMS 266

  Pardoe, William 187–8

  Parker, George 167

  Parker, Sir Peter 322–3

  Parker, William 285–6

  parole 249, 253–5, 257

  parrots 355–6

  Parsons, George 279

  Pasley, Thomas: on crew’s conduct in battle 274; on Frenchmen 360; on gunnery practice 271–2; on impressment 44; on livestock 81, 201, 351; scurvy cure 89

  pay: half-pay 379, 380–2; irregular 169, 365–6; punishment 13; rates 15, 16, 170; spending 364–5, 366–9, 383; wages for families ashore 169, 170

  Peace, John 180, 199

  Pears, Andrew 138

  pease soup 20, 77, 78, 80, 89

  peerages 374

  Pegasus, HMS 126, 183, 205

  Pellew, Sir Edward 25, 85, 86–7, 129, 333–5, 353

  Pemberton, Charles 78, 121

  Pembroke, Pembrokeshire 47

  Peninsular War 232

  pensions: certificates 6, 387; for Greenwich pensioners 319, 386–9, 390; injuries 6, 76, 77, 179, 255, 308, 386, 389; officers’ 379; surgeons’ entitlement 296; woman claiming a pension 180

  Perriam, Nancy 176

  Peru, silver mines 235

  Peterson, John 50

  petitions 220–1

  petty officers: mutineers 223; pay 169; prisoners-of-war 250; punishments 208–9, 215, 220; responsibilities 12, 17, 200; roles, 31; sleeping arrangements 188–9; wives 163, 169, 339

  Phaeton, HMS 95, 308, 310, 336

  Phelan, Joseph 177–8

  Phelan, Tommy 177–8

  Pheling, Andrew 305

  Phillips, German 47–8

  Phoebe, HMS 93, 101, 123, 130, 134, 137

  physicians 74, 83, 294, 308–9, 320, see also surgeons

  pigs: aboard 80, 82, 201; in battle 265, 266; bestiality victim 185; food 106; smell 83, 191; sties 83, 191, 266, 296; stories 344

  pigtails 8–10

  Pillet, René-Martin 156

  Pinckard, George 163–4, 320

  pipe, boatswain’s 199–200, 331

  Pitt, James 167

  Pitt, Sarah 179

  plague 310, 316

  Pluto, HMS 324

  Plymouth, Devon: deserters 124; hospital 168, 319; laundry petition 136; nurses 168–9; press-gangs 48; prize ships 235; prostitutes 156, 160–1; storms 116–17; wives in 171, 173; wreck 116

  pocket watches 199

  Pole, Sir Charles 93

  Polly, John 276

  Polwhele, Edward 263

  Pompee, HMS 131, 141, 226–7, 375

  Pompeii, Italy 358

  poop xxxvii, 89, 207, 277, 280, 282

  pork: captured 235, 241; chops 71; cooking 77; fresh 83; jettisoned 265; meat ration 32, 78; ration 74, 80; raw 268; salt 72, 74; see also pigs

  Port Louis, Mauritius 52, 145, 150

  Port Mahon, Minorca 202, 319

  Porteous, William 255

  Porto Praya, Battle of (1781) 274

  Portsmouth, Hampshire: deserters 68; hospital 319; naval base 153; press-gangs 48, 52, 64; prostitutes 154–5, 163–4; shore leave 363–4; wives in 172–3

  post-captains 25, 26, 223, 379

  postage 345–6

  powder monkeys 180, 271

  powdered hair 10

  Powell, John Martindale 158, 368–9

  Power, Richard 57

  press-gangs: false names given to 7, 48, 62; ‘hot press’ 41, 43, 48, 56, 64, 389; operations 42–4, 49–50, 53, 59; opposition to 44–7, 49–50, 56–8; suffering caused by 45–6; taking American seamen 41–2, 51; see also impressment

  Price, George: butcher 84; desertion 281; false name 62; feelings about battle 280–1; on gin 101; impressed 61–2; letters xli, 52, 346, 348

  Prince Frederick, HMS 91, 142, 149

  Prince George, HMS 180, 215

  Prince of Wales, HMS 26

  Princess, HMS 42

  Prior, James: on fruit and vegetables 89; on man overboard 307; on pests 146–7; on rats 90, 146, 147; on storms 109–10; on weather conditions 145, 315–16

  prison hulks, see hulks

  prisoners-of-war: American 42, 51; British 52, 245–9; captured 248, 284, 287–8; conditions 250–3, 255–6; deaths 258–9; escapes 55, 245–6, 254–5, 256–7; exchange 244, 245, 247, 249; French 156, 246, 283; impressed 55; informers 254–5, 257; joining French forces 246, 247, 257–8; midshipmen 253–5; naval volunteers 50; officers 244, 249–50; parole 249, 253–5, 257; prisons 248, 249; rules regarding 144, 244, 247; Spanish 304

  prize-money: distribution 61, 237, 365, 375–8, 387; hopes of 234, 262; influence on naval strategy 61, 231, 269, 378; spending ashore 364, 383; spent on liquor 100

  prize ships 231, 235–8, 248, 269

  Prometheus, HMS 240, 241

  promotion 24, 25–6, 31, 379

  Prompte, HMS 236–7, 373

  prostitutes: aboard 154, 156–61; ashore 363; backgrounds 164; control of 159–60; descriptions 154–5, 163–4; disease 160; in foreign ports 164–7; forged marriage certificates 158–9; numbers 154, 155–6; overcrowding 160–3; religion 165; slaves 165–7; see also brothels

  protection certificates 41, 47, 48, 51

  pumps 115–18

  punishments: avoiding 214–15; for bestiality 185–6; captain’s powers 208–9, 211, 214; cause of desertion 68; court martial sentences 224, 228; for cowardice 226–8; demotion 209, 215, 220; for desertion 216–17, 223; for drunkenness 195, 210–11, 212; execution 225–9; fair and unfair 211–13, 215; for homosexual acts 184, 223; imprisonment 186; marines’ role 208; midshipmen 218–19; for mutiny 195, 223, 228–9; naval regulations 208–9, 217; offences 195, 208–9; officers 220; running the gauntlet 215–16; ‘starting’ 215; for swearing 213–14; tied to the shrouds 219; transportation 227, 228, 232; of women 217; see also flogging, hanging

  pursers: class divide 28–9; complaints against 74, 366; ‘idlers’ 15; issue of dressmaking materials 123; responsibilities 31; wives 173

  quarantine 310

  quarterdeck xxxv, xxxvii, 13, 15, 31

  Queen, HMS 6, 287

  Queen Charlotte, HMS 181–2

  Quota Acts (1795) 59

  Racehorse, HMS 310, 318

  Raigersfeld, Jeffrey: on biscuits 87–8; on butter and cheese 84–5; on eating utensils 79; messing with seamen 20; on pests 145–6; on pigtails 9; on poisonous trees 103; on purser 88; on watering 94

  Rainbow, HMS 143, 296, 312, 317, 318

  Raisonnable, HMS xxxvii

  Rambler, HMS 248

  Ramsey, Mrs 167

  rating 12–13

  rats 71–2, 90–1, 146–7

  Rattenbury, John 47–8, 61

  Read, William 187–8

  reading: books 348–9, letters 345–8

  recruits 1–4, 12–13, 53–4, 59–61, see also impressment, press-gangs, volunteers

  Reed, Davy 139

  Rees, Thomas 29–30, 66, 104, 116

  regulations: Admiralty Regulations 196, 209, 217; captain’s 196, 213; dress 121, 124–5, 127, 128; grog 101; hierarchy of rank 31; prizes 236; religion 32, 34; Royal Navy law 208; swearing 213; training 271; washing 134, 137; women aboard 175

  Reilly, Matthew 307

  religion 32–5, 38, 132, 157, see also chaplains, Sundays

  Repulse, HMS 111, 129

  Resistance, HMS 115

  Revanche, La, French schooner 236

  Revenge, HMS 331

  Revolutionary Wars xxv, xxvii, 56

  Richardson, William: on beef supplies 82; on dress 123, 129–30; on impressment 45–6; on liquor smuggled aboard 101; on news of Nile victory 373; on prize ship 236–7; on swearing 213; on turtle soup 86; on water supplies 94; wife aboard 173–4

  Richieu, Peter 224

  Ridgway, Robert 103, 166–7

  rigging: in bad weather 112, 113, 115; in battle 264, 269; boatswain’s responsibilities 31; description xxxiv–xxxv; falls from 305; laundry 134, 135; midshipmen’s training 22;
repairs 356; seamen’s duties 15; terms for 18; tarred 132; waterproofing 80

  Riley, Edmund 91

  Riley, Mary Ann 179

  Riou, Edward 123, 190

  Rivers, William 303–4

  Rivoli, French ship 287

  Roach, Thomas 187

  Roberts, Peg 212

  Robertson, John 252

  Robertson, Robert 143, 296, 312, 317, 318

  Robinson, Hercules 351–2

  Robinson, John 76

  Robinson, Peg 177

  Robinson, William: on breakfast 76; on British seamen 391; on bullying midshipman 24; on cleaning decks 202; on superstition 36; on training 17; on treatment of recruits 54, 221

  Robust, HMS 117, 118

  Rodney, HMS 95, 134, 349

  Roman Catholics 32, 165

  ropework, fancy 341

  Rostock, Germany 233

  Rota, HMS 218

  Rotely, Lewis 124, 125, 128, 138, 273

  Rotheram, Edward: on amputations 293; on dialects 12; on height of crew 8; on life at sea 373; on offences 195; on prize ships 231; release of foreign seamen 50; on ship’s company 2; survey of crew 4, 12; on tattoos 7; on wives 171

  Rotheram, John 4n, 10

  round robins 221

  roundhouses 141

  Royal George, HMS 162–3

  Royal Hospital, Greenwich 386

  Royal Marines xxxi

  Royal Navy: fleets xxxix–xl; leaving 379–80; manpower 382; name xxxiii–xxxiv; number of ships xxxviii–xxxix; prize ships 269; regulations 208, 217, 336; roles 231, 238

  Royal Oak, HMS 117

  Royal Sovereign, HMS 2n, 136

  Royal William, HMS 48, 52, 61, 168

  rum: after amputation 303; barrels 161; after battle 241; before battle 240; buying 101, 368; ‘crossing the line’ 138; diluted 93, 97; giving away 212–13; grog 97; scurvy 315; storage 79; tobacco soaked in 91; in West Indies 102

  running the gauntlet 215–16

  Russell, HMS 301, 309, 315, 318

  sailing master 15, 31

  sailmaker 15, 31

  sailmaker’s mate 170

  sails xxxiv–xxxv

  Saint Domingo, West Indies 102, 136, 314

  Saint George, HMS 102, 326

  St John’s, Newfoundland 56, 61, 324

  St Kitts, West Indies 81, 166, 217, 325, 326

  St Pierre, Martinique 38

  St Vincent, Battle of (1797) 279, 374

  St Vincent, John Jervis, 1st Earl of 83, 128, 131, 175, 191, 374

  Saintes, Battle of the (1782) 180, 261

  Salamis, Battle of (480 BC) xxvi

  Salisbury, HMS 352

  Salter, William 277

  sand-glasses 198, 199

  Sanderson, John 385

  Santa Brigida, Spanish treasure ship 235, 377

  Santissima Trinidad, Spanish ship 351


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