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Hotel O

Page 11

by Clarissa Wild

  I only gave it to her in the hopes that she’d keep my secret. That she wouldn’t talk to anyone about us meeting and leave it at that.

  But now I’m the one questioning everything.

  Fuck. Why does this have to happen?

  I sigh and close the browser even though I still have several emails to answer.

  The next event is looming, and I need to prepare, but my mind’s not set to working right now. It’s constantly distracted by the image of her naked body doing anything I want that got seared into my mind.

  She was the perfect girl to subject to all my kinky needs … but at what cost?

  Am I infatuated with the idea of having more freedom to explore my own sexual desires?

  Or am I infatuated with her?

  I don’t even know, which is why I’m so confused.

  I’ve only seen her a few times. I can’t already be head over heels.

  But maybe she’s already gotten me addicted to the curves of her body, and the way they felt under my hand.

  God, every time I think about the way I spanked her and made her come, my dick grows hard.

  It’s as if I haven’t had sex in ages even though I have. I’m normally never this horny, but just thinking about banging her again already has me going. She tasted so damn good; my mouth salivates just thinking about it. And honestly, when I think about it, I can’t even fathom not ever tasting that again.

  So fuck this. I can’t call it quits.

  Not when I’m like this. And definitely not when I know she’ll probably continue to pursue me.

  But when will it stop? And how?

  Should I ignore her when she comes into the Hotel again? Risk exposure? Or should I give in and see where this could head?

  I open the browser again and instinctively press the tab that goes directly to the chat site. I’m not even thinking about it. And instead of stopping myself before I do something I’ll probably regret, I actually unblock her name.


  I’m at work when the chat bubble to Declan’s name suddenly turns green again.

  “Well, hello there,” I mumble to myself.

  I’m not surprised. Not even a little bit.

  When I left his office the other day, I could see the lust pouring out of him. Even after all that filthy shit we did, he still needed more, and I didn’t blame him. I’m in the same boat, constantly thinking about all the things he did that got me hot and bothered. It still makes me salivate. And worse, I’m not even mad at him for raging at me and being an asshole at the club.

  I’ve forgiven him. Partially. Mostly because of my needy pussy.

  What can I say? I’m an addict.

  I’m not going to stay mad at him or myself. I know what I want and giving in is easier than fighting it.

  Him on the other hand … I’m not so sure what he wants. He may want me, but he doesn’t want the danger that comes with it.

  He thinks he needs to protect his business, and I get it. But I also know neither of us can resist the pull. It was only a matter of time.

  And now he’s finally back online, waiting for me to message him.

  NaughtyKitten: I thought you said I shouldn’t count on it?

  D: You shouldn’t. Do you want me to block you again?

  NaughtyKitten: No. But would you really?

  D: Try me and find out.

  NaughtyKitten: So angry.

  D: No, just tired of playing games.

  I grin to myself. I’m not. I love these games. Especially when they’re filled with raunchy sex.

  NaughtyKitten: I’m not. I know what I want. I think we’ve established that.

  D: And what is it that you think you want?

  NaughtyKitten: For now? You.

  D: But you don’t know me.

  He’s asking tough questions, but I won’t let him corner me that easily.

  NaughtyKitten: I know what you can do. That’s enough for me.

  D: How do you know that?

  NaughtyKitten: I just do.

  Boy, he’s really making this hard.

  NaughtyKitten: Why are you even online if you don’t believe it?

  He doesn’t answer. At least, not as quickly as I would’ve liked.

  D: Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.

  NaughtyKitten: Right. Because you want me just as much.

  D: Sexually. Physically. Not emotionally.

  NaughtyKitten: Right …

  Why do I get the sense he’s trying to convince himself more than me?

  D: For now, online is good.

  I frown, confused.

  NaughtyKitten: You don’t want to meet anymore? I don’t get it. Why go back?

  D: Because it’s dangerous.

  NaughtyKitten: Because you’re hiding something.

  D: Retract your claws, KittyKat.

  I narrow my eyes.

  NaughtyKitten: It’s true, though.

  D: This is for pleasure only.

  NaughtyKitten: Oh, I know. And I find it pleasurable for you to fuck me.

  D: You shouldn’t. I’m only in it for me. I’m selfish and greedy.

  NaughtyKitten: I don’t mind.

  D: Why? Why is everything so easy with you?

  I pause. I’m not sure whether I should take that comment as an insult or a compliment. I’ll go for the more positive outlook.

  NaughtyKitten: Because I don’t mind being used.

  D: Explain.

  NaughtyKitten: It makes me feel … free.

  D: So we’re both using each other then.

  NaughtyKitten: In a way, yes.

  I guess we’re not as far apart as he thinks.

  D: Well, thank you for being so honest.

  NaughtyKitten: You’re welcome. Your turn.

  D: I never said I was going to spill.

  NaughtyKitten: But you want to keep things going with me, right?

  I know I’m taunting him, but I have nothing else to lose either. He already blocked me once. Who’s to say he won’t do it again?

  D: Don’t make me choose.

  NaughtyKitten: I just want to know why you wanted to make me sign that contract. What the bellhop meant by ‘girls.’ Why you made me strip when you didn’t even know it was me.

  It’s quiet for some time, and for a second there, I wonder if I’ve chased him off.

  D: What if I told you that knowing that might scare you off?

  Wait. Is he actually admitting he’d rather not see me gone? I smile. He’s actually afraid I might not want him anymore.

  NaughtyKitten: Try me.

  Maybe there’s more to this than what he wants to admit.

  D: No.

  NaughtyKitten: Aw, c’mon.

  D: It’ll jeopardize my job.

  NaughtyKitten: I promise I won’t tell anyone.

  D: Promises don’t mean anything.

  I’m feeling a little hurt by that comment, but I get it. Without the relationship factor, there’s little holding me back from spreading the news. No matter what I tell him, he can’t believe it because there’s no risk in it for me.

  Except losing him.

  That’s a big risk right now.

  But I doubt he’s aware.

  D: It’s not because I don’t want to.

  Oh … now we’re getting somewhere.

  NaughtyKitten: No, I know. I just … wonder why you make girls strip. Is it because you offer explicit services to the hotel guests?

  D: Perhaps.

  Aha! Admission.

  NaughtyKitten: What kind? Can I see?

  D: No.

  NaughtyKitten: Aw.

  D: It wouldn’t be for you.

  NaughtyKitten: You don’t know that.

  D: I do, and it’s dangerous. If my boss finds out, I might get fired.

  NaughtyKitten: He doesn’t have to find out about us.

  D: I get that you’re excited, but being fucked by me should be enough for you.

  NaughtyKitten: Fine …

I just want to know what he does for a living. And why this hotel offers such strange services. It must skirt the law, right? Maybe that’s why he’s so iffy about sharing details.

  Still, I’m curious to know what it is that they offer exactly. Fun nights out for the guests? Strippers who dance on a stage? Or is it more like an escort service? It could be any of those … or none, and my curiosity is piqued.

  D: I don’t have time for this.

  Is he backpedaling? Must be because of all my questions. It’s probably getting too hot under his feet.

  NaughtyKitten: Sorry, but why did you come online then? Do you want to arrange another hookup?

  D: I didn’t say that.

  NaughtyKitten: Then what? Just to chat? About what? Work?

  D: Never mind.

  Suddenly, he logs off.

  Goddammit. I guess that’s what I get for being sassy and nosy. I can’t help myself. It’s in my veins to find out more. It’s why I do what I do, why I work here at this magazine, writing articles as if my life depends on it.

  I live for the juicy details. And he’s got plenty of them. So many, I could fill an entire magazine with my thoughts and experiences.

  I smile to myself. Maybe I should. I mean, I always wanted to write a big hit. And this … this seems like a topic that could go viral. How anonymous sex with a stranger uncovered the biggest kept secret of a hotel. It sounds perfect on paper.

  I just need more information. More things to go on. More … of him.

  I can’t let him push me out like this. He’s not won this argument yet. And besides, if we’re both so addicted to each other’s bodies, we might as well try to make an effort, right? Who knows what this could become.

  I close the website and Google the hotel’s site. It’s about time I did a bit of sleuthing.

  And boy … what I find makes me want to giggle.

  An event is coming up this weekend. Saturday, nine p.m. VIP pass holders only.

  But I don’t need a pass to get in …

  After all, I have a young, energetic body and a smart mouth.

  Why not put them to good use?

  Chapter 16


  When it’s finally Saturday, I put on my sexiest dress. A bombshell red elastic dress that fits tightly around my curves, along with some sky-high pumps. Add red lipstick and some thick eyeliner to the mix and you’ve got the perfect hooker outfit.

  Not that I’m fishing for men … or making them pay.

  I just want to find out what the hell Declan’s hiding … and how disturbingly fucked up it can be.

  I mean, there must be a reason he’s keeping it a secret, and I can’t wait to find out. I wonder if it’s as juicy as I think it is. A bunch of strippers dancing for some rich dudes. If I show up like this, they’ll surely think I belong there.

  The bellhop already thought I was one of the girls, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he makes the same mistake twice.

  I grab a few of my masks and put on the most sparkly one, smiling when I look at myself in the mirror. Perfect.

  I don’t know if a mask is needed, but I better bring one to be sure. After all, we don’t want anyone unnecessarily finding out who I am.

  After grabbing my purse, I rush out the door and lock it behind me. There’s no time to waste; it’s almost nine, and I want to be on time for whatever’s about to happen.

  I wonder if Declan will be there. Though, if I go by my own deductions of his profession, he probably will. He makes girls strip in his office, so there’s a high likelihood he’s the one organizing the explicit events and whatever they entail.

  And as an organizer, I’d expect him to keep track of the event itself to make sure it’s going well. So I’m assuming I’ll be able to catch a glimpse of him there. I just have to make sure he doesn’t see me.

  He made it clear that he doesn’t want me there, but I’m too nosy to stop. I wanna know what he’s up to. Besides, he doesn’t even have to know. What’s the harm? In and out in a jiffy. He won’t even notice I’m there in the first place. And I might have the memories of a lifetime.

  I only wish I could’ve asked him more about this before he cut me off again. We’ve had little to no contact since the last time we spoke via chat. Once or twice, he asked me to come to his office, but when I asked him if he’d tell me more about his job, he cut it off, so I said no.

  We played that game for a while. But it became tedious, and I’m not in the mood for playing games.

  He might not want me to delve deeper, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try. What’s a girl got to lose? It’s not as if he wants a relationship with me. I just want to know what it is that hotel does. And the name has to mean something.

  I take a cab to the hotel because you never know what might happen in terms of drugs or alcohol, so I like to be prepared. My car will be safe at home, and I’ve brought enough cash to get a ride back home. I told the driver to ask for me at the desk around twelve p.m., so they’ll know where to look for me should something happen. You never know, right? Not that I’m expecting anything bad to happen, but it’s better to be prepared.

  As I walk up the stairs, I’m passed by several men in suits, all adorning masks and accompanied by beautiful girls. I wonder if they’re part of the show or just visiting guests.

  There’s also a whole truckload of guards standing beside the doors, checking people’s cards and whatnot. I don’t know what they want, but I don’t have it. I just hope I can pass through unnoticed.

  Swallowing away the lump in my throat, I gaze through the crowd until I find a man without a girl, and I quickly shuffle to his side and wrap my arm around his.

  “Hey there,” I say.

  “Um …” he mumbles.

  “Oh, I’m one of the girls,” I say with a flirtatious voice.

  “But I don’t have anyone accompanying me tonight …” he says, sounding confused.

  “Oh, no worries.” I smile my way through my lie. “I’m just here for the introductions!”

  The guard stops us. “Card, please.”

  The man seems befuddled, but then fishes out his card from his chest pocket and hands it to the guard. “Welcome, Sir,” the man says, and we’re quickly walked inside by the push of the crowd.

  When I’m safe, I unlock arms with the unknown man and say, “Thanks!”

  He looks a bit confused, but I manage to slip away through the hoard of people and into a nearby hallway where he hopefully won’t come look for me.

  I didn’t give him anything. Not my name nor my face. The only way he could recognize me is by my dress. However, even that option fades the moment I spot some girls walk by in velvety red dresses. I grin. Good luck identifying me now.

  When I’ve watched the man go upstairs, I follow behind the mass, traipsing up the stairs and through the hallways, not knowing where the hell I’m going.

  Suddenly, I’m pulled aside.

  I almost squeal but manage to keep it together when I notice it isn’t the unknown man or Declan. It’s an older woman I’ve never seen before.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Following everyone into the event room?” I say, laughing it off like it’s no big deal.

  Fuck. Have I been caught?

  “But you’re one of the girls, right? The preparations room is this way,” she says, dragging me along.

  I’m completely distracted, but I’ll go with the flow. “Oh, okay.”

  “Why don’t you know this? It was on the papers you received,” she scolds.

  “Sorry, I forgot,” I lie. “It’s my first time.”

  The woman frowns. “That’s strange. Declan normally never invites newbies to these ones.”

  “He said I was special,” I add. God, I’m such a bad liar.

  “Hmm …” Her lip curls up. “And what’s your name?”

  “Uh … Kitty,” I make up on the spot.

  “Where’s your sticker?” she asks.

  “I … I …” Damn, why do
es she have so many questions that I don’t have any answers to? I’m running out of excuses.

  “Doesn’t matter,” she adds, rummaging in her pocket to take out a booklet of stickers and a pen. She quickly scribbles down my name along with a number, then tears it off and hands it to me. “Put this on your chest after you’re done dressing.”

  “Dressing?” I mutter.

  But she’s already dragging me along again. “Come with me.”

  She pulls me through a bunch of doors and into an elevator. As the doors close, I feel like I can barely breathe. Sweat drops roll down my back as I try to maintain my composure. I have no clue where we’re going. I would’ve much preferred to go about this alone, but now that she’s here, I can’t suddenly disappear on her. She looks like an important person. She’d probably call the guards on me and get me kicked out.

  I have to avoid that at all cost. Better lie my way through it so I can get in and out as quickly as possible. I’m here for the show anyway. Might as well stick around and pretend I’m one of the girls, right?

  As long as I keep my eyes peeled, I’ll be able to find an escape route. That, or I’ll ride it out and see what kind of kinky shit they do around here. Who knows? Maybe I’ll like it.

  I follow the lady into a dressing room where a bunch of other girls are all taking off their clothes.

  I’m momentarily stunned, wondering what I’m supposed to do.

  “Go on then. Put on one of the outfits,” the woman says. “No time to waste.”

  “Right,” I mumble, trying to find something, but everything seems to have holes in it. Not torn, but … meant this way. Precisely above the crotch and chest area.

  I swallow away the lump in my throat when the woman keeps looking at me as if she’s waiting for me to move.

  “I’ll expect you all down in the ballroom in a minute. You all picked your own expertise, so you know where to go. Any questions, you can come find me in the back of the room. Left corner, staff section. Good luck.” Before I can ask her any more questions, the woman has already disappeared, and I’m left with all the other girls.

  There are five of us, but luckily, they’re not paying attention to me. They’re busy doing their makeup and checking their masks to see if they’re on correctly. One of them is even pushing up her boob and spraying her vagina with something.


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