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Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)

Page 12

by Cathy McAllister

  “Merlon,” she whispered again.

  She closed her eyes for a moment and summoned him into her memory; his expression when he made love to her; his smile that had warmed her heart more than once.

  ‘Where are you my love?’

  She listened within herself.

  ‘Here,’came the quiet answer inside her head.

  ‘Merlon? Oh my god! You’re there, Merlon?’

  ‘I’m here – I thought I’d saved you.’

  ‘And you did.’

  ‘So how come you’re here?’

  ‘I’ve come back.’

  Cherry slowly approached the bed. She opened her eyes when she knocked against the bed. She slowly opened the curtain and looked at Merlon lying motionless on the dark blue silk sheets. He was dressed in a sort of golden dressing gown with blue embroidery.

  ‘Why have you done that? It means that it was all for nothing. I wanted you to live.’ His voice sounded desperate.

  ‘It’s not a good life without you – I … I thought you were dead. For so many weeks I have mourned you.’

  ‘It would have been better if you’d have stayed in your world.’

  ‘Why? I love you.’

  ‘You can’t save me, Cherry.’

  ‘Yes I can!’ she said with determination.

  ‘It’s too dangerous!’

  ‘I don’t care. Don’t you understand? I – love – you!’

  ‘Cherry,’ he said, pained, ‘I want you to live!’

  Cherry lay down next to Merlon. She wrapped her arms round his lifeless body and closed her eyes again.

  ‘Can you feel me?’

  ‘No, I can’t feel anything. All I can do is hear your voice inside my head. We’re connected. Like when I healed you.’

  She tried to concentrate on healing Merlon the way Vigor had explained to her. She felt her energies beginning to flow. Her heart leapt with joy. It was working. She could save him!

  ‘No!’he said, pained. ‘Don’t do this! Please, if you love me, don’t do this. It will kill you. Please! Don’t!’

  ‘It’s working. I can save you. We can be together again.’

  ‘Cherry, this could kill you. I can already feel you getting weaker. You won’t survive it! Please, save yourself. Return to your own world and forget me!’

  ‘Never. I love you.’

  ‘Go Cherry, I … I don’t want you. I don’t love you. So don’t sacrifice yourself for me. Leave me alone!’

  ‘I don’t believe you. You just want me to stop healing you. I know you love me. Don’t deny it!’

  ‘Cherry, please,’he whispered in despair. ‘Please, my love.’

  ‘You won’t change my mind. I don’t want to live without you. I’d rather die trying to save you.’

  He roared in frustration and pain. She held him tighter and let her energy and her love flow. She could feel herself becoming steadily weaker, but she could also feel him getting stronger. Her mind became foggy. A warm sensation flooded her body. She felt as if she was floating. She could see Merlon before her. He was floating towards her through the fog. He was smiling and she could see bluish energy stream from him and wrap around her warmly.

  ‘What … what’s that? What’s happening to us? Are we dead?’she asked, fascinated.

  ‘No! We’re united. You’ve done it!’

  ‘So why are we here and not … where are we?’

  ‘You’re inside me and I’m inside you. You’re weak. You nearly didn’t make it. But I’m healed and I can give you my energy until yours is replenished again.’

  ‘How come I can see you now? It wasn’t like this before.’

  ‘Before we weren’t as one.’

  ‘I don’t understand. What do you mean?’

  ‘Our souls have bonded. You are now my wife. Elves have a stronger bonding with their partner than is usually the case with humans. You are now one of us.’

  ‘Have I got pointed ears now, too?’

  He laughed. ‘No, your appearance won’t change. But you’ll now live as long as an elf.’

  ‘That – is – incredible!’

  ‘Sleep now. You need to get strong again. Sleep.’

  She felt a deep tiredness overcome her and then darkness lay over her.

  Chapter 16

  Cherry opened her eyes, blinking. Where was she? What had happened? Had she just dreamt all of that? Was Merlon saved?

  “Merlon?” she called out in a croaky voice.

  “I’m here, my love,” she heard his warm voice next to her, then she felt his gentle touch on her upper arm.

  She turned her head and looked into his eyes. The love that she saw there rendered her speechless and tears filled her eyes.

  He reached out and gently wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “Don’t cry, little one. We’re together. Everything’s going to be OK.” He said huskily.

  “I … I’m crying … because … because I’m happy,” she sobbed.

  He leant over her and gently kissed her tears away.

  “I’m happy, too,” he said hoarsely. “Although I’m also cross with you. You should not have risked your life. What would I have done if I’d lost you?”

  “So don’t I have the right to feel the same way? Didn’t you also risk your life to save mine? I can’t live without you just as you can’t live without me.”

  “Armistice? We shouldn’t argue now. We have a life to plan. I want at least a dozen children and …”

  “A dozen? Did you say a dozen children?”

  He grinned at her.

  “Isn’t that enough? I mean, I’m sure I can make you more. I’m highly motivated to try my hardest.”

  His mischievous grin, combined with the lustful glow in his eyes, made her body tingle. She had missed him so very much. It felt to her like an eternity since they had last made love.

  “Perhaps you should show me exactly what you plan to do. I actually can’t remember at all whether you’re really any good at it.”

  Merlon grinned wickedly. His eyes flashed dark gold as he leant down and closed her lips with his. His groaning mingled with her sighing. She had almost forgotten how arousing his kisses were. His tongue plundered her mouth until she became dizzy. She turned beneath him, wanting more of him than just his kisses.

  He pulled away from her and looked down at her longingly.

  “I need you so much,” he whispered, his voice hoarse.

  “I need you, too,” she answered.

  “You’re still weak … I … we shouldn’t …”

  “I’ll kill you if you keep on talking,” she hissed in frustration. “Take me! I want you now! Right now! Hard! – Take me hard!”

  Merlon groaned. With impatient movements he tore the clothing from his body before mounting her. She bent herself towards him as he tore the clothing from her body and pushed his way urgently between her thighs. His probing hands found her moist and ready. He closed his eyes, murmuring and took her with one thrust. Roaring, he threw his head back and thrust hard inside her. She responded eagerly. Her legs wrapped around his hips whilst her hands clutched his muscular buttocks. She writhed. He was taking her hard as she had requested and her body was vibrating under his intense pounding. She cried out as the tension in her body became utterly unbearable. She called out his name, again and again, until the world around her dissolved in an exploding light and a lust-filled cry came from her. She heard him roar then she felt his hot flow enter her. His energy spent, he sank onto her and buried her under his body. Their wildly beating hearts pounded in time with one another. Blood rushed inside Cherry’s ears and her breathing came heavy and irregularly.

  Merlon propped himself up on his arms and look deep into her eyes.

  “Are you OK?” he asked with concern.

  “Yes,” she whispered reverently. “That was incredible.”

  He smiled wryly.

  “Yes, it was. My heart’s racing as if I’d just run a marathon. If we do that often I’ll die a happy man.”


  Cherry climbed reluctantly out of the warm bath water, but she had already bathed for over an hour and her fingers were completely shrivelled. She reached out for the big towel that was lying on the stool and wrapped it around her wet body. The bathroom was a dream in white and blue marble-like stone with gold accessories and lots of green plants. In the far corner was an enormous round bath tub set on a pedestal with three large steps leading up to it. The tub was fed from a hot spring which meant that it was always full of warm water that was continually renewed. Large plants surrounded the bath and made her feel as if she was bathing in the middle of a jungle. In the other corner was a large shower area and further forward four large wash basins lined the wall that was fitted with an enormous mirror. A door led to two toilets in separate cubicles.

  Cherry carefully descended the steps and looked at herself in the large mirror. She had lost a little weight and she was pale, but her cheeks were slightly flushed and her eyes were sparkling. She slowly dropped the towel to the floor and looked at the rest of her body. Sex with Merlon had made her body feel completely different. Never before had she felt so feminine. Jason had always complained about her figure. He preferred super slim women with silicon breasts. Cherry looked at her full breasts. They were real and she was proud of that. Her belly was not completely flat and her hips were quite wide, but her whole body was fit and her skin was immaculate. Since meeting Merlon she had felt beautiful and desirable. He showed her with his hands and lips how much he liked her body. She felt that it was a miracle that she had met him. Or rather, like a fairy tale. Her elf prince. A smile spread over her face.

  She blew a kiss to her reflection and turned away. Humming, she walked out of the bathroom and into the huge bedroom. Merlon had told her that there were clothes for her in the cupboard, so she went up to the heavy wardrobe made of precious wood and opened it. She gasped at the sight of the huge amount of clothing. She did not know what she had expected. Two or three simple dresses perhaps. What she saw there in the wardrobe was definitely a dozen luxurious dresses fit for a queen, and yet more somewhat simpler, but still luxurious-looking dresses. In addition there were half a dozen pairs of trousers and definitely at least twenty tunics, piles of underclothing and around a dozen pairs of shoes. Cherry was speechless. Whatever should she choose out of all of this? She shook her head, clueless.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Are you awake?” came a female voice that she did not recognise.

  “Yes,” she called back. “But I’m not dr… “

  Too late. The door was already open and a beautiful young woman entered the room. Her black hair hung down to her bottom which was clothed in close-fitting brown leather trousers. She was wearing a loose white blouse with ruffled sleeves and knee-length black leather boots. Cherry had taken cover behind the wardrobe door and was just peeping around the door.

  “Hello. I’m Ifitia. Merlon’s sister,” the young woman introduced herself.

  “Hello,” replied Cherry a little shyly.

  “I was going to take you out for a ride if you like.”

  “Umm … yes … yes, I’d like that. I … I just don’t know …”

  Ifitia grinned at her.

  “Do you need help choosing your clothes?”

  Cherry nodded, relieved.

  Merlon’s sister went over to her, beaming. She looked at the contents of the wardrobe and confidently pulled some dark green trousers and a white blouse like hers out of the cupboard, as well as a pair of high brown boots with silver buckles.

  Whilst Cherry was getting dressed Ifitia sat down on the bed, waving her feet around. Cherry laughed in amusement as Merlon’s sister also began to drum with her fingers on her knees.

  Ifitia noticed Cherry’s expression and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Hyperactive,” she explained with a mischievous grin. “I drive everyone mad. Only Rrandon won’t let himself get wound up.”

  Cherry raised an eyebrow questioningly.

  “My intended,” explained Ifitia. “He’s the prince of Kanninerr and it is our parents’ wish that we marry to ensure peace between our kingdoms.”

  “Oh. I remember Merlon telling me about that. It doesn’t sound as if you’re particularly happy about it.”

  “He drives memad,” admitted Ifitia, sighing. “This man is so damned cool and sparing with his words. You can’t even have a decent argument with him.”

  “It sounds as if he’s the complete opposite of you,” laughed Cherry.

  Ifitia began to giggle.

  “You could say that.”

  “And what does he look like? Is he an elf, too?”

  “No, the Kanninerrs are a race of shifters. They’re warriors. Rrandon is the successor to the throne. He’s big and very muscular. He has very short blond hair and blue eyes. He’s attractive, no question about it, but I’ve never seen him laugh.”

  “Shifter? What does he shift into then?” asked Cherry with interest.

  “A white tiger. All the Kanninerrs shift into wild cats. King Arrunn’s beast is a lion, whilst Rrandon’s younger brother, Keylarr, shifts into a black panther.”

  “That sounds exciting.”

  Ifitia giggled again.

  “Yes, in his tiger form at least Rrandon is a bit livelier. Unfortunately I’ve only experienced him as a tiger once.” Ifitia quivered slightly and her eyes sparkled a little more as she said this.

  Cherry had the feeling that this Kanninerr was getting under the skin of Merlon’s sister more than she wanted to admit.

  “What happened?” she probed, as she was interested in the story.

  “I was angry and wanted to provoke him, but he was again being so damned cool. So I rammed my hunting knife into his shoulder and ran away from him. I’m very quick – as a warrior he would never have been able to catch up with me. But as a tiger …,” she sighed quietly.

  “He caught up with you?”

  “Yes, he chased me and caught me.”

  “You’re blushing,” Cherry teased. “More happened between you, I’ll bet. Did he … kiss you?”

  Ifitia shrugged her shoulders.

  “So what? It was nothing. He’s a cold fish!” She jumped up and forced a smile. “Let’s go now. The sun’s beautiful and I want to show you my favourite place.”

  “OK!” agreed Cherry.

  She had the feeling that Ifitia had not told the whole truth as far as the kiss was concerned. She had changed the subject suspiciously quickly. Perhaps Prince Rrandon was not at all as cold as she was making out. What an exciting story. She was interested to see how it would turn out and her curiosity about Ifitia’s intended was roused.


  “You ride well,” declared Ifitia.

  “I’m a little out of practice,” said Cherry. “As a child I rode a lot, but that was ages ago. But Berla really is a good girl,” she said, patting the brown mare’s mighty head. The horse responded to the gesture with a happy neigh.

  “She likes you,” said Ifitia. “She’s not happy with every rider – Do you feel like a gallop?”

  “I’m ready.”

  “Off we go, then,” said Ifitia, giving her white stallion, Gorwoj, an encouraging kick in his sides.

  They galloped along a wide sandy path until they entered a small wood that stretched over a precipice. There they reined in the neighing horses to a moderate pace.

  “That was superb,” said Cherry enthusiastically. “What’s that over there? Is that blue grass?”

  She was pointing at a seemingly endless sea of high blue grass that stretched out in front of the palace and seemed to go as far as the horizon. Even from a distance Cherry could see that the grass must be as high as a man.

  “Yes, that’s a type of grass that only grows here. It’s a natural protection against attackers. At the back we have the mountains and in front the blue grass. So attackers can only come from the south. Or from the air, but that’s also as good as impossible.”

tural protection? How can grass protect you from attacks? Doesn’t it rather give attackers protection from being seen too soon?”

  “No! The grass fairies live in the Sea of Grass. They’re only very tiny but lethal. No one can cross the Sea of Grass, and definitely not a whole army.”

  “Wow! That’s cool,” said Cherry, impressed.

  “Come on, let’s keep going. We’re nearly there.”

  They rode up through the forest until they reached a plateau. There they dismounted and let the horses graze. They slowly approached the edge of the plateau. The view was simply breath-taking. Only from there could she see how enormous the blue Sea of Grass was and that it did not only consist of grass – there were also groups of red flowers everywhere.

  “That’s fantastic!” she cried enthusiastically.

  “I often come here when I want to think things over,” said Ifitia, sitting down at the edge of the plateau.

  Cherry sat down next to her and looked across at the palace.

  From this perspective she could now see the whole extent of the grounds. There were so many wings and towers that she guessed that sections had been added again and again quite indiscriminately.

  “Are you excited already?” asked Ifitia suddenly.

  “Excited ? Why?”

  “Well, because of the wedding tomorrow.”

  “Wedding?” Cherry looked in confusion at Ifitia.

  “Don’t tell me that my brother has honestly forgotten to tell you that you two will officially marry tomorrow!”

  “Apparently,” roared Cherry.

  “Men. I can’t work out what we need them for,” uttered Ifitia.

  “You may find that out soon,” said Cherry, grinning mischievously.

  “How come?”

  Cherry laughed.

  “I’ll ask you after your wedding night whether you know then what I mean.”

  “Oh! For that. I can’t imagine that that should be so important,” said Ifitia, but she blushed slightly and Cherry secretly prayed that Ifitia would be as happy with Rrandon as she was with Merlon. He was her life, even if he did forget to tell her about her own wedding.


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