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Tamed by the Prince (Elven Lover)

Page 13

by Cathy McAllister

  Chapter 17

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” said Coreena, smoothing down Cherry’s veil.

  “I still can’t believe this at all,” answered Cherry, looking in disbelief at her reflection. “It’s like a fairy tale.”

  Coreena laughed.

  “I thought the same about my wedding. And I still think it.”

  “It’s a shame I couldn’t be at your wedding,” sighed Cherry.

  Coreena giggled.

  “I’m afraid I must make a confession.”

  “A confession?”

  “Yes. You know … at my wedding celebration … Merlon came to me on the terrace when I was getting some fresh air. He told me about you and that you had run away from him. He was in such despair because he loves you so much. That’s why I advised him to abduct you. I’m therefore also to blame for him bringing you here. I thought it would be a good idea. Perhaps it was a bit drastic, but …”

  “I’m glad you did it,” interrupted Cherry. “Thank you.”

  There was a knock at the door and the queen put her head round the door.

  “Are you ready, girls?”

  Cherry was speechless with nervousness and only nodded. Coreena jumped in for her and answered: “Yes, we’re ready!”

  “Then come, my child. We don’t want to keep your poor bridegroom waiting any longer. He’s terribly nervous.”

  “Did he say that?” asked Cherry.

  Molwina laughed.

  “Of course not. Men don’t admit such things. But I know him and I can tell you that he’s nearly wetting himself with excitement. He would go into battle without blinking an eye, but when it comes to matters of the heart he’s like all men. Panic-stricken!”

  They went along the long corridor without meeting anyone. Everyone was already assembled in the throne room, waiting for the bride. As they turned into a corridor Cherry could see the king stood before the throne room. He smiled at her. She tried desperately to suppress the rising tears. Molwina squeezed her arm reassuringly.

  “Be strong. You’ll be OK. At my wedding, I too thought that I might faint at any moment. But that passes.”

  Cherry swallowed bravely and nodded.

  “There you are,” King Assgard greeted her, relieved. “Come, my daughter.”

  He gallantly offered Cherry his arm and she put her trembling hand on his forearm. Then the door was opened and she entered the hall at the side of her future father-in-law. The sight of the many elves and other guests of various races made her feel sick. They had to walk down the whole length of the hall. To her it seemed to take ages before they reached Merlon, who stared at her, speechless, from suspiciously moist eyes. She gave him a delightful smile that he slowly reciprocated.

  Cherry’s stomach seemed to have knotted again and her legs felt like jelly. She was glad that Merlon took hold of her hand and pulled her close to him. She leant against him, barely noticeably, grateful for the support that he was giving her.

  The priest began the ceremony and Cherry tried to concentrate on his words, but all she could hear was the rush of blood inside her ears. She felt herself becoming faint and held onto Merlon’s arm. When Merlon lightly nudged her and whispered: ‘Your part,’ she managed a croaky: ‘I will.’

  Merlon turned to face her. Her heart leapt wildly as he placed his mouth upon hers and kissed her in front of all the wedding guests. Now it was official. She was his wife and one day she would even be the queen of the elves. She still could not believe it. As loud jubilation and applause broke out Merlon gently pulled away from her and looked at her lovingly.

  “My bride,” he whispered.

  “I love you,” she replied, sobbing. They kissed again. This time more passionately until they were interrupted by the king’s voice.

  “Children! It’s time to greet the guests,” he admonished them with a knowing expression on his face. “There’s time for thatlater,” he added, winking.

  Suddenly there was an excited tumult. A man burst into the hall, pushing his way through the crowd, waving his arms about.

  “I have something to declare!” shouted the man.

  “What is this about?” the king demanded to know. “What do you want, Lord Aveleen?”

  Lord Aveleen stepped before the king and bowed.

  “I am very sorry to burst in upon these celebrations, but what I have to speak about is of great importance,” said the lord. “Even if it does not please me to do it,” he added with a strange look at Merlon.

  “Speak. We don’t want this to take any longer than necessary. We want to get on with the celebrations.”

  “Your Highness, as sorry as I am, I consider it still my duty to inform you of a serious crime on the part of Prince Merlon.”

  Cherry felt Merlon tense up beside her. She looked at him apprehensively. What did this mean? Why precisely now, on their wedding day?

  King Assgard looked at Lord Aveleen sternly.

  “What are you accusing the prince of that cannot wait until tomorrow?

  We’re celebrating his wedding today, as you know.”

  “I know, and I am very sorry. But it is very serious – unfortunately!”

  “Then say, at last, what this is about!” demanded King Assgard impatiently.

  Cherry snuggled into Merlon’s arms, worried. She had the feeling that this Lord Aveleen was a very bad person. Also, he did not truly seem to be sorry, as he said, rather she saw something like satisfaction in his glance at Merlon before he began to speak.

  “Prince Merlon abducted this human woman and brought her into our world and held her captive, against her will, in his hunting lodge.”

  A murmur went through the crowd. Cherry could not understand what was so bad about that – after all, she had married Merlon – willingly!

  “But I’m here of my own accord,” she interjected. “I love him and I have married him.”

  “Do you have proof for your accusation?” asked the king brusquely.

  “Yes, I do,” declared Lord Aveleen and he could no longer hide a satisfied grin.

  “Here, I made a recording with my visonator.”

  He passed a small box to the king.

  “Lady Molwina!” called King Assgard, and a concerned looking queen appeared at his side.

  “My king,” she said, her voice trembling.

  “Take Lady Cherry to her quarters and stay with her until we have sorted this matter.

  “Yes, as you wish, husband,” said Molwina, looking sympathetically at Cherry. “Come on, child.”

  “No! I want to stay with Merlon. What’s going on here? I’m not going anywhere!”

  Merlon pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “Do as the king has said. My mother will keep you company.”

  “Merlon? What does this mean? Is it really so bad?”

  Merlon nodded, his teeth gritted.

  “But we love one another.”

  “Go!” said Merlon roughly. “Please.”

  Molwina took Cherry gently by the arm and pulled her away. Tears welled up in Cherry’s eyes and she tried desperately to read in Merlon’s eyes what was going on. His sad expression and tensed body made her fear the worst.


  Merlon followed his father and Lord Aveleen to the king’s study. A few other noblemen, his brother Mawrek and Volcan followed them. When they had all taken their seats around a large, round table those who had still been conversing quietly fell silent. Merlon felt all eyes on him and knew that none of those present, apart from Lord Aveleen, wished ill of him. But he had little hope of that helping him. He sat to the right of the king with Volcan next to him. Mawrek sat to the left of their father.

  “Well,” said King Assgard. “First let us look at the evidence.”

  He put the small box onto the table and pushed it into the middle before pressing a small button. An opening appeared and a beam shot from the box that created a hologram showing Merlon’s lodge. Noises could be heard, as if someone
was throwing objects around. Then a woman’s voice could be heard: ‘Let me out! Damn it!’ It was clearly Cherry’s voice.

  Merlon closed his eyes. He knew that he had made a mistake. But he did not regret it because he had made Cherry his wife. The only thing he regretted was the fact that they would probably not get to live out their happiness together. She would be a lonely queen. Perhaps she would take one of the unmarried noblemen as her husband once a certain amount of time had passed. It pained him to imagine her with another man but he also did not want her to be alone forever. The connection with her world was closed and she now belonged here. She would grow as old as all elves. He had to trust his family to be at her side during the difficult time after his death.

  “The prince may have abducted her,” began one of the noblemen, Lord Usgdin. “but it is obvious that Lady Cherry absolutely loves him. She has married him of her own accord.”

  There were murmurs of agreement.

  “I know that before the so-called abduction she was also with Merlon,” added Volcan.

  “Do you have anything to say, son?” asked the king, his voice heavy.

  “No, I have nothing to say.”

  “If the Guardian of Fire says that Lady Cherry was already with Merlon before the abduction then perhaps it was not a crime at all. If she was his true mate he had a right to take her with him, even against her will,” interjected Lord Balcic, another nobleman.

  “That’s right. Merlon. Was Lady Cherry already bound with you before the abduction? Was she already your mate when you brought her here against her will?”

  Merlon shook his head.

  “Then he is guilty!” said Lord Aveleen emphatically.

  “I think something very nasty is happening here,” said Mawrek miserably. “Once you’ve got my brother out of the way, then you’ll find a way to get rid of me. And after that …”

  “What are you trying to imply, Prince Mawrek?” growled Lord Aveleen.

  “That youare then the next in line for the throne. Thatis what I’m saying!”

  “That is outrageous! The next thing you’ll say is that Iam to blame for Prince Merlon abducting this human woman!”

  “Stop!” roared King Assgard. “I want no further recriminations here and no quarrelling! I will now withdraw for half an hour. I will then tell you my decision.”

  The king rose and looked around the table.

  “I expect there to be calm here in my absence.”

  With these words he left the room.


  Cherry only reluctantly allowed herself to be taken to her quarters. There the queen urged her to sit on the couch. As her legs were as weak as jelly anyway Cherry was only too glad to follow this instruction. Molwina sat down next to her and took her hand.

  “What … what will happen now? I don’t understand all this fuss. I love him and I forgive him for abducting me.”

  Molwina sighed.

  “Unfortunately the matter is not so simple. We have a law that states that no elf may bring a human into our world against the will of that person. This law is for our protection. In the past such abductions often took place and some women were forced into relationships that they did not wish to enter. We put an end to this many hundreds of years ago and passed a law. In order to ensure that all elves really abide by this law we set the punishment very high. If Merlon is found guilty he will not escape this punishment.”

  Cherry became pale and began to sob. Tears poured down her face. Her voice trembling, she asked worriedly: “What sort of punishment?”

  “The guilty person is put into the cave of the Golden Dragon. He is given his sword to defend himself, but no elf has ever returned from there alive. It is as good as … a death penalty.”

  Cherry uttered a cry of horror before bursting into tears. Merlon’s mother took her in her arms and rocked her like a small child.

  “That can’t happen. He’s all that I have. How am I to live without him?” she sobbed.

  “I know it sounds hard. He’s my son and I love him with all my heart. But he knew what he was doing when he brought you here. He knew the law. The king may not show mercy that he would not show another person. If people thought that he had forgiven a prince for a crime just because he is his son that could lead to a revolt. A revolt would cost many lives. For this reason there is only one hope. Only if Merlon’s blame is doubtful can he be declared innocent.”

  “So he’s already as good as dead,” said Cherry, her voice flat.

  “I wish I could tell you otherwise. Unfortunately I can’t.”


  There was a knock at the door.

  “Come in!” called Molwina.

  Cherry’s heart was aching so badly that she could not imagine being able to continue living. As if in a trance she watched the door open and a servant looked into the room.

  “You’re asked to witness the pronouncement of judgement in the throne room.”

  The queen rose.

  “We will come,” she said, putting her shoulders back.

  Cherry could only admire the strength of this woman. How could she cope with the fact that she was about to lose her eldest son? How was she to cope herself with losing the man that she loved. She was not as strong as Molwina. She was not even sure that she was able to get up from the couch and do the long walk to the throne room.

  “Come, daughter. Be strong for your husband and make him proud.”

  With more strength than she would ever have credited herself with she got up. She would make her husband proud. She would not allow her weakness to shame him. She put her shoulders back, as Molwina had done before and followed her mother-in-law out of the room.

  They completed the long walk to the throne room in silence. Molwina had put her hand on Cherry’s back and Cherry took consolation from the touch of this woman. They were both about to lose a person very precious to them. They had to be strong together.

  The throne room was filled with all the elves and guests who had also been present previously at the marriage. Such irony, thought Cherry bitterly – after witnessing the joyful event of the wedding, the guests would also participate in the declaration of the probable death penalty of the bridegroom. Her eyes searched for the man that she loved. She found him, with Volcan and his brother, standing before the throne, surrounded by some of the noblemen. She wanted to go to him, but Molwina held her back.

  “Our place is here. Only a few men are allowed to be near your husband. We women must stay in the background.”

  “That’s not fair,” said Cherry in frustration.

  “I know. But no matter what the judgement is, you will be given time alone with your husband afterwards. So be reasonable now and don’t bring shame on Merlon. You won’t help him by doing that.”

  Cherry nodded, heavy-hearted.

  “I wish for silence,” declared the king who had risen from his throne.

  He looked tired and worn. His eyes fell on his son and Cherry could even see from a distance that the king’s eyes were clearly wet.

  “I will keep this brief as it’s already difficult enough. In view of the evidence and witness statements I have the following announcement to make: Prince Merlon has been accused of bringing the human woman, Cherry, now Lady Cherry, into our world against her will. As evidence I have been shown a recording that shows that Lady Cherry was indeed held against her will in the prince’s hunting lodge. The Guardian of Fire announced that Lady Cherry was already in a relationship with the prince before the abduction.”

  Cherry’s heart leapt. Perhaps that would save him. As they were already lovers before, maybe he would not be condemned. Hope rose within her.

  “As everyone knows, the case is no longer abduction if the elf in question and the human woman in question are true mates,” the king continued. “however, Prince Merlon has confirmed that he and Lady Cherry had not entered the bond before the abduction. Therefore, I have no choice but to declare Prince Merlon guilty of the abduction of the human woman. Accor
ding to the law he will be lowered into the cave of the Golden Dragon at noon tomorrow and he has the chance to defend his life against the dragon with his sword. Take Prince Merlon into his quarters and guard the door. No one except his close family is permitted to enter his quarters.”

  Cherry felt as if she had been hit by lightning through the middle of her heart. A torturous cry wanted to be uttered from her throat but she tried so hard not to bring shame on Merlon. She wanted – had to – be strong. The pain was unbearable. She could not cope with it. She could never live without him. When she believed she could not bear the pain for one more second she was overcome by merciful darkness.

  Chapter 18

  As Cherry stood before the doors to her quarters and asked the guards permission to enter, she felt as she were already dead. Her legs seemed barely able to carry her. Her heart pounding, the only sign that she was still alive, she waited for the guards to open the door. Swaying, she entered the room. Merlon was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. She did not know whether he was sleeping or just resting. He did not move and she did not have the courage to say a word, for fear that her voice would let her down.

  She approached the bed slowly and at last stood still in front of it. Normally Merlon’s face was relaxed when he was asleep, but now there was a look of pain in his familiar traits. She tentatively reached out and stopped just before his face. She was trembling. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Slowly – hesitating – she moved her hand further forwards and gently touched Merlon’s cheek. He opened his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were so full of sadness that it cut into her heart.

  “You’ve come after all,” he said hoarsely.

  She sobbed.

  “Of course I’ve come. Did you doubt that I would?”

  He sighed.

  “I thought you wouldn’t want to see me again. I’ve wronged you. I would have understood. At first I still hoped but as the hours passed and you didn’t come …”


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