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Never Look Back (Counting Stars Book 1)

Page 12

by Trish Williford

  Wyatt grabbed my finger in his hand, bringing his face close to mine. "I'll kill that mother fucker, do you understand me? Try me. Then after him, I'll go after your parents. Unpack your shit and make me dinner. You're lucky I'm letting you stay and not kicking your ass to the curb." He jerked his hand and I felt a crack in my finger, and it instantly made me forget the stinging on my cheek.

  I gasped loudly and he smiled. "Don't worry Bec, I won't tell anyone that you're a whore."

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I turned my alarm off at 5 am. I felt excited for a really strange reason to do this today. I jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen to grab the turkey out of the refrigerator. Twenty minutes later the turkey was in the oven and this girl was headed back to bed. I was easily able to fall back asleep with no problems.

  The ringing of my phone woke me after what seemed to be only a few minutes. Threw blurry eyes I managed to answer the phone. "Good morning Sunshine!" Ryleigh's voice rang through the line.

  "Errrmmm..." I mumbled, trying to sit up straight in my bed. I heard Ryleigh laughing. "Are you still in bed? Do you realize what time it is?" I yawned loudly as I looked over at my alarm clock. "Holy crap it's 10:30! I never sleep this late!" I jumped out of bed quickly and walked to the kitchen to check on the turkey.

  Ryleigh continued to giggle into the phone. "You're in an awfully good mood missy." I yawned.

  I could tell she was smiling. "Of course I am! It's Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for! I have a wonderful job, good friends like you, a boyfriend like Collin..."

  I dropped the turkey baster on the floor. "What!?"

  I then heard Ryleigh AND Collin both laughing into the phone. Ryleigh squealed. "He asked me to be his girlfriend last night while we took a walk on the beach!"

  I washed off the turkey baster and opened the oven to peek at the turkey. "That's awesome Ry. You know you'll be giving me details when you get home."

  "Oh, you know it. How's your holiday with Spencer?" She asked.

  The turkey was turning a golden color and smelling amazing. I pushed it back in the oven to let it cook for a while longer. "He flew to Texas for Thanksgiving two days ago. I'm here by myself. Oh! You'll be so proud of me! I went clothes shopping! I even got sexy underwear!"

  "Kelsey, you're at home alone on Thanksgiving? I can come back tonight." Ryleigh offered.

  "No way Ry. I'm actually really okay with this. I decided that I wouldn't dwell on being alone, instead I'm celebrating being alive. I have a turkey in the oven and I'm cooking a feast for myself! I'm sure I'll have too much, so I'll take some down to whoever's doing security tonight."

  "That's really sweet of you Kelsey. You do have a lot to celebrate, but I still feel bad that you're home alone. Are you sure you're ok?" I appreciated her kindness, but I really was fine.

  "Ryleigh, I demand you stay with Collin and enjoy your trip. I am more than okay, I feel great. For the first time in a really long time, I feel really happy. I promise."

  She sighed, admitting defeat. "Alright. I'll call you later tonight. Happy Thanksgiving Kelsey."

  I smiled brightly. "Happy Thanksgiving Ryleigh."

  I set the table with linens that I found in the hall closet and candles that I picked up during my shopping trip. The turkey was carved, the potatoes were done, my pumpkin pie was cooling, the rolls were baking and my broccoli casserole had 5 minutes left. The intercom rang throughout the apartment. I jumped up to answer it, wondering if Austin, the security guard, was anxious to get his food.

  "Hey Austin, dinner's not ready yet." I laughed.

  His deep laugh came over the speaker. "That's ok Miss Franklin. You actually have a delivery downstairs, could you come sign for it?"

  "A delivery? It's Thanksgiving, Austin. Are you sure?" I was more than confused.

  "Yes ma'am. This package is for Miss Kelsey Franklin." he reassured.

  "Uh, ok. I'll be down in a minute."

  I shut the oven off and grabbed my keys. On the way down in the elevator, I racked my brain at what could actually be waiting for me. Maybe Ryleigh sent something since she was upset that I was alone. Yup, I bet that's it. I walked to the front desk and smiled at Austin. "Ok, where's the package?" He smiled brightly and nodded behind me. I turned around and my mouth dropped.

  "Happy Thanksgiving."

  Spencer was closing the space between us before I could comprehend that he was actually here and not in Texas. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. "I missed you." He whispered into my hair. I squeezed him tightly, never wanting to let go. "I missed you too."

  I stepped back and looked at him, not believing he was standing in front of me. Tears formed in my eyes, but I did my best to keep them from spilling over.

  He noticed my watery eyes and kissed my forehead. "Did I surprise you?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, you did! Dinner is ready, actually. You hungry?"

  Spencer gave me a wide grin. "You have no idea."

  I turned around to Austin before getting in the elevator. "Thanks buddy. I'll bring dinner down for you in a bit."

  Austin shook his head. "No need, Miss Franklin. My wife just dropped dinner off for me. I think you may be occupied for a while anyways." I winked at him, knowing that he was more than correct.

  When the elevator closed behind me, I backed Spencer into the corner, kissing him hard. He dropped his bag and quickly wrapped an arm around my waist and the other hand fisted in my hair. I didn't realize how much I really missed him until he was standing in front of me. The doors to the 8th floor opened sooner than I would have liked. I pulled away and walked out into the hall, looking over my shoulder at Spencer. He was breathing heavy. He threw his bag over his shoulder and followed me to my door, walking in behind me. He grabbed me and pushed me against the door, shutting it in the process. He leaned his body against mine, running his hands down my arms down to my hips. "As much as I want to, I can't finish what you started in the elevator. Not yet at least. I smell this wonderful food that you made and it's making my mouth water."

  I stood on my toes and hovered over his lips. "Ok, but you'll be dessert." I couldn’t believe the sentence I just spoke. Too late to be embarrassed now.

  His mouth dropped at my words. I brushed my lips against his slightly before a groan came from his throat. He exhaled a small breath. "You can't say shit like that; otherwise the meal you cooked will get cold." He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand, leading me into the kitchen.

  I sat out another place setting for him while he lit the candles on the table. We both fixed our plates and began eating. It tasted just like Mama's food, and for a small moment I felt sad, missing my family. I bet they were all sitting around the table in the dining room, Daddy and Pres fighting over the rolls and Mama yelling at them to behave. The sadness floated away when I looked up from my plate and noticed Spencer's eyes on me. My insides instantly became warm, my heart started beating a little faster.

  "You ok?" He asked.

  I nodded. "Never better." And I actually meant that. My life as Kelsey Franklin has never been better, and I was becoming more and more comfortable with this new life.

  "Why aren't you in Texas with your family?" I asked.

  He reached across the table and grabbed my hand. "We celebrated yesterday, one of my sisters left this morning to spend the holiday with her new boyfriend. I was thinking about you the entire time, it was driving me crazy that you were here alone. I couldn't sleep well last night, so I sat up in bed thinking about the other night when I stayed with you. Waking up with you wrapped around me was the best feeling, and I needed to feel it again soon. I needed to be here. Is that okay?"

  I nodded, squeezing his hand. "It's more than okay. This is the best Thanksgiving I've ever had. Thank you." He held my hand as we continued to eat, telling me occasionally how good the food was. After dinner when the dishes were done, we took the bottle of wine from the fridge and settled on the couch to watch Christmas movies on TV.

  "What a
re you thankful for this Thanksgiving Kelsey Franklin?" Spencer asked as he handed me my glass of wine.

  I took a sip, thinking of the last few weeks. "I'm thankful to be alive, for my health, new friends, new beginnings, and maybe for someone special."

  He nodded his head, looking back to the TV. "Your turn Spence. What are you thankful for this year?"

  He thought about it for a minute, then smiled. "My millions of fans." I smacked his arm, making him laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I am thankful for our show being successful, though. I'm thankful for my family, they help keep me grounded when I need it the most. For happiness. I haven't been happy in a long time, but there is someone who has come into my life that has made me feel again. Oh, and I guess you." He nudged my arm, making me giggle.

  He grabbed my wine glass and sat it on the table before pulling me closer to him. "Kelsey, you make me so incredibly happy. I didn't think I could feel like this again, but you've been a breath of fresh air for me. The day you walked onto the production lot was the day my life completely turned around. You’ve shared a little of your past with me, so I think it’s time I share what happened with me.”

  Oh no. He was going to talk about his ex-wife. “Spence, you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.”

  He pushed the hair out of my face, giving me a small smile. “I like to look in your eyes when I talk to you. They’re beautiful and it helps me see what you’re thinking.”

  I will never get used to this gorgeous man giving me compliments .

  “My ex’s name is Elizabeth. She is an actress, so you can only imagine how hard it was for us to see one another. I have been based here for almost three years for the show, and she had been working in Los Angeles on a few movies. We saw each other occasionally, but not nearly as much as I would have liked. I would try to fly home any chance I got, but once I got a surprise of my own. A few months after I moved here, I decided to go home a little early. I got to our house, went inside, walked up the stairs to our bedroom, and found her in our bed with her agent. You should have seen the look on her face. I didn’t say anything, I just turned around and left the house and got back on a plane to Vancouver. There is no worse betrayal than cheating on your spouse.

  I ignored her attempts to contact me for a week, trying to sort out what to do in my head. I finally answered one of her calls, and we decided to stay separated. We were legally separated for three months, then she filed for divorce. It’s been a long road. Here you are, thinking you’re married to someone who is supposed to be your best friend, and they completely turn their back on you. I dedicated a decade of my life to her, ten years that I can’t get back.

  When we put out a joint statement announcing our divorce, we claimed we grew apart, but we would remain close friends. I didn’t want her career to suffer because she committed adultery. I’ve seen the media rip people apart for that, and even though I wanted her to be in as much pain as I was, I couldn’t do that to her. The divorce process had been drug out much longer than necessary because she wanted just about everything we had accumulated together. Towards the end I just wanted it to be done and over with. I told Wilson, my lawyer, to give her whatever she asked for. I just wanted out and to move forward.”

  I grabbed his hand. “That just shows how good of a guy you are Spence. I’m sorry she took advantage of you, I hope that never happens to you again.”

  He gave me that breathtaking half smile. “I’m fairly certain it won’t.”

  My heart skipped a beat or two, but I told myself to stop. It was way too early to even be thinking about the future with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Spencer asked me to spend the rest of the vacation at his condo. I agreed to stay until Ryleigh came home. He pushed the door open to his condo and led me in. His place wasn't what I was expecting. I pictured a very plush and luxurious condo in pristine condition in my head. What I walked into was...homey and welcoming.

  He had an oversized sectional and recliner in his living room that looked extremely comfortable. There was a beautiful gas fireplace in the corner with a large TV mounted above the mantel. The floors were all hardwood with rugs placed about.

  "Spencer, your home is gorgeous." I said in awe. He smiled and tugged my hand. "Wait until you see the kitchen."

  We turned the corner into what I would define as my dream kitchen. All stainless steel appliances and beautiful granite countertops were the first things I noticed. I walked around the kitchen, admiring the set up.

  "You know, you can use this anytime you want." He said from behind as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled as he placed a kiss on my neck. A shiver ran down my spine and goose bumps covered my entire body in an instant. I felt him tighten his hold on me a little, leaving his lips to hover over my neck.

  "I felt that." He mumbled against my skin. I sank into him, letting my head fall against his chest. "It's been a while, don't judge me."

  He didn't reply. Instead he released me and started walking down a hallway. "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the place."

  I followed him, but then it hit me. “Wait, where’s Tank? I want to meet the famous bulldog you always talk about.”

  Spencer smiled brightly at the mention of his little buddy. “I dropped him off at the kennel the morning before I left for Texas. I’ll pick him up in the morning when they open. I can’t wait for you to meet him though.”

  He showed me the modest office next, then the spacious guest room with an attached guest bath. The door at the end of the hallway was his bedroom. He opened the door and I walked in behind him, taking in the sight. One wall was floor to ceiling windows overlooking the beautiful city of Vancouver. Since we had arrived, it started snowing, and the view was absolutely breathtaking. Spencer stood beside me, admiring the view. "Sometimes I'll come in here and turn the lights off and just enjoy the peace. My life can be pretty hectic at times, and this is the perfect way to unwind at the end of the day. This right here was a major selling point when I bought the condo last year. What do you think?"

  Without taking my focus from the beauty, I grabbed his hand. "It's breathtaking." We stood in silence for a few minutes, there was nothing that could be said that could matter at this moment. Spencer finally leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'm going to grab my bags out of the car, then we can sit here and watch if you want."

  I finally broke my gaze from the beautiful city of Vancouver and brought my attention to another beautiful sight. "Yeah, that's good. Do you mind if I grab a quick shower?"

  The hot water cascading over my body relaxed my tense muscles. I was definitely nervous about spending the night with Spencer. Nervous felt a lot different than scared, so it was definitely welcomed. There were so many nights I would pray to God asking if I fell asleep that he would watch over me. I was terrified that once I drifted off that he would do something to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Tonight hasn't been as bad as it has been. Wyatt fell asleep on the couch after dinner, so I've been able to stay out of dodge. He didn't say much while eating, I just attributed to a hard day.

  He took his medicine with vodka again tonight, and that's when I know he's in a lot of pain. I looked up at the clock on the wall. 11:38pm. I walked back to our bedroom and turned the sheets and comforter down so I could get him easily into bed. I nervously walked back to the couch to wake him...which always felt like a game of chance. Sometimes he would get irate for me waking him up, and other times he would be so groggy he didn't know what was going on.

  I bent down to him, lightly rubbing his chest. "Wy, it's time to go to bed." He stirred and opened his heavy eyes. He yawned loudly, stretching his arms over his head. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you early tonight Bec."

  I gave him a sad smile. "It's ok, how about we go crawl in bed and I'll rub your back?" He slowly sat up, taking my extended hand to help him stand up.

  "What would I ever do without you Bec? You're so good to me." I put my arm around his waist and helped him
to the bedroom. I helped him undress and covered him up with the blanket. I walked around to my side of the bed and slid in, letting my body press against his. I usually did this until he fell asleep, then I turned the other direction.

  I slowly ran my fingertips over his shoulders and down his back, listening to the slight humming coming from his chest. It didn't take long for his breathing to slow and fall into a slumber.

  I rolled away from Wyatt to face the wall. Like every other night, tears fell onto my pillow. Why did the accident have to happen to Wyatt? We had our whole lives ahead of us. We were two kids crazy in love and we couldn't have been any happier. The accident changed him. He lost his parents, he lost his ability to play soccer, and he lost the luxury others know as being pain free. I couldn't leave him like this, no matter how bad it got. I made a vow to him and to God to love him unconditionally for the rest of my life. I know Wyatt still loves me, I really do. He just needs to get his frustrations out somehow, and I'd rather it be with me than a co-worker and have him lose his job. I'm getting used to the pain; it doesn't hurt nearly as much anymore. I've become pretty good at covering the bruises too. He needs me...and at least I have someone who loves me.

  I drifted to sleep faster than usual, but was soon awaken by screaming.

  My screaming.

  I opened my eyes to find Wyatt straddling me with his hands around my neck. "You stupid fucking cunt! I told you to refill my prescriptions last week! I'm fucking out of everything! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"

  I was gripping his hands, trying to pry them away from my neck. I was starting to feel light headed, so I knew I had to do something and quick. I lifted my hips in attempt to get him to concentrate on that instead. My pelvis came in contact with his, and his eyes lightened. He loosened the grip on my neck slightly, bending down and kissing me hard. I kissed him back, hoping this would work.

  He brought his hands completely off my neck and down to my waist, pulling my shorts and panties down my legs. He pulled his boxers off and attempted to enter me, but was halted by the lack of arousal. I told him a while ago that I had a condition that made it hard for me to produce proper lubrication down there.


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