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Natasha's Awakening

Page 45

by J. a Melville

  “So are you going to want the big Fairy Tale wedding baby?” Eric asked her one morning as they lay in bed after having just made love. He held her in his arms, one hand rubbing gently over her distended stomach. Their babies were growing fast and Eric had taken Natasha shopping for a whole new wardrobe since nothing fitted her anymore.

  “You know, once upon a time, I would have said yes, but not anymore Eric. I just want to marry you, it doesn’t need to be some big production number, I simply want to say ‘I do’ and spend the rest of my life with you as Mrs Rothman.” She said, placing her hand over Eric’s.

  “I can’t wait to start calling you Mrs Rothman.” He said, his lips touching her neck. “You must have some ideas on what you want baby. Whatever you want you can have. This wedding can be as big or as small as you want. Seeing you happy is all I care about.”

  Natasha smiled. “Knowing you love me is all I need to be happy.” She said. “You know what I really want? I want just friends and family at our wedding but what I’d love more than anything is for us to marry here. I love this house, I think out on the terrace with the harbour behind us would be perfect. I guess it depends on who you want at our wedding. You probably have to include business associates, don’t you?” She asked.

  “Not really baby but I would want Alex to come and Samantha. I don’t think you’ll mind if your replacement PA is there and Sam and her husband should be there. She helped choose the ring after all.” He said, his finger tracing over the diamond ring that sent a thrill through her every time she looked at it.

  “Of course they should be there Eric. Samantha in her own little way helped bring us together. I don’t have many people I want at our wedding. My Mother of course plus Maggie and Thomas, Alice has to be there. It’s almost embarrassing to admit but I don’t have any friends to invite. When I started working for you, my job absorbed so much of my time, I had no social life anymore, not that I regret that and when I moved to the Central Coast, I kind of cut myself off to everyone except my Mum.” Natasha admitted.

  Eric frowned at her words. “God baby, so because of me, you had no life outside of work? I was a selfish bastard I know. I kept you in the office for such long hours and more times than not too. I’m sorry.” He kissed her.

  Natasha reached out to cup his cheek. “It’s not your fault Eric. I loved my job and I guess being an only child made me grow up happy with my own company. I’ve never really been a party girl or one for going to the clubs so don’t feel like it was your fault. I’m the one who chose to live the way I did, not because you kept me at the office all the time. I’m just kind of boring I guess.” She joked,trying to reassure him.

  Eric snorted. “Baby, boring is one word I’d never use to describe you.”

  “So when is this wedding of the century going to take place?” Natasha asked, wanting to get Eric off thinking he was some sort of hard task master who had denied her a social life. “Preferably before I get so big I’ll be able to roll down the aisle.” She joked.

  Eric’s eyes were warm, their blue so intense as he looked at her. “The sooner the better baby. I can’t wait to carry you over the threshold. Which of course leads to the next question. Where are we going to go for our honeymoon?”

  Natasha couldn’t help laughing as images of him trying to carry her over the threshold filled her mind. “You can’t carry me Eric. It will be like trying to carry a whale. I don’t want to be responsible for damaging your back. You need your back for other things.” She said, giving him a cheeky grin.

  Eric’s eyes heated. “Oh my back’s strong baby. Anyway, these days, you’re the one who has to do all the work. These two.” He said, rubbing her swollen stomach again. “They kind of get in the way now.”

  Again Natasha laughed. “True but then the doctor said I need to get gentle exercise. I wonder if making love would be considered gentle exercise?”

  Eric grinned. “The way you were riding me earlier baby, I’m not sure if that’s quite what the doctor had in mind when he said gentle exercise.” Bursting out laughing when Natasha hit him on his arm.

  “I didn’t hear you complaining.” She said and Eric’s eyes were brimming with amusement when he turned to her.

  “That’s because I couldn’t move baby. You had me pinned under you completely at your mercy.”

  Natasha pulled herself up until she was kneeling alongside Eric. She poked her finger into his chest, mock indignation flashing in her eyes. “If you don’t watch it Mr, I’ll pin you down again and have my way with you.”

  Eric’s eyes heated, desire burning in their depths. “Yeah baby? Promises, promises.” He said huskily.

  Natasha felt an answering pull low down in her belly. “You talk the talk but can you walk the walk?” She asked, slowly sliding her hand down his chest, before one finger traced the narrow trail of hair that disappeared under the sheets.

  She watched the sheet rising over Eric’s growing erection and she slowly pushed it down with her finger as she followed the hair on his stomach. Natasha pulled the sheet away and his shaft strained up towards her. “Hmm, seems you can talk the talk.” She whispered, bending to circle the head of his penis with her tongue, smiling with satisfaction when it jerked in response. “Now lets see if you can walk the walk.” Carefully she straddled his hips, positioning her wet entrance just above his eager shaft.

  Slowly she lowered herself gasping as he filled her inch by inch, her delicate tissues parting and opening as she drew him deep into her body. Once he was buried in her as far as he could go, the head of his penis pressed up against her cervix, Natasha sat there for a moment, as her body adjusted to the feel of him impaling her.

  She looked down at Eric to find him watching her, his eyes partially closed a small smile on his lips. He reached out and his hands spread over her swollen stomach, running his palms over the tight skin which stretched to accommodate their babies as they grew inside her. He moved up until he got to her breasts, cupping them, testing the weight of them, the way they had increased in size during Natasha’s pregnancy before running his thumbs over her nipples, then pinching them, watching as they swelled and puckered under his touch. He pinched them again, tugging on them gently until they were hard peaks. Pleasure radiated out from her engorged nipples, the feeling pulled deep inside her, and her inner muscles twitched and tightened around Eric, causing his penis to jerk inside her in response, as she closed around him.

  Bracing her hands on his stomach, slowly Natasha began to move, lifting herself up until just the head of Eric’s penis was inside her, then lowered herself again, rotating her hips so he pressed against different parts of her inner walls.

  She continued with the slow, unhurried pace watching his face as she moved, his eyes burning with his arousal, lips parted slightly. Gradually she began to increase her pace, her eyes still focused on Eric’s. As she watched he started to pant, colour rising in his cheeks as his arousal began to consume him. He slipped a finger between their bodies, rubbing it over her clitoris, making Natasha gasp. She moved faster and as she began to ride him harder, her breasts bouncing with her movements, Eric’s finger worked faster and faster over her swollen nub, smearing the juices around her clitoris that wetted her folds, and that coated his hard length that was buried inside her.

  The pressure kept building up and up in her and as she began to gasp and moan, he worked his finger faster over her swollen clitoris until with a high keening cry her orgasm hit her, exploding through her body. She bucked wildly over Eric a few more times, her body racked with tremors and her inner muscles clamped and clenched around him until with a deep groan Natasha felt Eric’s release pump into her.

  He rolled them onto their sides since Natasha’s stomach was too big for her to lie over his chest as she once would have. They were still joined together and Eric’s arms closed around her holding her close until their breathing gradually returned to normal. “We never finished working out the wedding details.” He murmured and Natasha smiled lazily.
  “Well if you weren’t so damned sexy I wouldn’t keep wanting to take advantage of you.” She joked.

  Eric gave her his slow sexy smile. “You can take advantage of me anytime you want to baby.”

  Natasha laughed. “You are so easy.” She teased.

  “You’d better believe it baby, but only for you. I’ll only ever be easy for you.” He touched his lips to hers, tracing the outline of her lips with his tongue. “I love you baby. You’re my life, nothing else matters besides you and these two.” His hand curved over her belly.


  The date for Eric and Natasha’s wedding was set for October 19. Natasha’s Mother had driven her to numerous bridal shops since Eric’s only request was that she wear a proper wedding dress although she wondered why when a white wedding dress on a woman who would be almost eight months pregnant by then, did seem like a bit of a contradiction. “I’d be better off in a camping shop Eric. A tent will fit me.” She wailed as she looked at her huge belly in the mirror one day.

  “Well even if you did wear a tent, you’d look beautiful baby.” Eric said, his arms coming around her from behind, closing over her stomach.

  “How can you possibly think I’m beautiful Eric, look at me. I don’t walk anymore, I waddle, my feet keep swelling, I’m about as graceful as a sheep on its back when I try to get up off the lounge, I haven’t seen my feet in a long time except in the mirror so how could you possibly ever find me sexy when my breasts now sit on my stomach?” She cried.

  Eric pressed his thighs up against Natasha’s back, thrusting his hips forward. “Does that feel like a man who doesn’t find you sexy baby?” He asked and Natasha felt his hard shaft pressing against her buttocks. Instantly she melted, her insides fluttering in response. She groaned softly pushing back against his erection. “We can’t baby. I have to go to work and your Mother’s going to be here soon to pick you up. I’m going to have to walk around hard for you all day now.” Eric kissed her neck. “Tonight baby, if you’re not too tired after shopping today, I’m going to show you just how sexy I think you are, even when your body is swollen with my children sweetheart.” He stepped away from her and Natasha felt the loss of his presence as soon as he was gone from behind her. “Stop worrying baby. You’ll look stunning no matter what you wear and no matter how pregnant you are.”

  Natasha watched Eric as he finished dressing for work, her eyes moving over him. She still felt like she should pinch herself sometimes to check this was real and that she wasn’t dreaming, that he really was hers. He straightened from pulling on his socks to catch Natasha watching him and his eyes warmed. “Don’t look at me like that baby or I might just have to call Alex and tell him to contact everyone and arrange a later meeting.” He said huskily. “What time’s your Mother getting here?” He asked as he pulled on his shoes.

  Natasha looked at the clock and groaned. “Damn, I need to hurry myself, Mum’s going to be here in half an hour.” Eric walked over, pulling her into his arms before dropping a kiss on her lips, he told her he loved her and with one final look back at her from their bedroom door, he left.

  Once Eric had gone Natasha hastily dressed in one of her new dresses that was fitted over her breasts but it flowed freely down to just above her knees. Since the days were still sometimes cool despite it being spring time, she wore a cardigan over the top and flat sensible shoes. She applied some light make up and brushed her hair before going downstairs in the lift. She headed for the kitchen where Alice had her breakfast waiting to serve for her.

  She quickly ate her poached eggs on toast and drank her orange juice, just finishing in time before she heard the front door bell ring. Her Mother had arrived. Alice opened the door to Kathryn and after the three ladies all greeting one another Natasha and her Mother left for another day of bridal dress shopping. “How am I going to find something that fits me Mum?” She complained.

  “Oh stop your worrying baby girl. Do you honestly think you’re the first pregnant bride? We just need to shop around to find something you like, but I have no doubt that we’ll find beautiful maternity styled wedding dresses, so stop getting your panties in such a twist.”

  The first bridal shop they went to had some beautiful gowns, but nothing that Natasha liked. After driving around a bit longer, they found another shop where again the gowns were beautiful but she felt uncomfortable as the shop assistant with a slightly snooty attitude eyed her off and her very obvious pregnant belly. After blushing and feeling embarrassed under the perfectly manicured woman’s eye, Natasha told her Mother quietly that she wanted to go.

  “It’s lunch time already baby girl. We might as well get something to eat before we try somewhere else.” She said and when Natasha groaned, Kathryn patted her daughter’s hand. “Stop worrying darling, we’ll find you a dress.”

  After lunch at a quaint little café they hit the road again on their search for Natasha’s wedding dress. “Dammit Mum, I told Eric I should just buy a tent, at least I know that will fit.” She moaned.

  “Oh stop being so dramatic Natasha. We’ll find you a dress baby girl. Besides whatever you wore, Eric would still think you’re beautiful. That man loves you so much. It radiates off him like a bright light. Surely you can see that?”

  Natasha’s insides melted at the mention of Eric. “I know Mum. I’m so lucky to have him. I love him so much too, I can’t imagine my life without him in it.” She said.

  Kathryn just laughed. “There’s no hope for you two is there? Eric turns to mush in your presence and just saying his name has you melting. I know that kind of love baby girl. That’s how I felt about your Father. I didn’t think I would ever recover when he died.” Kathryn’s eyes grew sad and Natasha felt a moment of fear flash through her. She wasn’t sure she’d want to live if anything ever happened to Eric.

  “Come on Natasha, let’s find this wedding dress for you.” As they pulled up outside the next bridal shop. “Think positively baby girl, this could be the shop.” She said and Natasha followed her Mother in, not feeling quite as confident as Kathryn seemed to be.

  As Natasha slowly rotated in the dress she wore, she knew this was the one. It was cream rather than white, strapless and fitted over the breasts, but not too tight. It cinched in at a high waist before flowing loose to her feet, with a train of a few metres behind it. There was a cleverly attached fold of fabric between her breasts, that fell like a soft pleat down the centre of the dress and helped to subtly cover her pregnant belly. Choosing a veil was the easy part and Natasha went with one that didn’t cover her face, but flowed with a long train down behind her that was almost as long as the train on the dress. She was going to have to wear her hair up to keep the veil in place, but she would have worn her hair up anyway. She chose flat satin covered shoes, like soft ballet slippers and finally the whole effect was complete. “You look beautiful baby girl.” Her Mother said, tears in her eyes and Natasha couldn’t help smiling at her reaction.

  “Don’t you dare start crying.” She warned her.

  After they’d paid for the dress, veil and shoes, Natasha told her Mother she wanted to buy a wedding band for Eric. They hadn’t discussed him wearing a ring, but she wanted one for him anyway. They found a jeweller’s and after studying numerous different men’s wedding bands, she chose a broad white gold band that she thought would suit him perfectly.

  “So baby girl, while we’re out, have you and Eric decided where you’re going for your honeymoon? Are you going anywhere? Is he prepared to risk going anywhere given you’ll only have about a month to go by the time you two get married? That fiance of yours is such a worrier baby girl. I’m surprised he doesn’t have you booked into the nearest hospital for your honeymoon.” Kathryn joked.

  “We started discussing it Mum, but never really came up with any plans.” She said, colouring slightly when she thought about how their wedding plans were often discussed in bed and then other things got in the way, like her
need for Eric to make love to her and that would be the end of their discussion.

  “Are you going to buy any new clothes for your honeymoon then baby girl, just in case? You need something for your wedding night at least. We’ll look for something sexy for you.” She suggested and Natasha blushed.

  “Mum.” She wailed. She didn’t want to be talking about sexy nightwear and lingerie with her Mother.

  “Oh stop being so uptight darling. I was young once and you need something to drive that man of yours wild on your wedding night.” She told her.

  Natasha groaned. Her Mother could be so out there at times. “Fine.” She said, resignation in her voice, “But just one negligee or something. I’m not buying a whole load of clothes Mum. Eric just bought me an entire new maternity wardrobe and I don’t really need more. I’m not going to be pregnant forever. Although with the amount of clothes Eric bought, you’d think I was going to be like this forever.”

  “Maybe he’s going to want more after these two baby girl.” Her Mother suggested and Natasha gaped at her.

  “Don’t even joke about that Mum. Let me have these two first before we decide whether we have anymore.” She said.

  Kathryn pulled into a huge shopping complex on their way back to Eric’s home and they walked in, Natasha almost having to trot to keep up with her Mother’s boundless enthusiasm. Kathryn was like a woman possessed when she had something she needed to do and it seemed that finding Natasha something sexy to wear for her wedding night was the most important thing in the world right now, if the cracking pace she was setting through the shopping centre was any indication.

  “Slow down Mum.” Natasha puffed, holding her ample stomach as she frantically trotted after her Mother.

  “Oh sorry baby girl, but I need to get you back soon. We’re having a ladies night out for the women from the Craft Group.” Kathryn told her.

  “Really Mum? Well, we don’t need to do this now. It’s fine. I have plenty of clothes really.” She tried to convince her Mother. “Plus whatever I get won’t stay on long.” She mumbled to herself. Nothing she ever wore to bed stayed on long once Eric got his hands on her.


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