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Page 6

by Sean Liebling

  "Whaa?" she gasped as she sat straight up and grasped the bota eagerly, then coughing as she realized its contents. Still she swallowed more than a quarter before he yanked it away.

  "Time to see the court about your new condition," he remarked with a grin as he pulled her off the bed by the rope attached to her neck. As she fell to the floor, then pushed herself up and he could tell her arms were still very weak although it was obvious she could now move them.

  "Let me go, you bastard!" She hissed at him furiously, an action that caused him to laugh.

  "No chance of that, girl. I own you until I grow tired and sell you to another. You cannot escape your fate, little Ivy." Smirking, he dragged her to the door then out into the outside walkway while ignoring her cries of pain as she shuffled and stumbled behind him, then took off at a brisk pace. By his internal reckoning they only had about another fifteen minutes to make the open court session in time and he had no intention of being late. At one point, Ivy fell and mercilessly he dragged her for over thirty paces before he paused and allowed her to rise again. He grinned as he saw her breasts, belly, thighs and knees thoroughly scrapped and raw from the process. She kept up after that although she did shoot him a look that could kill by its sheer venom and that was all right, because soon she would be eagerly calling him 'My Master'. He looked forward to that day and the thought made him grin.

  As he neared the entrance to the central legal offices he saw the innkeeper waiting. Jack knew the man would be here, of that he had little doubt. A commoner of low class knew it was unwise to piss off a high class, especially the city guard commander and he nodded at the man who started to speak rapidly.

  "Sir, my inn is unattended as my apprentice is sick with the runs, I need to get back," whined the man.

  "Shut up and don't piss me off or I'll use the flat of my sword on you if you're lucky, if not, the edge," ground out Jack. He was not in the mood for the complaints of a commoner.

  After checking the doors handle he pulled his sword and then slamming the pommel into the wooden surface of the magistrate's office door. He gave it two good thumps, scarring the already scarred surface as he shouted just as a nearby tower clock chimed ten bells.

  "I need the services of a judge, now!" His voice, strong and loud, rang out in the tiny courtyard fronting the entrance and within moments a clerk of the courts opened the door for him, allowing him entry. Behind him came Ivy, now being fully dragged against her will and the innkeeper who was suddenly grinning as he watched the captured girl. It did not escape Jack's attention that the man was licking his lips as his eyes traveled over her tiny yet voluptuous body.

  "Let me go!" Screamed Ivy, as she made a bolt for the door, shuffling as fast as she could but the attempt was laughable as Jack's strong hand jerked her back hard with a vicious yank. The action caused her to burst into a choking cough as she moved backward, closer to the monster in order to take the pressure off her already sore throat.

  "Shut up, slut," he barked in his best parade ground voice which he saw caused her to wince and take a half step back, then facing him and all the length of rope he allowed her. When she opened her mouth again he instantly backhanded her, again bloodying her lips as she crumpled to the ground. Picking Ivy up by a hand on one arm and the other on a thigh, he slammed her down face first on a nearby table that happened to be clear of papers, scrolls and writing implements. With one hand, he held her squirming body down which was suddenly silent except for an occasional moan, causing Jack to grin. The little thief was learning the hard way, but still learning.

  "What is it you need, Sir?" the man inquired politely, but was rudely shoved to the side by Jack's free arm and hand as he shouted again. "Fool. I said I need a judge! Get the wax out of your ears and find me one. I have a thief I need prosecuted," demanded Jack, as he stared at the man with a sinister gleam in his eye while fingering his sword. The smell of parchment and inks were heavy in the air as Jack scowled and looked around for someone wearing the robes of the courts office.

  The other man paled as he rose from the ground where he fell and nodded quickly, scampering off. Jack turned to look at the innkeeper who had followed him into the offices and nodded at a pair of chairs against one wall. "Have a seat innkeeper, this shouldn't take long." The other man did as told, and Jack turned his attention back to Ivy.

  "Shut up, unless I give you permission to speak, little thief," he grunted, as he slapped her ass hard, eliciting another moan from her as a welt in the shape of his hand suddenly appeared on her left ass cheek. Still, her head swiveled sideways to glare up at him even though her nose was now bloody.

  The girl definitely had spirit and knew how to take a fall, he thought to himself as he watched for the appearance of a judge.

  Jack had wanted Ivy for a long time and patiently waited for an opportunity to catch her in the act and then use her and use her well. For years, the little thief had been teasing him with skimpy clothing and sultry looks, only to scamper away when he reached out for her. However, this time she made a very big mistake. Jack had caught her and he was not letting go.

  "How may I help you Sir, I am Ragos, the Chief Judge here." The newcomer looked teh part and Jack saw that his quick, intelligent eyes took in the girl Ivy lying on the table, and the frightened merchant clutching a money sack while sitting along the side wall. To his back, the frightened scribe stood quivering as his hands grasping the cord of an alarm bell, ready to pull it if needed. The judge himself showed no fear, simply looked directly into Jack's eyes in an inquiring way.

  "I need a judgment and a bill of sale," declared Jack in a firm voice, and a voice all present took seriously as he was an officer in the warriors of Ashton. "A judgment is needed against this girl Ivy as a thief," he points to the naked girl held helpless on the table before him by one strong, callused hand. "I caught her in the act of robbing the local inn and the innkeeper is right there and can bear witness to the fact that she had in her possession his money sack where he stores the coin he earns," said Jack as he pointed to the innkeeper.

  "And the bill of sale? What would that be for?" inquired the judge, as he nodded at Jack's words while looking at Ivy in a disapproving way. From his expression, he knew of the girl, Jack thought, and likely had dealt with her before.

  "For the slut Ivy, after you rule she is a thief. I will collar her as this is not her first offense and as her captor, I get first choice on her sale. That is common law which I'm sure I don't have to explain to you, Judge," smirked Jack, as his hand slide over Ivy's back to caress her ass and then after a brief hesitation, slid back upward gripping her neck tightly which cut off most of her breath. Under him, she gasped and squirmed but did not even have enough breath left to grunt let alone keep up the litany of incoherent noises she had been emitting up until then. She was irritating him with her sounds so he eliminated them in a practical fashion.

  The proceedings were relatively short. The judge interrogated the merchant then asked for a recount of Jack's observations. He then asked Ivy to recount the events and provide her story or explanation. This was a move that many would have considered ill advised as the litany of swearing from the tiny young girl shocked both the judge and the clerk causing Jack to lash out, slapping her head sideways with resounding force against the wooden table and knocking her into a daze. With a sputter, she denied her guilt which no one believed and then quickly went silent as Jack raised his hand again.

  Finally nodding with satisfaction, the judge ruled and his judgment was Ivy's enslavement. He then directed his clerk to draw up the necessary paperwork ordering such. Jack received a nod from the clerk after the magistrate sealed it and wasting no time, he pulled a collar from his belt and quickly clasped it around Ivy's bruised neck, fastening it in place before locking it. A muffled groan and short scream emitted from the girl as Jack stood grinning triumphantly down at her.

  "As to the girl, now slave. She has been of considerable trouble recently. I do not know from where she comes. Perhaps this
village itself but there is so many young miscreants running about its hard to keep track. As a warrior, thus of high guild you do indeed get first bid on the slut since you captured her in the act. Well done on the collaring, no time wasted, Sir. You may purchase her from the city for three copper bits. If you don't wish her I will offer the same to the innkeeper," finished the judge as his head inclined towards the suddenly grinning merchant, whose fat belly started shaking in mirth as his hands rubbed together gleefully when he looked upon Ivy's naked Flesh. Jack did not give the merchant the satisfaction of obtaining this prize as he wanted her for himself and was amazed at her incredibly cheap price. Three bits was unheard of. Ivy must have really been a thorn in Ashton's side.

  Jack dug around in his coin pouch, through the gold, silver and coppers within, and finally withdrew a single copper handing it to the judge. "That's the smallest I have. Does your man have change?" asked Jack, expecting to receive seven bits in return.

  "No," said the judge as he accepted the coin and turned away as their business was over. He now sat at his desk and looked over at the doorway where there was already a line for his services. He would take them in order for a full two hours before lunch was convened.

  Jack shrugged and stepped to the door after placing the scrolls in his pouch. Then he dragged Ivy from the table while grinning in delight as she fell to the floor with a rather loud thump, another short scream and then a groan. She, who was once called Ivy, was now called...Slave...


  Chapter 6:

  Ivy moaned as she felt the collar snap around her neck. This could not be happening, it couldn't. She moaned again as her sore abused body hit the floor. She shook her head wildly both in trying to clear it and possibly, somehow, to deny the reality of her situation. It was not working though as she felt Jack's heavy boot nudge her and then a command fell on her ears.

  "Kneel properly mine!" Jack commanded in a monotone as he glared down at her.

  The words as always from Jack, were cold, heartless and she quickly rolled to her knees, legs together and hung her head at the shame of her situation. She had to obey for now. She hurt too much, was too damaged and she needed to rest and heal. Only then, she would kill him and escape. Now that she had made a plan, she was sure she could find a blacksmith somewhere to remove the collar. It was her only hope. Or, wait! Maybe Jack himself would release her if she obeyed and she asked nicely. Sure, she knew she would have to continue to be used by him but that no longer seemed like such a burden, she thought as she remembered the previous two experiences and ultimately how wonderful they were.

  "I said kneel properly as you should in front of your master!" His voice was even harsher and his foot lashed out to kick her legs apart, spreading them wide. The kicks hurt, and she knew two more bruises had just been added to her tired, abused flesh. "Wrists crossed behind your back and thrust your chest out," he paused, then said. "Your training begins now, mine!" The last remarked with finality as he pulled a common slave leash from his belt pouch and clipped it to her new collar.

  Ivy swallowed, her throat tight in humiliation as she kneeled there. She was naked, exhausted, hurt and now leashed to a master like some common slut. Fury burned within her for a few moments and then subsided as cold calculation overcame her thinking. She would please him without hesitation and thoroughly. Thank the God he only wanted sex and Ivy knew well from her own experiences that men could only have sex a twice a day. That meant one more time today at the most. She had found it was not so bad with Jack and definitely, the best she ever had. She could handle it and greatly enjoyed it, although against her will, of course. She would then kill him when his guard was down or when he was asleep after he came to trust her. Yes, that was a good plan, she thought.

  She finally lifted her head, meeting Jack's eyes and smiled her best smile through puffy, bruised and cut lips. Instantly, his hand came out of nowhere and cracked across her face causing her to reel backwards. Her cheek went numb and she wondered how many of those she could suffer before her face was broken. Cradling her head in her hands, she mewled from her sideways position on the hard flooring before she felt another tearing pain, this one not as bad, as Jack grabbed her by the hair and set her upright once again.

  "Never look me in the eyes. Never smile without my permission. You are a slave, and you've seen how they act so act like one," he growled as he stood before her. She blinked in surprise and she knew Jack saw the expression of resignation overcome her before she focused her gaze upon his boots.

  "Yes master," she murmured. The next blow that instantly hit her was just as hard as the previous and she cried out in shock at the pain. It felt as if her neck was now dislocated and her eyes swiveled to Jack, reaching mid chest before stopping out of panic. She waited. She did not know what else to do as she cried, then as quick as she could, righted herself on the hard planks. She was positive her cheekbone was broken or at least it felt that way. Tears streamed down her face as she waited silently for instruction and correction.

  "The proper term for me is 'my Master', to all other free men its 'Master' and to all free women its 'Mistress'. Don't make the mistake again," he scowled as his voice rang loudly through the largish room. "Now mine, you know how slaves greet the free and how they kneel. Of that, I have no doubt. If you transgress again I will have you whipped or whip you myself although my hand on the whip is much harder than most." He chuckled at his own joke, although it would not have been amusing to Ivy, even if she thought he were kidding, which she knew he was not.

  "Yes, my Master," she whispered as she knelt before him, frightened and angry, while praying another blow did not fall. She could not wait until night when he would fall sleep. That would be her time for revenge, but as yet it was not even eleven bells in the morning. Grrr, she thought to herself as she waited for more torment and wracked her brain for what behavior slaves exhibited that she might be forgetting. She could sense his nod at the way she addressed him although he did not say she did it right and for some reason that irritated her more.

  Jack paused at the door, then turned back to look in a nearby bin. Inside, were manacles of various sizes all jumbled together in a bewildering array of steel. Ruffling through them he found something close to what he wanted then snapped his fingers at the clerk.

  "I need two locks for these manacles," he stated sharply, causing the man to nod and reach into a lower drawer of a nearby cupboard for two locks. These, he held out to Jack who took them and quickly crouched and reached around Ivy to fasten the manacles about her ankles. With deft movements he fastened the locks and pocked the keys as he nodded in approval at her new appearance. Ivy, now manacled, again shuffled with a foot of chain between her feet. Nodding in thanks to the clerk, he grabbed her leash and dragging his unwilling new slave from the courts offices.

  He turned right after leaving and entered a nearby tavern. As he sat down on a thickly upholstered chair, he yanked Ivy to him and commanded. "Coffee, black, and don't make a mistake." With that, he drew her even closer and after prying her hand open which was now clenched tightly in fury, placed 4 coppers within. "For payment, slap them on the counter when you give my order, girl," he said casually as he turned back to watch the other patrons. A few had their eyes on Ivy and these he watched carefully. The tavern was a rough place and full of rougher men from farmhands to thieves to dockworkers. Two of these now rose to follow his Ivy and instantly he drew his sword, the rasp of hardened steel sliding out of a steel and leather sheath loud even in this noisy room.

  With a loud rap he slapped the sharp, four-foot long blade down on the table before him while keeping his eye on those two. His action did not go unnoticed and the men quickly found their seats again with their eyes everywhere but on him as they resumed their drinking. Jack smiled mirthlessly as he kept his hand near the hilt of his blade and waited for his girl to serve him. In the corner dance pit a young girl, perhaps too young, with a strained expression on her face was dancing for bits and not doing a bad job.
A bar slut, to be used by any and all who purchased a tankard and the use was already showing on her. He admired her curves though, the sinuous way she danced and when her eyes fell upon him he withdrew another copper from his pouch and pitched it across the room where it landed at her feet in the sand.

  Instantly her eyes lit up with a wave of pleasure and she parted her skirts to bare her pussy to him. The long fingers of her left hand began to stroke those soft petals as she gyrated her hips in his direction. He laughed at her antics and waved her off. He had no use for a worn out, thoroughly used slut but instead preferred his female meat fresher and more youthful appearing. At that moment a patron bumped into his chair and the table before him with a slurred oath. A drunken lout by the looks of him, thought Jack, who thrust him away to the side.

  "Get off me fool," he shouted, as he turned back to watch the dancer. The drunken idiot, still swearing, mumbled apologies as he moved past Jack while heading towards the entrance of the tavern. At that moment, Jack felt something tug at his side and glancing down saw the leather thongs that once held his coin pouch dangling across his hip, now holding nothing but empty space. With a snarl he looked around him and saw the one who had bumped into his table nearing the outside door, while another man, slightly older appearing from the back at least, was close behind him. What made Jack narrow his eyes even further was the foremost was waving his arms around in a drunken fashion while the later held his own tightly clenched in front of him. Both men were short of stature and scrawny, with uniformly blonde hair indicating southern heritage and from his side view of their features as they made the last turn around the tables heading straight to the outside door, Jack guessed they were brothers.

  Jack needed no further evidence of thievery as he rose in a smooth motion, drew his blade from the table and hurled it through the air towards the pair. His aim was true and with a resounding thud, like an axe hitting a block of hardwood, it speared through the leather jerkin the later was wearing, propelling him forward to sink itself deeply into the solid wood wall of the doorframe. Jack doubted the sharp steel even grazed the younger man because of the bulkiness of his tunic, but it did cause him to squeal, attracting the attention of every nearby patron. With an oath of his own, he launched himself at the pair drawing his belt knife, pulling forth a solid foot of razor sharp death. To his satisfaction he saw his very own coin pouch hit the floor near the doorway, its mouth still closed although the heavy clank of coin was clearly audible.


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