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Page 7

by Sean Liebling

  With a snarl of his own the first man turned with a knife in his own hand and launched himself at Jack. All pretenses at drunkenness was gone as the other thrust forward with his blade, aiming for the warrior's lower belly and just below his breastplate of polished steel. To a trained eye his movements would have appeared slow and clumsy which caused Jack to laugh in derision as he pushed away the man's arm with his left hand, gripping it tightly at the elbow joint. Then, gliding closer with a swift step his right hand, bearing his own knife was already in motion spearing forward. It took the other in the throat, driving upward mercilessly and with enough force to penetrate the brain while at the same time sliding his body sideways.

  The man's expression of hate now instantly turned to one of surprise as a gurgle issued from his open mouth, along with a spew of blood. Jack continued to rotate their locked figures, directing the spray of blood outward and away from his own body. Finally with a convulsive shake the would-be assailant collapsed boneless to the floor amid another shower of blood which Jack narrowly avoided by stepping back and to the side quickly after wrenching his long knife from the man's throat and skull.

  Out of the corner of his eye where Ivy had been standing, while talking to this tavern's master, she was now staring at him in opened mouthed shock. He also saw the master himself headed in the direction of the fight, a large wooden cudgel in his hand. At that point, Jack was no longer paying attention as he turned back to the first man who was ripping himself loose with a series of snarled oaths. Another quick stride forward, brought him alongside the male just as his tunic ripped free and without hesitation, Jack flipped his knife into the floor, while reaching forward. Grabbing him by the long greasy hair on the back of his head, Jack slammed his face into the solid wall as hard as he could, feeling the nose and at least a few teeth crush under the force of the blow.

  "Arrgghh!" Screamed the man raising his hands to his face which now resembled a gory mask of bleeding and torn skin interspersed with the white of bone fragments protruding through the mess of a face. The scream turned into a mew of agony as mercilessly Jack drove his face forward again before the hands could reach high enough to protect it. The man went limp and the guardsman commander dropped him to the ground where the bleeding figure curled up into a tight ball of pain. Jack reached down to pull his knife from the floor, turning to address the tavern master that finally arrived, out of breath and arms upraised to strike.

  The greasy, fat individual, bald of head was wearing a stained apron and now scowling in anger when Jack simply flipped his cloak back, revealing the badge of the cities guard upon his upper left breast and the bright gold starburst indicating the rank of commander upon his collar. The transformation that overcame the other man was immediate and the club was instantly dropped, with the man issuing a low bow in the Commanders direction. Jack waited for the other to speak as he himself bend down to retrieve his coin pouch, tucking it into his wide leather sword belt after knotting the strings tightly together. Another grab and wrench and the sword was pulled from the wall and sheathed.

  "Commander, what seems to be the trouble here? I saw the ruckus and didn't know what was happening. What can I do to help," inquired the tavern master as he bowed again in Jack's direction.

  "Nothing other than you can clean up this mess after the guard files a report of this incident. Both are thieves. One now dead for his dual crime of theft and attacking a guardsman and the second toothless, who will be wearing the collar of a slave and working the mines for life by week's end," declared Jack as he opened the outer door and in his best parade ground voice shouted for any of the city guard to attend him. Turning back to the man while he waited, already hearing the jingle of heavy weapons harnesses and hard leather boots running in their direction from outside the tavern, he stated, "Why don't you go back to your counter. My girl is over there trying to get a coffee for me." He pointed to where Ivy still stood, looking slightly squeamish.

  "Yes sir, right away sir, and the drinks are on me, sir," declared the man as he scurried off.

  No sooner had he left than two of the guard appeared and a few minutes later after filling them in verbally with details of the altercation while they took notes and shackled the still groaning man lying on the floor, Jack was headed back to his table. Later when he was back in his office, he would write up a report of the incident himself and attach it to theirs. The city kept thorough notes that were frequently reviewed by not only he but by the local magistrate's office. Their procedure's in Ashton was a double check system to make sure that every solved crime received appropriate punishment and attention, and that any unsolved offenses were not forgotten about but instead received the attention they deserved. If it was one thing Jack hated, it was a criminal getting away.

  Finally sitting, Jack turned and once again saw Ivy talking to this tavern's master. The greasy bastard was gesturing to a doorway behind the bar, a leer upon his face with one hand rubbing his crotch. An action, which caused Ivy to shake her head vehemently 'no', as she slapped the coins down on the wide wooden plank while taking a step back but waiting. Jack could see her entire body was quivering with rage but what he found more interesting was that she seemed angrier than when he had used her earlier. He filed that away for future reference and pretended to ignore her while she waited to acquire his coffee.

  Soon she was returning, the steaming mug held in both of her tiny hands, expression neutral as she weaved in and out of the tables heading in his direction. Rough hands slapped her ass and some even grabbed her breasts as she passed them, an action that caused her face to redden but her expression continued to remain neutral and she said not one word until she finally reached his side.

  "Your coffee, black. No cream or sugar," Ivy ground out as she came to kneel beside him. her hands then made a fast movement, tipping and pushing the large mug towards him in an attempt to spill the hot contents in his direction, but Jack was already moving and kicking out of his chair, he did a half roll backwards. As he rose to his feet, he rotated in a clockwise semicircle with his left leg sweeping out to catch her across the upper back hard enough to send her sprawling. Down she went and fast, falling into the very liquid with which she had tried to douse him. He was not amused even slightly as he righted his chair and placed one heavy boot across the back of her neck while she moaned in pain on the floor beside him.

  "I'm not amused by these amateur tactics of yours girl and now, once again, you need to be punished," he stated as he clipped his leash to her collar and dragged her from the tavern. Rough laughs rang out around him as he left and a quarter bell later they were back at his quarters in the barracks. Thrusting her inside, he carefully locked the door and studyed her.


  Chapter 7:

  Ivy groaned as she knelt with head hung low while her blond hair cascaded over her face hiding her tears. She was too exhausted to do more than quiver in rage at his treatment of her and simply remained motionless. It seemed that once again she would be punished, probably a whipping this time she thought in horror. In hindsight, she cursed herself for trying to burn Jack with the scalding brew, especially after seeing how fast he could react when he took out the two would-be thieves. His speed and expertise had stunned her. Now he was addressing her again and she tilted her head up slightly to listen better.

  "Lay down on the furs," Jack said in a crisp voice, devoid of emotion as she saw him removing his clothing out of the corner of her eye. She immediately obeyed and to her astonishment, her body moved with some speed, lying face up on the commander's bed furs. She noticed with satisfaction that he did not even have his boots completely off yet after removing his breastplate and tunic and was staring at her in amazement as he continued to work on his boots then pants. It seemed she had escaped a whipping after all as she realized he was going to use her sexually and inwardly she was amazed he wanted to use her again so soon, and that she wanted him too.

  Jack was now taking his time, finally shrugging out of his pants as he sa
t on the bed next to her. She did not look him in the face but stared straight ahead; her eyes fastened on the ceiling planks, but could still somewhat see her surroundings out of their corners. She could vaguely see him suddenly standing then a hand slapped down on her bruised thigh. Instinctively she glanced in his direction while remembering to keep her eyes low and gasped. His cock was already half-hard and flopped against his thigh like a thick snake as he kicked the last of his trousers off. Ivy's eyes fastened upon his manhood instantly and then groaned as she saw Jack noticing the direction of her gaze. She could also tell he was grinning which infuriated her.

  "Roll over on your belly!" he commanded her as he turned around fully towards the bed while releasing her thigh. Ivy's expression turned skeptical but she did as told, the chains clanking and holding her legs somewhat close together. She squealed as Jack dropped down upon her, his knees and shins across her thighs and calves and his strong hands gripping her wrists tightly. With a quicker motion he pulled her wrists together behind her back and held them with one hand as he fondled her ass with the other, caressing it softly and then slid his fingers down between the crack of her cheeks to caress her soft furry pussy. Slowly and gently he stroked the lips of her cunt and then she felt his finger slide over her clit rubbing back and forth. Ivy felt herself responding instinctively and knew she was becoming wet as she tried to hold back a moan of desire, but one burst forth anyways, briefly, before she could stifle it. Gone was the once shy thief and a full woman was expressing her feelings and needing attention, if somewhat reluctant to admit so to even herself. She could hear the grin in his voice as he finally spoke again.

  "You were a bad girl, this morning, my little slave. Trying to spill steaming coffee on your master, shame on you," Jack was saying in a mild tone of voice. He was still caressing her tiny slit and though still raw from its earlier abuse, she could not help herself from shivering at the touch.

  "No, my master, I simply slipped and fell forward." Her response was immediate and she tried to put innocence into her voice because she had been expecting the accusation.

  "I don't believe you, mine. I believe it was deliberate and that somehow you hoped to incapacitate me. Of course, if you actually had, many of the patrons of that fine establishment would have grabbed you before you escaped. I think your plan was not well thought out and for that you must be punished."

  "No, my master, it was an honest mistake," she cried out, her voice muffled by the thick furs. "You have beaten me many times and I am very weak and sore which caused me to falter as weakness overcame me, but if you must punish me, then use me as you already have. I cannot stop you." This last said in the plaintive voice of part resignation and part need.

  "I disagree that it was an honest mistake and I will tell you why, although as my property I owe you no explanation for anything I wish to do to you. When you did fall forward you could have canted your hands to either side, but instead you tilted them directly towards me. You could have even fallen straight down with the cup landing on the floor. So you will be punished, yet perhaps not as you think," stated Jack firmly as she now felt him hold her tightly. She shrieked again out in fright as she felt him slap his cock against her ass cheeks. First, the right and then the left until it became obvious his penis was rock hard. She knew what was coming as he then pulled his hand from her sex to grip her wrists again and this time tying them together with some form of cord. Where he had gotten it, she did not know and assumed he must have tossed it on the bed before he had mounted her.

  He was squatting over her now, with his legs across hers, bearing down and holding her in place, while his feet where between her ankles just above the shackles and spreading them outward, a deed that obviously gave him more access to her sex as his hand once again slide between her thighs to stroke her pussy. She could not help herself, but moaned in pleasure at this touch on her most private of areas.

  She moaned even louder as she felt him slide a finger in her, working it in and out, causing her to shudder slightly at the sheer pleasure the action gave her. He was being gentle as she felt him rub her flowing juices up and down her slit and even across her ass. Then she froze as she felt him use the fingers of his free hand to spread her ass cheeks, exposing the tiny rose button of her asshole and heard a spit coming from Jack.

  A glob of spittle landed squarely on her tight little pucker and she jerked under him, her head rising and her voice crying out in panic. "No please, not there," escaped her bruised lips as she felt him already placing the head of his cock against that tiny opening. "Oh God, please don't. No my ass my Master, please! Take me anyway but that way, even my mouth," she begged, her voice wailing in fear. Then she was screaming and thrashing beneath him as she felt him force at least two inches of his cock inside her that tight canal that before this day had been exit only. Her eyes tried to pop out of her head and she continued to scream and cry for him to stop.

  "Arrrgghhhh!" the cry of misery was torn from an already bruised and ravaged throat as she tried to get away, but it was to no avail as he suddenly forced what had to be another two inches into her, now firmly holding her ass impaled on his cock. "It hurts, it hurts, pull it out, pull it out you bastard!" The last was said in a wail of misery, followed by a sharper scream as Jack leaned down, forcing another two inches into the already cramped interior of her ass. The pain was incredible as she knew she was tearing down there because she could feel a new wetness upon her upper thighs.

  "Do you know why I'm doing this?" he asked in a playful tone as she continued to writhe underneath him while desperately trying to pull away. She could barely move and his weight held her firmly in place as his cock slowly started moving in and out, each time moving slightly deeper into the tight interior of her ass.

  "Yes, because you're a sadistic bastard," she howled as her efforts at escape proved fruitless.

  "Shut up and answer this question, slut. Are you going to try to hurt your master again?" Jack said in a vicious tone as he forced in another inch of cock, now having almost his entire length forced in her but there was still a bit left to push in, she knew. He slapped her right ass cheek hard, stingingly as he pulled out slightly then pushed in harder and started fucking her ass with even measured strokes. Each thrust was accompanied by a tiny scream on the Ivy's part but the bastard did not stop. He simply waited for her answer.

  "Yes yes, I'll do anything you ask and I promise not to try to hurt you again, just pull it out, please!" She wailed while thrashing wildly.

  "Please who? Whom are you talking to mine?" he inquired as he started fucking her faster and harder, his hips now mashing into her buttocks as he buried his entire length within her ass.

  "My master, my Master! Pull it out please, my Master!" The scream was incredibly loud in the small room of his bedchamber and Jack heard someone knock on his door. He ignored whoever it was as he continued mercilessly punishing her by fucking her ass.

  "No, I don't think so, and you need to be punished for what you did. I'm a harsh master, girl, never forget that but look at the bright side. Soon you will be cumming for me when my cock is in your tiny ass. You'll enjoy it with practice and practice you'll get," he exclaimed as he held her down tighter and then leaned into her hard, fucking her and obviously enjoying her. After some time, she knew he was building up because his cock was starting to swell slightly causing even more pain to wrack her body. It was probably her screams that turned the sadistic bastard on, she thought, as she continued to wail under him.

  Ivy had no idea how long he held her down and fucked her ass. She only knew that the torment seemed to last forever. Her entire body was one giant ribbon of incredible pain. He kept slapping her ass but she no longer felt the sting from what was now a minor irritation at best. Her insides felt like jelly as his manhood speared places deep inside her, places never intended to be reached.

  "No no no no no," she cried as her body started convulsing, unable to handle so much pain anymore. That combination of screaming and thrashing under
him must have been enough to set Jack off and with a grunt, she felt him start to cum, The hot splash of his jism inside her ass was unmistakable. It coated her insides, filling her until she felt it squirt out around the shaft of his cock and coat her thighs. He kept slapping her ass again, and again, as with one last twitching pulse, he finished emptying himself in her and grunted.

  "That's a tight ass you have, mine. You pleased your master." The last was said in a cocky way as she felt him pull out of her then roll off her crying body. Her head was turned sideways and she saw him head to the washbasin, where he quickly washed himself and dried off before donned his trousers again. While he performed these actions, Ivy curled up into a ball and lay there whimpering with her face again buried in the furs. She sensed Jack walking up to her and opening her eyes, she saw a smirk upon his face and his tunic on one hand, the hard chiseled muscles of his upper body standing out in sweat soaked relief.

  "Did you learn your lesson, mine?" he inquired with a soft chuckle.

  "You're an asshole, do you know that, my Master?" Ivy grunted, as she remained curled up into a ball. She hoped she would not die, but it sure felt like it was a possibility. Jack laughed and he donned his tunic and then said.


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