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Page 9

by Sean Liebling

  "We'll take two large goblets of mead, two stews, and a loaf of fresh bread. Do not let them give you any of the stale stuff. Take a small bite out of it first to sample it and let me know if they try. The inn is right around the corner," the guard said with a smile and pointing finger, a smile she returned timidly as she scurried off. She did not even consider trying to run away as she had before. This was daylight and the village locked up tight with guards stationed within sight of each other and roaming patrols on the top of the palisade. She might have found a blacksmith to remove the collar and anklets but it was a lost cause this early in the day as the resultant hunt would have discovered her. The guards were very thorough when they searched for a missing slave and left no hole uncovered. She grimaced with pain and did the tasks assigned to her.

  Five bells later, Ivy was finally at the last post, her master relaxing in a chair at the commanders lookout post. Ivy's body and mind were beyond exhaustion and it irritated her that he did not even look up at her entrance. She had served over forty men and her ankles were freely bleeding, but now numb, not that the bastard would care about that. He was relaxed with his chair tipped back. It was tempting to go and push it over, but she didn't, as she knew punishment would swiftly follow. As fast as her limping shuffle would take her, she knelt behind his chair and murmured, "All done, my Master. Your men are served."

  "What did they request?" Jack asked staring off into the distance. So far, he had ignored her except for this question. Didn't even acknowledge her presence nor all the hard work she'd done. Fury burned briefly within her then she vowed to herself that she would get him to utter a word of approval if it killed her.

  "Most requested the Beef stew or roast pork. One ordered pan friend goat, which I found strange as the meat is always tough unless you soak it for two days, my Master," she replied. She could hear the smile in Jack's voice, as he replied.

  "That would be Gunther, he grew up in the north and prefers his meat stringy and tough as leather." A short laugh followed that announcement before he continued. "What did they order to drink?"

  "Mostly mead and black wine, my Master, although four ordered large mugs of whisky. Two of those ordered an extra mug each."

  "Oh? Which posts were these that ordered the paga?" Jack inquired with a deceptively mild voice, but Ivy was not fooled. She could tell he was seething inside. In fact, he was almost vibrating with rage. She shrank back slightly from him as he towered over her and whispered.

  "Posts three and eleven, counting from the northwest corner where we started. It was the guards at post three that ordered double whisky's and no food other than bread, my master." The words as whispered came out timid but she sighed in relief as Jack was no longer paying attention to her. He pulled a cord and almost immediately, there came a knock on the door and a guard entered. This one was a senior sergeant by his badge and he was a grizzled, scarred individual with a thick, muscular body. Ivy had not seen him before so he must have been on other duties and not at one of the normal posts.

  "Tris, man the lookout post for me. I need to correct a few men," said Jack, in a rough voice to which the grizzled veteran nodded and sat down in the commander's chair. Jack made to leave and then paused looking back over at Ivy who was still kneeling there with head bowed though she could sense his movements. "Were the men rough with you, mine?" he asked.

  "No, my Master. They were all very nice, which surprised me," she responded and shifted her position so that she could view his boots and out of the upper parts of her eyes, his face, although she did not look at him directly. She saw him nod.

  "Good, and you did well, mine. You brought me honor this day," he finally said after a long moment, then abruptly turned and left. Ivy could not help herself. A broad smile lit her face and inwardly she screamed in delight despite the pains of her body. He had finally approved of something she did. For some unknown reason, this gave her an unnatural feeling of joy, and although she tried to stifle the emotion, she was unsuccessful. Smiling she turned to the new man and asked.

  "Senior Sergeant, may this girl get you anything?"

  "Yes, you can get your lips sewn shut, girl. Never address me again as Senior Sergeant, but as Master, and if you speak again, I will see you whipped with the commanders blessing I'm sure." Ivy blinked in surprise, then held her breath for a moment before replying.

  "Yes, Master." From then on, she remained silent, and simply stared at the back of the chair while staying quiet as she was told.


  Chapter 9:

  "Slave, get down here!" The loud, strong voice of her master rang out and as she looked to the veteran before her, she saw he was already nodding and making a shooing gesture. She bobbed her head in gratitude to the older man and quickly left the small room while scampering down the steps like a little girl. She wondered why Jack needed her so urgently and was excited to be included in what was happening. Anything was better than staring at the back of a chair for hours.

  As she made her way down the steps, she shuffled into the courtyard and stared. Before her were the four guards she had served whisky to and surrounding them were at least a score of others, all looking on with frowns. Nobody was paying her any attention but least she be beaten again she quickly went to her master and knelt behind him. As the free were all talking, she said nothing, simply waiting on a command from her Master.

  "Sir, five lashes? Don't you think that's a little extreme?" One man was saying and from his badge, Ivy saw he was a Lieutenant in the guard.

  "No, and they're lucky I'm not giving them twenty. They know the rules and violated them. The rules are simple and enforced, as are the punishments for violations. No drinking whisky while on duty. Mead is fine, everyone knows that but whisky dulls the senses and slows the reflexes. Each fortnight they're paid good silver to obey the laws, defend the village and stand true to the code of the warrior. Now surrender your weapons you lot!" declared their commander as he rested his own hand on the hilt of his own sword. Instinctively, Ivy shifted further to his left but was stopped when his hand reached back and gripped her head in a lightening quick movement she didn't even see. "Stay still, mine!" he hissed, as he watched the four he had addressed.

  With obvious reluctance the four disarmed, handing their weapons to nearby guards and then at Jack's command, they removed their upper tunics. Two others led each to the nearby whipping posts, their hands tied above their heads to the attached ropes while facing forward with their backs to the assembled men and Ivy. Idly she noticed several other female slaves present, including both Hush and Dahlia and tilted her head slightly towards them, giving both a very brief smile, a smile, which was returned.

  "You men know why you are being punished, do you not!" Jack's strong voice rang out in the crowded courtyard and instantly a hush descended on the assembled masses.

  "Yes Sir!" the cry was echoed by all four as their shoulders and chests heaved with the strength of their combined shout.

  "Do you have anything to say for your actions?" Again, Jack barked the question at the four and waited for their response.

  "No Sir!" the answering cry came forth, loud and clear.

  "Brace yourselves men!" shouted Jack as he took the whip from the Lieutenant and lining up on the first, he flicked the whip twice then lashed out. Ivy cringed as she saw a blazing red line of blood and split skin appear on the back of the first who grunted then simply clenched his fists and held on tightly. Ivy watched blood drip from the diagonal line from the man's upper right shoulder to his lower left hip and then cringed again as another lash struck, crossing the first.

  Ten Minute later, it was over. Not a single one of the four had uttered a word of either anger or anguish, although a few had grunted in pain. These were hard men, Ivy realized as she gained a new appreciation for the toughness of the guard. She prayed they did not hold her responsible for their punishment and kept her face averted from them as they were cut loose and handed their weapons and tunics.

  "Do you hav
e anything to say, men?" asked Jack as they approached him.

  "Yes, Sir. We made mistakes and it won't happen again," replied what appeared to be their spokesman. He then shifted sideways and stared directly at Ivy who instantly hid behind her master's leg. "Nor do we hold your girl responsible for our actions or the telling of them. She acted as a good slave should. Served perhaps not with fire, but acceptable and as she is forbidden to lie there is no logical reason to hold her accountable for our punishment. You did well girl and are welcome to serve us again, only next time bring us mead." A merry laugh rang out from the four at his words and Ivy peeked shyly around her master's thigh to look at them in wonder with a tiny smile upon her face. That these strong, callused men could shrug off a whipping like that was amazing and even now as she looked, she could see droplets of blood falling to the sand behind each. Her master did indeed have a heavy hand on the whip and she knew these men would bear scars for the rest of their lives.

  "Yes Masters," she breathed, but loud enough that they could hear her.

  "Alright men, you are dismissed. Go to the infirmary and get those wounds tended. If you get sick, I'll hold that against you also," declared Jack, as he clapped each man on the shoulder before they trudged off. He then turned to the others assembled and called out. "Alright, back to your duties, men. As always, keep an eye on the forests and always keep two scouts out at all four compass points. Remember to report in every hour because if you don't, the alarm will be sounded." With that, he beckoned to Ivy and led her off, heading towards his quarters.

  On their way and near their rooms, her master stopped at an inn close by and ordered food to be delivered to his room. Drink he had, both a large barrel of mead and a much smaller one of whisky. Fresh water could be had at the corner of the barracks housing. Ivy's mouth watered as her master listed off his requirements. A double helping of roast goat stuffed with onions and peppers, and then covered in gravy. A full loaf of yellow bread and a separate plate of sliced apple, grapes and cheeses. Ivy's stomach was already cramping at the delicious smells coming from inside the inn, for she had not eaten all day, except for a couple bites of bread the guards had granted her. As they made to leave the establishment the innkeeper called out.

  "And for your girl, Sir?"

  "Ahh, good that you reminded me. A bowl of slave gruel but mix in some honey, a few dates and filleted fish," called out her Master to an answering nod from the other. Slave gruel she fumed. The stuff was nasty but might not be too bad with the honey and additions. She smiled to herself, thinking that she must have impressed Jack as he let her have more than the standard fare for a slave.

  Twenty minutes later while in his quarters there came a knock at the door and as Jack opened it, a sturdy male slave entered, dressed in a plain yet well kept tunic while bearing a huge tin covered tray, this he sat on the small table. The tin was meant to keep the heat in and worked remarkably well, Ivy knew from experience. He set it down on the table then bowed to her master before leaving. The aroma emanating from the food was driving her crazy and even from her kneeling position she was practically hopping up and down in anticipation. Anticipation of even the gruel she was being allowed, but right now, she would take what she could get. Her body needed it desperately and Ivy knew she was very close to passing out due to hunger and exhaustion.

  When he left, Jack pulled up two chairs and placed them on either side of the table. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the two keys for her manacles, and unfastened them. During all this time, he had not uttered a single word and she was suddenly scared he was mad at her and that she would not be allowed to eat before being punished. The weight off her ankles was real and a relief, a major relief as she continued to kneel and watch him out of the corner of her eye. He then grabbed a long leash securely attached to a ring in a nearby wall and fastened it to her collar before gesturing and finally speaking.

  "Sit, mine. I would talk with you as we eat, but understand that normally you would sit near me on the floor consuming your meal." That he would allow her to sit at the same table as himself was a wonder. She never would have suspected it or even questioned having to eat on the floor which thankfully was clean.

  "Yes, my Master," she whispered as she took as seat across from him. The table was low and came to her lower ribcage and she noticed that Jack needed to dip his knees for them to fit under its edge as he also sat then removed the lid to the tray while setting it on the ground beside him. A gush of saliva filled her mouth at the sight of all the wondrous food and she could barely contain herself from grabbing the obvious bowl of slave gruel, but she waited when she noticed her Master was watching her closely.

  "I know you're hungry, you did well today serving the men on duty. You did well in observing the slave protocols of greeting and respect. You made me proud with your behavior. Even my men could not fault your actions. You did as a slave should." He said as he speared into his goat, cutting off a large chunk of the meat stuffed with onions and peppers. Stuffed goat is prepared in a special way. First, it is slit along the top and an inner slit cut sideways into an inch thick slab of the meat, creating two large pockets with which to stuff ingredients. It is then marinated, usually in mead, but sometimes spiced water for two days before being stuffed with the vegetables and slow cooked. This way it is very tender and the juices from the onions and peppers seep through into the meat, making a delicious meal. In some cities, it is considered the fair of kings as the meat is succulent and juicy from the slow roasting process that mandates frequent basting.

  "Now I'm going to teach you what I prefer to drink. Over by the barrels, one marked as mead and the other whisky, you will find tankards above them. Take two down and fill both three quarters of the way with mead. Above the barrels is a small tin on the shelf beside the tankards. Take it down. Inside this tin are spices already mixed. Take out a small pinch. Perhaps a sixteenth of a inch in width between your thumb and forefinger and mix it into the mead with the wooden tool beside the tin. Once you've done that, fill that tankard full then stir the contents again. Do you have all that mine?" he asked in a neutral voice as he continued to watch her closely.

  "Yes, my Master." She replied as she rose to do his bidding although her stomach was growling so loudly she was sure Jack could hear it.

  "Wait, one last step. Once you've mixed it properly, place the tankard between your breasts and warm it from your heat for three minutes. Do not forget that part and remember this because you will be called upon to perform this serve frequently for me," he growled.

  "Yes, my Master," she said in a hasty voice and immediately obeyed. Four minutes later she was placing the tankards near Jack, waited as he sipped from the fullest, and nodded in satisfaction.

  "Excellent, mine, well done even, you may eat now and the other mead is for you. I know you're thirsty as well as hungry."

  "Yes, my Master," she replied and he chuckled as he slid her bowl of gruel towards her. Instantly she dug into its thick contents, savoring the dates and to a lesser extent the small fish. She could not help herself but dived in with the fingers of both hands, shoveling the sweetened mixture into her mouth in huge mouthfuls. She paused only to take quick gulps from her mead as she quickly demolished her meal. She then looked at his plate, the second, which he was on having already demolished the first almost as fast as she had finished hers. Ivy's eyes flickered over his face as he paused in his eating then cut the remainder in half and picking up the large chuck of succulent stuffed goat, he dropped it in her bowl.

  "Eat, mine." He commanded as he went back to the remainder quickly finishing it off. In an afterthought, he broke off a quarter of the bread and handed it to her, then pushed the half-full plate of sliced fruit and cheeses her way. Greedily she dug in again, consuming everything in sight until her belly felt full to bursting. She also could not help herself from crying almost non-stop as she ate. The food was wonderful and better than anything she thought she would be allowed. Of its own volition her mind thought of her
master and how kind he was, even knowing her true place was as a free. Still, she was extraordinarily happy for a person in her position. Her Master was not that bad after all. She just needed to obey and do a good job.

  "Now clean the plates and tankards. Return the tray with the cleaned dishes to the inn then come back promptly. Place the cleaned tankards back on the shelf. Do not' make me hunt you down as you will regret it.

  Thirty minutes later, she was back. She did not even once think about trying to escape. While serving all the guards, she could not help but notice how tightly patrolled the walls were. It would have been hopeless to attempt escape unless in the wee hours of the morning when the men might be sleepy. She would bide her time and make her attempt then. As she entered his room from the outside, shivering against the cold, she found him stoking the fire to greater brightness as he added more wood and stirred the coals.

  A soft smile directed towards her lit his lips, a smile she returned as she knelt behind him, once again with hands behind her lower back and chest thrust forward. Involuntarily her head leaned forward and she rested it against his broad back. She could not stop herself as exhaustion overcame her. She was tired, her belly was full and she hurt all over from her head to her toes. She tried to pull back but her head would not move and within seconds she found herself beginning to fall asleep.


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