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Page 10

by Sean Liebling

  An abrupt movement on her Masters part made her instinctively draw back as he rose, then she felt herself being picked up in his strong arms and carried to his sleeping furs. The inside of the room was warm and the furs cozy and once again she found herself drifting off. Beside her, she could hear Jack undressing. His weapons and clothing hitting the floor with muffled clunks and the rustle of leather and linen. Then she felt his hands on her as he rolled her over and instinctively her thighs spread apart in both acceptance and a bit of need as his weight came to rest upon her small frame. Her eyes remained closed but she felt his fingers stroking her ravaged flesh and she twisted in his arms as her nerves lit and a different hunger shot through her body. His naked flesh felt wonderful against her and then she felt his cock slap against her belly with a heavy thump. Her Master was already hard and she moaned as she widened her legs wide when he slid downward, his mouth and tongue caressing her breasts and nipples.

  Her body could not help itself from automatically lubricating at the thought of his thick cock inside her and she shuddered with pleasure as he pulled her under him and lay between her thighs, the bulbous head of his manhood resting against the slit that was already moistened for him. Eagerly her hands reached for his shoulders as her hips arched upward in an attempt to impale herself on his mighty shaft. She needed him, needed to feel his manhood once again inside her, filling the tight void between her legs. Now, her eyes opened and inadvertently they fastened on his which shone with desire for her, for Ivy.

  "Do you want me, mine?" he asked in a gentle voice, as his cock pressed against the opening of her pussy harder and once again, she arced against him while trying to force it in, to pleasure her. Yes she needed him, well needed his cock or at least her body did. Her mind was in turmoil over the entire situation but she found herself responding to his words.

  "Yes my Master, girl needs your cock inside her. Take me, my Master," she gasped as her head rose to kiss him without permission. For a brief second she thought he would strike her again but then his own answering kiss met hers and their tongues collided as the fervent heat of passion rolled off both.

  He grunted above her, against her mouth and then she felt his huge snake enter her, sliding inward easily as if it had a mind of its own, stretching her once again as his hips met hers. Pleasure and pain rolled through her body as she rose upward to meet his with hers at each thrust, forcing his cock ever deeper inside her as her body sang its siren song of desire and need. She did not hold back because she wanted her master to fuck her and fuck her hard. Her body was on its own, doing its own thing and she could not stop it. She felt the waves of pleasure building until they were too much for her.

  She could not hold back and with a cry of pleasure, she came. Without her masters permission perhaps but she could not help it. Her body felt on fire with desire for this brutal man she now called her Master. Again and again the waves of ecstasy rolled through her body until she came to a shuddering halt, gasping within his arms.

  "Wow, my Master," she said after she managed to catch her breath. Her pussy was throbbing, pulsating against his shaft and slowly she started moving again, forcing it to slide back and forth inside her hot little canal.

  "You are turning into a treasure, my little Ivy," he murmured against her lips as he kissed her again, then jerked upright as the village alarm bells rang out in sudden peels of imminent danger.


  Chapter 10:

  "We found her, Sir. At least we think it's her." Lieutenant Kiery had pulled his horse up to Captain Jessup and was now giving him the latest reports from their spies. "A girl matching her description perfectly is currently the slave of Ashton's Commander. My men have double-checked and she's of the right age, the right looks and has the birthmark in the perfect shape of a three-leaf clover. Eye color matches also. I think it's her."

  "Well, there are four other raids planned for this night, I suppose this will make the fifth. Make sure you go over everything with the men one last time. If they are captured they will hold up under torture and declare they are renegade units of the Turnin Guard. We'll be pissing off a lot of people this evening and I'd rather not have them on the Viceroy's doorstep."

  "Not to worry, Sir. The men are well trained and these are our best, the best of the best, so to speak. They will not break."

  "Good, then pass the word, we move out and will attack at one bell, just before guard rotation. Their men will be sleepy and not at their best and most will be asleep in the barracks. Do you have a location to hit?"

  "Yes sir. North Eastern gate. Very close to the barracks and we should be in and out within minutes if all goes according to plan. Even if it does not, we have a hundred men and that's enough to get there, capture the girl and get back out again. Do you want her killed, or simply captured?"

  "I would prefer captured, but once we acquire her, we kill her if it seems she will escape."

  "Understood, Sir."

  "Then start moving out. We'll sit three clicks back from the walls, just outside the scout patrols and wait."

  "Yes, Sir."


  "Uh oh, things are heating up down there," remarked Andros, to the Captain as the man drank from a heavy and full mug of steaming coffee, desperately trying to keep his eyes open. Andros had woken him but hours after he was able to fall asleep after talking with his wife and children via tachyon transmission. He missed them terribly but the mission he was engaged upon had the potential to solve a great many of their short-term problems if planned correctly. The Federation honestly needed these people and these people needed the Federation. Otherwise, in a thousand years, they would most likely all be harvested and cease to exist. That would be unfortunate.

  "What do you have, First Officer?"

  "An attack on Ashton, by the city of Turnin. They are after the girl."

  "What girl?"

  "Oh, did I forget to inform you? The Commanders slave is the offspring of the previous potentate of Turnin. What they have in place as far as a ruler right now is called a Viceroy. Kind of an overseer or placeholder for the next ruler although this current one has no intention of giving up his power. Hence the attack." Andros was grinning in anticipation and watching the action from three different viewpoints.

  "The Turnin's are taking over Ashton? Help me out here number one. I'm slowly waking up you know."

  "Oh, sorry sir. No, only a small force and what is called a raid team or quick reaction force is attacking, only applied opposite of the normal fashion. From what we eavesdropped on these are the best of the best Turnin has to offer, it should prove enlightening as to Commander Jacks training and discipline with his troops. They are after the girl as I stated. Let's watch, Sir," exclaimed Andros as he eagerly watched the large monitors showing the action far below and millions of kilometers away.

  Together the two men and several other staff took seats and watched the unfolding battle. That the Ashton's were superior fighters was quickly evident as even against the Turnin best it was common for one of their soldiers to best two of the enemy. This went on for some time and caused Henricus to remark.

  "Well, this Jack certainly knows how to train his men. Even his normal gate and wall guards are more than a match for this Turnin's finest." He had woken fully by now and was nursing his second cup of coffee, as his eyes stayed riveted to the screens. "Just how many drones did you assign to Ashton, Andros?"

  "Ahh, five Sir. Hope you don't mind but he is the best my staff could find that is both qualified and capable."

  "That is a lot, especially to have three on one man. What if he spots them?"

  "Well, most of their body is hidden dimensionally, but their sensors are not, of course. We'll cross that bridge if it arises."

  "Alright, let's continue to watch." Henricus noticed that the wardroom was now crowded with senior officers and staff, everyone staring in rapt attention to the action unfolding before their eyes. He took another sip of coffee as he inwardly rooted for jack. They had given
him so much attention he could not help but feel an affinity to this warrior.


  Jack cursed as he heard the alarm bells sounding, yet wasted no time as he pulled his hard cock from Ivy and rolled to his feet. The girl was finally responsive to his demands and he did not wish to lose the momentum of her training, but city defense came first, always. With a growl, he pulled on his trousers and then his boots in quick succession and after belting on his weapons harness, he ran to the door. Ivy was close behind him, her expression frantic and worried, he noted in satisfaction. His hand reached out to stop her in her tracks and he barked.

  "Stay here mine, and lock the door. You will probably be safe. Or, go down to one of the safe rooms in the lower tunnels. That bell would not ring unless we were being attacked and anything can happen to you up here."

  "No my master, this girl disagrees. Where my master goes, so do I. Give me a bow, I know how to use one well or at least a long knife," the girl gasped out as she wrapped one arm around his leg while holding on tight.

  "No mine, I wish you kept safe, who knows what this battle will bring and slaves are not permitted weapons unless you're a fighting slave," he added hurriedly as he yanked the door open and ran to the stairs leading downward to the courtyard below.

  "Then make me a fighting slave, my Master," she gasped as she kept to his pace, her tiny legs churning madly to keep up, her bodies pain suddenly forgotten. As she left, she grabbed a green bag full of bandages from the shelf near the door. Its contents were obvious as it was open. Ivy simply closed the flap and dragged it along as she would do what she could in the event of battle. She had come to know many of the guards whom had been kind to her. Even her master as rough as he was, had shown her kindness. Her mind solidified into an intense desire to assist in any way possible during the coming conflict.

  Jack now looked back at her, poised at the top of the stairs and was amazed at her resilience and sudden dedication, he then paused for a moment. "Mine, you have no business here. Go to safety with the others. Find shelter," the last was said in an agonized voice for he had come to care for her even in this short time.

  "No, my Master, I shall not. You made me a slave and now you're stuck with me." Ivy grinned as she caught her breath and hung onto his pant leg to steady herself. She was still exhausted but unable to do anything other than what she was currently doing. Helping in the emergency and following her Master.

  Jack gave her one brief nod, and then sprinted down the steps as the alarm bell tolled again with Ivy following closely in his wake. At the bottom, he turned left towards what was obviously the sound of fighting as the sharp clang of metal striking metal indicated arms clashing against each other. Before him five men were battling; two of them Ashton guard and losing as he saw one of his men suddenly knocked off their feet by a sword slash to the side. The other three were dressed as Turnin's and why they were here he had no idea, but vowed to kill them all as he ran towards them even faster.

  Jack was there a moment later and blocked the blow of one enemy combatant while punching a second in the face with his leather and steel gauntlet. His remaining man took advantage of the punched ones distraction to run the Turnin through a second later and then Jack was battling for his life. As he blocked a second sword strike, he saw Ivy trying vainly to drag the wounded man from under their feet but then stopped paying attention to her as he narrowly avoided a thrusting sword strike and being skewered.

  Toe to toe, they fought with blades moving faster than the eye could see until Jack spotted his chance and with a sidewise slash, severed the head from the other's shoulders. It was only a matter of seconds to finish off the last man to nodded thanks from his guard and then he was busy helping Ivy drag the wounded to the nearby shelter of an open market stall.

  "Bandage him as best you can and then yell for a physician, mine. Don't let him bleed to death if you can help it as Conrad is a good man," he said as he patted the grimacing man on the shoulder and then turned away at her nod and ran off with the other guard. He never looked back for he had seen the look of concern in her face and the speed of her actions as she quickly opened the satchel of bandages and medical supplies. She appeared to know what she was doing so he left her alone as he and Tyrel, ran together to more renewed sounds of fighting ahead. Around them, other men of his appeared, obviously roused from sleep in their own private quarters and a force, squad in size, burst forth into the gatehouse bailiwick.

  The fighting became intense then as each of his men picked an opponent and drew swords. Snarling a vicious oath Jack swung his sword in a sweeping downward arc to behead the armored figure before him and then lashed out with his mailed fist to punch the now dead soldier's companion in the chest knocking him backward to sprawl on the ground. With a lunge forward he stomped down hard on the prone figures thigh then thrust inward to pierce between the front and back halves of the upper torso plate where they hinged together when the man instinctively rolled sideways. Yanking his sword free from the chest cavity of the shuddering figure below him he lashed out in a sideways motion to take a third in the face with mailed fist enclosing a heavy sword pommel. The metal of the helm caved inward and Jack could feel the bones of his opponents face crunching beneath his hand.

  "To me, men!" he yelled, as he sliced another Turnin through the thigh, almost decapitating the limb before blocking a stroke from yet another. It was vicious hand-to-hand combat and they battled to push the enemy outside the gate. They were winning, especially when the arrow arced over his shoulder to take the next enemy in the eye socket. Another arrow swiftly followed the first taking the man behind him in the throat. Both went down together in a spray of blood as Jack leaped into the position they had occupied while slamming his shoulder against a third who was attempting entry.

  "Again, form on me men and we shall push the bastards back!" shouted Jack, as he leaped over the three bodies to engage the next two figures before him. To either side his men lined up in rows beside their commander, not quite shoulder to shoulder for you needed room to swing a sword, but close. Interspersed between the sword wielders, men with long heavy spears thrust forward, impaling the enemy even through plate armor. Arrows now arced overhead as archers behind them fired over the defenders and bodies tumbled to the ground as the iron tipped wooden shafts pierced their ranks.

  A man screamed in pain to his right and after knocking aside the sword attempting to spear him in the face, his own sword took the man through the throat and spine. As the soon to be dead attacker collapsed boneless to the ground, Jack turned and was in time to see an attacker pull his sword from the belly of one of his men while shouting with glee. A glee that was short lived and a shout that turned into a scream as Jack's own sword took the man through the chain mail covering his midsection, the links parting like water through the savagery of his angry thrust. Lifting him into the air by the strength of his arm, Jack slung him forward into more of the enemy, ripping the chain mail wide open as blood spurted in all directions. The body hurtling forward opened a momentary path through the battling lines and Jack instantly ran forward shouting.

  "Charge you bastards. Carry the day for Ashton!" behind him the cry was taken up by his men. "Ashton, Ashton." as more bodies spilled into the breach while a spearhead of Jack's own forging forward, towards the enemies main contingent of leaders hiding safely behind the rear lines of their men.

  "Get the gates closed now!" he screamed in urgency as he swung his blade forward to drive back the enemy while grabbing the edge of the tall hardwood gate door. Jack knew that if they could just get the doors barricaded they could man the parapet and shoot arrows down on the enemy outside. More arrows flew over his shoulders to take out two more Turnin's and Jack thanked the Gods for the accuracy of the archer behind him. The man would receive a promotion if he lived through this.

  And then, Jack was in trouble. Sometime during the fray, he had picked up one of his men's round shields and had one opponent blocked while battling another when the thrown
knife came out of nowhere. It was impossible to dodge but he could twist his body slightly and the thin blade entered his chest high on the right side. The pain was excruciating but he ignored it as he made another overhead slash to cave in the helmet of another enemy soldier. He tried to swing the shield around but faltered as pain tore at his body when the knife twisted inside him at his movements. He was too late to stop the next blow, which struck him in the upper thigh and then he was falling when something hit him in the back of the knees.

  Looking upward with a dazed expression, feeling his life's blood leaking out of him at the points of his three wounds, Jack saw a naked slave, standing tall and strong over him while wielding a sword much too big for her but still holding the enemy at bay as his men finally closed the gates beside him. His last conscious thought was of her dropping the sword and tearing at his clothes to get at his wounds. It was only then that he realized it was Ivy, and frowned at her disobedience as his vision grew dark.


  Chapter 11:

  Daylight swam behind Jack's closed eyelids as he slowly regained consciousness and twisted slightly in an attempt to sit up. They were under attack and he needed to get to his men. There was no time to rest. However, pain stabbed through his shoulder and thigh as he tried to do so and it was then that he realized he was lying on a cot in the infirmary. A firm hand rested on his shoulder, holding him in place and Jack blinked several times to clear his eyes of the gummy residue of sleep.

  "Rest easy Commander. You've been wounded. Not bad, but bad enough." The deep voice of Griff, his second in command sounded in his ears and he nodded his head slowly then asked.

  "I assume we won the day, Captain."

  "Actually, we won the night. You have been asleep for almost ten hours."

  "Fill me in on the details. Damn me for sleeping so long," Jack grumbled.


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