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Page 11

by Sean Liebling

  "Don't beat yourself up. You have two rather serious wounds and might have bled to death if not for your new girl but we will talk about her in a moment. A light skirmish force from Turnin, numbering approximately one hundred, attacked us. We do not know why yet as the prisoners we captured are not talking. Our best guess is this was a kidnap party, but for whom we do not know. We have sixteen wounded and four dead of the guard. Our wounded are all expected to recover due to the quick action of a certain slave and the physician's guild. There are thirty-one dead Turin's and we captured six prisoners. Their heavily wounded, numbering approximately fourteen, we put to the sword because our resources are stretched thin enough as it is." The captain listed off the names of the dead and wounded then went on to the prisoner containment before getting back to business currently at hand.

  "We have a problem with your slave, Sir. I ordered her shackled after the battle and she waits outside under guard." Griff finished as he stared at his Commander with a stern expression adorning his features.

  "Alright, fill me in on that. What has she done?" inquired Jack mildly as he pondered the totals of the night's battle. Four dead, all good men and 16 wounded. He wondered about his scouts and if they were okay. He would find out after he found out what Ivy had done.

  "First, I'll list the charges, Sir. She took a wounded guards short bow and used it in battle. She then drew your steel and wielded it against the enemy. Both are offenses that can earn death for a slave. She also refused orders to leave your side by a free, multiple times, both male and female. Now you could say you ordered her to bear arms, but we asked her and she told us honestly that she did this without your permission. If you wish we can torture her to get the truth out of her." Griff said in his gravelly voice.

  Jack sighed and then responded as Ivy's charges were laid before him. "Then I suppose we should hang her as an example to others," he finally said, but did so with a chest tight with anguish over the possibility of losing his new girl. For months he had watched her, waiting for the right moment to capture and collar her. She had teased him daily with the sway of her hips and loose clothing allowing him glimpses of her delicious flesh barely contained underneath their cloth coverings. He had never wanted someone more in all his life. He honestly admitted that she consumed him. Her combination or recklessness, sassiness and sexual appeal drove him crazy and then feeling her tight little body under him as he used her, drove him crazier still.

  "Sir, I am not done. I said I would list the charges first. Now, I will list her accomplishments," stated his second firmly, as he continued to address his commander while holding him down, hand still pressing on the unwounded shoulder to keep Jack in place.

  "Go ahead, Griff." Jack sighed again and he turned his head sideways and a tear slowly trickled down his cheek at the thought of losing Ivy.

  "When wielding the bow, she accounted for five of the enemy dead. The girl is a superior archer. When wielding your sword she saved your life, not because she was able to use it effectively as it was too heavy for her, but she deflected a blow aimed for your neck by tilting it downward and digging the point into the ground of the gate entry. I was directly behind her and able to take out the attacker with ease when his sword buried itself beside the one she held. She also bandaged and according to the physicians guild, saved the lives of at least six men. When we retook the gate she was everywhere, bandaging and applying tourniquets faster than any I've seen. It was actually amazing watching her run from man to man, cut up and bruised as she was. I will freely admit that I could not have moved as fast as she did, nor accomplished what this girl did during that short time. She then brought water and food for all the assembled warriors, engaging quite a few of the cities slaves to assist, up to and including switching them if they were slow to respond. Her performance was amazing to say the least. She also never left your side all night as you lay sleeping under the sedatives of the physicians. She was only removed to outside this chamber and shackled when I ordered it."

  Jack pondered that. He was hurting and slow but saw no way out for his little Ivy. She had born weapons and though even against a foe, she had born those weapons without permission and admitted to such. He sighed again heavily and closed his eyes then reopened them as he felt Griff's heavy hand patting his shoulder. A grin adorned the visage of his Captain and Jack arched one eyebrow in question while not saying a word.

  "You have a problem, Sir. By rights she should be hung, however, she has quickly become the darling of our guard. To do so might result in the men revolting honestly. So, I had a few words with Seth our chief administrator. He informed me that there is precedent for this and that it is built into our laws although few read all the fine print." Now Griff paused and his expression turned from a grin to one pensive in nature as he continued. "According to Administrator Seth, you can free her for her actions and valor. As in, make her free again. That would save her from the noose. Both are waiting outside."

  "No other options?" asked Jack.

  "None Sir, the law is pretty clear."

  "Alright, bring them in. Let's get this over with because I won't have mine hung for saving my life," Jack ground out. Griff left his side, opened the door, and motioned for those outside to enter.

  Ivy entered first and immediately shuffled to Jack's side, her heavy wrist and ankle manacles slowing her down. Two guards entered with her but Jack could tell from their expressions their heart was not in this task. As he watched, he saw Ivy lean down, then kneel and lay the side of her head against his thigh while looking him in the eyes.

  "I'm so glad you lived, my Master," she whispered before dropping her eyes and kissing the side of his leg. Behind Ivy and the guards, the Chief Administrator entered in his robes of office and stern expression. He carried several rolls of parchment tucked under one arm. Politely he nodded to Jack and Griff as he stood silently nearby. Jack knew what he had to do and nodded back as he spoke to Ivy.

  "Mine, you will stand for me," he said in a gruff voice as his eyes started to tear up. He did not wish to lose her, not at all, but he needed to save her life.

  "Yes, my Master," she replied, and she slowly stood and it was then that Jack noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the massive exhaustion evident in her posture and expression on her face.

  "Did you sleep yet, mine?" he inquired gently.

  "No, my Master. I was worried about you," the hesitant response came slowly yet forcefully.

  "Girl, listen carefully. I am freeing you because of your service to the Ashton Guard and your valor and abilities during the recent battle. You may now consider yourself of the free with all rights afforded. The key to your collar is in my trousers, Griff could you get it please and Seth, bear witness to this, my freeing of her." Jack intoned as he looked to both men who nodded. Quickly Griff went to Jack's blood stained clothing and fished the key out of the front pocket, then in equally quick movements he took a step to Ivy and unlocked then removed her collar, tossing it on the bed beside Jack. Seth nodded and after selecting one of the scrolls he passed it to the girl. Jack grunted as the administrator must have had several made out before hand in case of any eventuality.

  Ivy stood slowly, standing proud in her naked glory. Cut up and bruised, yes, but the expression on her face read that of love and devotion and caring as she massaged her neck while watching Jack. He turned away so that she could not see his expression or the tears that were now flowing freely from his eyes at his loss of her. His last sight was one of the guards holding out a tunic for her to don before acquiring the clothes of the free. Slowly he closed his eyes and waited for her to leave his presence. He would never be the same after this. She, in her brief time with him, had changed his life. This was something he could never forget and internally he vowed to watch out for her once he recovered. He loved her and that feeling, that emotion within him would never be forgotten.

  "My Master," Ivy's voice came to his ears, soft and hesitant. Jack's eyes snapped open in surprise and he turned his head t
o regard her. She still stood before him, standing upright, proud in her freedom and he wondered what she would say as he nodded for her to continue. What confused him was her use of the honorific due him as his slave, as she was no longer such.

  "As a free woman, I wish to say this before I'm ordered to hush. My Master, when you first collared and used me, then used me again and again. Then beat me, manacled me and degraded me. I held nothing but loathing and contempt towards you, but during all that something changed within me. To me, something important happened. I realized in my heart that even during our brief time together, I came to love you, to need you. I cannot explain it as I've never imagined myself wearing a collar. I always thought I was a bit smarter, a bit faster and would not ever be caught. However, with you something changed and now I realize my rightful place is within your collar. I would beg you master to accept this girl as yours. With all my heart I beg you." Her last words were said in a soft breath of air as she smiled at him, kneeled beside him arms outstretched overhead in the posture of female submission and closed her eyes, waiting. The scroll she had been handed lay discarded on the floor beside her, her manumission papers forgotten.

  Signaling to Griff, he allowed himself to be helped up and then swiveled his legs off the cot, the heavy bandages on his left thigh hampering his movements but what he was about to do needed to be done properly. His heart soared after he heard Ivy's words and he would not deny her the courtesy of responding in kind. Finally he stood upright, although favoring his wounded leg, but he would not allow assistance in something as important as this. He towered over the tiny girl, his frame perhaps slightly awkward and tilted but still he stood as she had over him during that battle, tall and proud.

  "Girl. You are submitting. There are only two choices I can make," he whispered.

  "I realize this Master, do as you will," came her reply without hesitation. This caused Jack to nod as he watched her. As he did, he saw tears trickling down her cheeks and he nodded again as his eyes cut to Griff, who looked on in obvious approval.

  "Then repeat after me. 'I once Ivy, of the city of Ashton,'"

  Slowly she repeated the words, savoring each and spoke in a clear yet tired voice. "I once Ivy, of the city of Ashton."

  "Herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things," he said.

  "Herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things," she replied.

  "To him who is now known here as Jack, Commander of Warriors in Ashton." he said.

  "To him who is now known here as Jack, Commander of Warriors in Ashton." She replied again.

  "His girl, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as he pleases," intoned Jack as he watched her closely then saw a beautiful smile adorn her features.

  "His girl, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as he pleases," she said with a soft whisper.

  Jack lifted the opened collar from the bed and leaning over, while almost losing his balance, he snapped it around Ivy's neck. Then locked it tightly, as tears of joy streamed down his face to match those of his girls.

  "You are now mine, and I name you Ivy," he said in a final husky murmur.

  "I am yours, my master," she said as her eyes again looked up but at his signal she came into his arms and he held her tightly, kissing her savagely, hungrily as he pulled them both down onto the cot while wrapping his arms around her. A cheer rang out from the assembled warriors and administrator as he did this.

  "We still need to address her fighting, Sir," chuckled Griff, as Jack and Ivy lay together on the cot.

  "Right, I'll work on that," responded Jack, his eyes closed in contentment.

  "If we need a new law, so be it," remarked Seth with a chuckle of his own as he departed the room.

  "I am home and my heart is yours, my Master." Ivy whispered.

  "Yes mine you are home, and my heart is also yours." He responded, as he held her tightly, never letting her go.


  "Well, we definitely need to instill a natural instinct for self preservation in this Jack, that is for sure," remarked Henricus, as he sipped yet another cup of coffee. It was morning for their subject and ships board personnel as they had synchronized themselves to the planets rotation.

  "Yes, he is a bit of a loose cannon and can be quite the danger to himself but his girl is something else isn't she?" laughed Andros as he nudged the Captain.

  "That she is. I think she saved his life at least three times last night. It made me want to assist them but I know it's forbidden at this stage."

  "I know, Sir. I had the crew keep the particle accelerators on standby just in case you gave the order to move in but it would have been dicey at best with their kill sentries. We really need to get our own in place to take them all out at once. Is that an order?" Andros grinned, as he told the crew around them to start prepping a matching complement of sensor kills drones, to send out through a small window in their pocket dimension. Henricus sighed as he eyeballed his number one.

  "I pity the crew they assign you too, oh impetuous First Officer. While he was unconscious did you have a chance to instill some thoughts of self preservation and world domination?"

  "Oh yes, all taken care of. We even tweaked his feelings towards this Ivy a bit, hope you don't mind," grinned Andros.

  "I sometimes wonder why I even bother to ask, is there anything on the dispatch from earth?"

  "Why yes, actually. The Malum sent another small force against Earth, which was easily repelled. It was only, ten thousand ships, roughly. Piece of cake but they are getting bolder. Still, earth is impregnable against them. They would need that many of the creatures to make even a dent in our defenses."

  "Yes, I agree, but not so with all the other worlds under our umbrella. Each has their defense force, but some are weaker than others are. Sometimes I wonder if we should hold off and consolidate what we have."

  "Sir, I disagree. By taking planets from them on a regular basis, we keep them off balance. The Malum are nowhere near as smart as they think they are. They are simply sentient, energy state computers is all. Easily kept off balance and fooled."

  "Well don't get too cocky. We will see what happens. How's our man now?"

  "Pretty damn happy at a guess, he won the skirmish, got the girl and is loved by the entire populous of Ashton. I would say he's on cloud nine."

  "Alright, keep monitoring him and inform me of any developments," he commanded as he left the boardroom for the bridge after seeing the nod from Andros.


  "Sir Viceroy, we lost the engagement at Ashton," said his aide Jezol, as he walked into the Viceroy's chambers in the late afternoon. "We just received word through carrier pigeon. They were unable to take the girl. Ashton's men are at least as well trained as our best, unfortunately."

  "I see. Jezol, you know how I hate disappointments, don't you?"

  "Yes Sir, but this is not my fault, if anything, blame the commander on the ground, Captain Jessup."

  "Oh, I will, in the meantime send an envoy to Ashton. Tell their potentate and Commander that we are sorry that some of our rogue guard units attacked them but that we are getting our situation under control."

  "Ah Sir? How long do you think they will believe that?"

  "They probably don't believe it now, but they can't prove otherwise and remember, we outnumber them ten to one. It would be suicide for them to attack us."

  "Right you are sir and will do. I'll put the envoy together and might I suggest a gift of maybe ten thousand gold crowns for their pain, suffering and loss at our errant guards?"

  "Yes, perfect, see that it is done."

  Jezol smiled as he left the room. The payment would actually be short a bit but who would know.


  Chapter 12:

  Jack was going over the aftermath reports of the attack when Griff busted into his office, a hurried, stormy expression on his face. Beside Jack, Ivy knelt serenely with a soft smile on her face and dressed in glorious red
silks that befitted the slave of a warrior, especially the Commander of that band of brothers. As Jack looked up in consternation, he saw Griff glance at Ivy, then look at her more fully, before the Captain spoke to her.

  "Girl, leave us for now and wait outside." Griff's voice was stern yet also kind, if such a description could be made for that tone of voice, causing Jack to set aside his papers and frown. Ivy quickly rose and scampered to the door as she called out.

  "Greetings Master and yes Master," then the door was closing behind her. As a slave it was not her place to question the orders of any free and if her own Master took exception to the orders given by another he would take it up with them and knowing her master, more than likely with the sharp edge of his sword. It was two days since the night of the battle and Ivy was well rested and in good spirits, taking care of her masters every need as he took care of hers.

  "I assume there was a reason for that, Captain?" inquired Jack in a mild voice and with a raised eyebrow. Griff took a seat in one of the two chairs before him then leaned forward, nodding empathically.

  "Aye, Sir, there is. The interrogation of the prisoners is complete with two expiring during the process of questioning and the others maimed. Those maimed are in such a state they should honestly be put to the sword, Sir. It was what we found out that concerns me and forced me to require the girl to leave our presence if only briefly," responded Griff, as he pulled a sheaf of notes from inside the breast opening of his tunic. He then paused and Jack waved his left hand impatiently, scowling at his subordinate.

  "Get to the point about Ivy, Griff and you have my permission to pike the prisoners by the front gate near the walkway leading down to the docks."

  "Yes Sir, It seems quite a few of these Turnin light skirmish teams were sent out. There were supposedly eight in total and to all our nearby neighboring cities, all of whom we are allied with by the way. As you know the Turnin's Guard numbers in the thousands whereas our own is barely one of that. The loss of a few hundred men is nothing to them. It is not their losses that concerns me but what they were attempting to acquire. Did you ever wonder why the attack took place at the north postern side gate, the closest to your residence?"


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