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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 19

by Elizabeth Jones

  Chapter 45


  Lautner six years ago

  I was an Alpha. The rightful heir to the Stone Valley Pack. That was my father's big secret. With his inevitable death looming before him, he had finally told me the truth. He had once been a respected alpha. A powerful alpha with a fated mate by his side. It had all been perfect until one night, my mom stumbled upon my father's enemy. He had watched helplessly as the Alpha killed her before his very eyes. Broken by his grief, he abandoned his pack in the middle of the night, taking me with him.

  We had traveled aimlessly, until eventually, my father found some peace amongst the strays. Their need for destruction and violence helping him deal with his own demons, and that’s how I would be raised. To grow up fearing nothing and no one. To know that I was strong enough to deal with the world around me. Strong enough to reject my wolf's need for a mate. He believed he could do it, and as I look down at his lifeless body before me, I knew he was right. After watching him succumb to his mate's loss, I would never fall victim to the same fate.

  Standing over his prone body, I wait? for what, I'm not sure. Maybe for remorse to finally take hold or the anger to simmer inside me. But I feel nothing. I had just murdered my father in cold blood. Not out of love, but out of pity. He had known all along the monster he created would eventually kill him. Perhaps that had been his intention all along.

  Picking up his body from the ground, I carry it over to the grave I had just dug, dropping him inside and taking one last look at the man that had raised me. The hole is deep, and it takes me a while to cover him, the sky growing dark around me. Satisfied at a job well done, I place a small stone etched with his initials D.A atop his grave.

  It was time for me to leave. To walk away and start anew. I knew Lester would be pissed at me. After all, he was my only friend here, but I couldn’t stay. Not now. This had been my father's life, and I was done living in a world he created. Maybe I would search out the pack my father had been so desperate to keep me away from. To see what life had awaited me if things had turned out differently. Turning away, I walk straight ahead, and I don’t look back.

  Chapter 46


  I’m losing my mind, afraid to close my eyes. All I can see is her calling my name, and I can’t move. I can’t help her. Clutching my phone, I stare at the blank screen, just waiting for the next video to show me that Dani is still alive, no matter what state she is in. I had watched the videos Lester had sent over when I was comatose upstairs. Each video more violent than the last. I had watched him cut her, and beat her, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

  I scream in frustration at the empty room around me, unable to control myself. My wrists burning from the silver cuffs as I tried to remove them. Was this how my father had felt all those years before. Watching as his mate was killed before him, not being able to do a damn thing but blame himself and the choices he made. But there was one difference between my father and me. If Dani died. If I couldn’t save her. Then it’s all over. I would gladly take my own life because I can no longer imagine my life without her.

  Seth limps into the room, looking around wildly as if expecting danger. As his eyes track over to me, he comes over, sitting beside me.

  “Get these cuffs off me, Seth,” I say coldly.

  He shakes his head. “I can't do that.”

  “I'm not just going to wait around. This is what you wanted, right? Me to mate? Well, she’s out there, and if I don’t get to her soon, it will all have been for nothing.”

  It’s the truth, and he knows it. In just a few hours, the mate bond would be over. It was all I had ever wanted at first, but now the thought of losing it, of losing her, was sending me into a panic.

  “Once we get another call from Brandon, we’ll sort something out. We won't abandon her, but you need to be smart about this. If you go now, you’re dead.”

  I hate that he's right. I'm in no goddamn state to face off against Brandon and Lester, but I’ll fucking do it, and I’ll win. For her.

  “His plan is to hurt you. Not her.”

  “Yeah, don’t remind me. This is all my fault.”

  “You can’t blame yourself.”

  “Who else can I blame? I played Brandon for a fool, toying with him over Tommy’s death, and look where it’s gotten me. Dani’s paying for it.”

  “He won’t kill her, not until he gets you.”

  “That doesn’t help Seth, and you damn well know it. You know just as well as I do the damage that can be inflicted in such a short amount of time. Not just physically but mentally,” I say, remembering how Seth was when he returned from Brandon and Tommy’s clutches.

  Seth pauses as if just realizing that Dani could be suffering the same as he once did. “I’ve been where Dani is. It’s not easy, but she has you, and she is stronger than you know. She loves you,” he says with a wince as he grips his thigh.

  “What's the deal?” I nod towards his thigh.

  “I’ll be fine. The silver was in for quite some time. Ryan’s scared there may be some left over muscle damage.”

  Mick calls out for Seth as he gets up, heading towards the office. I know they are having a meeting right now, one in which I’m being purposefully left out of. I know Mick doesn’t trust me right now, and he has every right not to. I don’t give a shit about the shifter Council or the damn treaty. I just want her back.

  I jump as my phone rings, instantly answering. It’s Brandon. “If you want your bitch back? Meet me alone down at the old cabin by the creek. You know the one.”

  “Let me talk to her?”

  “She can’t come to the phone right now, I’m afraid. Lester is keeping her entertained.”

  “This is between us. It always has been. Just let her go?”

  “It was, but then you went and took something of mine. It’s only fair.”

  “She’s not like us.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. In the past couple of hours, Dani and Lester have come to know each other rather intimately,” he laughs. “Come alone, or Dani dies.” Brandon ends the call as I glance towards Mick’s office. I know I should tell them about the call, but I’m done playing the Council's games. If I turn up with the pack in tow, it’s all over. I watch the door open, catching sight of Daniel coming out.

  “Daniel.” With hunched shoulders, he slumps over. His eyes are red, and I know he hasn’t slept in a while. “I need you to take these cuffs off.”

  “I can't. My father will kill me.”

  “Daniel, I know you care about Dani. You’re the only one that can help me get her back. Just take the cuffs off,” I demand.

  He stares at me, and I can see he's confused. He would never willingly betray his father, but he cares for Dani. I might not like it, but I know she doesn’t think of him in that way. To her, she is his friend.

  “Shit.” Daniel goes over to the bar. Opening the safe, he takes out the key.

  “You promise to bring her back,” he says as he slides the key into the lock.

  “I promise.” Free from the cuffs, I rub my wrists. “Go in there and act like nothing has happened. I need a head start.”

  He nods as I watch his retreating form. Grabbing my leather jacket off the chair, I head out towards my car. It would probably be quicker to shift, but I know Dani’s injured, and I may need to move her fast.

  As I start the ignition, I hit the accelerator. My tires kicking up the gravel in their wake. I catch a glimpse of my home in the rearview mirror, and I can’t help but wonder if I would ever see it or my pack brothers again.

  Chapter 47


  “I think I might keep you.” Lester grins, coming back into the room. I have no idea how long I’ve been here for. I’m so tired, and my body feels like it’s been run over by a train. “What do you think? Do you want to stay with me? We make quite the cute couple.”

  I peer at him between my swollen eyelids, wondering if this is what awaited me wi
th Drake. Is this just my fate? To be abused at the hands of unworthy men. I wanted to think about Lautner and the tenderness he had shown me, but it seemed out of place here. A cruel reminder of a life not meant to be.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you, Dani. Do I need to cut you again?” he asks, moving towards me, twirling the blade already saturated with my blood in his hand. “It seems to be the only way of keeping your attention. Well, that, or I know you like it when I bite you.” His hand roughly pushes against his most recent bite on my collar bone, as I cry out in pain. “Did it turn you on as much as it did me? Hmm. Maybe I should do it again and see for myself.” He chuckles at my ear before pacing the room once more. “Man, I wish I could have seen the look on Lautner’s face when he watched me do this. I bet he was pissed. God, I’m getting hard just thinking about it. He always thought he was better than me growing up. Better at fighting and fucking. It was always a competition, and now, I'm really going to get one over him by claiming his precious mate.”

  My eyes glance down, noticing the bulge in his pants before quickly turning away. I didn’t want to add fuel to whatever fire is brewing inside him. In the last twenty-four hours, I’d lost my virginity to Lautner, been sexually assaulted by Drake, kidnapped, tortured. I didn’t want to have to add rape to my ever-growing list of firsts. “I’m listening.” I hate the way my voice sounds in an almost pleading tone.

  “Yeah, darling. It won’t be long now till he gets here. Then once he’s dead, we can be together.” He smiles, his eyes watching me closely.

  I had come to realize that his sinister smile is my warning that he is ready for more.

  “Please, can I have a glass of water?” I beg. Anything to try and take his mind off whatever he’d been planning to do next.


  I nod. “I’m losing my voice,” I croak for added effect.

  “It’s all that screaming in pleasure you’ve been doing, isn’t it?” He smiles as if expecting me to agree.

  I could play this game. “If you want me to scream for you, then I need some water.”

  “Alright, stay there.” He laughs at his own joke, pointing to the binds at my wrists and ankles. “I’ll be right back.”

  I close my eyes, forcing myself to remain strong. I’m not sure how long it will take Lautner to get here, wherever here is. I have no idea how far out they took me. All I know is that I have to bide my time and pray that Lester wouldn’t hurt me anymore than he already had. Brandon made it clear that I was expendable. He didn’t care about me in the slightest. I was bait, pure and simple. Lautner is his target. On the other hand, Lester seems to think we are lovers, and all this … is just some sort of twisted foreplay to the start of our happily ever after.

  “You know Dani,” he starts as he brings a glass of water to my lips. “Once Lautner is dead, I’m going to mark every inch of your body, claiming you for myself. I know what you’re thinking,” he smiles, “why bother? My mark won't last once you finally shift. But it will … if I use this.”

  “You’re sick,” I spit, staring at the bottle of draino in his hand.

  “Oh, now come on, it's genius.” He comes closer as he tries to unscrew the lid. “Now, which one of my bites should we try it on first, I wonder. Or shall I make a new one?” He snaps his teeth.

  “For God's sake,” Brandon mutters, coming into the room. “Are you still at it?”

  “What? She’s going to be my mate. It’s only right.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that your psychotic? and not in a useful way,” Brandon sneers. “If you're going to do it, do it now. It shouldn’t be long before Lautner gets here, and I want everything to go according to plan.”

  “What’s the big deal in anyway? He’s not getting out of here alive. You honestly think he can take the both of us?”

  “No, but unlike you, I don’t leave things to chance. I can’t have you committing yourself to our prisoner. She may very well die yet, depending on how things go.”

  “Well, we will always have this time together,” He replies, kissing my cheek.

  “Touching,” Brandon replies, looking somewhat bored. “Now, go out front and keep an eye out.”

  I watch as Lester places the draino down, leaving the room.

  I breathe a sigh of relief now that it’s just Brandon I have to contend with. I’m not an idiot. Out of the two of them, Brandon is the most dangerous. He might act calm and in control, but he’s a cold-blooded killer on the inside, and I’m nothing more than a pawn to play in his twisted game. But he has shown no interest in raping or torturing me just yet. All his plans are focused on Lautner. I know he would only touch me if it proved to be in his interest.

  “You do realize your father paid me a lot of money to keep you safe.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell him what a great job you’re doing,” I reply sarcastically.

  “Tell me, Dani. Do you know why the contract to marry Drake is so important that your father has made your life hell?” he asks.

  I shake my head. I’d always wondered what my price was, but my father would only lie. He didn’t see me worthy of the truth, even if it is my life that pays for it.

  “Let me give you a quick history lesson while we wait. Your father murdered Drake's father in cold blood. There was no challenge. He knew he could never beat him for Alpha in a fair fight, so he cheated. Your father never counted on Drake witnessing it and catching it all on video. He used that video to blackmail your father. Forcing him into signing a contract to take your hand in marriage, ensuring that he would take his rightful place as Alpha when the time comes.”

  “Why didn’t he just use the video to show the pack. They would never have accepted him as Alpha?”

  “Because where’s the fun in blackmail if you can’t use it to your full advantage. Did you never wonder why Drake and your father are tied at the hip? Cortez is good at getting information, and Drake uses that to his full advantage. Plus, they both despise you.”

  “Why? Why do they hate me so much?”

  “Do you remember when you were twelve, you had your first shift? Turns out, you aren’t just another typical wolf. You’re a Luna. An Alpha female. You threaten them with your power. They needed to keep you weak. A little toy they can control.”

  “No, you’re wrong. I’ve never shifted.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. When your father beat you, you shifted and nearly killed him.”

  “That’s impossible. Lacey was there. She saw everything.”

  “Lacey passed out. She never could handle the sight of blood, could she?” he enquires. “That’s why your father made up the lies about your seizures. He couldn’t risk you shifting again.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Your father and Drake have fed you enough wolfsbane that you’re not shifting any time soon. Also, unlike Lester here, I don’t think you will survive the night.”

  “How do you know all this?” I shake my head, struggling to accept everything that I’m hearing.

  “Drake isn’t just your Beta and soon to be mate. He’s also my cousin. Although we don’t really get along, he can be useful now and again.”

  “Lautner will kill you,” I say, still reeling from the recent news.

  “He will try, but the fact remains, you would have been perfect together. Two strong Alpha’s capable of many things, and I can’t let that happen. I won’t.” He stands as if getting ready to leave the room. “I have one more gift for you before I leave.” He smiles, coming closer as he pulls the hunting knife from the sheath at his waist. “Just to be sure you don’t try anything.” He thrusts the blade forward as I cry out, the blade puncturing through my skin like butter. “When I remove this knife, you’ll have about thirty minutes before you bleed to death. Even if somehow Lautner spoils my plans and I die, just know, I will distract him long enough to know that I have taken my revenge.” He pulls the knife out as I scream.

  Chapter 48


drag my eyes away from the road ahead of me as I stare at my phone—Seth’s name flashing on the screen. Damn it. I pick it up, hurtling it out of the window. I’d only been on the road for the past twenty minutes. I was hoping I would’ve had more time before they realized I was gone. I wasn’t far now, but I have no idea what awaits me when I get there. Lester is your typical stray; he doesn’t plan ahead, but Brandon, he’s cunning, and I have no doubt that whatever lies in wait for me is all his doing. I could very well be walking into a trap with the hunters, not that it mattered. I’d do anything to get Dani back.

  The roof of the cabin between the trees comes into view as I drive the last few feet.

  Lester is waiting outside for me. He smirks when he sees me, cracking his knuckles as if I should be afraid. He knows me better than that. Out of everyone here, he’s the only one I’d actually called a friend growing up.

  I exit the car, slowly looking around. It’s quiet. Looks like Brandon wanted to keep this between us instead of involving the rest of the hunters.

  “Glad you could make it.” Lester heads towards me like a long-lost friend, instead of the man who had my heart and soul trapped in the basement behind him.

  “Where is she?” I get up in his face, nose to nose, instantly smelling Dani’s blood on his skin.

  “I smell good, don’t I?” he grins wider as we face off. “Don’t worry, she’s alive for now.” I watch him warily, forcing myself to stay in control. No matter how much I want to punch him in the face right now, I know I have to be patient. For all I know, Dani may not even be here. It might just be a trap to lure me out. Once I saw Dani for myself, then I would make my move.

  “Follow me.” We enter through the crumpling front door, and I feel like I've stepped back in time. It looks the same as it did two years ago, except for a few more broken windows and a lot more dust. The house is dark as I follow Lester into the kitchen and through the old wooden door leading down into the basement. The wooden steps creaking under my feet as I tentatively make my way down. A lone bulb is swinging precariously overhead, casting the room in dangerous shadows. Dani is slumped in the same chair I found Seth in two years ago. I didn’t know much about PTSD, but I'm pretty sure that’s what Brandon is hoping for. Something to throw me off my game. He’s going to be disappointed. I square my shoulders instantly on alert. I know Brandon is down here somewhere, hidden in the shadows.


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