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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 20

by Elizabeth Jones

  “Dani,” I call out, but she remains still. The scent of her blood permeating the small room.

  “Glad you could finally join us,” Brandon calls out, emerging from behind Dani, swirling his brother's beloved knife in his hand.

  My foot finally hits the bottom of the stairs as Lester comes behind me, pushing me forwards.

  “Is he alone?” Brandon asks Lester, never taking his eyes off me.

  “Yeah, you were right. He actually does give a shit about the female, after all. Your father would be so disappointed in you.” Lester laughs. “I always knew you were weak.” I turn around to glare at him as Brandon comes towards me, his heavy boots making a loud clunking sound on the concrete beneath our feet.

  “It must bring back some memories, being back here. Does it? Seth, bound to the same chair as your mate. I always had a soft spot for him. Even now, I miss his company. The times we shared down here.” He smiles. “The thought of bringing him back here, well, it's what keeps me going. Once you're out of the way, I’ll find him again. Although, I did hear he’s injured. I do hope he recovers again before we meet. It would be a shame to find him broken. That’s my job, after all.” I can feel the sharp tip of the blade as it hits my chest, nicking my skin. He pushes it deeper, slowly dragging it down as it cuts through the fabric of my wifebeater, tearing at my skin below. It's not deep, but my chest burns from the silver blade, and I grit my teeth, determined not to give him anything.

  “Lester, get the chains.” I watch Lester pull on a pair of leather gloves so as not to burn himself.

  “You think I'm just going to stand here and let you chain me up? Let Dani go. You’ve got me now.”

  Brandon laughs. “Did you really think it was going to be that easy? No. What you did is unforgivable. You killed my brother,” he seethes. “I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye. I don’t have a body to bury. I have nothing left of my brother except for this knife. So, this,” he thrusts the blade towards me, “is how you die. You and your mate.”

  I can hear the chains rattling together behind me. I’m running out of time.

  “Let her go, and I’ll come willingly.”

  “Again, you're not listening,” he shouts. “You don’t have a say in anything that happens now.”

  I can feel Lester standing behind me, and I know if he gets the chains on me, it's game over. I'm still recovering from the transfusion, and no were near at my full strength. I throw my hand out, knocking the blade from Brandon's hand as I smash my head against his. Spinning around, I grab Lester's shoulders. Using my surprise attack to my full advantage, I pull him down as my knee repeatedly connects with his midsection until he drops the chains. Brandon growls behind me, advancing as I push Lester away, his head hitting the wall.

  I catch Brandon with a hard right as he stumbles. I follow his movements, continuing to hit him with everything I have left in me. I watch as he goes down hard, dropping the knife. I bend down, ready to pick it up and end this once and for all. A weight lands on my back as I fall to the ground with Lester on top of me. I try to roll him off, but he straddles over me, pinning me beneath his weight. Lester has his own knife now as he swings it wildly towards me. The blade catches me a few times, but Lester was never into weapons. The cuts he lands are superficial at best. Frustrated, he’s sloppy, and I knock his hand, the knife slipping easily through his leather gloves to land beside me. His fist comes down, but I tip my head to the side, as he barely grazes my cheek. I buck my hips off the floor, dislodging him as I throw him off me. I snatch the knife up off the floor as I dive towards Dani. Her head hangs low on her chest as I put my hand against her forehead. She’s cold and clammy. Fear claws its way inside me, and I fear I'm too late. I've failed her.

  “Dani.” She doesn’t move. My eyes roam down to the blood pooling at her waist, and I know she’s been stabbed.

  I can hear Lester and Brandon getting back to their feet behind me. Using the knife I’d taken off Lester, I cut the ties off her wrists and ankles.

  “This is it, Lautner,” Brandon calls out, but I don’t turn around. I carefully run my fingers down Dani’s cheek, memorizing her face. It might be the last thing I ever see. “I'm sorry, Dani.” I take her hand off the armrest as I bring it towards my mouth. I strike fast, biting her arm, tasting her blood. I call my wolf forward, sending her every bit of power inside me, praying it's enough to keep her alive in the hope the pack will find her.

  Empty, I fall to the floor at her feet. Brandon looms above me, Tommy’s knife aimed at my throat.

  Chapter 49


  It's quiet. Too quiet. I have no idea whether I’m awake or asleep. Perhaps I’m dead. I remember the pain of the knife as it penetrated my stomach. The blood. So much blood as it coated my clothes. But now, I feel nothing. No pain. No fear. Just an eerie silence. I thought I had heard Lautner at one point, but I can’t be sure. He’s the one person I want right now. I must be dead. Isn’t that what's supposed to happen when you die? You hear and see your life pass before your eyes. In five short days, that’s what he’d become, my life.

  Mate. The word sounds strange. A calling from deep within my chest awakening me. The pain comes back tenfold as my blood boils, racing through my veins. I cry out, but it's no use. Panting, I try and control my breathing as my insides quake. The breaking and crushing of my bones now pierce the peaceful silence. I fall to the floor, having no idea why I'm no longer bound to the cold wooden chair. I feel the hardness of the concrete as I collapse under the pain. Surely, I would pass out soon. The pain is too much. I try to open my eyes, but I'm instantly blinded, closing them quickly. I fight to remain in control, but it's pointless. Perhaps if I accept death, it will pass soon. Accepting my fate, I let go, allowing the pain to run its course as everything goes black.


  I carefully open my eyes. It's strange. My sight is different now, sharper. I go to speak, a howl breaking from my lips. I look down, noticing the white paws on the ground in front of me. I take a step back, and it follows my movements. I gasp in shock, but it comes out as a whimper from my elongated jaw. I shake my head, disorientated at the newfound power within me. I’d done it. I’d finally shifted. I can feel the blood still dripping at my side from my stab wound, but I no longer feel the pain of it crushing me.

  I test my paws against the concrete, expecting to fall flat on my face, but I remain steady. Looking around the room, I realize I’m still in the dark cellar they had brought me to. I scent the air, catching the smell of the woods on a rainy fall day, and I know Lautner has been here recently. Panic consumes me as I notice the blood on the floor, and I instantly know it is his. I let out a howl filled with all the rage and sorrow brewing inside of me.

  I creep towards the door leading upstairs, my paws silent as if I know the exact path that I'm taking. My mind focused on the only thing I need. Lautner.

  It's cold and dark outside, the full moon overhead my only source of light illuminating the darkness ahead of me. I can scent them all now. Wherever Lautner is, they are also with him. I put my nose to the ground, greedily tracking them.

  The sound of a fist connecting hard against flesh, followed by a grunt, has my ears twitching. Lautner. I break into a lope, coming to a sudden stop as Lautner's body hits the floor. Brandon and Lester turning their cold eyes towards me.

  “Looks like our little Luna isn’t dead after all,” Brandon says, a smile cracking his face. His eyes look at me hungrily as he licks his lips, and I instantly take a step back.

  “Move again, and I slit his throat,” Brandon warns, crouching down beside Lautner and pulling his head back. I instantly stop.

  “Good girl,” Brandon says as I snarl in reply.

  Lautner’s eyes find mine. I can see the instant relief on his face at seeing me alive before quickly turning to panic.

  “I'm starting to see the appeal Dani holds for you. Her power is quite something, don’t you think?”

  “Pity you're not going to live long en
ough to experience it for yourself,” Lautner spits, but Brandon only laughs.

  “Can you feel her power? I think you had the right idea after all, Lester.” Brandon pushes Lautner forward as he falls to the ground. His eyes watch me greedily as he slowly strips off his clothes, letting me see just how much my power is affecting him. He is rock hard as he stands there naked before me, watching me.

  Lester is also naked now, and I can't help but notice he’s just as hard as Brandon. I quickly avert my gaze.

  “Dani, run,” Lautner calls out.

  Something tells me that Lautner is right. I need to go right now because If I don’t, I won't get another chance. But I came to find my mate, and I wouldn’t leave without him. I stand my ground.

  “No,” Brandon calls out just as Lester falls to the ground preparing to shift. “She's mine.”

  “The hell she is,” Lester snaps. “You promised her to me if she survived.”

  Brandon sneers. “You haven’t got it in you to claim a Luna. You’re weak. She would be taken from you instantly.”

  Lester ignores Brandon as I watch him shift, and I’m left facing his black wolf once more. I tremble, remembering him pinning me to the ground as his teeth snapped at my throat. Lester growls, advancing towards me before a brown wolf intercepts him taking him down. I look over to Brandon, but he is no longer there, and I realize he must be the other wolf. I hurry over to Lautner.

  “Dani,” he mumbles. I lick his face, confirming it's me. His hand lifts from the ground as he touches my fur, a weak smile on his face. “You’re fucking beautiful, do you know that? My beautiful white Luna.”

  The sound of a wolf yelping behind me has me turning around, trying to shield Lautner behind me. Brandon is on top of Lester, his teeth biting anywhere he can land. Lester howls in pain as Brandon continues his vicious attack. There really is no loyalty among strays, not like packs. It’s every man for himself, and I’m the prize. I quickly turn back to Lautner, praying he can move. I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t even know how to shift back. It won't be long before Brandon comes for me.

  Lautner groans as he stands up, his face a mask of pain. His eyes focused on the wolves fighting behind me.

  His fingers grip the fur at my neck as he looks down. “I need you to run, Dani. I need you to get as far away from here as possible.”

  I shake my head. I wouldn’t leave him.

  “You have to, and you need to go now. If Brandon catches you, that’s it. You will be mated to him. It’s a full moon tonight. You’re a Luna Dani, you’re special. Brandon can take you from me. I promise to explain everything later, but for now, you need to run. Go. Don’t look back.”

  I watch the determination on his face as Brandon growls low behind me. I turn to find him watching me. The black wolf that had once been Lester dead beneath him.

  “Run,” Lautner shouts as he comes to stand in front of me. I watch Brandon as he breaks into a run, his body slamming into Lautner and taking him down. I'm frozen. I want to take Lautner's advice, but I can’t. I won’t leave him to die. I’d made him a promise. If he died, I died, and I’m not changing my mind. I break into a run as I lunge for Brandon, catching his hindquarters. The move is sloppy and uncontrolled, but it works as Brandon rolls off Lautner. I growl as I start forward. Brandon tips his head to the side as if trying to work out my next move. He won't be able to. I don’t even know it myself.

  “Dani,” Lautner shouts, and I know he's pissed. He doesn’t want me here. He's just told me what happens if we lose. I'll no longer be his.

  Brandon takes a few steps towards me. His eyes shining bright, and I know he’s smirking at me underneath his wolf's exterior.

  I back up, but it's no good. Brandon is ready. He crashes into my side as I'm thrown to the ground, landing instantly on top of me. I writhe beneath him, trying to get my back legs up high enough to kick him off, but he’s better at this than I am. He has my entire body trapped beneath his. I close my eyes, bracing myself for the feel of his teeth at my throat.

  It doesn’t come. I hear him grunt above me before I feel his weight pulled from my body. Suddenly free, I roll back on all four paws, panting for breath. Growling, I turn to watch Lautner and Brandon as they circle one another. You can feel the aura of their power in the air, and I can instantly pick out Lautner’s. The power of the Alpha. They both attack simultaneously, but Lautner takes control as if Brandon is nothing beneath him. He dominates him, attacking over and over until the scent of Brandon’s blood is heavy on the air. Lautner lifts his head as if sensing me watching him. The connection between us is undeniable as he leaves Brandon crumpled and broken at his feet, stalking towards me.

  Brandon groans as I glance towards him. I watch as he shifts back, trying to climb to his feet. He’s covered in blood, and I know he’s hurt. His eyes blazing fury as he turns to meet my gaze. It's over for now. He knows he’s lost tonight, but he won’t give up. He's nowhere near finished with me yet. With a nod of his head, he skulks towards the cover of the trees before vanishing from sight.

  Lautner growls low, demanding my attention. The look in his eyes screams possession and dominance as he pounces, catching my legs out from under me. We land hard as he rolls me under him. His beautiful amber eyes burning brighter than I’d ever seen. He growls a warning before his teeth nip at my throat. I thrash beneath him, trying to dislodge him, but he holds firm. His growl vibrating through me until I yield. I instantly feel the power inside me weaken as my bones once again break inside my body. I cry out, riding out the pain until I’m human once more.

  I open my eyes, surprised to find Lautner already shifted back before me. His eyes look down at me, filled with awe and desire. There’s no doubt in my mind that this man is my alpha. His mouth comes down hard and fast, taking mine, claiming me in a promise of forever. His hand finds its way between my legs as if testing my readiness for him. I am. I’m more than ready. This close to death, my body welcomes the warmth of life he breathes back into me. He lifts my leg, positioning himself at my entrance before sliding deep inside me. I moan in relief, gripping his shoulders as he relentlessly takes my body higher and higher.

  “You’re mine, mate.” His words are raw, animalistic, powerful. Every thrust of his hips pushing me to the edge. A promise that there would never be anyone else. He would consume every part of me relentlessly. Always.

  “Say it,” he demands. He doesn’t stop as he pounds me deep into the earth, gripping my hips. I'm aching and hurt, but I don’t care. I need this. He needs this.

  “I'm yours.” Tipping my head to the side, he doesn’t leave me waiting. His mouth strikes fast—my orgasm tearing through me as I feel the sharp pain of his bite. The pain is over quickly, replaced by the gentle caress of his power combining with mine. Seducing me as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I feel Lautner tense up beneath me as he releases inside me. We stay there, locked together, regaining our breath until finally, Lautner pulls back.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, his eyes roaming over every crevice of my body, taking in my injuries.

  “I’m not,” I say truthfully, hoping he can hear just how much I needed this.

  “We need to get you back to Ryan.” Unable to move, I nod as he picks me up in his arms. I must pass out once or twice because the next thing I know, we’re in the car.

  “Hold on, mate.” His hand clasps mine, taking us home.

  Chapter 50


  A knock sounds at my door, as I lie on my bed—Dani wrapped around me.

  “Come in,” I call out, adjusting the comforter up over her.

  “How is she?” Mick asks, entering the room.

  My alpha looks like he has aged a few years in the past twenty-four hours, and I know I’m partly to blame for all the stress the pack has been through.

  “Lester and Brandon have put her through hell, but she's tough. She’ll heal.”

  As soon as I’d brought her home, Ryan attended to her wounds while I sat
there feeling helpless. Once he’d finished, I’d taken her straight up to my room, determined to check her over for myself. Every mark on her body leaving me shaking in anger. It was only at her words that I finally calmed down.

  “I'm ok,” she repeated over and over. Even in pain, she was soothing me. I’d wanted her to tell me everything that happened, but I knew she needed time to heal.

  “I'm sorry I ran out on the pack before, but I couldn’t take the risk, not with her,” I explain.

  “I know. You’re a good man Lautner. I just hope you’re finally starting to heal yourself. I know you feel guilty about what happened to her, but that was her father and Drake’s doing, not yours.”

  “Maybe,” I reply with a shake of my head, “I just added fuel to the fire. Her father may have planned the kidnapping, but if it hadn’t been Lester and Brandon’s hatred for me, then maybe they wouldn’t have hurt her so badly.”

  “Her father was already deranged. Nothing would have stopped him. And Lester and Brandon, they're just as bad. She’s safe with you now.”

  I think over his words. He was right. She was safe here with me. I would never let anyone get their hands on her again. All these years, I had honestly believed I could never love another more than myself, and yet here she lay beside me. I would never be able to go on living without her. In just a few days, she’d taken me apart and remade me. Taming the monster within.


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