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Lautner: A Dark Fated Mates Romance

Page 21

by Elizabeth Jones

  “She's my mate. I would go to the ends of hell for her, and as crazy as it sounds, she was prepared to die for me, even after the way I’d treated her. She knew before I did that fate wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  He nods. “I'll leave you to it. If you need anything, just message down.” He closes the door, and I return to watching Dani as she sleeps. She looks so peaceful, even with the bruises that covered her face. She looked content. Happy even. Her hands wrap tighter around my waist, pulling herself closer to my body as if she can sense my thoughts. Maybe she could. She is a Luna, after all. Her power was pure desire. It was undeniable.


  I leave the room as Dani goes to take a bath, determined to find Daniel.

  “Hey man, how is she?” he asks tiredly. Just a few days ago, I would have been pissed at his affection for Dani, but now, I knew that she loved me, not him.

  “She’s good. Just needs a little time. Look, I need a favor, or well, Dani does.”


  “I need you to trace this number. Dani's father threatened her friend Lacey if she didn’t marry Drake. Dani can't get a hold of her, and she's worried her father has done something.”

  “I’ll look into it now,” he says, “We already have Cortez’s phone. I should be able to find something.”

  “Thanks. Look, I'm sorry about how I acted. She's lucky to have a friend like you.” He nods, accepting my weak ass apology. Now I just have one more thing to sort out.

  I knock at Mick’s office door.

  “Yeah,” he calls out. “Everything alright?” he asks as soon as he sees me.

  “Yeah, she told me everything. Where do we stand with the Council? I'm prepared to leave if need be?”

  “We know the supplier. We managed to get it off his phone. We have more than enough evidence to support that he had his own daughter tortured and kidnapped. Plus, Drake is singing, trying to save his own skin, although it won’t do him any good. The Council has everything. I'm just waiting on word back. Did you really mean what you said before to Cortez? Did you kill Drew?”

  “Yeah, I did. I put him out of his misery.”

  He nods in understanding. Sometimes words weren’t needed.

  “Congratulations on being the first of us to mate. Dani is a great addition to the pack.”

  “She’s a Luna,” I say, watching the shocked expression on his face. “That’s why her father and Drake were so threatened by her. Once she shifts again, others will find out, and they will come for her.”

  “A Luna. Does she know what this means?” he asks.

  “Not yet, but I will tell her everything. I won’t keep secrets from her.”

  “Luna’s are rare,” Mick agrees, “but she will be safe with you and the pack. If you ever change your mind about the Alpha position, you know I would step down. You proved yourself over the past few days. Heck, even Ryan is impressed, although he’ll never admit it.”

  “I have no intention of taking over. I never wanted this, and I still don’t. You are my alpha, and Dani is my mate. My family.”

  He nods, accepting my words. “It's over, Lautner. Now go see your mate.”

  Chapter 51


  “Hey, how are you feeling?” Lautner asks as he comes through the door of his room, or should I say, our room. I still can't believe that he's mine. After everything that happened between us, it seemed like all the odds were stacked against us. Yet here we stood, together. Victorious. It’s far from over. The hunters and Brandon are still out there. But for now, I have a mate by my side and a father that can no longer control me. It’s perfect.

  “Better,” I say. I’m still a little sore, especially around the stab wound to my stomach, but I would survive. Ryan had told me that I was extremely lucky. Had Brandon stabbed me just an inch to the right, I would have been dead by now.

  “I have a little surprise for you if you’re up to it?” he says, coming to sit beside me on the bed.

  I moan, pulling him closer. “I like your surprises.” I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his face down to mine. He kisses me with a scorching hot mouth, pouring everything I need into the kiss, before pulling away with a sigh, and resting his head against mine.

  “I know you do, but you’re not healed enough for that, just yet.” He winks, pulling away from me and adjusting his hard length I can clearly see through his joggers. I fan at my heated skin. His mark at my neck tingling at his words. He always had this effect on me, and I hoped it would never go away. “But I think you will like my other surprise. Wait here,” he says, going over to the door.

  “It's about time.” I hear Lacey call out as she walks through the door.

  “Lacey,” I say excitedly. “How? … what?”

  She comes over to the bed, throwing her arms around me. “I’m so glad your safe,” she murmurs, hugging me tightly.

  “Ow, Lacey, you’re pulling my stitches,” I say with a small laugh.

  “Oh my god, sorry. I’m just so happy to see you.”

  “I’ll leave you two alone. Just be careful with my mate,” Lautner grumbles as he heads towards the door.

  “Thank you,” I say as he turns back around.

  He shrugs. “It wasn’t just me. Daniel helped.”

  “Yeah, but I bet you’re the one that thought of it. Thought of me. Thank you,” I say again.

  I can see him begin to blush at my appreciation as he hurries out the door, and I turn my attention back to my friend.

  “Lacey, I’m so sorry. What did my father do to you?”

  “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I lost my phone, although now I know what happened, I’m sure your father must have had one of the pack take it. I was never in any danger. Anyways forget about me, look at you,” she says, concerned. “Lautner filled me in on everything. Didn’t I warn you that your father would be the death of you one day?”

  “And you were nearly right. Luckily, I have Lautner on my side, so it worked out for the best,” I assure her.

  “So, tell me, are you guys mated?”

  Blushing, I lift my neck, proudly displaying Lautner’s bite.

  “I told you,” she screams excitedly. “I knew all along he was your fated mate. Now I just need to find mine. I hope it’s that sexy male downstairs, the one with the wavy brown hair and killer dimples.” I smile at her description.

  “That’s Daniel. The one you thought was a serial killer,” I remind her with a laugh.

  “Damn, he could totally murder me.” She laughs as I join her. “Promise to introduce me before I leave?” she asks.

  I nod. “How long can you stay?” I ask, not wanting to let her go just yet.

  “As long as I want, now that Terry is Alpha.”

  “Terry.” I smile. I was pleased to hear this. Although young, he has a good heart, and I know the pack respects him.

  “I’m just glad you’re alright, and everything worked out for the best in the end.”

  “It did,” I say with a smile. “Now, how about we go for a drink, and I’ll introduce you to Daniel?”

  “Are you sure you should be out of bed?”

  “You’re starting to sound like Lautner,” I groan, pulling myself out of bed. “I need to get out of this room, if only for a few hours.”

  “Here, I’ll help you,” she replies, coming to take my arm. “So, is Daniel single?” she asks as we head towards the door.

  Chapter 52


  I awake to the sound of a blood-curdling scream disrupting the quiet of the night. Dani is fast asleep beside me as I quietly slip out of bed, pulling on yesterday's joggers and leaving the room. I pad down the hall, rapping my knuckles against Seth’s door before I enter.

  Shit,” Seth whispers as he sees me. He’s panting heavily. His skin glowing in the moonlight, coated in sweat. “I’m sorry I woke you,” he mutters, reaching over to the nightstand, and grabbing his cigarettes, lighting one up.

  “They’re getting bad again,” I say
, although I didn’t need to. It’d been happening too frequently lately.

  “Yeah. I had him. I had him Lautner, and he got away, again,” he spits angrily. “It’s the same nightmare every night. I have him before me and …”

  “It's just a dream.”

  He nods in agreement, but I see his shoulders tense up. “What if … what if I can’t do it. All I’ve ever wanted is his death to move forward, yet I freeze every chance I get. It's like he still has this power over me,” he shudders.

  “He didn’t break you, Seth. You’re one of the strongest men I know.”

  “Then why do I feel it … broken?” His eyes drop down to his leg. He’d shifted a few times over the past few days, yet still he walks with a slight limp, and I catch the odd glimpse of pain on his face when he thinks no one is looking. “How’s Dani?” he asks, clearly trying to change the subject, and I let him.

  “She’s good. Her stitches are healing. Luckily, he hit her liver. If it’d been anywhere else, she mightn’t have been so lucky.”

  “You’ve got a good female there, Lautner. I’m glad you didn’t blow it.” He smiles, and I can’t help but join him.

  “I know, but finding out she’s a Luna, that brings its own set of problems.”

  “If any two people were meant to be together, it’s you guys. Now, go back to your mate. I’m good now.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah. Thanks, though. For checking up on me.”


  As I slip quietly back into my room, Dani is awake in bed.

  “Is everything alright?” she asks.

  “Yeah, just Seth having one of his nightmares,” I assure her.

  She nods, but I can see how worried she is about him. “Will he be alright?”

  “I don’t know,” I reply honestly, climbing into bed and taking her into my arms.

  “Do you think Brandon is still around?” she asks as her hand strokes intricate circles on my chest.

  I can’t lie to her, but I don’t want to scare her either. “He won’t have gone far. The hunters are no doubt still around. I’m sure when we find them, he will also be there.”

  We sit in silence as the minute's pass. My fingers gently stroking her arm as she relaxes against me.

  “Lautner,” she whispers in the dark. “Make love to me.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Dani,” I say, my hand automatically going to her stitches.

  “You won’t hurt me,” she whispers. “You could never hurt me.”

  Her fingers trail down to my already hard cock. I just needed to be in the same room with her, and I was ready.

  “But first, I want to do something.” She sits up in bed as she brings her knees on either side of my hips. She watches me closely, biting her lip, and I know she’s nervous.

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” I tell her as she smiles, determination shining in her blue eyes.

  She brings her lips down, pressing firm kisses to my abdomen, before continuing down and taking my cock into her mouth. I moan at the contact of her lips around me. I’d dreamed of this moment since we met. I can feel the trepidation of her mouth as my hand automatically strokes the back of her head, encouraging her. Her mouth and tongue work together until I’m putty in her hands.

  “Come here, Dani,” I growl as she smiles, obviously proud of her work shimmying up the bed.

  “Now, it’s my turn.” I flip her on to the bed, gentle of her stitches as I spread her legs. I growl approvingly as I nip the inside of her thigh. “Two can play that game, mate.” I run my tongue up her slit in one long movement. She moans as I pay special attention to her clit, nibbling and sucking it into my mouth.

  “Lautner,” she breathes huskily, and I know from this day on I’m a willing slave to her. My finger plays teasing circles at her entrance before sliding in, sucking her clit at the same time. I feel her orgasm tighten around me, drawing me in. Removing my finger, I bring it to my mouth, savoring every last drop of her.

  “I love you, Dani. I was born to love you,” I say, laying on top of her, resting my weight on my elbows so as not to hurt her.

  “I love you too, Lautner.” She lifts her body from the bed, meeting my lips with her own. I wanted to wait for her to heal before we made love again, but I know there is no going back now, not after a taste. I lie down beside her, carefully pulling her on top of me. I grip her hips guiding her down until my cock is fully seated in her heat. “It’s always been you, Lautner,” she whispers as she starts to move above me. I’m lost in the feeling of her as she trails her nails over my hardened nipples. I thrust harder, taking control. Her nails rake my chest, leaving a trail of red marks as she smiles wickedly, knowing I love every mark she makes on my body. I sit up quickly, capturing her face in my hands.

  “You’re mine, Dani, always and forever.” I tip her head back as she continues to move above me, driving me wild. My mouth finds my mark at her throat as I bite once more, reclaiming her with everything I have.

  Chapter 53


  It had been two weeks since the kidnapping, and for the past few days, Lautner had taken me out to the woods, trying to help me shift. But every day, nothing happened. He could entice my power to the surface whenever we were intimate, but still, she remains dormant. I know he’s worried, but he never lets on.

  “I hate this,” I grumble, kicking at the leaves under my feet. “It’s never going to happen.”

  “It will,” Lautner says, pulling me to a stop and taking me into his arms. “One day, it will just happen, but until then, I will protect you with everything I have. You’re mine, remember that,” he says before claiming my lips possessively. I melt into his kiss, letting him take away all of my insecurities until there is nothing but him and me. He pulls away, his hand trailing down my cheek as his amber eyes burn their way into my soul. “I believe in you, mate.”

  A small shudder of pleasure runs through me. Mate. I loved it when he called me that. He had fought against it for so long, but now it rolled off his tongue with ease. I know he’s right about my wolf. I shouldn’t worry too much about this. We’ve already overcome so much. I’m sure she will come out when she’s ready.

  Last night after we’d made love, Lautner explained a bit more about Lunas. Apparently, we were extremely rare. Lunas were capable of producing powerful Alphas, and with the right mate by their side, their power was a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, there was a downside to being a Luna as well. According to ancient lore, a Luna could be remated on the night of the full moon. It didn’t have to be by choice either. If I were captured and taken by another and forced into submission, I could be reclaimed. That thought terrified me more than I cared to admit. I would never submit to another. There was only Lautner. No matter how much I promised him, I can still see the worry in his eyes. Until my wolf presented herself, and I learned how to control her, I would always be a burden. Even if he never said the words aloud, I know he can’t protect me forever. Eventually, I would have to be able to do it myself.

  “Have you decided about your father and Drake?” he asks as I close my eyes, leaning into the warmth of his chest.

  “Not really. I have no idea what to do.”

  The council had responded with their decision a few days ago, and my father and Drake’s punishment lies with me. I know I should kill them. That’s what the whole pack is waiting for, and yet I just can’t say the words. I hated them. After everything they did to me, it should be easy. Yet having that power scares me.

  “What should I do?” I ask him, needing his reassurance if nothing else.

  “That’s not for me to make. I'll stand by you, no matter what. He can’t control you anymore. You’re free. Only you can decide how this ends.”

  “Death just seems too easy,” I say. “I want them to suffer, just as they made me.”

  “Death doesn’t have to be easy. That’s up to you.”

  Why did you kill your father?” I ask, hugging him
tighter as he rubs my back.

  “Pity, I guess. He wasn’t strong enough to do it himself. At first, I hated him. I’d spent my whole life fighting at his request. He beat me until I was strong enough to defend myself. Then it became a sport to him. The strays have their own way of bringing up their children, and none of it's pretty. I guess that’s what makes me understand Lester and Brandon. I'm just like them, or at least I was.”

  “Why did you come back to the pack,” I ask.

  “After I killed him, I was alone. I knew the pack were looking for me, but we moved around so much they would never find me. So, after I buried him, I made my way here. Mick's father had taken over at the time; apparently, I looked just like my father, so there was no doubt about who I was. He accepted me with open arms. The pack knew I was different, but they never shunned me for it, and for that, I was grateful. I've spent most of my life hating my father, but now, I think I kind of understand. When Lester and Brandon took you, I was so scared. I’d never known fear before in my life, not until that moment. Maybe that’s what my father had tried to protect me from all along—the pain of losing my soul. I never knew that I needed you, Dani, not until you took my heart. I thought I was happy alone. I didn’t care about anything or anyone. I was emotionless, but knowing I could have lost you, I never want to feel that way again. I know now that I'm strong enough. If you’d died, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. My life and death lie with you. Always.”

  I close my eyes loving the words he spoke. His feelings reciprocated my own perfectly. I had been dead myself, emotionless until he lit a fire inside of me when we met. Two people destined to help repair one another.

  “If I choose their death, I need to be the one to do it. Will you stay with me?”

  “I'm never leaving your side again, Dani.” His head bends down, his mouth claiming mine in a promise of forever.


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