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Angel Mine

Page 23

by Vijaya Schartz

  Another Archon on the right nodded. “Acielon and his chosen mate have become heroes to the Azurans. We could ground them, but we cannot proceed with his execution.”

  The Prince of Darkness surveyed the Archons around the table with his piercing red stare. “Yet, we cannot allow such a rebellious mind to poison the Azuran collective.”

  Abraxas understood the dilemma only too well. “But how can we pardon him without losing face?”

  An Archon on the right slammed the table. “We cannot! It would set a precedent and maybe encourage future rebellions.”

  “We have to make a decision now.” Abraxas sighed. “We shall assemble the Azurans in the morning and make that decision known... whatever it may be.”

  The Prince of Darkness stood up, and his powerful shoulders tensed. His black wings rose and shuddered as they settled in place. “Acielon defied the Archons. He disobeyed us, broke all the sacred rules and dared fight us in battle in order to escape this planet. He incited the Azurans to rebel against us!”

  The Chief Archon nodded. “But he also saved Azura... and brought us needed new blood to pursue our sacred duties.”

  “Still.” The red eyes glowed with rightful wrath. “Acielon must die. And his soul belongs to me.”

  Abraxas bit his lips in an attempt to hold in a nasty retort. “The people of Azura might rebel against us if we execute him.”

  “So what?” The Prince of Darkness sneered. “With him out of the equation, we can easily control the Azurans. Besides, they do not need to know we killed him.”

  “What do you mean?” Unease weakened the Archon’s voice.

  The dark prince smiled. “We could absolve him publicly, then he would conveniently die of unrelated causes.”

  Abraxas almost choked with indignation. “Are you advocating deceit?”

  “Let us call it cleverness.” The dark prince scanned the faces around the table to catch the eyes of each Archon. “We could allow Acielon to leave the planet with his mate, then abduct them and kill them. The Azurans never need to know.”

  Abraxas could barely contain his outrage. “You want us to lie?”

  “Lie?” The Prince of Darkness flashed a scornful smile. “What an ugly word. We would just omit that last detail... all for the safety of Azura, of course.”

  Venturing into the mind of the Prince of Darkness, Abraxas flinched as he hit a painful wall. “Why do you hide your true thoughts, brother?”

  The dark angel brushed imaginary dust from his black robes. “Unlike you simple Archons, I am privy to the inner thoughts of the Formless One. I harbor deep secrets even you may not access.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Abraxas focused but could not see through the clouded thoughts of the dark angel. The Formless One may have reasons to grant secrecy to the Prince of Darkness... or the dark angel had gone rogue.

  Neither explanation bode well.

  * * *

  Fianna rose when a flapping of wings announced Acielon alighting inside the crystal dome. The luminescence made his white wings a pale shade of blue. A single feather fluttered to the crystal floor.

  She rushed to him and hugged him tight, enjoying the exhilarating feel of the smooth feathers rippling down his back. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too.” He retracted his wings and laced his arms around her.

  “Are you all right?” She buried her face in his smooth, muscular chest. He smelled of incense and she could discern the sweet hint of cinnamon. “You must be exhausted from all that healing.”

  “Not at all. The crystal gave us all the strength we needed.” His soft whisper sounded like a promise. He returned her hug and kissed the curve of her neck. “You smell so good.”

  Sheba joined their embrace and butted her head against their hips, emitting a loud purr that reverberated throughout their bodies.

  Acielon chuckled and petted the big cat’s head. “We need to have a conversation about boundaries, kitten.”

  Sheba snorted and slunk away to drape herself upon the white couch.

  Fianna laughed. “She obeys you better than me.”

  “Because she aims to please, and I influence her mind on an emotional level.” He nibbled Fianna’s ear and blew softly on her hair. “I can also influence yours.”

  Fianna sighed at the delightful sensation. “I guess, if I were Azuran, I could read your thoughts and wouldn’t have to ask how you feel.”

  Acielon held her at arm’s length, looked into her eyes and smiled. “Would you want to be Azuran?”

  “Nah.” Fianna shrugged. “I couldn’t stand being grounded on a small world for long... even with you to distract me.”

  “I know that. And I understand.” He took her hand and led her down the few steps toward the sunken sleeping area.

  Fianna wished she could read Acielon’s mind like the Azurans did. They kept no secrets from each other. Oh, the joys of a simple life. But she would soon get bored. Besides, she couldn’t stand her sordid past being exposed for all to see.

  He smiled. “We all love and respect each other. We do not judge or pry. Your dark past can remain yours if you choose not to share it.”

  Heat flushed Fianna’s cheeks. “Did you just read my mind?”

  “Of course. As a couple, the longer we are together, the stronger our mental link grows.” He smiled.

  How unsettling. She forced a small smile. “What good is an ability if you don’t use it? Right?”

  “I just want to make you happy.” He reclined on the large round bed and patted the space next to him.

  Still miffed at his invasion of her privacy, Fianna plopped next to him but kept some distance between them. “Now that you saw my dangerous, chaotic world, and the wickedness of those in charge of it, do you still want to explore the galaxy with me?”

  He reached out and caressed her bare arm. “I do... but my work here is not done. I need to confront the Archons about changing some rules.”

  Fianna wanted to take away her arm, but instead she closed her eyes to enjoy his touch. “Like forced participation in grueling mind practices, and preventing the Azurans from leaving the planet?”

  “Yes... definitely making the participation voluntary. Especially now that their numbers will be greatly increased.”

  She steeled herself against the pull of his caress. She needed answers. “And what about the freedom to leave?”

  He nodded. “That, too. But maybe allow them to leave only after they spend some time here, so they are not tempted to dive back into their former lives.”

  “Like me.” But Fianna hoped she wouldn’t have to wait that long. “Still, the Archons may not agree to that.”

  “It is not without risk.” Acielon propped himself on one elbow. “Azurans cannot lie, and in their candor, they might unwittingly betray the location of the planet.”

  Fianna couldn’t help but admire his muscled chest. “What if the Archons prevent us from leaving?”

  Acielon drew her into his arms. “I will fight for our freedom.”

  A frisson of delight melted Fianna’s anger. “And if they still refuse?”

  He chuckled. “We could elope. We did it before.”

  She welcomed the warm contact of his arms around her. Despite her reticence, in order to get closer to him, she would have to allow him in her mind.

  As he pulled her against him on the bed, she relished the strong desire in his luminous eyes. She marveled at his strength and determination to make her happy.

  “I trust you.” Her words escaped, unbidden.

  He leaned over her and sealed her lips in a gentle but insistent kiss.

  She couldn’t move in his willful embrace, and she didn’t mind a bit.

  He ravaged her mouth while his hands deftly removed her synthleather bustier... as if by miracle. The crystal medallion hummed. Did the crystal allow him to make objects move to his will?

  “No,” he answered, but the word didn’t come from his kissing lips. “My desire for you makes my hands ni

  Triblets! She heard him in her mind. “Am I becoming Azuran?”

  “It was bound to happen with prolonged exposure to the crystal. Does that scare you?”

  She gently pushed him back, interrupting the kiss. A cool breeze caressed her bare chest. “It scares me a little. I don’t want to change. I don’t want to become a sheep.”

  Acielon chuckled. “You will never be a sheep, my little hellion.”

  “Do you even know what a sheep is?”

  “I just saw one in your mind and I can read your thoughts.”

  The big cat stretched on the couch. “Sheba see fluffy white rabbit.”

  Acielon kept his gaze upon Fianna. “Go back to your dreams, kitten.”

  The cat yawned and closed her eyes. “Sheba sleep.”

  “Where were we?” Acielon’s fingers traced a vertical line between her bare breasts.

  She arched with desire under his touch. Every inch of her skin heated at his light contact. Her insides contracted and relaxed to the rhythm of his slow caress. His strong hands held her down as he showered butterfly kisses on her eyelids, then her throat, then the length of her naked torso.

  “Where did you learn to do this?” Had he lied about his lack of experience?

  “Azurans do not lie. I am learning what you like directly from your mind.”


  “Triblets is right.” He chuckled between kisses. “You have enough experience for the both of us.”

  “I can’t control any of this, can I?” Fianna realized she relished being helpless under his ministrations... something she’d never enjoyed before. “I trust you implicitly,” she whispered in his ear. “I feel safe in your arms.”

  “Good.” His hands roamed down her body and her pants slid down her thighs.

  Fianna enjoyed this new display of free will from Acielon. “When did you become so bold?”

  “I am what you need me to be at this moment.” His hand explored the juncture of her thighs. “I like this crash course in love-making.”

  The crystal medallion on Fianna’s chest glowed and hummed. She closed her eyes to enjoy the delicious sensations Acielon created below her navel. Her need for him grew all consuming, until all she could think about was his powerful body over hers, his exploring hands making her squirm, the contact of his erection against her.

  “You feel so good,” he panted in her ear.

  “Please, fill me,” she begged, aware of her subservient position and enjoying every second of it. “I want you inside me.”

  His mouth covered hers, muting her words. His strong hands seized her hips and pinned her down against the soft bed. She gasped at his powerful thrust, then moved along with him, lost in the need to enjoy him fully.

  A flux of loving thoughts and emotions rushed through Fianna. Powerful energy flowed between them as they moved in unison. She felt the warm contact with his loving mind and couldn’t tell where her thoughts ended and his started. She swam in a maelstrom of his and her emotions. Tears of joy and understanding streamed from her eyes.

  She experienced something she never knew before... being one body, one spirit, one mind. The true union of two beings through the act of love. She could feel the crystal dome above them vibrating to the rhythm of their lovemaking. Streaks of blue radiance crossed the space under the blue dome. She thrilled at the marvel of the universe allowing such forces to be expressed through the union of two beings.

  In that instant, Fianna realized she and Acielon had met for a higher purpose. No matter what happened tomorrow, they would forever be joined as one.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The next morning at daybreak, Fianna still reeled from her wonderful night with Acielon as she stood beside him in front of the Temple. They faced the broad steps leading to the esplanade, where the Sacred Crystal glowed on its pedestal. The broken stone from the battle somehow looked new and smooth again.

  Sheba sat very straight between the two of them, ears alert, nose sniffing the cool air, in a fierce show of protection.

  Behind them a few thousand Azurans stood in silence as the jungle birds chirped, and the first golden rays brushed the top of the majestic temple columns. The morning breeze carried hints of jungle blossoms and fragrant grasses, fresh from the night’s showers.

  Fianna’s heart went out to Acielon. No matter what the Archons decided, the two of them would stick together. If necessary, they would fight for their freedom and for the freedom of the Azuran people. If they lost the fight, they would die together, their fate forever linked.

  Avenging Angels in white robes flew in and formed a wide semi circle behind the Sacred Crystal, hovering inches above the white marble expanse. They raised their shofars and blew. The loud blare vibrated the air and shook the ground. Nine Archons in silver robes materialized out of a shimmering veil. They formed a line and faced the crowd at the top of the wide stairs. Behind them on its pedestal, the Sacred Crystal smoldered like cold blue fire.

  Then the Prince of Darkness flew in overhead like a giant vampire bat, eclipsing the sun and stirring a frightened murmur from the assembly. Taller than the Archons, the dark angel alighted behind them and spread his black wings like a canopy over the Archons’ heads. He speared Acielon and Fianna with a red hot stare.

  Fianna shuddered at the wrath she sensed in the dark angel. He had the power to kill them all... or worse.

  Acielon squeezed her hand, but dread remained lodged in Fianna’s throat.

  The Chief Archon in silver robes stepped forward. “We assembled you once more, to decide the fate of Brother Acielon and his mate.”

  Fianna’s heart raced. No doubt the Archons still wanted her and Acielon dead. Fortunately, the Azurans, not the Archons, must decide their fate.

  “Brother Acielon saved us all,” a man yelled from the crowd.

  “He is a hero. We will not let you execute him,” a woman shouted.

  Lord Abraxas raised one hand, silencing further comments. “He saved us, yes. But he is also responsible for the invasion in the first place. He left this planet, ignoring the interdiction and endangering us all.”

  Fianna turned to face the crowd and projected her voice. “The invasion was in no way connected to Acielon. He kept your secrets at great personal cost. The Trade Alliance found out about Azura in their backup archives, from century old records of the previous war.”

  Urielle flew forward from the semi-circle of Avenging Angels and hovered beside the crystal. Tall and stately, with dark skin and long black hair, she lowered herself to the marble floor and walked to the front of the esplanade.

  Her intense presence shushed the crowd.

  “Brother Acielon taught us how to use the crystal to better defend Azura... and to heal the wounded. He suffered greatly to protect our secrets and was punished for it. His heroic deeds should be recognized and appreciated.”

  The crowd murmured approval.

  Lord Abraxas struck the marble floor with his staff, imposing silence. “Still, Brother Acielon is a rebel, a bad example for the rest of you. He believes the rules do not apply to him. He ignored our orders and dared oppose our decisions.”

  Unable to contain her outrage, Fianna climbed one step toward the Archons. “Acielon does what he knows to be right. He demonstrated his loyalty to Azura by his silence despite torture. He should not be punished for wanting free will for the Azurans. All civilized worlds respect these freedoms. Azura should, too.”

  Acielon behind her cleared his throat. “If I may...”

  “No, you may not.” Lord Abraxas shook his head. “Angels never had free will. The Formless One decided this, eons ago, and for good reasons. Given their powers, angels cannot be allowed to run amok or make mistakes. It would create chaos.”

  Fianna refused to accept their antiquated ideas. “As you said, that was eons ago! We have evolved since then.” She turned to face the crowd. “Acielon’s only crime is wanting to free you from your slavery to the Archons. He is the only angel born o
n this planet, the chosen one, your liberator. And for that, the Archons want to silence him.”

  Acielon flashed her a smile. “Thank you, but I can speak for myself.”

  Fianna huffed. “Then why don’t you?”

  He stared at her with so much love in his eyes. “You are doing so well on my behalf.”

  “If we allow free will, evil will ensue!” an Archon blurted.

  A murmur welled and ebbed over the crowd like a crashing wave.

  The Chief Archon’s voice boomed over the unrest. “To counterbalance the darkness roaming this galaxy, we need Azura to remain untainted... a planet for good, and only good.”

  The Prince of Darkness stretched one black wing straight up. “You lowly Azurans have no other choice but to accept our better judgment. It is the will of the Formless One.”

  Sheba growled deep in her throat and bared her fangs at the Dark One.

  Fianna took a quick breath. She must convince the Azurans. They had the power to decide. “Acielon wants to give you the option to volunteer for these exhausting tasks, not to be forced into it like slaves or drones. You are good people inside. All Azurans are. With the crystal as a guide, you will never turn to evil.”

  The Prince of Darkness emitted a thundering roar and flapped his black wings. The crowd of Azurans moved back a step. Many bumped into each other, a few spread their wings.

  Acielon stepped forward, facing the dark angel. “You should be ashamed of what you did to me. You kept me in horrible pain and despair... in cold and darkness... cut off from the crystal. You prevented me from healing the wounds I suffered in the outside world while protecting Azura’s secrets.”

  The Prince of Darkness sneered. “You deserved that punishment.”

  “Did I?” Acielon took one more step up the wide stairs. “You would have allowed these wounds to fester until I died from them. And you thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle of my suffering. You are the evil influence here.”

  The assembled Azurans gasped, horror lining their foreheads and rounding their eyes.

  The Prince of Darkness growled. “How dare you accuse me?”


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