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Angel Mine

Page 24

by Vijaya Schartz

  Acielon straightened. “You concealed my true condition from the Azurans. You abused your power to impose your view of what our life should be.”

  The Dark One flashed a disdainful smile. “I only enforce the will of the Formless One. The rules must be obeyed at any cost.”

  “I cannot believe the Formless One is this cruel.” Acielon’s strong voice filled the square. “I do not believe the Formless One enjoys our suffering.”

  “The Formless One is just! The Formless One is kind,” a woman in the crowd shouted.

  “Punishing Acielon is unfair,” a man called.

  “The Formless One would never let his children suffer on purpose.”

  “We claim the right to free will.”

  “We refuse to be the Archons’ slaves.”

  The outcry intensified in a cacophony of many voices speaking at once.

  The Prince of Darkness shook a menacing fist. “You want? You refuse?”

  As his words resonated in the air, the crowd stepped back and fell silent.

  “What obnoxious arrogance!” The Dark One deployed his black wings and appeared to grow in size. “Who are you to interpret the will of the Formless One?”

  Cold silence snuffed the crowd’s objections. All, including the many creatures in the surrounding jungle held their breath.

  Acielon climbed one more step. “I challenge the Archons and the Prince of Darkness. I state that the people of Azura deserve respect, free will, and the freedom to choose to participate in the work of the Formless One.”

  “We cannot condone anarchy!” an Archon shouted.

  “This is justice, not anarchy,” Fianna blurted. “Furthermore, full-fledged angels should be able to leave the planet if they so desire... on the condition to remain silent about Azura, understanding that away from this place, they will lose their angelic abilities... including youth and immortality.”

  “Exactly.” The Prince of Darkness raised his voice. “Away from Azura, after losing their abilities, these people will return to their wicked ways and betray our secrets, out of greed, or in exchange for power.”

  Lord Abraxas shook his head. “I refuse to consider such unreasonable demands!”

  “Who are you to refuse? Who is arrogant now?” Acielon paused in the silence caused by his daring words. “Do you truly know the will of the Formless One?”

  The Archons looked at each other, eyes wide in shocked surprise. Fianna sensed the shamble in their thoughts.

  The Chief Archon straightened his frame and knocked his staff on the smooth marble several times. “We are the ultimate authority on this planet.”

  “No, you are not.” Acielon pointed to the Sacred Crystal. “Let us ask the true authority. Let us ask the Sacred Crystal to make its will known.”

  As if aware of the struggle, the Sacred Crystal on its pedestal burned brighter with cold blue fire and flashed like lightning, reaching to the clear morning sky.

  Fianna held her breath. The Archons nodded and blinked profusely. She could hear them consulting each other in their minds. Not all agreed.

  The Prince of Darkness shook his giant black wings. “We cannot let the rabble question our decisions!”

  Lord Abraxas knocked his staff upon the marble platform to gather everyone’s attention. “We accept the challenge. We shall abide by the will of the Sacred Crystal.”

  “I protest!” The Prince of Darkness growled and his red eyes glared at Acielon with open malevolence. “We are the rulers of this planet. Such process is against the rule!”

  The Chief Archon struck the stone again. “I said, silence!”

  The Prince of Darkness folded his wings but his red eyes smoldered.

  Acielon climbed the few steps to the stone platform, toward the Archons. Fianna followed him, so did Sheba. As they turned to face the crowd, the Azurans stared at them, eyes round, mouths open. A few deployed their wings as if ready to flee.

  The Archons formed a small circle around the Sacred Crystal and intoned a chant in a strange language. The Prince of Darkness snorted as he stepped away from the circle, making his disagreement clear.

  Acielon entered the circle of Archons and approached the Crystal. Fianna watched from the outside. Was it safe? What would the Crystal say? Their fate depended upon it.

  At her side, Sheba remained alert, eyes trained on the Dark One, as if expecting an attack.

  Fianna patted the cat’s head. “Good girl. I don’t trust him either.”

  Sheba snorted in response.

  Acielon touched the crystal and asked in a clear voice, “Sacred Crystal, let the will of the Formless One be known. Should the people of Azura be granted free will and voluntary participation in the work of the Archons? Should the full-fledged Azurans be allowed to leave this planet if they so desire?”

  Lightning from the Sacred Crystal crackled and split the clear morning sky. A roll of faraway thunder amplified to a loud vibration that made the stone underfoot vibrate and quake. The surrounding forest shook under a violent windstorm that blew through the temple square, lifting fallen leaves and flower petals.

  Fianna bent her knees slightly, to lower her center of gravity for better balance.

  A shofar blared in the distance. Then a deep voice broke through the tumult of the elements.

  “Both requests of the Chosen One are fair. It is my will to grant these freedoms to the Azurans.”

  From his place outside the circle, the Angel of Darkness flapped his wings and rose into the air. “This is outrageous! Since when do we listen to the demands of inferior beings? Who said the will of the Sacred Crystal is the will of the Formless One? This is unacceptable!”

  The Dark One pointed a finger at Acielon and a red flash of energy surged from it. Sheba launched herself in the air, intercepting the deadly ray. The puma jerked in mid air then dropped heavily, inert on the marble floor.

  “No!” Fianna’s heart stopped. She rushed and knelt at Sheba’s side. The big cat lay there, unmoving. Dead? Fianna’s throat clenched. Tears welled in her eyes.

  The Sacred Crystal on its pedestal crackled again. A flash of blue lightning struck the Angel of Darkness. He shrank in size and his wings fell off to the marble floor. The Dark One recoiled, as if in terrible pain.

  The voice from the Sacred Crystal rose, clear and grave. “Does anyone else dare question the will of the Formless One?”

  In the silence that ensued, another ray of blue lightning struck the Prince of Darkness once again, and he vanished from sight.

  “Where did he go?” a man called from the crowd. “Is he dead?”

  The Sacred Crystal resumed its calm blue fire and its voice softened. “The Prince of Darkness is in exile. Never to return to this galaxy. May the people of Azura live in eternal peace, and continue their important work freely, under the kind tutelage of their Archons.”

  Then the fire in the crystal dimmed. Only calm, blue luminescence remained.

  Lord Abraxas knocked his staff. “The Sacred Crystal has spoken. May the will of the Formless One be done!”

  “What about Sheba?” Fianna couldn’t help but grieve for her feline companion. “She sacrificed herself to save Acielon.”

  Acielon came to the fallen puma and knelt at her side. He laid his hands upon the big cat’s head. Blue radiance emanated from his fingers.

  Fianna held her breath. “Sheba is part animal, part machine. Can you heal a machine?”

  Acielon smiled. “The Sacred Crystal can heal anyone and anything.”

  Within seconds, a spark returned to Sheba’s fixed eyes. She twitched her tail. “Sheba hungry. Sheba hunt rabbit?”

  With a sigh of relief, Fianna scratched then kissed the big, furry head. “Yes, big girl. You may go hunt rabbit.”

  Sheba stood up, shook herself from shoulders to tail, then trotted toward the jungle.

  Fianna laughed as she stood and encircled Acielon’s waist. “Thank you for healing Sheba.”

  Acielon squeezed her shoulder. “We need her. Especi
ally if we are going to roam the galaxy hunting criminals.”

  Fianna smiled. “So, you still want to come with me?”

  “Of course. I still haven’t seen this entire universe you talk about so fondly.”

  She squeezed his waist. The future looked promising indeed.

  * * *

  That night, in the safety of their blue dome town, the Azurans celebrated their new freedoms with food and drink. In the dark jungle outside the invisible walls, rain battered the forest, while unspeakable things crawled and fed on the remains of yesterday’s battle. The aroma of roasting fruit and vegetables mixed with the joyful notes of a chorus of singing angels. A winged musicians plucked strings while another played the flute. A third one shook a tambourine to a rhythmic tempo.

  Inspired by the stimulating music, some Azurans indulged in a spirited dance. Usually, Fianna would have joined them, but tonight she felt nostalgic. Leaving this protected place might prove more difficult than she anticipated.

  At Fianna’s side, Sheba shook her head. “Sheba not like noise...”

  Fianna ruffled her furry head. “But I bet you did like the rabbit you hunted earlier.”

  The puma sighed. “Good rabbit.”

  As she walked among the Azurans, Fianna recognized a few members of the Dragon Squad. How tame they seemed, now that they had turned. Their eyes shone turquoise. Kong nodded at her and smiled. She nodded back. He looked so clean and refined in immaculate white pantaloons. The former gang carried no weapons and flashed contented smiles. Hard to believe these former louts had changed so much, but they had.

  Some distance ahead, in the park with colonnades, many had gathered around their hero and his new bodyguard, Urielle, the new general of the Avenging Angels. Acielon didn’t seem to mind the attention, and Fianna would let him enjoy the adoration of his people. They were his family, his kind. As such, he would miss them in the outside world.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Acielon deposited Fianna in front of their ship in the clearing.

  She opened the hatch. “Thanks for flying me here.”

  “That’s the least I could do.” Acielon spread an invisible umbrella above their heads to protect them from the falling rain.

  Urielle, who had followed Acielon all night like a bodyguard, laid a hand on his shoulder. “Are you certain you want to leave Azura, Brother Acielon? Even if you lose your abilities in the process?”

  “Curiosity is a powerful motivator. So is love.” Acielon smiled. “Besides, something tells me I will keep my abilities.”

  “Because you are angel born?” Urielle removed her hand and straightened her back. “I cannot say I understand your decision, but if you want to remain here, you will always find a place among the Avenging Angels. You have shown great skills in battle. You would be a strong asset in our ranks.”

  Acielon shook his head. “I am no soldier or warrior.” He flashed Fianna a reassuring smile. “But we may return to Azura someday. If the invitation still stands, I might accept it then.”

  “I always keep my word.” Urielle nodded. “However, there is a small problem with you two leaving together.”

  Acielon inclined his head. His eyes narrowed. “What problem?”

  “Fianna is not a full-fledged Azuran.” Urielle’s stare intensified upon Fianna. “She should not be allowed to leave... not yet.”

  Fianna’s blood raced in her veins. Her heart beat faster. Would Urielle dare jeopardize their happiness? The Avenging Angel could be a double-edged sword. She helped them stay alive, but her function was to enforce the rules.

  The crystal medallion on Fianna’s chest glowed and she felt lighter. Her feet left the ground. She hovered as her wings deployed and fanned the air gently. Wings?

  “What’s happening to me?” Fianna turned her head to look at her back but couldn’t see it and twisted in mid air. “Am I flying?”

  Urielle huffed. “Well, you just proved me wrong. Your eyes just turned, and you can fly. You are a full-fledged Azuran. I hereby grant you permission to leave the planet.”

  At that moment, Sheba emerged from the surrounding jungle, dripping wet, but with a light spring in her steps. “Good rabbit.”

  Fianna chuckled. “I will miss this place.”

  “You may return anytime.” Urielle smiled and stepped back, letting Sheba board the ship.

  Fianna waved at the Avenging Angel. “Farewell, my friend. And thank you for your help.”

  Acielon waved as well. “Farewell, Sister Urielle.”

  Urielle smiled, spread her wings and flew away to disappear over the jungle.

  Fianna followed Acielon inside the ship and sealed the hatch.

  Once in the command center, she turned to Acielon. “Are you sure you want to wander the galaxy with me, chasing criminals? This is your last chance.”

  “Of course, I am sure. This is an exciting adventure.” Acielon petted Sheba. “Right, kitten?”

  The big cat shook her wet pelt and showered Acielon and Fianna in the process.

  Fianna laughed.

  Acielon shrugged and all the drops on him dried instantly.

  Fianna still had a lot to learn about these new powers.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help you with that,” he said, answering her thought.

  He hovered above the command deck and closed his eyes. The Silver Angel slowly rose into the cloudy night sky. Then it pierced the clouds and soared toward the stars.

  “I wish I could do that.” Fianna smiled. “Fly a ship with my mind.” She would definitely miss Azura. “But that won’t happen now.”

  Acielon opened his eyes. “Something tells me the Sacred Crystal embedded in the bulkhead will allow us to keep our wings.”

  “That would be awesome.” Fianna pulled the protective gel cast from the command console and flipped a switch. The lights came on, bathing the deck in soft luminescence. “Azuran abilities would come handy to catch criminals... and make sure we only arrest those who truly deserve to be locked up.”

  “I like this already.” Acielon turned to face her. “You, me, Sheba, exploring new places.”

  Fianna pulled off the protection of a large screen to the side then went to sit at the command console. “Computer, Set course for Calderona.”

  “Aye, aye, captain.”

  Acielon smiled. “What is Calderona?”

  “A warm vacation planet,” the synthetic voice droned. “A favorite spot for honeymooners.”

  Acielon smiled. “I like it already.”

  “But we must be practical about it.” Fianna swiped a few keys. “Is there any pending warrant in the vicinity?”

  The computer chimed as it searched. “There is a sizeable reward for a serial killer rumered to be vacationing there incognito, in search of new victims.”

  “Perfect.” It felt good to resume the chase.

  Sheba climbed into her clear gel aquarium and purred. “Sheba like warm planet... plenty of rabbit.”

  “I like the warmth as well.” Acielon fluttered his wings.

  Once the ship reached cruising speed, Fianna rose from her seat and joined Acielon by the clear titanium pane. They watched the stars flashing by in silence. She enjoyed the warmth of his body. Their wings brushed and the delightful sensation made Fianna shiver and close her eyes. She would enjoy her life from now on.

  The thought of her little brother, alone in a cruel world saddened her. “I wish Maksou had chosen to come with us.”

  Acielon kissed the top of her head. “Maksou is young and rebellious. He needs to live his own life, carve his own destiny, not share ours.”

  “You may be right.” Fianna squeezed Acielon’s waist. “Still, I worry about him.”

  Acielon brought Fianna into his embrace. “The Formless One will watch over him.”

  “I hope so.”

  He bent to kiss her.

  When Acielon’s lips met hers, Fianna closed her eyes to savor their wonderful connection. She could feel his love, read his thoughts, and co
mmune with him in a way that made her feel safe and whole. She reveled in the knowledge that he truly loved her and with the help of the crystal, their love might even last forever.

  The End

  Watch for the story of Maksou and Urielle in Book Two of the Azura Chronicles...


  Other BWL Publishing titles by Vijaya Schartz

  Ancient Enemy series (sci-fi romance):

  Anaz-voohri – Book One

  Relics – Book Two

  Kicking Bots – Book Three

  Archangel books (speculative fiction):

  Crusader – Book One

  Checkmate – Book Two

  Snatched (single title Sci-fi Romance)

  Alien Lockdown (single title Sci-fi Romance)

  Curse of the Lost Isle series (medieval fantasy romance):

  Princess of Bretagne – Book 1

  Pagan Queen – Book 2

  Seducing Sigefroi – Book 3

  Lady of Luxembourg – Book 4

  Chatelaine of Forez - Book 5

  Beloved Crusader - Book 6

  Damsel of the Hawk - Book 7

  Angel of Lusignan - Book 8

  Curse of the Lost Isle Boxed set (Books 1-2-3-4)

  Contemporary Romance

  Ashes for the Elephant God (reincarnation love story)

  Asleep in Scottsdale (contemporary romance)

  Born in France, award-winning author Vijaya Schartz never conformed to anything and could never refuse a challenge. She likes action and exotic settings, in life and on the page. She traveled the world and claims to also travel through time, as she writes without boundaries about the future and the far away past. Her love of cats transpires in many of her books... and she has over twenty-eight titles published. Her stories collected numerous five star reviews and a few literary awards. She makes you believe you actually lived these extraordinary adventures among her characters. Reviewers compared her stories to Indiana Jones with sizzling romance, and she takes that as a compliment anytime. Find her and her books at


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