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Claiming Racheal

Page 12

by Michelle Woods

  “Tessa?” Tiny probed, feeling rage stirring inside him at the thought of that bitch attacking Racheal. Why the fuck hadn’t she told him about Tessa attacking her?

  “Yep that’s the bitch’s name. I jus…” Tiny interrupted her not caring anymore that it was rude.

  “What the fuck do you mean Tessa attacked Racheal?” He was about to explode what the fuck was going on. Racheal hadn’t mentioned Tessa to him at all. He was livid that she had dared to put her hands on his woman, and not a single fucking person in his FUCKING family had told him! He glowered at the older woman no longer caring if he offended her. Nobody had told him that Racheal had been harmed while he was gone and that was un-fucking-acceptable.

  “You didn’t know?” Pearl queried surprised.

  “No,” Tiny flatly stated gritting his teeth as he seethed with anger. “You’re going to tell me what happened, now!” The words where said coldly and he knew that after she told him he was going to find Racheal and paddle her ass for not telling him.

  “Maybe I should let Racheal tel…” Tiny didn’t wait for her to finish just bellowed.


  “Don’t you get snappy with me boy!” Pearl thundered back at him. “I ain’t telling you unless you calm your ass down!”

  “Fine, I’m calm.” Tiny gritted out clenching his jaw so hard he swore it was going to break. He was sure that the glare she turned on him then had been used to emasculate many men, but he didn’t give a shit, he was too enraged to care.

  “You don’t seem very calm, Tiny.” Pearl grunted.

  “I’m as clam as I’ll get now just tell me Pearl!” Tiny exclaimed.

  “Fine!” Pearl snorted. “Seems the hussy attacked her a few weeks ago when you went on a run outta town. That’s the only reason your balls are still attached by the way.” She paused allowing him to absorb her threat. Only at that moment Tiny wasn’t really listening to anything except that his woman had been attacked by Tessa, the stupid whore.

  “She grabbed Racheal by the throat trying to kill her for a comment she made about you really not cari…”

  Tiny felt the rage he’d been holding inside throughout the conversation burst free and he used his arm to knock everything off the work bench he’d been leaning on in utter despair. He turned to Pearl with mad eyes seeing her wide eyed expression.

  “Why didn’t she tell me?” He demanded of his woman’s mother.

  “Oh sugar, she didn’t do it to hurt you.” Pearl watched him with sadness in her eyes.

  “Why?” He demanded again, his heart aching at the thought she hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him.

  “I taught my girl to take care of herself. She wouldn’t come to you with something like that hon.” Pearl snorted. “She probably forgot about it almost immediately anyway. I taught her not to let what other people do effect what you do. If you’re always living with a chip on your shoulder because of something someone else did it only makes you unhappy. Then that person wins.”

  Tiny heard what she was saying, but he still wanted to murder the woman who’d hurt Racheal. He’d never had the urge to hit a woman in his life. At the moment though, it sounded like exactly what that bitch deserved.

  “She still should have told me.” He said in an agonized voice. “It’s my job to take care of her and make her happy. It’s my fault that Tessa’s causing problems.”

  “Ah hon, you can’t make her happy. She has to be happy on her own, and she is by the way. I was glad to see it when I got here. Much to my dismay, you do have something to do with her being her happy.” Pearl complained, with a grimace.

  “That may be true, but I still feel pissed off that a sweetbutt I used to mess around with had the nerve to attack my old lady!” Tiny exclaimed with distaste.

  “I’m pretty sure she isn’t your old lady yet, boy!” Pearl growled at him.

  “Trust me, she’s my old lady!” Tiny replied.

  “The hell she is! She has not agreed to be your woman yet.” Pearl retorted. “And don’t think that you can just decide for her either like Bear thinks he can do with me! She gets a choice.”

  “Of Course she gets a choice, but she’s already mine. I won’t allow anyone to take her from me not even her own mother!” Tiny grunted standing in front of the work bench with his hands on his hips and a glare on his face.

  Pearl glared back. “We’ll see.”

  Then she turned and stormed out of the shop in a huff. Leaving Tiny staring at her fading form in disbelief.

  Babies were so precious, Racheal though as she held the tiny bundle that wiggled and grunted. Travis Cole Lambert, looked up at her with bright blue eyes his little lips bowed as he cooed at her. Lisa really made cute babies Racheal thought, and this outfit made him even cuter. He was wearing a sailor’s hat with an onesie that was white and blue with a little tie attached. Adorable.

  Leaning over Vivi commented. “Lisa, he’s so handsome.”

  She was perched on the arm of the chair that Racheal sat in watching her holding the baby. Racheal had just managed to wrestle the baby from Tracy, who probably wouldn’t have allowed it if she didn’t have to go to the bathroom. Racheal watched the little baby wiggle and cooed at him already in love with him. He was holding her finger in one hand and he was sucking on his other hand, with his eyes focused on her face in an intent survey.

  Having always loved babies, Racheal had wanted at least three when she’d met Eugene and married him. Boy what a mistake that had been. It was depressing to think of now with this bundle of joy sitting in her lap and the pain of the past a distant irritation in her heart. She didn’t want to think about Eugene and what he’d done. Racheal had suffered enough when he was alive there was no way she was allowing him to ruin her life even after his death.

  Racheal looked down at the baby and put Eugene out of her mind. Thinking about Eugene made her think about Tiny, which made her smile. After last night, when she and Tiny had talked, she’d decided that she was putting the pain that Eugene had caused her behind her, for good. Holding on to the pain he’d caused with his cruel treatment wasn’t doing anything but allowing him to control her even after he was dead.

  Racheal was done feeling broken, and she knew she had Tiny to thank for that in many ways. No he hadn’t fixed it for her, but he had allowed her to come to terms with her own part in what had happened. She’d made bad choices, and she’d learned to be more cautious.

  By allowing her to come to terms with her part in the tragic play of Eugene and Racheal’s marriage, Tiny had shown her that she was strong enough to overcome obstacles that the world threw at her, with his help. She didn’t need him to stand between her and the world. She just needed him to be there with her to help her bear the load.

  Tiny and his kindness had helped her put the pieces of her life back together, and she was finally ready to move past the trauma into a better life. She realized in that moment with her arms filled with a bundle of wiggling baby that she was in love with Tiny. That was what made her feel secure when he was near and the reason she’d always felt close to him.

  He was a good man and her heart had been his from almost the moment they had met, she suddenly realized. Tiny had always put her needs first, and she knew that it couldn’t have been easy for him with what he’d suffered at the hands of his father.

  Chapter 17

  “Earth to Racheal…hello, are you asleep.” Vivi called with a laugh.

  “I’m sorry what?” Racheal looked at the woman perched beside her a little bewildered.

  “I just called your name like three times! You must have been thinking really hard about something.” Vivi smiled, brushing her hair back over her shoulder.

  “I know that look sister!” Lisa exclaimed. “That look leads to babies…that was the look I saw in the mirror a month before I got pregnant.” She laughed as she walked forward with a bottle for the baby she’d warmed. Handing it to Racheal she sat back down in the rocker nearby.

  Racheal stuck he
r tongue out at the other woman.

  “I asked, before you went away to lala land, when are Bone and Molly coming back?” Vivi asked again.

  “Two days, unless something with the club comes up and they need Bone to handle it. Right now things are good according to Tiny. Tank had to go over to the Dixon farm to handle something that came up over there and Tiny and I had to cut our trip short. Tiny says that everything is fine here though, thankfully.” Racheal complained, with a sigh, already missing the Petal Hotel and the uninterrupted time with Tiny. Placing the bottle in the baby’s mouth she shifted him to a more comfortable position and watched him vigorously suck at the offering.

  “At least they were able to get away. When Tick and I married the Jackal’s were attacking the club almost daily. The club didn’t have as many connections back then. With the attacks happening all the time we had to stay close to home.” Vivi complained a dark frown on her face at the memory.

  “I remember that too, it was right after they bombed the strip bar. That was a horrible year.” Lisa sadly chimed in. “Everyone was afraid to even leave there homes for fear of running into the Jackal’s.”

  “That sounds awful! Molly said that you had problems with them for a long time, but I had no idea it was that bad. I guess I should have after what happened to Molly it’s obvious they are bad news.” Racheal shuddered her thoughts involuntarily going to Eugene. He would have fit right in with the Jackal’s

  “That year we lost a lot of good people. It was tough. I can remember Slim never being home because all the men were doing twelve hour shifts to keep the club safe. And when he was home he was so tense all the time it was terrible.” Lisa shook her head sadly.

  “Sounds like it was terrible.” Wanting to change the subject to make the sad looks on the other women’s faces ease she asked. “Why’d you name him Travis Cole, Lisa?”

  “Travis was Slim’s fathers name and Cole just sounds good with it and I always liked the name.” Lisa told her with a smile.

  “Huh, I thought Slim’s fathers name was Scooter?” Tracy snorted out a laugh as she entered the room again.

  “As far as anyone in the club knew it was.” Lisa giggled looking up at her with a grin. Vivi let out a tinkling laugh.

  “Are you still hogging the baby, Racheal?” Tracy demanded.

  Really, Racheal thought staring at the woman in disbelief. She was hogging the baby when Tracy had held him for over thirty minutes when they got here.

  “Ha, you held him for like an hour and she’s only had him for like ten minutes, you evil witch!” Vivi laughed

  “Shut up, Hussy!” Tracy replied, laughing too.

  “It’s my turn next anyway so I don’t know why you think you’re going to get your greedy hands on the baby before I do anyway. You had your turn now shut it.” Vivi was chuckling, so the whole speech she’d just made seemed to come out in one breath.

  “Bitches, I’m taking my baby back if you start fighting over him. Momma trumps aunties every time. Now act like ladies!” Lisa grumbled at them with a snort.

  “No fair!” Tracy and Vivi cried at the same time making them all break into giggles.

  Thirty minutes later, Racheal climbed into the cab of the truck while Tracy got in and cranking the engine. She felt a few rain drops hit her as she climb in and she hoped she made it inside the shop before the rain started in earnest, she eyed the dark clouds moving in.

  “Sorry we had to cut our visit short, but Dog needs me to help set up some stuff over at the club house. I’ll drop you at the shop, and you’ll have to forgive me for not walking in with you.” Tracy was saying as she pulled away from Lisa and Slim’s cabin.

  “It’s no big deal, Tracy. Tiny was probably wondering why we weren’t back yet anyway. I needed to finish working on the timing for Bear’s bike anyway.”

  “Okay, that’s good. It makes me feel better, at least. You know that you’re already part of the club and not just because you’re Molly’s friend don’t you?” Tracy’s sudden change of direction almost gave her whiplash.

  “I know.” Racheal replied.

  “I was just telling you that so you would understand that you’re important to Tiny, and to us.” Tracy murmured.

  “I already knew that I was important to Tiny.” Racheal replied.

  “Tiny’s different than most of the men in the club you know. He’s not as hard because he wasn’t raised by bikers like most of our guys. Means he had more patience than most of the others, but it will not last forever. He isn’t soft none of the men in our club are, and I hope that you can handle that because I have a feeling he isn’t going to let you go easily.” She was pulling into the parking lot of the shop as she finished this speech, stopping the truck she looked at Racheal.

  “Tracy, you don’t have to tell me this. I know what you’re trying to say already. Tiny and I get each other somehow. Maybe it was Pearl’s teachings or maybe Tiny and I are just meant for each other. I don’t know, but I do know where this is going with us. Don’t worry so much.” Racheal watched Tracy staring at her intently for several moments before she nodded.

  “Okay, I was just a bit worried that you didn’t know that he was attached. Thanks for going with me to see the baby.” Tracy smiled as Racheal opened the door getting out of the truck.

  “Thanks for asking me to go I had fun.” She replied.

  “Sure, I had fun too.” Tracy laughed as Racheal slammed the door and she took off with a wave.

  Racheal entered the shop moving through the office. She walked into the bay to find Tiny walking towards her with his head down. She must have made some kind of sound because Tiny looked up meeting her eyes with his. Rage filled those eyes and had Tiny been anyone else she would have been cowering in the corner at the sight.

  It was Tiny though, so she just kept walking towards him watching as he stopped crossing his arms over his chest and waited for her to come to him. Tiny was still burning with anger, he’d been about to lock up and go over to Lisa’s to pick Racheal up. He was not happy after his conversation ten minutes ago with her mother.

  How dare Racheal not tell him about getting attacked by someone, it was unacceptable. He would not allow this behavior to continue. He crossed his arms waiting until she was closer before he demanded.

  “Have something you need to tell me?”

  Racheal saw Tiny’s glare and she racked her brain for what he was talking about. What was he so pissed off about anyway? She hadn’t been gone long and he was acting like she’d done something terrible.

  Stopping in front of him she glared back at him raising her chin in defiance. He was not going to intimidate her.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  “Really, that’s what you’re going with?” Tiny said shifting his stance.

  “Yes, because I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” Racheal commented grimly.

  “Well, then let me tell you what I’m talking about. It might have something to do with me being gone a few weeks ago and a certain someone attacking you!” Tiny started out talking and ended on a bellow, his eyes blazing with anger.

  That was when Racheal realized he was talking about Tessa and her attacking her while he was out on club business. Shit, that wasn’t good. She’d forgotten to tell him about it because it honestly wasn’t a big deal to her. It had been the other woman’s desperate attempt to hold on to a man who didn’t want her. She really felt sorry for the other woman.

  “Why are you mad at me? I was the one who was attacked!” Racheal angrily replied.

  “Why am I mad at you?” Tiny roared getting in her face and causing her to flinch a little not in fear, but in surprise. Normally Tiny wasn’t so aggressive. “I’m mad at you because You. Should. Have. Told. Me!” He gritted out.

  “I didn’t think it mattered. Bone sent her to work on a farm as punishment and that handled the situation as far as I was concerned.” She yelled getting in his face.

  “Didn’t think it m
attered!” He demanded grabbing her arms and jerking her to him. His mouth slammed onto hers kissing her hard. He pulled back saying. “It. FUCKING. Matters!” then he was devouring her mouth again.

  Racheal was swept away by the passion Tiny was unleashing on her. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she accepted his kiss, feeling his hands on her waist pulling her closer. His tongue thrust into her aggressively making her moan in pleasure at his forcefulness. She wanted him closer, she pressed closer trying to be absorbed by him as her body liquefied with molten lava.

  He was setting her on fire. She felt his hands moving to her butt lifting her against him as he moved towards the back room. Her legs wrapped around him of their own accord and she was rubbing herself against his hardened member with abandon fever.

  Tiny was unable to stop his aggressive need to own her in that moment, he lifted her moving her to the back room feeling her rub against his dick made him almost ferial. He needed to be inside her NOW! He slammed the door with his foot, his mouth moving down her neck, hearing her breathless cries as she writhed on him.

  Setting her down on the work bench he’d fanaticized about taking her against for so long he knew that he wasn’t going to be gentle or easy with her this time, he just hoped that she wouldn’t be frightened by it. He pulled back his hands at the bottom of her shirt as he jerked it up.

  Racheal felt Tiny jerking her shirt off. She released him so that he could, and almost screamed when he took her bra covered breast into his mouth sucking hard as soon as he’d removed it. He was already working on ripping her pants off. She held the back of his head making loud mewling sounds that would have been embarrassing in any other situation. She was flooded with desire and needed his clothes off too. She began jerking on his cut to get it off throwing it on the bench beside her as she attempted to pull his shirt off, but he wouldn’t release her breast from his mouth long enough for her to remove it.

  Growling at her attempts to get him naked, he released her breast long enough to get off his shirt, then unclasped her bra and took her other nipple into his mouth. His hands were inside her pants in seconds sliding inside her wet heat, making her moan. He sucked hard his tongue rapped around her nipple, his teeth gently scoring it. He felt her hands wrenching at his pants trying to get them off and he pulled back flipping her around to face the mirror. He needed this. He needed to know that she was his and she understood that she wasn’t supposed to keep secrets from him. He kicked her legs apart, his hand moving into her wet channel from behind as his heated breath puffed against her ear.


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