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Claiming Racheal

Page 13

by Michelle Woods

  “You are mine.” He snarled, thrusting three fingers into her roughly. “You tell me when someone hurts you!” He snarled again. Setting a rhythm with his invading fingers that had her moaning in pleasure. He watched her face in the mirror, seeing the way her breast bounced, the way she writhed on his fingers with abandonment.

  Racheal was holding the edge of the counter watching Tiny in the mirror, moaning. She couldn’t contain the moans or stay still as his fingers moved inside her hitting her g-spot causing her body to shudder, as her orgasm overtook her. She felt him withdraw, only to feel the blunt tip of his dick enter her, and she felt him pushed her forward slightly.

  She knew that what he was doing was meant to control her, but she was too far gone to care. She needed him so badly. She felt his hands on her ass rubbing it then his palm smacked it lightly. Making her start, but her body flooded with moisture as his hand landed again.

  “You won’t forget to tell me again. Say it!” He heatedly demanded his hand hitting her again as she let out a needy cry. Feeling his dick at her entrance she tried to push back needing him to fill her, but he pulled back one hand sliding up to cup her breast squeezing her nipple.

  “Now,” He growled, not allowing more than just the head to enter her.

  “Please…”She gasped, rewarded with only an inch sliding into her, before Tiny growled.

  “Tell me!”

  “Fin-fine I’ll tell you. Won’t…won’t forget again.” She finally panted out.

  “Good girl.” Tiny praised, rewarding her with another light tap, before he thrust his entire length into her with a growled. “FUCK!”

  Tiny held still trying not to explode inside her wet grip. He was so close, this had been his fantasy for months and he was finally able to feel the press of her ass against him, as he watched her tits sway with every movement he was making. He began to move unable to stay still, watching them in the mirror, he moved his hands, cupping her tits. He held the swaying masses as he roughly pounded into her from behind, watching her face as she came around him with a scream.

  He was so close, but he wanted to drag it out. He’d wanted this for so long, he needed it to last.

  “No watch.” He demanded, when she closed her eyes in pleasure, his fingers pinched her nipples lightly, he continued to move feeling her channel clamp on him hard. He growled.

  Racheal was panting watching Tiny’s hands pinch her nipples, while he was fucking her was so erotic. She was burning up from the dominance he was displaying. Not that he wasn’t always dominate in bed, but his anger had unleashed something aggressive that he’d been holding back from her. His eyes met hers in the mirror and she saw the truth. Tiny hadn’t wanted to scare her, but this was closer to what he wanted from their sexual relationship than the last few weeks were.

  She was okay with that and she pushed herself back into him to let him know Tiny grunted squeezing her breast and moved faster. Pounding her so hard that the table banged against the wall in a steady rhythm. He growled his mouth going to her neck as he grunted and she knew he was about to come. She moaned as his teeth gripped her shoulder in a tight grip, unable to prevent it she thrust her head back against his shoulder crying out in her third orgasm.

  Tiny gripped her lightly with his teeth thrusting hard into her. He felt her tighten as she cried out and he let go moaning as his body shook with his own orgasm. He was grateful that she was able to handle this part of him because this wouldn’t be the last time he lost control and let his fantasies out to play. Slowing to a halt he almost collapsed into her.

  His hands slipped from her breasts to her waist. He slowly pulled out of her wet passage panting a bit as he rested against her.

  “You okay?” He asked hoping she didn’t say no.

  “Yes. That was amazing.” Racheal purred turning in his arms resting against the table.

  “I’m glad,” Tiny muttered, his forehead resting against hers, “But we need to talk about Tessa and why you didn’t tell me abou…shit get dressed.”

  They could hear Dogs voice calling out. “Tiny shit’s hit the fan we gotta ride!”

  Tiny quickly got his pants back on then grabbed his cut leaning forward and kissing her gently.

  “I’ll call you later. Head home and I’ll be back when I can and we’ll talk about this.” He moved to the door. She was pulling on her bra and shirt wanting to tell him she loved him she called out.

  “Tiny,” He paused looking back at her. “Be careful.”

  She said instead, not wanting to tell him she loved him for the first time when he had to leave. She wanted to tell him when they could kiss and make love, not when he was stressed and had to go.

  “I will, darlin’.” He smiled.

  “Let’s go, man!” Dog called out loudly sounding stressed making her wonder what was going on.

  Five minutes later she closed up the shop and used one of the tow trucks to drive back to the cabin because the rain had begun to pour down heavily. She worried about Tiny riding in this mess she hoped he hadn’t had far to travel, she thought as she headed into the house.

  Chapter 18

  Tiny climbed off his bike wiping his face off with the towel Tank handed him. He looked at the mess the Jackals had created. The bar was almost completely destroyed. Having ridden three hours to get here he wasn’t happy to have to deal with this bullshit.

  “We got lucky, Maddox found the bomb and got everyone out before it went off. Hell, I had to call Bone. He is not fucking happy. He wants to know who set it, and we need you to talk to the people who were here. The prospects are watching them now. There were twenty unknowns in the building when the bomb was set and we have all of them over at the tattoo parlor.” Tank thundered, handing another towel to Dog who’d pulled up a few minutes behind him.

  “Fuck, how the hell did this happen. We check every room every hour?” Dog growled looking at the building that smoldered in the rain. The burned out building had started the day as a strip club the Red Devils ran, but now it was a pile of smoldering rubble.

  “Yep, that’s why we didn’t lose anyone. Maddox got everyone out before it blew.” Tank grumbled. “It’s damned lucky we put that rule in place otherwise it could have been bad. We had twenty in there ten club members, three prospects and seven strippers.”

  “Damned Jackal’s are getting on my last fucking nerve.” Dog rumbled.

  “I’m with you there. I’ll head over and start the interviews, and send me Bone when he gets here.” Tiny called over his shoulder sprinting towards the tattoo parlor. He wasn’t going to talk to Bone about the Tessa issue today, but he was going to have words with the man for not telling him about what had happened while he was away.

  Entering the parlor he saw Charity sitting in a chair next to Trick and smiled. She was Trick’s kid sister and a sweetheart. She’d done the books over at the strip club.

  “You alright darlin’.” He asked her

  “Yes, I wasn’t even in yet. I got here about thirty minutes after it happened, but he won’t let me out of his sight.” Charity complained, indicating Trick who glared at her.

  “Well darlin’, he has a right to be worried you’re his sister.” Tiny pointed out.

  “I just told her I didn’t want her heading home alone and that she could wait until I was able to take her.” Trick grumbled, shooting her another deadly glare.

  “See, he just wants you safe.” Tiny commented. Earning an angry glare from Charity as she sat back in her chair huffily.

  “You’re all on his side, damn it!” Charity grumbled.

  “I’ve told you to stop cussing, Charity.” Trick demanded with a sigh. Tiny headed towards the back with a wave as Charity let into him about that one. Damn, sometimes Trick was an idiot. That woman may be his kid sister, but she was twenty three he needed to let her grow up and quit trying to rule her. Heading into the backroom to get this shit done so that he could get back to his woman.

  Racheal heard the phone ringing in the bedroom as she hopped
on one foot trying to get her panties on faster so she could answer. She managed to get them on and still naked except for the underwear, she dived across the bed grabbing her phone.


  “Hey Darlin’, good news and bad news. Which do you want first?” Tiny questioned. Making her sigh in displeasure she was sure that the bad news was this was going to take longer than he’d planed.

  “Bad.” She commanded gripping the phone waiting.

  “I won’t be back for three weeks.” Tiny’s reply made her want to cry. Three weeks was a long time.

  “Why so long?”

  “Club business, nothing earth shattering just have to track someone down, Bone and Tank are coming with me, so Molly will be back in a few hours. That’s the good news. Bone sent Duck over to get her. I want to be sure that you stay close to home. Trick should be back day after tomorrow and he’ll open the shop back up so just rest and hang around with the girls tomorrow, okay.”

  “I can...” Racheal stopped talking, when she heard Tiny call out to someone else.

  “Yep, give five minutes then I’m good to go.” She could hear a male voice respond to him then he said. “Sorry babe go on.”

  “I was just saying that I could open the shop and Molly and I can finish the work…” Tiny interrupted.

  “No, I want you to take the day off. The rain’s going to be bad this week. We may even have to move to the cabins up were Bone took Molly. If the rain is as bad as they’re reporting the river might flood. Bone’s got the prospects sand bagging it tomorrow.”

  “You think it will get that bad?” Racheal asked.

  “I don’t know, but I just want you to stay safe while I’m gone. Trick and Duck will look after you girls. Be good. I’ll call you.” Tiny sounded distracted as he called out to Bone and Tank that he was coming. “I gotta go, darlin’.”

  “Okay, but don’t forget to call me.” Racheal became a little depressed as she hung up the phone. She got up putting on one of Tiny’s Red Devils shirts and laying down to sleep, wishing that Tiny was here with her.

  It had been four days and Racheal was on edge waiting, she still had two weeks to go unless Tiny found who he was looking for before then. Walking into Tammy’s, she went to the counter grabbing the food for everyone at the shop that she’d called in.

  “Hey sugar, I put the hot sauce in there too. And Tricks extra mustard too.” Tammy called from the other side of the kitchen.

  “Okay, Thanks.” Racheal called, grabbing the bags and heading out the door. She’d opened the passenger door and was sitting the bags inside when she heard a voice behind her. Turning she was surprised to see Tessa standing behind her.

  “Tiny never seems to be around, he must need lots of breaks from you. I guess you’re wondering why I’m back.” Tessa taunted evilly.

  Sighing, Racheal shut the door on the truck. It really was sad when a woman clung to a man who didn’t want her. Not that she could blame Tessa. After all Tiny was the whole package, a good man who was dynamite in the sack. Looking at the woman with disdain.

  “What do you want, Tessa?” Racheal leaned back against the truck ready for her to attack. She wasn’t going to be surprised by the woman again.

  “I just wanted you to know that Tiny had me brought back.” She smiled thinking she was going to upset Racheal with her declaration.

  Only Racheal knew that if Tiny had indeed, had Tessa brought back here, it was not a good thing. He’d been livid according to her mother almost to the point that he was violent. So Tessa had better hope it wasn’t Tiny who’d had her brought back here.

  “Really, well that’s nice.” Racheal said in a bored voice, knowing it would make the other woman angry.

  “Don’t you care that your man still wants me?” Tessa demanded, with her hand resting on her hip. She was wearing a red skirt that barely covered her ass and a tight top in white that clung to her cleavage. That was a ridiculous outfit for this weather. It had been raining almost all day for the past week and the woman was wearing that, what an idiot.

  “Nope.” Racheal watched her still leaning in what she hoped looked like a casual pose although she was coiled and ready for any action that the woman might take.

  “What do you mean, nope?” Tessa demanded, her mouth hanging open in disbelief.

  “Well If, and that’s a very big if, Tiny had you brought back here it wasn’t as you assume so that he could fuck you again. It may be so he can at worst kill you and at best have you removed from the club.” Racheal waited for the woman’s reaction.

  “What?” She looked confused then asked again. “Why would he want me gone or dead?”

  “Because you attacked me.” Racheal smiled as she told the woman her reply.

  “That’s crazy no man who hasn’t patched a woman is going to react that way.” Tessa had a look of bewilderment on her face.

  “Yes, but have you asked yourself why Tiny was always so close and when he wasn’t he had me watched like a hawk? I’ll tell you why he wants to patch me and you had better hope that he didn’t send for you, cause if he did it will be bad, very bad.” Racheal smiled evilly at the woman. Tessa paled then she launched herself at Racheal, but this time Racheal was ready for her and caught her clawed hands in her own. She knocked the woman’s feet from beneath her.

  The rain started pouring down again as she dumped the woman into the mud at their feet. Tessa was covered in mud and the rain made her clothes transparent. Racheal was sure that her own clothes were soaked. Tessa looked up at her from the ground where she sat winded. Racheal was glad for the rain which washed away the mud that now covered her legs, from the woman falling in the mud.

  “Now, now, no need to get testy. Just realize that the fantasy you built around my man is not real and move on. If you do maybe, just maybe, I can convince him to let you live.” Racheal turned and moved towards the other side of the truck ignoring the enraged screech from behind her. She climbed into the cab and shut the door heading back to the shop hoping that her lunch wasn’t cold from the time it took to put the little witch in her place.

  Pulling up to the shop she saw Trick, Bear, and Duck standing outside chatting under the awning. Getting out she walked towards the men who were near the door.

  “Shit, you’re soaked what the hell happened?” Trick asked staring at her.

  “I had to take care of some riff raff at the diner it’s no big deal. I’ll just change before I eat.” Racheal pushed by the men walking into the shop and setting their lunches down on the table she walked back into the bay to get to the employee lockers with all three men following her.

  “What happened to you?” Molly questioned as she walked by her.

  “Let me change and I’ll tell you.” Racheal walked in the back and changed her clothes and pulled her wet hair into a ponytail then went back out to talk to her nosey friends.

  “Well?” Molly inquired, when she entered the shop where the three men and Molly where waiting.

  “Tessa.” Was all she got out before Molly and the men began demanding?

  “What the hell is she doing back here?” Molly screeched.

  “Oh fuck, Tiny’s gonna kill me.” Trick grunted.

  “How’d she get here?” Duck questioned and Bear growled out. “Fuck, Pearl’s going to kill her.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t know how she got back here. I handled it though, l tossed her on her butt in the mud, and told her to leave my man alone.” Molly burst out laughing.

  “Hah, finally! My friend’s back to her old self. Kicking ass and taking names!” Molly exclaimed. The men just stared at her as if she had lost her mind.

  “Oh stop, I only did that one time with that bitch, Henrietta!” Molly began laughing, Henrietta was a bully from the Slum’s who’d lived in the upper Slums and she’d knocked her down for pushing Molly when she was six.

  “Yep and I was just as happy then as I am now.” Molly smiled gleefully.

  “We’d better go. We’re losing light.” Du
ck muttered looking at Trick who’d just finished his lunch.

  “Where are you men off too?” Racheal questioned.

  “Sand bagging the river again to keep it from flooding. If this rain doesn’t let up we’re moving in three days to the higher camp. It’s already almost to the three feet of sand bags and we’re running out of bags.” Trick answered, throwing away his trash in the can beside the register.

  “Two prospects will be over to help you girls close up. You can leave early. I don’t think anyone wants to travel in this weather anyway.” Trick grumbled exiting, followed by Duck and Bear.

  “Shit, I guess I better start packing shit up for me and Tiny.” Racheal sat down picking up her lunch to start eating.

  “Yeah, I gotta do the same for me and Bone.” Molly lay back on the couch with a sigh. “I really fucking hate packing!”

  Chapter 19

  Racheal picked up the bag she’d filled with Tiny’s guns. He’d asked her to pack them up for him since the river was going to over flow, most likely later tonight. It had been two days not the three they’d predicted. The rain had not only continued to pour down, it had also began to puddle all over town, and the river was so high that they were sure it would bust by tomorrow. So here she was packing up their shit while Molly waited in the other room loaded with other bags.

  Shit, should she do another check before she left, she wondered. She set the bag on the bed heading to the closet to check that she’d gotten everything important.


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