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The Conqueror of Zones

Page 39

by Shadows Finger

  “So fast!” Reinz thought, as he was surprised by Feng Yunlong sudden quick movements, his eyes glared at the figure below him that wasn’t even half of his size with ruthlessness as prepared to grip him with his free hand and crush him to pieces, but sadly, he was beaten to his own game…

  Grip! Both of Feng Yunlong’s phoenix-like palms had quickly grabbed a hold of Reinz lower torso, the moment this happened the immense flaming energies that burned around their seeped into his armor before swiftly transforming his entire body in a ball of sacred flames.

  Blaze!! “Ahhhhh!” Reinz whose body was now set ablaze let out a yell of pain as he dropped the spear out of his hand, the water dragon below his feet now completely dispersing due to his lack of mental control.

  He tried to break himself free by using his hand to hit Feng Yunlong but no matter how hard his fist pounded into Feng Yunlong’s face, he didn’t move an inch like a leech stuck on its prey, his flaming palms firmly gripped Reinz’s torso sending clusters of flames into his body.

  “You damn bastard! Ahhh!” Reinz realizing he couldn’t remove Feng Yunlong’s grip, he could only curse as his energies slowly began to fade away, soon, his body was burnt out of existence leaving behind a sparkling cyan armor filled with ancient history that fell to the ground burying itself into the ruined earth.

  “Whew! He was a tough one… it’s been a long time since I used that technique,” Feng Yunlong said with a weary smiled on his face, he gripped his fist tightly causing the heat to disperse before thinking, “Such a powerful bloodline… if we had an awakened that year, would things be different today?”

  Upon thinking to himself, his thoughts couldn’t help but wander towards the distant past, the beautiful figure of a woman with sparkling blue hair with her features shrouded by a strange light flickering for a moment within his eyes, he was about to reach his hand out and try to grasp this woman but was soon pulled away from this distant fantasy.

  “Yunlong, you shouldn’t use that technique at your current stage, it is too taxing as your qi isn’t enough to make up for the cultivation requirements. Though our new bloodline can handle the burden it is best to not go over the limit…” Feng Junling said as his figure appeared from distance like the wind, he stood beside him and channeled some of his recovered energies to help him heal his injuries.

  “Brother, it seems you’ll always be the one that’s last place!” Feng Xingyu’s cheerful voice said, as she gracefully floated over as charming as the wind as if she lost all of our previous brutal air.

  Feng Yunlong hearing their words couldn’t shake his head and reply, “Haha… I guess your both right…” After saying this, he closed his eyes and started to focus his attention of recovering his strength, both Feng Yunlong and Feng Xingyu smiled as they saw this but before this sweet and chirpy atmosphere could last there was a new, even familiar change…

  Buzz! Immediately after a loud sound, the world went still as a familiar voice sounded across the world once more, “The Chosen has completed his mission thus bringing an end to the trials of the ancient dragon battlefield, as such, all other battles will be brought to an immediate end as the Dragon Palace shall now be unsealed!”

  Immediately after the cold voice, the world returned to normal leaving behind a set of individuals with dumb folded expressions on their faces, both remnant fiends and alliance practitioners gazed towards the sky with a blank expression on their faces.

  Soon, the practitioners recovered from their shock as they lifted their fist and weapons to the air and shouted in wild joy.

  “We’ve done it!!!”

  “Uwwwaaaahhh!” The sound of joyful shouts resounded across the main continent as the practitioners shouted in joy, while the remnant fiends cursed with defeated expressions on their faces.

  “Nooooo! How could this happen?! We were supposed to be free!!” A few of them exclaimed in anger and grief, as their already bloodthirsty eyes grew redder. Some of them even became frenzied as they were prepared to kill as much of the practitioners who yelled for joy to sooth their pain.

  “Kill! Kill!” They shouted as they swarmed their enemies with sinister looks on their faces, but sadly, before they could reach their enemies, they became frozen, a strange golden ray beamed from the sealed dragon palace, locking the forms of all of the fiends within the battlefield.

  Moments later, the sealed fiends were destroyed by a higher power as all traces of their prior existence had faded away from reality itself…

  Chapter 172

  The Scent of an Ancient Enemy, A True Disaster is Born!

  Across the horizon towards the distant edge of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield, there, was a region mostly shrouded by darkness, the lights of horizons unable to follow reveal its true form. A strange entity stood at the center of this dark region as if he was the only being in existence with a dark silhouette that was roughly the size of a regular human that was more robust than most.

  He was melded with the darkness and seemed as if he resided in a separate realm from reality itself, as his two sinister looking eyes gazed towards the distance landing on the figure of a red-haired woman in the Center of All Zones.

  “Tsk… so, in the end, it could only come to this, such useless spawns. I cannot disappoint, it seems that I can only take things in my own hands…” A familiar voice said with a tone filled with displeasure, slowly, the shadowy figure began to phase out from the region of darkness instantly arriving at the top of a massive cliff.

  His figure was still nonexistent as he seemed no different from a shadow projected into the void, he slightly stretched his arm out pointing it towards the Center of All Zone’s until his figure bounced upon an invisible membrane.

  The space before him started to ripple as if it was trying its hardest to resist his attempt to pushing his hands through, soon, his hand slipped through this membrane causing the space before him to ripple even more chaotically. The instant this hand came into being, the world within this section of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield underwent a tremendous change…

  Rumble! The earth shook as the heavens changed color transition from brightness to a dark world losing all of its vitality, strangely though, the hand that was now within this world had become clear revealing its true for all to see if anywhere nearby. It was a hand that seemed no different from a human, with its different being that of pale white purplish skin that unusual runic markings at certain sections.

  Seeing the change occurring in the outside world due to only revealing his hand, the shadowy figure furrowed his brows before continuing his words, “So troublesome…”


  The instant he said this, his voice spread out across the distant horizon resounding across Center of All Zones, as this happened the scene before victories alliance members began to change as they could only look on in pure surprise.

  Rumble! The earth began to shake, as the souls of each of dead fiends began to gather towards a central area, the souls of sealed fiends who were destroyed by the Dragon Palace’s chains looked around them in shock as they exclaimed. “What! Which power is this?!”

  As they were busy exclaiming, the practitioners who had been previously cheering grew stern as they had no idea what was now occurring, Feng Junling seeing this change frowned as he spoke to both Feng Xingyu and Feng Yunlong, “It’s as I thought, there is something or rather, someone here that’s working behind these fiends… I have a terrible feeling as if we’ve evoked something beyond our reach…” As they heard this, both Feng Xingyu and Feng Yunlong became silent as a grave expression appeared on their faces, quickly, the souls which had gathered together began to circle around a small vacuum of space as if waiting for something.


  Suddenly, the locations of the three Zone Commanders exploded as their powerful souls floated in the air, their expressions filled with hatred as they glanced not towards the Feng Family trio but towards the distant horizon.

  “Bastard! How dare you
use our souls?!” Falcoy, Gui Shenin, and Reinz cursed out in a loud voice, but try as they might their souls was not under their control as the power from the shadow had firmly locked them into place.

  Soon, their souls collected together with remaining fiends souls before a bright flash of light illuminated the surroundings. After this light faded, a strange looking soul was left floating in the air as it emitted an unusually terrifying soul force that pressured all of the surrounding practitioners.

  “Damn! Junling, we need to fall back now!” said Feng Junling as he saw this scene, he was about to call for the distant mansion but before he could do anything there was another change.


  The voice from the shadow resounded once again, quickly, a massive summoning circle appeared within the air glowing with a sinister red as if the creature inside of it existed only to destroy the world.

  Rip! The space before the circle ripped to pieces revealing one massive red eyes that loomed over the Center of All Zones, it gazed upon the world below it with pure indifference, it then changed area of interest locking onto the faraway shadow that stood at an edge of the horizon with deep look as it spoke to the world with a voice that seeped into the minds of all beings. “What do you offer?!”

  The shadow hearing this from his location had a cunning gleam in his eyes as he flicked his finger once again pointing towards Feng the distant Feng Xingyu before speaking, “You will take that soul as the price, and use its power to annihilate that female…”

  The being behind the rip in space remained silent for a moment before a ruthless look came into its eyes as it spoke once again, “As the great one wishes!”

  Buzz! Instantly, a loud sound was heard as the eyes of the creature beyond the special crack started to glow in bright light, not long after, a beam of red light shot from its eyes into the body of the entity created by the merger of fiend souls.

  Soon, it began to change at an alarming rate transforming into a figure that wore full body crimson red armor, with deep red skin, scarlet red eyes that had sinister looking golden pupils. It had long black wings with a wingspan of a few 4 meters and razor-sharp claw-like hands that were surrounded by its demonic looking armor.

  Bang! The instant its body came into being, an immense aura scattered across the entire Ancient Dragon Battlefield, as if a slaughtering god had descended to the mortal realms, his nefarious energies being more fiendish that any kinds of fiends in existence.

  “That…that’s an…” the practitioners from the true yuan continent where stunned as though they came from a world many of these beings had vanished, there were a few of them whose legends still hold true to this day.

  Asurafiend… a truly sinister and brutal fiend among all fiendkin; they were born in slaughter and live to slaughter, with a battle power that stands at the apex of most fiend races. These are the fiends that have transcended that gap between low-class lifeforms and high-class lifeforms, being renowned as natural born superior kind of Transcended Fiends.

  Feng Junling, Feng Yunlong, and Feng Xingyu looked at the being before them in shock as they full well that no matter what anyone did, they would not be able to defeat this creature…

  The Shadow who stood at the edge of the battlefield smiled as he saw this, he spoke with satisfaction, “Now then… my task is com---" But before he could finish his words, his eyes flickered with a strange light as he lifted his head and gazed towards the sky above him with a hint of displeasure in his eyes. “Tsk… it seems that I’ve underestimated their vigilance, to think they could manage to pinpoint my exact location even after I used my distortion spell… so troublesome…”

  Suddenly, the sky within this area became covered by pure gold as if heaven-shattering disaster was about to descend bringing an end to its reign of darkness…

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Turning back time to a few moments back at the mysterious horizon of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield, the massive array of floating landmasses continued to loom over this section of the world, seated on top of the central most landmass was the giant that continued to watch its horizon with an expression of faint anticipation on his face.

  The large palace that rested behind it currently in a lively state as numerous different golden armored individuals gathered together in a uniform fashion, amongst these divine soldiers were mighty looking generals who stood at the front of these units in silence as they waited for the individuals behind the palace walls.

  Step! Step! Step! Soon, the sounds of footsteps could be heard coming from the large hallway that leads towards the outside of the palace, they echoed with a strong rhythm as if portraying the confidence of the person who made each step.

  Eventually, through the massive open path became shrouded by golden light as the silhouette of a woman appeared, as she continued to walk her figure became more visible soon after revealing her truly stunning and unique form. She was a beauty of no bounds, with fine features that clearly defined a type of innate desolateness, with phoenix-like eyes that had golden markings around their edges and wondrous pearl like pupils the color of red that shone with a hidden mystery.

  Her long black hair trailing down to her feet with red streaks hidden within, as a gorgeous golden robe stitched with unusual golden feathers wrapped around her slender physique. Quickly, she arrived before her divine soldiers and generals whom upon seeing her arrival knelt to the ground before respectfully greeting. “We greet your highness, the Saint Queen!”

  The Saint Queen seeing this nodded her head indifferently, but within her eyes, one could see a hint of excitement and anticipation as she thought to herself, “Finally, after numerous years, I will be able to leave this place… I’ve also been blessed with the chance to see the heiress once again…”

  After thinking to herself, however, she glanced towards her subordinates and spoke, “The announcements have been made and rules have been set into motion, this is the finale of the Ancient Dragon Battlefield Trials as from now on we will close to this space all beings. I want you all to head to the separated zones and dismantle the seals, begin preparations for the prisoner's ascension!”

  “As our queen wishes!” The divine generals said, they then turned around and glanced at their lesser subordinates before waving their hands. Instantly, they along with the units vanished like specks of light as if they were never here from the beginning.

  Swooosh! A cool wind seeping across the now broad and mostly empty landmass on which only the Saint Queen and the mysterious giant remained, the Saint Queen looked towards the giant that eyed the edge of the world with full concentration before the corner of lips rose into that of a smile.

  “Fradus, you seem rather interested in that human, do you really plan to take her under your wing?” The Saint Queen asked with a tone of curiosity.

  “Um. Her blood maybe slightly lacking but it is still powerful, I will not allow for a such a rare finding for my kin to grow in obscurity.” Fradus said softly but his loud voice still managed to echo across the surroundings.

  The Saint Queen seeing his determination shook her head helpless, she was about to ask him another question but before she could even start her words, both her’s and Fradus’s expressions changed becoming solemn as if they sensed they most dangerous thing in the world.

  Sniff! Sniff! They both sniffed the air as a strange scent became clearer to their noses, carried an unusual presence as if it was the source of all darkness in the world.

  “This scent… to think they would actually show their hands here? Fradus take care of those kids leave that bastard to me!!” The Saint Queen said in a cold tone, her beautiful eyes now gleaming with a glacial light of icy ruthlessness as he glanced towards Fradus before her.

  Fradus hearing her word gripped his humongous fists tightly before a firm look came into his eyes as he responded, “Say no more...”

  As she heard his words, the Saint Queen quickly acted her body turning to a golden light which beamed into the air at a speed that cann
ot be described. Soon, she arrived at the summits of the sky’s belonging to the Ancient Dragon Battlefield as she gripped her fists together tightly.

  Baannng! A terrifying amount of energies quickly erupted from her body and scattered across this section of the mystic realm painting the skies with a golden hue, this all-encompassing light that then compressed as if it had teleported to towards a different location leaving behind no traces.

  Fradus seeing this didn’t waste any time, he slowly picked himself up from the ground soon after revealing his true height as his figure became a size that of an unimaginable scale, placed his two massive palms together as a brutal light shone in his eyes.

  “I’ve been seated for so long; this should be a good exercise…”

  Chapter 173

  Feng Xingyu in Danger, I am Colossi!

  The air was tense as brutal aura saturated the atmosphere, the practitioners feeling this change began to feel a certain level of weakness as if the word itself was trying to destroy them from existence. At the summits of the sky, the figure of the crimson armors Asurafiend stood quietly with his overwhelming energies scattering from his form that added further chaos to the surrounding air.

  He glanced around at the lesser beings before him with indifference as he lifted his hands and spoke, “Kneel!”

  Bang! The very instant he said this, the energies in the air grew more violent as the oppressive force increased by many folds.

  Thud! The sound of many practitioners falling to their knees sounded as only a few stronger practitioners among them managed to remain slightly upright, in the vicinity of the collapsed fortress walls were tree individuals who were struggling despite being nearly exhausted.

  “Haa… haa… how can we fight this?!” Xun Yanshan said while trying to catch his breath, his knees and hands now on the ground because of the surrounding pressures.


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