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The Conqueror of Zones

Page 40

by Shadows Finger

  “Cough! We… we’ve… really messed up… this time…” Nei Sinian said, as his entire concentration was now placed on a mental barrier that wrapped around him.

  “………………” A sea of leaves wrapped around Ye Shuye who was also in a similar state as the two of them, he glanced around at the scene and contemplated, “Damn! The hall lord will not be happy… I’ve already lost the opportunity to increase our relationship with the Wuqi clan, if I fail to bring back anything here my head will roll…”

  Not far away from them, the other major influence leaders were currently in a similar state, they combined their energies to put up a barrier field that struggled against the pressures from the Asurafiend’s energy.

  “Chet! I really hate these mystic realms…” Fei Meng cursed while doing her best to channel her energies into the surrounding barrier.

  Yu Ying who was usually cold and indifferent now frowned as a look of worry came over her face, she too commented, “I really hate this…” While saying this, her face continued to grow paler as her wounds from the matches before was already beyond her limits.

  “Less talking and more focus…” An angry looking Sheng Yuan said as his eyes were slightly anxious, he continued to pore his dark energies into the barrier with all of his focus.

  “Hmph!” Fei Meng snorted as she didn’t reply to her words, Xin Zhu and Tang Lie also had a similar look on their faces when they heard his words but due to pressing circumstances, they didn’t waste their energies in a pointless confrontation.

  As these influences struggled against the Asurafiend’s might, a few individuals managed to remain unaffected, they were Feng Junling, Feng Yunlong, and Feng Xingyu, the crimson masked soldiers and a few clansmen who were gathered around also capable of withstanding the pressure due to the strength from their bloodlines.

  “We need to find a way out of this…” Feng Junling said, but no matter how hard he thought he couldn’t come up with a solution. The nearby Feng Yunlong clenched his fists together as he spoke, “Damn!”

  As the duo were at a loss, a strange change began to occur to Feng Xingyu as she had started to glide towards the Asurafiend at a slow pace. Feng Junling noticing this was suddenly jolted from his thoughts as he shouted, “Xingyu where are you going?! Stop right now!”

  Swish! As he said this, his body flickered rushing towards her form, Feng Yunlong who was also distracted also glanced towards the now fairly distant Feng Xingyu with a shocked look in his eyes, “Xingyu!” He promptly reacted by soaring towards her as well a good distance behind Feng Junling.

  The Asurafiend who had still had his palm facing forwards sneered as he saw this, his eyes glowing in a sinister but mockful light as if everything was already within his control. Just as Feng Junling and Feng Yunlong where about to arrive at Xingyu’s side, he snapped his fingers causing a strange crimson barrier to appear before them.

  Bang! The two collided with the barrier which pushed them away at a force similar to which they had used to arrive, their bodies bounced towards the ground at a high-speed crashing into the earth as they left behind two deep craters.

  “Humph! Now that those two nuisances are gone, I can finally take care of you…” The Ausrafiend said, as his gazed as fixed upon Feng Xingyu’s form, he snapped his fingers once again causing a more powerful pulling force to drag Feng Xingyu towards him, as she arrived almost instantly.

  “No! I can’t be caught by him…” Feng Xingyu who couldn’t speak thought to herself, as her eyes flashed with a look of panic, she tried to call upon the strength in her body but for some reason found that it didn’t answer her summons.

  Grip! The sound of the Asurafiends fingers tightly grasping her neck sounded as Feng Xingyu finally fell into his reach, he looked at her with a sinister smile on his face as he spoke in a soft voice, “Such an interesting human, your power is strange almost unnatural… if you didn’t get into the eyes of the great one you may have grown into a truly powerful being… but sadly…”

  Upon speaking to her, he increased the grip on his fingers slowly crushing her neck as he spoke, “This is where your story will end…” Feng Xingyu hearing this, couldn’t even react much less think straight, her mouth opened wide spewing out blood as she chocked, “Ack! Cough!”

  “Noo! Release the clan miss!” The clan elders said as they rushed forwards on top of their flying artifacts, their bodies barely resisting the surrounding pressures, the Crimson Masks soldiers who were already exhausted from their previous battles slowly began to pick themselves up as they rushed towards the Asurafiend with their remnant powers.

  “Hmph! One flock of ants! Get lost!” The Asurafiend said as he waves his other arm causing the crimson barrier to expand in all directions pushing away the elders and soldiers, causing their injuries to flare up.

  “Damn! If this continues, she will…” A few of the elders who managed to stand back on their feet began to curse due to their own helpless nature.

  “Xingyu!!!!! Demon, release her now!!” Suddenly, there was a loud shout as the two craters exploded as both Feng Junling and Feng Xingyu appeared from their rubbles, their bodies covered by raging scarlet golden flames as they had once more entered their bloodline battleform like rays of flaming lights they rushed towards the Asurafiend once more easily tearing through the barrier that had flung them away moments ago.

  “Urm?” The Asurafiend was about to enjoy his time killing Feng Xingyu but couldn’t help but frown as he noticed the two who broke his barrier. He looked at them with a hint of surprise as he muttered, “Well… I didn’t think there would be such a strong bloodline here…”

  As he thought to himself, both Feng Yunlong and Feng Junling had already arrived within his vicinity, they looked at each other as if they could understand what the other was thinking before they joined up in a strange formation before shouting, “Nirvana Batte Arts: Dual Phoenix Blazing Descent!”

  “Kreeeehhhh!” Instantly, the cry of two phoenixes could be heard as two strange flaming scarlet golden birds appeared; they wound around each other creating a spinning scarlet golden firestorm that beamed towards the Asurafiend at light-like speeds.

  “Hmph! Your bloodline is truly indeed worthy of a second glance, but it’s a pity for your strength is too weak…” As the Asurafiend said this, he pointed his index finger from his free hand towards them before yelling, “Asura Field!”

  Buzz! Suddenly, a dark energy spread out from his palm scattering out for as far as one could see, as the practitioners, faction leaders along with the Feng clan members became swept up inside of this field of darkness, their ability to resist was negated as the overwhelming pressures increased causing them severe injuries.

  “Ahhhh!” One of the weaker practitioners couldn’t resist this power and was immediately 'destroyed in body and soul, his spirit became saturated by the darkness as it transformed into a dark spirit that rushed after the struggling individuals.

  “Damn!” Feng Yunlong seeing this cursed as he struggled to overcome the power, Feng Junling also wanted to move but couldn’t due to their previous exceed level combination attack.

  “Hahaha! It’s been too long… it turns out one can never grow tired of killing weak humans…” The Asurafiend menacingly laughed as he saw this scene, he then moved his eyes from the struggling lot focusing his attention on the trapped Feng Xingyu before speaking, “Now then, it’s time for you to die!”

  As Feng Xingyu heard this, she couldn’t even resist as her eyes could only glare at the Asurafiend with a look filled with hatred while thinking to herself, “Even if I die, my soul will be sure to live on, I will become an evil spirit that will haunt you to your realm stopping at nothing make you meet a cruel end…”

  “Ack! Ahhhhh!” She screamed as her body was once again being crushed by the Asurafiend’s large hand, the sound of her bones breaking to pieces sounded her body was even beginning to deform. Soon, her consciousness was beginning to fade as she could only use the last of mental faculties to
ponder, “Yu child… this is where… your aunt’s story ends…”

  As the Asurafiend saw that her consciousness was about to slip away, she smirked before speaking, “Heh, you lasted longer than expected… fine then, for your strength of will I shall gift you a warrior's swift death…”Just as he was about to crush her neck and finish her for good, there was a sudden change…

  Within the deep recess of Feng Xingyu’s consciousness where her faded mind had now roamed was a realm of pure darkness,

  “Where am I? Is this the domain of the dead?” Feng Xingyu asked curiously, as she looked around the blank world before her, seeing that there was nothing she decided to wander about this realm of darkness in hopes of finding some clue.

  She continued to drift in this space of what seemed like an eternity, after wandering for an untold amount of time a light could soon be seen at the end of the darkness lifting her from the currently dismal mood. Quickly, a gleam of excitement shone within her eyes as she rushed towards the source while speaking out loud, “Is this the light to reincarnation?”

  As if the light could hear her words, it soon after replied in a cool tone of voice, “No, it is not…”

  “Huh?” Feng Xingyu who didn’t expect for the light to answer in a surprised manner, she halted her approach and looked at the light cautiously before asking, “What do you mean it is not? Am I not dead?”

  The light seemed patient as it calmly replied to the question once again, “No, you are not…”

  Feng Xingyu hearing this frowned as she asked angrily, “Then, why am I here?!”

  “Hahaha!” The light laughed in reply as if it was enjoying her reaction very much, it then replied, “You are here because this is the place that you wanted to find…”

  “The place that I wanted to find…” Feng Xingyu murmured as her thoughts went into a daze, as her mind calmed more and more, she slowly started to feel a strange connection towards that light source, a tickling feeling of familiarity within her being as if she and the light were one and the same.

  “You… are you the one who has been calling me? Why do I feel so close to you even though we’ve never met? Who are you?” Feng Xingyu asked as she gazed at the light nervously.

  “………….” The light source who heard her words remained silent for moment before the light began to expand an alarming rate encompassing all of Feng Xingyu’s form along with the darkness, the instant this happened, a strange feeling soon after came over Feng Xingyu as deep within her bloodline the memories from her awakening started to surface, the unknown world with peculiar beings flashing before her eyes all the way up to the massive gigantic entities that stood looming over the peaks of the world…

  As if one of those beings could see her, it boldly walked forward, quickly arriving before her floating form, a scene much like that of legends appearing with a gigantic being capable of shouldering the heavens gazing at the tiny human before with a gentle but confident look in its eyes.

  Feng Xingyu seeing this giant became shocked as her eyes unknowingly starting flow with tears a scene of having being reunited with a long lost family member now permeating her being, as the giant saw this it smiled as it spoke in a dominant voice that seemed to proclaim an unable law to the world, “I am Colossi!”

  Chapter 174

  A Glimpse of True Might!

  As Feng Xingyu was lost within her own world, the scene outside of her state of mind had suddenly undergone a drastic change, just as the Asurafiend’s hands were about to clinch with full power ensuring her complete extermination, the distant became shrouded by a bright sliver-ish light which further illuminated their surroundings.

  Piiiiiiii! Instantly, a bright ray shot from the horizon at alarming speeds instantly arriving above the sky of the Center of All Zones, as if the world was in slow motion, the light quickly beamed its way towards the Asurafiend arriving before it within an instant before flickering and vanishing towards a distant side of the battlefield, another ray of light promptly flashed soon after arriving before the Asurafiend’s gigantic body before exploding with a tarrying power that sent its body hurling towards another end of this continental battlefield.

  As this happened, time once more returned to normal as the practitioners, major influence leaders and the injured Feng Clan members struggled to resist the Asurafiend’s baleful Asura Domain. Yet, as this scene of utter chaos ensued the current circumstances for Asurafiend was that of a living disaster.

  Whoosh! BOOM! Like a ray of light, the Asurafiend was blown towards an old gigantic construct which seemed to be a broken off pillar of some kind, crashing into the pillar leaving behind a massive crater as rubbles fell down and stacked upon his buried body.

  A few seconds after this occurred, the Asura Field that had encompassed a vast majority of the area broke to pieces like shattered space freeing each of the practitioners and influential leaders caught within its grasp. These leaders and practitioners looked around them in shock as they had no idea what just happened.

  “What! What’s going on?” One practitioner asked, as he tried to stand on his feet.

  “Cough! The Asurafiend, he’s been blown away by some force!!” One practitioner who was severely injured coughed out a mouthful of blood before he shouted whiling pointing his trembling hands towards the location of a distant crater and rubbles.

  “Huh?! Who did that?!” A few of the practitioners asked in utter shock as they had no idea who could be so powerful to overpower such a being, as they were confused, the influential leaders who were mostly exhausted from their previous scuffle couldn’t help but discuss amongst themselves.

  “Did you see that?” Xun Yanshan asked in a fluttering voice, his eyes gazing across the horizon with wide eyes.

  “Um. It was only for an instant, but I saw a flash of silver light for a second before I heard that loud explosion…” Nei Sinan said with a deep look on his face, his eyes currently closed as he used his mental energies previously to barely glimpse a flash of the situation.

  “Huff! Huff… It appears that we now owe that being our lives…” Ye Shuye said as he trying to catch his breath, both Xun Yanshan and Nei Sinan hearing nodded their heads in reply.

  A distance away from them was the battered and similarly injured Shen Yuan, Yu Ying, Fei Ming, Xin Zhu, Tang Lie along with the other influential leaders.

  They gazed towards the distant crater and collapsed heavenly pillar with a dumb folded look in their eyes as they were at loss regarding what just happened, on the side of the Feng Clan the crimson masked soldiers where currently treating their clansmen injuries as the stronger elders who had only suffered minor wounds scattered about the battlefield to aid those too weak to move.

  Feng Yunlong who was covered in blood gazed towards the area where the Asurafiend had collapsed with a look of fury on his face as he cursed, “Bastard! How could he attack that bastard with Xingyu still in his grasp?!!!”

  As he cursed in fury his injuries began to flare up causing a trail of blood to flow down his left cheek, Feng Junling who was beside him, on the other hand, did not have an expression of fury.

  Instead, his eyes carried a look of deep surprise as he glanced towards a different location of the battlefield with trembling hands, he opened his mouth and spoke in a slightly disoriented voice, “Yun... Yunlong, Xingyu… our Xingyu is fine…”

  Feng Yunlong hearing became angry as he glared towards his brother and spoke, “Junling, what kind of nonsense are you saying? Don’t you see that Xingyu is---!” He was point towards the crater with the collapsed pillar but suddenly closed his mouth as his eyes opened wide in a state of similar shock, his mouth trembling as he stuttered, “Just-just-just! What on earth---”

  Before he couldn’t even finish his statement, the exclamation of the practitioners who had also noticed the same thing had completely drowned out his voice.

  “OH MY GOD!!” one practitioner yelled.

  “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!!” another shouted in surprise

; The leaders now looked at the scene with a similar look of shock which soon after became that of fear, as if it was disturbed by their commotion the rubbles from the broken off heavenly pillar which burred the body of the Asurafiend began to shake as it broke to pieces.

  BANG!!! With the destruction of the rubbles that blanketed the humongous earth crater, the large figure of the Asurafiend slowly began to float in the air as his nefarious qi erupted from his body causing his long blood red hair to rise into the air while his armor gleamed in a baleful crimson light; he slowly turned around to face this unknown enemy with a sinister look in his eyes as he cursed, “You dare to injure this Asura?!!! Prepare yourself for death!!!”

  As he said this, he prepared to change towards the unknown enemy but couldn’t help but notice a strange scene when he lifted his arm that held Feng Xingyu, there was now only a stump of flesh remaining as his the upper half of his arm had been removed, continuing to spew out a large amount of blood which fell from the sky painting the earth below it in its hue. The eyes of the Asurafiend became red as his nefarious qi grew by another section scattering torrents of energies across the sky, he lifted head and yelled towards the heavens, “This Asura will turn you all to dust!!”

  The moment his voice ended, he was ready to channel his fury on the world, but before he could do anything the enemy had already acted, “Ho, so you were no more than a mere transcended fiend? How disappointing…”

  The Asurafiend hearing this grew even angrier, he was about to attack with no remorse but soon came to halt as his eyes and mouth opened wide to express a feeling commonly never shown in fiends, a feeling pure and utter shock which transcended into fear, “You…. you are Colossi!”

  The being before the Asura fiend or rather, the thing before the eyes of all of the stunned individuals within the Center of All Zones was not a man, nor creature, but an exceedingly gigantic hand belonging to a superior entity. It stretched out from the distant horizon seeming to be off now end as its origin remained obscured by the distant unknown.


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