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The Wicked Collection

Page 6

by Vivian Wood

  Meredith took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

  “I'll do it my way, Mitch. And you know as well as I do you wouldn't have suggested that if I were a guy,” she grumbled.

  He laughed, and she grit her teeth in annoyance.

  “Don’t take it personally, Mer. It’s just part of the job. I know that every editor is asking their reporters the same thing.”

  “I know. And I understand. Look, I'll call you when I get something, okay?” she said, then hung up. She couldn't stand to hear any more nagging, especially when she already knew what needed to be done.

  Getting inside her room, her mood lightened somewhat upon seeing the freshly made bed. Finally, she'd have some downtime alone. Forget about grabbing a shower and dinner – that was time she'd rather spend getting into pajamas and sleeping.

  She checked the time, then flopped onto the bed. It was five in the afternoon. She thought she'd call Lily and see how she was doing. It had been awhile since they'd last talked.

  After a few rings, Lily answered, sounding very hoarse and tired.


  “Hey. Is this a bad time?” Meredith asked when Lily’s face registered on her screen. She looked disheveled, but still beautiful.

  Lily yawned.

  “No, no. I’m just about to go to bed, actually,” she said, settling against a pillow.

  “What? Didn't you just go to your yoga retreat?” Meredith asked. How late – or early – did her friend intend to stay awake?

  “Hah! No. Bali is like… party central, Mer. Tonight, I went to this party on a billionaire’s yacht… it was craaaaazy!” Lily informed her, her expression completely changing. She looked excited just by the thought of said gathering.

  Meredith couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She should be there, living it up with Lily, not spending her summer working her ass off.

  “Really?” she asked excitedly, wanting to hear about more of her friend’s getaway trip.

  “Yeah. Gosh, I’m going to need a yoga retreat after all this partying! It’s exhausting,” Lily replied after an exaggerated sigh, making her smile. “But enough about me, what about you? How’s the life of a journalist?”

  She rolled her eyes. She didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't like there was anything to brag about, unlike Lily's trip.

  “Well, I’m on a presidential campaign…”


  “And… well, you absolutely can’t say anything…”

  “You already hooked up with someone, didn’t you?” Lily interrupted.

  “Let me finish, will you?” Meredith said, irritated.

  “Okay,” Lily responded, giggling.

  “Hmm… remember your goodbye party?” she started out, not really sure how to properly spill the beans about Elijah Scott.


  “You can’t tell anyone. Swear,” Meredith said.

  “I swear! Now tell me already!” the redhead ranted impatiently.

  This wasn't going to be easy. But at least she had someone to talk to about it. She really needed someone to confide in, because the whole thing was driving her crazy.

  Or more accurately, Elijah Scott was driving her crazy.

  “I recognized someone here from the party,” she said.

  “What? Who?”

  “The candidate. Elijah Scott,” Meredith answered after a moment of silence. And she wanted to take back her words when Lily bolted up in bed. Her best friend was the one of the worst gossip girls she had ever known.

  “Wait, really?”

  “Yeah,” she reaffirmed.

  She'd thought about telling Lily that Elijah was the man she'd given a drunken lap dance to, the man she'd almost slept with that night. But Meredith decided not to say anything after all.

  “No way. No freaking way! That’s… what do the papers call it?” Lily said, completely losing it as she tried to search for the proper words. “A big scoop!” she said finally.

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Right, because I'm totally going to tell the world I was at a secret sex party,” she said sarcastically. She added, “My dad would kill me, let's be real, Lily.”

  “Whatever,” Lily said, pouting. Then she perked up. “Is he at least sexy?” she asked.

  Meredith fell silent, picturing Elijah. His devastatingly handsome smile, his muscular physique.

  Sexy didn't even begin to describe him.

  “Holy shit! He totally is! I can tell by your expression!” Lily crowed.

  There was no point in lying. Lily knew her all too well.

  “Shut up.”

  “Ooohhhh, Mer and Elijah, sitting in a tree –“

  “Okay. Okay. He’s hot! But don’t forget, you promised not to tell a soul. I mean it, Lily,” she warned. Lily grinned.

  “Cross my heart, hope to die,” Lily replied, doing the corresponding hand gesture then yawned.

  “Okay. I’m going to let you go. Call me sometime, though! I want to hear about all the fun I’m missing out while I’m on the trail,” Meredith said, feeling guilty for postponing her best friend’s beauty rest.

  She was sure Lily’s schedule was hectic. But unlike hers, each day would be filled with laughter and meeting new people. Endless drinking, dancing and partying. She was so freaking jealous of her!

  Lily batted her lashes before pressing the bridge of her nose, fighting the urge to fall asleep immediately.

  “Okay, I’ll try not to get another best friend while you’re off with Romeo,” Lily teased, making her blush.

  “Shut up.”

  “You shut up.”

  “Alright, bye,” Meredith said with a smile before ending the call.

  “Romeo, huh?” she said to herself, chuckling. If only, she thought.

  Her thoughts were disturbed by a knock on her door. Quickly, she opened it and saw Sosie standing outside.

  “Uh… hey,” she greeted hesitantly, looking up and down the hall. Maybe Sosie had been looking for someone else and knocked on her door by mistake.

  The woman eyed her for a moment, then handed her a garment bag. Meredith stared at it, confused.

  “Get dressed. You're coming with us to a charity dinner tonight. You'll be taking Marie's spot; she isn't feeling well.” Meredith didn't even think of trying to argue with Sosie. Not that Sosie would take no for an answer, she suspected.

  “How long do I have to get ready?” she asked, awkwardly trying to hold the bag.

  “Fifteen minutes, max,” she responded after a quick glance on her phone. “I’ll text you the info for the venue. I’ll see you there,” Sosie added before turning on her heels and marching away from Meredith’s door.

  Rushing back inside her room, Meredith pulled out the dress from the bag. Her jaw practically dropped to the ground as she stared at a gorgeous black gown. It looked simple, yet elegant. And she was confident she’d look stunning in it.

  Aside from the gown, there were a couple of accessories inside the bag. But she settled for the simplest one – a black choker with an oval pendant that had a black crystal at the center.

  A smile crept onto her mouth as excitement engulfed her. She thought that maybe this campaign wasn’t so bad after all.

  Stripping off her clothes, Meredith did her best to look presentable in the short amount of time she had. She'd had to skip a shower since there wasn't enough time, but she could at least wash her face and brush her teeth before applying fresh makeup.

  She was determined to look her best.

  Well, not really her best best – for now – since she didn’t have a choice about what to wear. But at least she could try to make do with what she had.

  After roughly ten minutes, she was surprised to find herself fully dressed and prepared as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  Lily’s going to freak out once she hears about this, she thought while grabbing her purse with the essentials in it – cellphone, credit cards and a bit of cash.

  She had the conci
erge summon a cab for her. Checking the time on her phone, she was glad to hear the venue wasn't far from their hotel.

  When the cab pulled over, she got off without hesitation, fully unaware that it was a red carpet event she'd be attending. Meredith shielded her face from the blinding camera flashes with her purse.

  Just as she got used to the photographers, a limo pulled over in front of her.

  She found herself breathless when Elijah emerged, leaving her speechless at how handsome he was. He looked like a panther in his black ensemble. His broad shoulders were apparent, as was his lean body.

  She thought she’d look even better by his side, walking down the red carpet together.

  But her fantasy immediately vanished when Sosie got down from the limo. She was wearing a burgundy satin gown, which looked amazing on her.

  Right. How could she forget about the gorgeous campaign manager? As much as Meredith didn’t want to think about it, she could sense that Sosie was definitely interested in Elijah. Just like every other woman he meets, she thought, rolling her eyes.

  Clutching her purse, she took a deep breath and managed to crack a smile when the two noticed her presence. She would have turned and walked away already if she didn't think it would be inexcusably rude.


  “Good evening, Meredith,” Elijah greeted her, shooting her a huge grin. “Glad you made it,” he added, looking her up and down admiringly.

  She nodded when her eyes met his grey ones.

  There was something in his stare that made her shudder in anticipation. Something that sent her messages of carnal awareness, like he found her to be the sexiest person alive.

  Her stomach fluttered at the idea. An unfamiliar sensation engulfed her. It wasn’t lust or happiness.

  Instead, she was flattered.

  She must have been crazy, but that’s what she sensed.

  Elijah Scott wanted her.

  “Thank you for inviting me,” she replied, trying her best to keep her expression polite and neutral.

  Elijah beamed at her, and Sosie scowled.

  But it didn't bother her one bit. She knew why Sosie was acting that way.

  The two turned and made their way down the red carpet, leaving Meredith behind. But somehow, she didn’t feel so out of place.

  After all, she loved a good party.

  Chapter Eleven

  Eli looked out over the crowd as he wrapped up the last few lines of his speech. Charity events such as this one weren't anything new, but he had to appear appropriately impressed, after all. He was virtually on autopilot, so he was mildly startled when the crowd broke into thunderous applause, and he quickly moved to step down from the podium.

  Sosie immediately came and wrapped a hand around his upper arm, steering him toward a crowded table.

  “Remember that we're here for donor support,” she whispered under her breath as she smiled at a couple of middle-aged benefactors.

  He sighed.

  Eli hadn't grown up with this kind of wealth, and he certainly hadn't been raised in this kind of environment. But running for president meant he'd have to grin and bear it. It wasn't that he hated rich people. He just wasn't comfortable around them.

  He shook hands with everyone Sosie introduced him to, made appropriate small talk, told jokes. But he couldn't remember the names of anyone he'd just met as his eyes constantly searched for Meredith.

  He allowed himself to briefly fantasize about what it would be like to have Meredith as his date for an event like this. He suspected it would be fantastic. But he surprised himself by how much he wished that fantasy could become reality.

  A few more minutes passed before he finally located her. She was fitting in quite well from the looks of things, looking completely at ease and in her element as she flitted around, chatting with various people. Of course the daughter of Benedict Fields would thrive in an environment like this. But he had never seen her wear her money like a mantle before, like these people.

  Sosie led him to yet another table and introduced him to even more donors. He smiled and listened to their issues, promising their concerns would be his number one concerns if elected. Sosie expertly whisked him away just as the conversation started to lag.

  “I think we can leave,” Sosie whispered as a jazz band started playing in the background.

  Eli smiled when he saw some of the guests get up on their feet and start to dance enthusiastically. He thought that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to stay and enjoy things a little bit longer.

  “I want to stay and enjoy the drinks and music, I think,” he mumbled.

  He knew his campaign manager would be surprised. Inwardly he prepared to do battle, fully expecting her to argue with him and try to talk him out of the idea.

  Sosie blinked.

  “What?” she asked.

  Eli understood where she was coming from. It was because she knew how much he found it uncomfortable to hang out with the rich crowd. And saying that he’d want to stay was a first.

  “I’ll stay,” he repeated, gazing at Meredith again.

  Following his stare, Sosie frowned.

  “You shouldn’t get involved with anyone. You know that,” she reminded him.

  He scowled. He knew that more than anyone else. She didn't need to tell him something he already knew.

  “I know, Sosie.”

  She shrugged and checked her watch before sighing.

  “I have three early morning interviews first thing tomorrow,” she murmured.

  “So go. I’ll be fine,” he replied, hoping he didn’t sound rude.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she warned again. “And don't stay out too late. You have a busy day tomorrow as well.”

  “Alright. I’ll be back by midnight,” he responded, and she nodded, evidently satisfied with that arrangement.

  Who are you? Cinderella? Dude, get a life! a voice in his head mocked as he watched Sosie walk away.

  Politely, he excused himself from the chitchat of the group around him, heading to where Meredith was – his eyes planted on her, afraid she might disappear if he took his eyes off her. She was talking with someone but when he approached them, the other woman politely excused herself and left the two of them alone.

  He studied how lovely she looked with the way the gown accentuated her curvy body. She met his gaze when he edged closer to her. In her eyes was a glint of… he wasn’t so sure. Surprise? Interest? Hunger?

  But he thought he must have been imagining things.

  “I see you made yourself comfortable,” he commented.

  “Yeah, well. I’m not sure why I’m here, so…” Meredith replied, shrugging.

  Eli smirked.

  “Dance with me,” he said. It sounded like more of an order and less than an invitation. But as long as she agreed, he didn't really care how it came off.

  Meredith cast a furtive glance around, looking to see if anyone had heard him. Her eyes were wide, and he found the expression on her face absolutely adorable.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” she said hesitantly.

  “I'm willing to take that chance,” he whispered after taking her glass and setting it on a nearby table. “Come on,” he urged, leading her to the dance floor, pulling her into his arms.

  Eli felt her body tense as he slid his hands a few inches down her spine.

  He was playing with fire, that was for sure.

  He was undeniably attracted to her.

  Leading the dance, he got a whiff of her perfume. It smelled like mild vanilla with the hint of something spicier underneath.

  How appropriate, he thought.

  Meredith's movements were stiff, and she avoided his gaze as they danced. Maybe some small talk would help her relax.

  “So, how are you liking the job so far? Is it everything you hoped it would be?”

  Eli felt her hands tense on his shoulders as she glanced at him, shaking her head.

  “Nope. And I didn’t have my choice of assign
ments,” she stated flatly.

  “You do know that this is a very sought after assignment, right?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.

  “What? Being on a bus all day with a bunch of people I don’t know? I could do that anywhere,” she retorted with a frown.

  “You’re with the best of the best. I bet if you ask around, you’ll find out that your rivals are quite well prepared for the task. I imagine some of them even fought to get the position. And yet, you seem to feel like your time could be better spent elsewhere.”

  Meredith smiled impishly, melting his insides. He could feel his stomach twisting as his heart pounded against his ribcage. How did she fucking do that?

  “It’s not that, exactly. It’s just… you know, my best friend is partying in Bali, going to huge ragers on yachts. And I’m… here,” she explained with a shrug.

  “Did you even study journalism in school?” he questioned sarcastically, earning himself an offended look.

  “I’ll have you know that I graduated at the top of my class. I just thought… I thought my concentration would be elsewhere.”

  “Like going to parties on yachts?” he said teasingly.

  He grinned. It was gone in an instant, but he noticed her looking at his mouth.

  “I thought I’d concentrate on fashion, maybe. Or music…”

  “Ah, I see. So the presidential race just isn’t exciting enough for you,” he noted.

  She looked at him with a serious expression, meeting his eyes with her deep blues.

  “Why are you so interested in me?” she questioned.

  Eli chuckled in amusement. “It’s not every day that I run into the sexy stranger who gave me the lap dance of my life. You’re the only woman who’s been able to capture my attention for more than a fleeting instant. Why shouldn't I be interested?” he spoke huskily, maintaining eye contact. “Because you have a campaign to run?” she replied contemptuously.

  He laughed softly.

  “No, Sosie has a campaign to run. I just show up where she tells me to,” he mumbled, half to himself.

  Meredith smirked at him like he had misspoke.

  “Well, then I guess you shouldn't be interested in me because I'm twenty-three, and you're... what, thirty-six? Thirty-seven?” she said.


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