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The Wicked Collection

Page 7

by Vivian Wood

  Eli winced upon the mention of their considerable age difference.

  “Thirty-five,” he supplied. “My birthday is in January.”

  Meredith sighed heavily. “If anyone sees you making a move on me, it’ll create trouble. And trouble is something that a presidential candidate does not need.”

  “Touché,” he replied.

  She stopped dancing and pulled away from his grasp, looking at him with a blank expression on her face. He didn't know how to react.

  “So let me go,” she stated firmly in a low and very stern voice.

  “Just give me until the end of this song,” he found himself begging.

  But instead of saying anything, Meredith shot him a meaningful look and broke free from his hold. She walked away gracefully, and there was nothing he could do as she left.

  Damn. He needed to get a hold of himself.

  Chapter Twelve

  After two weeks on the road, Meredith found herself back in D.C. She'd planned on spending her limited downtime relaxing, but instead she was roped into making an appearance at a party her parents had thrown. Her mother's friends had been asking her about marriage, and that was the last thing she wanted to think about.

  Well, maybe the second to last thing she wanted to think about. Elijah Scott was actually the last thing she wanted to think about, as much as it pained her to admit that. She tried not to scowl when Mason, a guy she'd known in high school, approached her with a wide grin on his face.

  He kissed her hand, and she resisted the urge to wipe it off on her dress.

  “Lovely seeing you again, Mer,” he said.

  Mason was gorgeous. With an Italian father and Russian mother, his good looks had ensured he'd never wanted for a date their entire time together in high school. He cleaned up nicely, too, she thought, looking at how he filled out his designer tux.

  “Hi, Mason. It’s good to see you, too,” she replied coolly.

  She didn't have anything against Mason per se. She just hated the idea of their parents conspiring to marry them off. She was well aware people had always assumed they'd end up together someday. Which was ridiculous, because they'd never gone on a date together, not even once.

  Like her, Mason McGuire was practically American royalty. He was the heir to MG Holdings, the largest electric company in the country. His family's wealth rivaled that of hers. But she didn't care about any of that.

  Mason McGuire held about as much attraction for her as a damp sponge. There was just something about his personality she'd always found off-putting.

  “Would you care for a dance?” he asked.

  She wanted to roll her eyes as she stared at his outstretched arm. As if she could possibly turn him down when he knew damn well both sets of their parents were watching them like hawks.

  “Sure,” she said, plastering a huge fake smile on her face before setting her champagne flute down.

  When they got to the dance floor, Mason pulled her close with his hands wrapped around her waist. She felt really awkward in his arms.

  “Our parents are practically planning our wedding,” he whispered in her ear.

  Meredith tensed. She didn’t know how to respond without sounding rude and conceited. She knew Mason had his pick of women. But she wasn't sure if he liked the idea of marrying for business and not love.She fervently hoped he was against it.

  “I know,” she responded simply.

  “So, what do you think about it?” he asked, his grasp on her waist tightening.

  “What do you think about it?” she asked, staring into his chocolate brown eyes that seemed to be always smiling. Eyes that didn't do a damn thing for her. Not like a certain someone's grey eyes...

  “I asked you first.”

  She shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t given it a lot of thought. You know… I still have a lot of things I want to do,” she murmured hopefully.

  Mason smiled.

  “Like?” he urged.

  “Like enjoying the single life?” she asked sarcastically, earning herself a soft chuckle.

  “Your reason should be more compelling than that. You know, to make it sound more convincing,” he teased with a smirk, exposing his deep dimples. “You like someone else, don’t you?”

  She tensed. Did she?

  As much as she wanted to deny it, she knew she was doomed.

  Yes, she liked Elijah Scott. Like, a lot.

  Like, a lot a lot.

  But being together with him would be impossible.

  “Yes,” she admitted, feeling a lump in her throat.

  His smirk turned into a wide grin.

  “I see.”

  After that, Mason thankfully remained silent. He led her back to the table where she'd left her champagne and kissed her hand once more before saying goodbye. Looking in his eyes, she thought she saw a glint of regret. But she was probably just imagining things.

  Mason had never expressed any serious interest in her in all the years she'd known him.

  The moment Meredith settled back into her seat, she soon felt a nudge on her side. It was her little sister, Bonnie.

  If Meredith was her mother’s carbon copy, Bonnie took after their father. Her hair was dark, as were her eyes.

  “What did you talk about?” Bonnie asked.

  She shrugged. “Nothing.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Mer. I saw you two,” her younger sister replied, rolling her eyes. “Now, come on. Spill the beans.”

  Grabbing a crystal goblet filled with water on her right, she took a few sips to alleviate the sudden dryness of her throat. She was still surprised by how the conversation with Mason had gone.

  “We talked about marriage,” she said dryly, looking across the room. It looked like their parents were having a cozy chat with the McGuires.

  “What?!” Bonnie shrieked. “Are you saying that Mason McGuire is going to be my brother-in-law?” Meredith fought back the urge to chuckle when she saw the distressed look on Bonnie's face.

  Bonnie had liked Mason for years. Meredith had assumed it was nothing more than a crush that Bonnie would eventually grow out of, but now she wasn't so sure judging by the bitter glare her sister was giving her. Bonnie was nineteen, so there was only a four year difference between her and Mason.

  Her eyes widened when an idea crossed her mind.

  “Why don’t you marry him?” she suggested.

  “If only,” Bonnie huffed, lightly stomping her feet under the table.

  A moment of silence passed, but when their eyes met they giggled playfully. They watched as their parents approached their table.

  “Tell them,” her sister whispered, nudging her.

  “You’re still nineteen, Bonnie. Let’s wait until you turn twenty-one, okay?” She added, “Don't you want to be able to drink and celebrate the toasts at your own wedding?”

  “Whatever.,” the latter said stubbornly with a smile.

  “Enjoying the night so far, girls?” Benedict Fields asked.

  Meredith and Bonnie nodded their heads in response. Their mom eyed them suspiciously, but chose not to say a word.

  Her parents turned away momentarily to greet more guests, but soon came back over to their table.

  “May I please be excused? I haven't gotten much sleep lately while I've been on the road with the campaign,” Meredith said.

  “Me too,” Bonnie stated.

  “Bonnie, you too?” her father said with a slight frown.

  “Please,” they chorused.

  Their mom smiled.

  “Just let them be, Benedict. They won’t be seeing each other often for the next few months,” Elizabeth pointed out, then smiled and nodded at the guests that passed by their table.

  “Alright, alright.”

  It didn't take long for Meredith and Bonnie to get ready for bed. Bonnie joined her in her room, something she'd done since she was a little girl and they'd held sleepover parties with just the two of them. They giggled and gossiped as they got caught
up on what had been happening in each other's lives.

  Bonnie soon passed out on Meredith's bed, and as she draped a soft cashmere throw over her slumbering sister, she realized that for the first time, she was truly glad she'd decided to accept her dad's offer for the summer. She really loved her little sister, and she was grateful to spend some time with her, brief as it was. Careful not to wake Bonnie up as she climbed into bed next to her, she soon fell into a dark, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Eli held a pool party at his place the day before he was scheduled to get back on the road for the campaign. All of his staff was invited, including his traveling press pool... and Meredith.

  It was a decidedly casual affair. He wanted a chance to unwind and relax, and he hoped his guests would share this sentiment.

  Looking at the crowd gathered by the pool, Eli searched for the one person he wanted to see. But it looked like Meredith hadn't yet arrived. If she was even coming to his party.

  “Looking for someone?” Sosie asked.

  She looked stunning in a yellow sundress. Eli had to admit she was gorgeous. And he was aware she had a thing for him.

  He suspected it was her romantic feelings for him that had prompted her to volunteer to run his campaign.

  And Eli was sincerely thankful for that.

  But he didn't think he'd ever be able to return her feelings, as much as he wished he could sometimes. Then maybe things wouldn't seem so complicated.

  “Nope,” he said, walking away before she could respond. He headed across the patio to where a large folding table had been set up to hold various party snacks and finger foods.

  He poured himself a drink and stood next to the table, sipping at his whisky and tapping his foot impatiently against the ground. The party had started over thirty minutes ago, and Meredith still hadn't arrived.

  Where the hell is she?

  Eli didn't know why he was so eager to see Meredith. He'd just seen her two days ago when they'd returned to D.C. for the weekend. Those days had felt like months though.

  He missed her.

  “Pining for some jailbait is not a good look,” he heard Sosie practically snarl at his side.

  Yes, he knew that Sosie was only looking out for him – and his political career. But there were times when he wanted to snap at her and tell her to mind her own business. Times like right now, for instance.

  “I'm not pining for anyone,” he replied, smiling at Ava as she walked past them.

  “I’m just reminding you to be careful,” Sosie murmured, tugging firmly at his sleeve.

  “I already know that, Sosie. I’ll be fine. Now go have fun,” he said, shooing her away to avoid prolonging the conversation.

  “Alright. Alright,” she grumbled, walking away from him, joining the group of women sitting by the pool who were soaking their feet in the water.

  A few moments later, Eli headed inside. He didn't want to ruin the party for everyone else just because he was in a bad mood. He heard one of his favorite songs come on as he was washing his hands.

  At least there's one thing I can enjoy about this stupid party, he thought, singing along with the song at the top of his lungs while he looked at his reflection in the mirror. That seemed to do the trick.

  Feeling a little better, he went back to the pool to accommodate his guests. He needed to be a good host instead of feeling sorry for himself.

  Looking around, he saw Meredith chatting with Ava and some other people. She looked stunning in a dark denim dress and flats. Her hair was arranged into a messy bun with wispy strands surrounding her face, and she had worn minimal makeup. He found the whole look incredibly attractive.

  Hanging back so she wouldn't see him, he continued to study her. He was captivated by all her mannerisms and quirks.

  He watched as she licked at her luscious lips, and though it wasn't a sexual gesture, his thoughts quickly turned sexual in nature. He imagined how it would feel to fuck her in the pool, the water warm and only adding to their mutual pleasure.

  “Eli!” he heard a familiar voice say behind him, jolting him out of his fantasy, back to reality. Familiar, but completely unexpected.

  He turned to greet his younger brother, Ryan Scott.

  “Ryan? What are you doing here?” he asked, embracing his brother in a tight hug. Now this was a pleasant surprise, but also a much-needed distraction.

  Eli hadn't expected to see his brother at all this year. A decorated officer on active duty, Ryan Scott was rarely home for more than few days at a time. They'd barely seen each other since Eli had gone into politics, and his brother had joined the military.

  “I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you,” his brother said with a wink as they shared a laugh. The joke never got old, and Eli knew there was probably a hint of truth to the statement.

  “I'm gonna grab a drink,” Ryan said. “Be right back.”

  Eli watched as his younger brother approached the table to get a drink. And he found himself holding his breath when Meredith accidentally bumped into him. She looked quite taken aback when she looked at Ryan.

  Not that he was particularly surprised by her reaction.

  Ryan looked like a younger version of him. They had the same frame, but Ryan was a few inches shorter than Eli. When they were kids, they were often mistaken for twins.

  His hands balled into fists when they continued to talk even after Ryan had finished pouring himself a drink. Not that he thought Meredith was encouraging his brother or anything like that. But he knew Ryan was a goddamn player when it came to women. And Meredith was obviously his next target.

  Eli watched them as they moved to the edge of the pool, growing increasingly jealous. He heard Meredith laugh at something Ryan had whispered, and suddenly he was seeing red. Seeing her happy and smiling because of someone else made him unreasonably angry. What was worse was that it wasn't some stranger making her laugh. It was his brother.

  He wasn't sure how long Ryan had been flirting with her before she headed inside the house. Eli followed her indoors, and waited for her to finish up using the bathroom.

  He was furious, and he knew he had no right to be. It wasn't like they were even together. But he didn't care. All he knew was that he couldn't let her end up with his brother.

  When she exited the bathroom, he grabbed her by the wrist, making her gasp in surprise. “Eli? What are you doing?” she asked.

  Without bothering to reply, he dragged her down the hallway to the laundry room and shut the door, making sure they would be alone. She angrily jerked out of his grasp.

  “What are you –“

  He pulled her close and planted a savage kiss on her lips. It was neither soft nor sweet. He continued to devour her mouth ruthlessly, punishing her for making him feel this way.

  He could feel her struggling in his arms, doing her best to pull away. That just made him angrier. He kissed her even harder, not stopping until he tasted blood.

  Had he gone too far?

  Meredith immediately slapped him hard on the face, looking at him with disgust and anger. His eyes widened when he noticed her eyes shining with unshed tears.

  Fuck. What the hell was the matter with him?

  Eli wanted to kick his own ass when his eyes landed on her mouth. Her lips were bleeding and swollen. He'd hurt her.

  He hadn't meant to.

  And it hadn't been his intention to upset her.

  “Let's just forget this happened,” she said, wiping at her mouth.

  “Why? I enjoyed it,” he said angrily. He swore he could see steam coming out from his nostrils.

  “Well, I didn’t,” she fired back immediately, eyes bulging in anger.

  “I suppose you’d say otherwise if it had been Ryan,” he sneered.

  “What –“

  “Stop flirting with my brother, Miss Fields. You want to play? I'm up for it anytime. But leave my brother out of this.”

  With that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard behind hi
m. He wasn't sure if his words made any sense, but at that moment, he didn't care. All he knew was that he wanted to make it clear to her that he wasn't happy.

  He let out a deep sigh when he reached his bedroom. He'd hang out here for a few minutes and compose himself, so none of his guests would see him acting like a neanderthal. But what was wrong with him? He had no right to be this upset. And what was wrong with Ryan making a move on her?

  You're just jealous because you know they could have a shot at a real relationship, unlike you and Meredith.


  Gritting his teeth, Eli examined his reflection in the mirror. He closed his eyes and cracked his neck, hoping to relieve some of the tension he was feeling.

  He opened his eyes after a few moments, then sighed.

  Yes, he was jealous.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Meredith found herself at yet another charity fundraiser. This time, they were in Seattle. And this time, she was Elijah's date, not just a replacement for someone in his entourage.

  She'd grudgingly accepted his invitation even though she was still offended by their last encounter. He'd dragged her away like a caveman, then kissed her against her will – she ignored the voice in the back of her head slyly whispering that kissing Elijah was exactly what she'd wanted – and then he'd had the nerve to accuse her of flirting with his brother, when she'd just been trying to be friendly.

  But he genuinely seemed remorseful, and he'd begged her for the chance to apologize and make things up to her. She wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself, she supposed.

  “Good evening Elijah,” said a middle-aged woman as she shook hands with him. She eyed Meredith curiously.

  “It's good to see you, Marge,” Elijah replied with a smile.

  “And who might this beautiful woman be?” Marge asked, referring to her.

  Meredith swallowed. Here was the moment of truth. She wasn't sure how he'd planned on introducing her to the people at tonight's event.

  “This is Meredith Fields. She’s my date,” Elijah replied proudly, looking at her like she was the most beautiful person in the room.


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