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Embracing Forever

Page 19

by K. Aten

  Sarah chuckled under her breath. “No reason.” Before Jill could demand an explanation for what she meant by her comment, Sarah noticed movement over by the stage. “Oh hey, the guys are waving me over. Gotta go!” She bolted from the table and laughed again as she walked away.

  Jill cocked her head at Keller. “I don’t get it; what’s so funn—” She trailed off as she sensed someone approaching. Someone with a lot of power. When she turned her head toward the door, Louve was standing two feet away.

  “Hello, Doctor Cole. Tu es belle.”

  Jill was frozen in place. She blushed with the compliment but was unable to form words of her own. She thought she would be afraid when she saw Louve in person again, but the smaller woman had completely captivated her with the amount of power she was emoting. After strengthening her shield, Jill finally found her voice. “Hello, Louve. What have I told you about calling me Doctor?”

  Louve gave her a sad smile. “Ah, but that was over the phone. And the last time we met in person, you said those words thinking there were no animals in the room. But I am a dog, no? Therefore you will always be Doctor to me.”

  Jill reached out her hand. “I see no dogs, merely a beautiful woman. Now come have a seat over here by me. The show is about to start.”

  Keller watched her old friend and then turned her gaze to Sarah’s ex. The chemistry and potential for a deeply emotional match between them was obvious. Now if only all their problems could be resolved so the two women could realize that potential. Jesse was busy texting throughout the entire exchange. If she were a member of Louve’s pack, she would have owed the woman deference to her status as Alpha, but after much discussion between the two, it was determined that Jesse would remain a lone wolf under Keller’s protection.

  The younger woman said hi to Louve when she sat down but went right back to her keyboard. Keller shook her head at the rapidity the young werewolf was typing. Even with her vampire speed and reflexes, she was still slow at sending messages on the little devices. She mentally shrugged at her failings.

  Sarah’s old band didn’t write their own songs; they were almost exclusively a cover band unless they had a guest singer like Sarah. They introduced their special guest to the audience, which elicited a few whistles and cheers from the crowd in general, and a cacophony of noise from the table full of other blood women. For the evening, the band went back and forth between cover songs that Joe would sing lead on and songs that Sarah would sing lead. They even covered a few duets, ones that best highlighted their ability to harmonize. It was clear that the group had a familiarity with each other that only long established bands had.

  Keller was impressed at the seamless way that Sarah and her style fit right in with The Standalones. She also found it humorous that a band with the name, “The Standalones,” would even have a guest singer. After about five songs, they ventured out and played one of Sarah’s new ones. Despite the fact that the crowd was completely unfamiliar with it, it was met with a lot of positive enthusiasm, as were the other four they played throughout the night. Each time they would announce that it was one of Sarah’s songs they were performing.

  When the band was wrapping up for the evening Joe came back on the mic. “If you liked Sarah’s stuff, you can hear all her songs from tonight plus a few more on her newest album, Blood Ties. Of course you’ll get to hear The Standalones backing her on those same songs.” He turned to the tall brunette then. “When can we expect the album, Sarah?”

  She dazzled the crowd with her trademark smile. “Actually, you can download them online right now. My website is listed on the cards that are scattered around the tables. Otherwise I should have the first discs for sale at Columbus Pride on June eighteenth. It’s being held at the Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park.”

  Joe took over again after that. “All right, you heard the lady, check her out!” He waggled his eyebrows comically. “And check out her music too!” This elicited a laugh from the easy-going crowd. “Now, we’re going to perform one last song. We’ll let the crowd decide this one. We can either do ‘Cataclysm,’ or another new song that was written by Sarah called, ‘Blood of My Blood.’ I guaranteed both will get your pulse pounding. Max back here—” He turned and pointed to their drummer. “He’s going to be the judge. So by virtue of loudest applause, you decide. Resurrection’s song ‘Cataclysm?’” He paused while the crowd went wild with his suggestion. After a minute or so he calmed them back down. “Okay, okay, now who wants to hear Sarah’s new song ‘Blood of My Blood?’” This time the sound from the audience was noticeably louder. “Well Max, what’s the verdict?”

  The handsome drummer was the epitome of what was now considered by all of society as a “lumbersexual.” He had a trimmed beard with hair that was pulled back into a man-bun. While most men managed to look ridiculous, instead he made many of the women in the crowd dream of days filled with flannel, wood smoke, and hot sex. He gave an easy smile to the crowd and answered his friend and bandmate. “Not that it matters, because I have a good part either way, but I’d say Sarah won that by the length of a drumstick!”

  Joe laughed. “You heard the man, and you’re all in for a real treat. Don’t forget you can find all these songs on her website.” He waited a minute while Max set up a few special drums then they started.

  The crowd was blown away and Keller was particularly impressed. She had liked the song immediately, even unfinished in the living room of their condo. But a real performance with a band that had practiced and recorded it with all the little changes Sarah had worked out in that impromptu jam session really made it come alive. Just as Joe had predicted, the crowd was stomping and clapping by the time Max did his drum solo in the middle. Overall, the song had a very earthy, primal beat. And by the third chorus the audience was even singing along.

  The song was a hit, and every musician on the stage knew it. Everyone was pumped at the end of the show, especially Sarah. Keller could see it in her eyes, and feel it through her bond. Keller previously tried to explain how it was different performing in front of a crowd when you had other blood, and now the singer knew first-hand what it was like. When Sarah came back to their table, she was practically glowing, and Keller could detect a fine tremor in her lover’s hand as is rested on her thigh. “You were amazing, love! I think the audience is your new mistress.” Everyone around their little table agreed with Keller.

  Sarah laughed. “I’m not even sure what that means but thanks.” She shrugged. “It was good to get up there in front of everyone and make music again. I forgot how much I love playing live to a crowd.” The music and the feedback from the audience was familiar and soothing in the midst of her own private turmoil. While Sarah still hadn’t been able to write anything new, it was nice to be creating something. Playing music was as much an outlet as writing music. They just provided different stimulations and connections for her emotions. Not to mention the added bonus feedback from her new empathic powers. The singer shivered with energy overload and arousal.

  Louve cocked her head at the singer, sensing exactly how wound up the woman was feeling. She could smell it on her. “Will the band also be playing with you at Pride? I look forward to seeing all of the shows that weekend. I have never been to an American Pride celebration before.”

  Sarah shook her head. “No, it’s just going to be me that day. So if I want to play that last song, I’m going to have to recruit someone to play the hand drums for me. Perhaps a young werewolf I know who has been practicing.”

  Everyone looked at Jesse, and her eyes widened with surprise. “Me?” She held up the hand that wasn’t gripping her cell phone. “Oh no, I couldn’t do that! I’m not a musician at all, just a computer jockey!”

  Sarah squeezed her shoulder. “Oh come on, you know the song. You’ll do just fine. And I bet you’d score some major points. You know how Annie loves to watch live music.”

  Jesse blushed. “Well, maybe. I’ll think about it, okay?”

  “Fair enough.”

  Jill had been watching her ex intently after she came off the stage. She was very aware of the state her friend was in. She wasn’t sure why Sarah seemed so sexually charged. She noticed Louve also watching Sarah and gave the Frenchwoman a curious look. Louve returned her look with one that was full of simmering heat and Jill blushed. Louve leaned over and spoke quietly into her ear. “You’ll have to ask her, Ma chère.”

  Sarah noticed the exchange. “Ask me what?”

  Jill flushed at being forced into directness. “You seem kind of, uhh—” She glanced at her temporary housemate, hoping for a little help. Jesse looked at her, then at Sarah, and finally back to Jill. “I noticed, and I’m pretending like I didn’t. Sarah’s like a sister to me and thinking about that is squicky!” She quickly turned her gaze back to her cell phone in an attempt to block out what was about to be brought up.

  Keller cracked up laughing. “Squicky?” She shook her head and told Jill what she wanted to know, since it was taking more and more of Sarah’s concentration just to keep her pulsing need in check. Keller was tempted to simply drag her girlfriend into the bathroom to relieve some of her pressure. “When someone of other blood is the direct energy focus of an entire crowd of people, it can be a highly charged, erotic experience. Music evokes a very passionate response in people, which carries over a lot like lust. You understand?”

  Jill swallowed, knowing exactly what she was talking about. She made the mistake of feeding at the nightclub one night when she was there with Jesse and Annie. Just a small amount of feeding from the crowd sent her straight to the bathroom to take care of her own needs. Much like Sarah, without the age and practice of Keller, she was unable to keep the sensual energy in check. She looked back at Sarah. “Do you have to leave?”

  The singer gave her a wry smile. “Eventually, yeah. But I’m good for a little while longer.” A look came over her face then, one that promised mischief. Sarah was contemplating directing a bit of lust toward her ex; just enough to make Jill a little hot and bothered. Keller noticed immediately the change in her girlfriend’s mood.

  “Sarah, no.”

  Twinkling green eyes looked back at her innocently. “What?” Keller gave a slight shake of her head and the singer pouted. “Fine.” Though she was standing, Sarah squirmed a bit more and her hand clenched against the solid thigh of her lover. She looked around the table at her friends. “So, what do we do next?”

  Jesse looked up from her phone and shrugged. “It’s your call, I rode with you.”

  Jill agreed with her. “She’s right; I guess I’m kind of along for the ride. What do you want to do?”

  Jesse suddenly snickered and looked up from her phone again. “Annie says we should all come to the club, it is weirdly dead and she’s bored.”

  “Well? What’s the verdict?” Keller glanced around their little group. “Stay here, go home, hit The Merge, or try a different club?” The word “Merge” went around the table in a unanimous decision. Before she could say anything else, Keller heard Sarah’s breathing and heart rate start to increase. Sarah wasn’t anywhere near as old or experienced as the members of Resurrection and there was no way she’d be able to hold out much longer. She turned to her longtime friend. “Louve, do you mind giving Jesse and Jill a ride to the club? We have to make a quick stop on the way there.”

  Louve looked at Sarah with barely restrained hunger. The singer’s energy was leaking through her shield, yet at the same time drawing the werewolves’ energy toward her. It was beginning to affect the whole table. “It would be my pleasure. I’m sure your stop is very important so take your time.”

  Keller turned to the other two. “Are you guys okay with that, riding with Louve?”



  The truth was that Jesse and Jill would have agreed to walk at that point, rather than get in a vehicle with Sarah. Especially Jesse. Keller stood from her stool. “The tab is paid, so there’s no point in hanging around. Sarah, is there anything you need to wrap up with the band?” Sarah had her eyes shut, and Keller realized that her lover hadn’t heard a thing she’d said. “Sarah?”

  A fine tremor ran through Sarah’s entire body. She could barely whisper her words. “Just my guitar.”

  Sensing urgency in the moment, Jill spoke up. “Joe knows me. I’ll run and get her guitar. We can bring it with us to the club; just get her out of here.”

  Keller nodded and took Sarah gently by the arm and started leading her toward the nearest exit. Many people told Sarah how much they liked her stuff. She was able to smile and say thanks but Keller knew the singer’s control was almost gone. They made it to Sarah’s blazer in the dimly lit parking lot when suddenly the taller woman spun Keller around and slammed her into the back of the vehicle. Sarah’s mouth was on her immediately and the brunette’s hands started wandering up the front of Keller’s shirt. When Sarah’s teeth began cutting into her lips, Keller forcibly grabbed Sarah’s hands and pushed the woman back. “Wait!”

  Sarah growled back at her. “I don’t want to wait. I can’t wait!”

  Keller shook the half-crazed woman to get her attention. “Sarah! We can’t do this here, it’s too exposed. Give me just a minute, love.” When her lover’s eyes still seemed to lack understanding she shook her again. “Sarah, do you hear me?”

  The taller woman’s nostrils flared. “Y—yes. Please hurry!”

  Keller opened the back of the blazer and folded the seats down flat. When she was done, she guided Sarah inside and shut the back gate and window again. The extreme tint provided absolute privacy from prying eyes. Despite the restricted space, Keller had no problem stripping Sarah down to her socks. The carpeted interior was rough on Sarah’s skin but she was in no shape to notice something so mundane. By that point she had nearly lost all control, so Keller pinned the brunette’s body below her and held Sarah’s hands to either side of her head. When she finally had her lover’s attention she spoke very clear.

  “I will take care of you, my love, but you must leave your hands right here. Do you understand? Don’t move your hands.”

  Sarah’s lips parted with anticipation and she nodded. Then with the speed of her other blood, she released Sarah’s hand and quickly buried three fingers in the desperate woman’s wet depths. Sarah arched her back and moaned at the welcome intrusion. Keeping her fingers curled and shallow inside, Keller was able to apply pressure to Sarah’s clit with each thrust. Sensing the singer was close, Keller dropped her shields and got Sarah’s attention. “Sarah.” Even though it was too dark to make out their vibrant green color, Keller could still tell when Sarah’s eyes finally opened. “Open to me and share your burden of power. If you need to be inside of me then do it.”

  Sarah gasped. What little reasoning she had left was drinking Keller’s words like life’s blood and she knew she was close. Before another word could be said, the singer hunched forward and bit deeply into the side of Keller’s neck. At the same time she threw open her shields and pulsed into Keller with a megalith of aura and power. Keller stiffened at the sensation of being filled so full. Keller’s arousal built exponentially as Sarah continued to thrust her aura inside her. Sarah started keening at the simultaneous somatic and psychic feeling of both filling and being filled by her lover. As Sarah swallowed the warm liquid down, her body began to jerk with the force of her orgasm. The movements and mental feedback carried over to her lover and she abruptly let go of Keller’s neck, screaming her release. It was only once she sensed Sarah fade to unconsciousness that removed her fingers from their warm embrace. Then Keller collapsed next to her girlfriend, unsure if she’d ever been overflowing with power at the same time she was also wrung out. The sweat was beginning to cool on their bodies by the time Sarah managed to rouse herself from somnolence.

  Keller smiled at her, and she smiled back. The smile quickly turned into a frown of concern when Sarah lifted a hand to her lover’s face. Using her thumb, she delicately wiped something from Keller’s upper lip. It was
dark, and as Sarah rubbed it between thumb and forefinger she realized that it was blood. “Keller?”

  A pale brow raised in the darkness. “Hmm, interesting.”

  Sarah looked at her in shock. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned?”

  “No. I’m not bleeding now. My guess is that’s what happens when I’m stuffed with power beyond my capacity.” She gave Sarah a wry grin, nearly unseen in the dark. “I’m old, and as a result I have a lot of capacity. But even I have never felt such a glut of power rippling through me until it overflowed. It was amazing and painful at the same time. Does that make sense?”

  Sarah chuckled. “Big Pink.”

  Keller merely blinked back at her, momentarily confused, before nodding and breaking out into a grin. “Yes, exactly like that!” Sarah was an unabashed size queen, and their largest toy had been affectionately named Big Pink. It made Sarah scream with pleasure every single time, but it was a lot to take. More often than not before the singer’s infection with other blood, there would be a little bleeding after sex. But she always insisted that there was nothing like the feeling of being filled so completely and refused to give up Big Pink. Keller imagined that having Sarah’s power and aura stretch her to that point between pleasure and pain must feel very much like a vigorous round with Sarah’s favorite toy. After lying in each other’s arms for a few minutes, Sarah finally squirmed uncomfortably.

  “This carpet is shite on the backside!” This prompted a round of laughter from both of them as Sarah began re-dressing herself. The singer had already decided that she’d start keeping a spare blanket in the back, just in case another sex overload occurred in the near future. As they got back into the driver and passenger seats, Sarah turned to her lover. “I can’t wait to perform again!”

  Keller looked back at her with a naughty smile. “Me either.”

  LATER, AFTER THEY closed the bar down, Louve took Jill home while Jesse rode with Annie. They sat in the car while the younger couple went inside. Louve desperately craved to spend the night with her beautiful new friend, but she didn’t want to push. Their silence was broken when Jill reached over and took her hand. “I was afraid to meet you tonight.”


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