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Embracing Forever

Page 20

by K. Aten

  Louve looked at her with sadness. “I assumed you would be. It is to be expected after such an attack.” She laid her other hand on top of Jill’s, trapping the woman’s fingers between her own very warm ones. “But I need you to know that I would never hurt you, mon ange de feu.” She looked into Jill’s eyes, noticing that their distinctive light blue irises were hidden in the darkened car. “In all of our conversations, I have shared things with you that I have not spoken of in a very long time. For whatever the reason, I have found myself drawn to you. And all of our conversations have only served to bring me closer.”

  Jill smiled back. “I—I feel the same way. Had we not been talking on the phone, I could have just said we simply shared some amazing sexual chemistry. But I think it is much more than that, much deeper. I have told you my oldest fears, and my deepest ones. That is not something I would share with just anyone.”

  Louve sat in the driver seat of her car, lips parted slightly. The beautiful woman next to her was saying more than she had ever let herself hope for. She licked her lips. “Oui. Je suis d’accord.” She wanted to pull Jill down and kiss her but fear of the other woman’s emotional vulnerability kept her still. The werewolf was not used to tempering her desires. She was used to taking what she wanted and having it freely given in return. She wasn’t the head of her wolf troupe because she was timid. But with Dr. Jillian Cole, she felt like nothing more than a shy pup. So she said and did nothing, forgetting that the veterinarian was a vampire now and could read all the desire and emotion roiling just below Louve’s surface.

  But Jill did feel it and her heartbeat moved faster inside her chest. Before her fear could scrape her insides bare, before she could talk herself out of it, Jill grabbed Louve roughly and pulled her in for a kiss. That was the point when they dropped their shields to each other and a mild struggle for dominance ensued. Suddenly Jill broke away from the kiss, panting. Louve looked at her in concern. “Are you okay, ma chéri?” Jill shook her head and Louve looked at her in alarm. “Ce qui est mal?”

  Jill smiled and cupped Louve’s cheek in reassurance. “Nothing is the matter, silly woman. Well, other than the fact that I’m desperate to have you come inside with me.” She looked into Louve’s bright eyes. “Will you stay the night?”

  Louve smiled and pulled the taller woman down into another kiss. She was hungry for her in so many ways, perhaps the night could be her feast of ages. When she pulled back, she shut off the car and unclasped her seatbelt. “I believe you have finally succeeded.” Jill looked at her in confusion and Louve laughed. “You have thoroughly charmed the pants from me.”

  Jill looked down at the Frenchwoman’s denim covered legs. “Well not yet. But the night is young.” With that she gave Louve a wink and exited the car.

  Louve exhaled in a rush. “Mon Dieu!” The night silence was broken by the chirping sound of Louve’s car locks.

  Chapter Nine

  EVEN THE SPACIOUS kitchen of Louve’s farmhouse seemed crowded when stuffed full of werewolves, vampires, and a lone human. Raphael and his two sons, Ranier and Romaric were introduced to Keller’s group before they could get down to business. Only Louve and Alain were in attendance out of all the wolves currently employed at the Temple du Loup. While Annie, the lone human, was simply nervous being around so many powerful beings, Jill was experiencing something completely different. During introductions, Jill balked at greeting Louve’s business partner. When Alain held out his hand to shake, Jill shuddered and stepped back. Sarah immediately wrapped an arm around her shoulders to comfort her and let Louve explain the veterinarian’s reaction.

  After finally spending the night together, Louve felt even more protective of her “fiery angel.” Their night of passion prompted another long conversation about their fears and what they were ultimately looking for from a lover. She even went so far as to admit to Jill that she was looking for someone that completed her soul. Neither had been in a real relationship for a long time, but both were willing to try. Louve thought it would be good enough for now. And for now, the passion was beyond expectation. Their night with Keller and Sarah had been amazing, but just the two of them in the bedroom took things to an entirely new level. It was a place that Louve sincerely wanted to visit again and again. But for this very moment, with their situation so precarious, the Frenchwoman would have to be, as Keller would say, “all business.” She explained her new lover’s reaction to the men in the group. “Jill was the one who was assaulted by the rogue werewolves. I’m afraid Doctor Cole has not many good feelings toward strangers and wolves right now. Please understand and respect her space.”

  Keller watched as Alain merely smiled pleasantly and pulled his hand back. She sensed something off about his reaction, and possibly his initial actions as well. He and Louve both knew it was Jill who was attacked. Someone who could so easily connect with people should have known that she would be sensitive to strangers still, especially male ones since there were two men in the trio that attacked her. Keller let the fleeting thought pass by as Raph spoke. His voice was a deep rumble, which seemed to intrinsically fit the bearded and broad-chested French Canadian. He may not have started his days in North America but Keller thought the man had acclimated quite nicely. She noticed that he had even lost the European flavor of his French accent when she heard him speak to Louve during their arrival. “My apologies, Doctor Cole, we are deeply sorry for the suffering that you have been through. Ranier, Romaric, and I will do everything we can to make sure that my nephew atones for his crimes.”

  Jill swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded toward him. Strangely, she didn’t feel apprehensive about the giant auburn-haired man or his sons. But when she glanced back at the much shorter Alain, she felt some small bit of memory twist inside of her and fear followed in its wake. She thought maybe it was because what she could remember of her unknown attacker was that he shared a similar build to Louve’s business partner. She suspected that she’d feel the same way about any skinny blonde woman or big strapping bleached-blonde man. “Thank you, Raphael, I appreciate any help we can get. I just want this whole thing to be over, and to return to my life.”

  The big man gave her a sad smile. “I understand. And please, call me Raph.”

  Jill smiled back. “Only if you call me Jill.”


  Annie had stayed glued to Jesse’s side from the moment they stepped out of Jill’s Jeep. Even once they were all seated around the giant trestle table in the kitchen, Annie sat between Jesse and Sarah. It was the place she felt safest in a time that most definitely wasn’t. She was relieved when Keller started talking because she didn’t want to stay any longer than necessary. Even though Jill’s house wasn’t really her home, she still wanted to get back and chill for a while. She didn’t want to be surrounded by so many strangers with other blood. The vampire didn’t bother beating around the bush. “So what have you done on your end Louve; what have you found?”

  Louve pursed her lips. “Sadly we have found no signs. I ran as the wolf around the lands on this side of the lake, and Alain ran the other side where the attacks happened. Neither of us could catch scents of another werewolf. I too have read about the burglaries and animal attacks in the local papers, but I truly do not know what to make of it. Perhaps the next time you are vandalized you can call one of us to sniff around.” Romaric, being the younger and less serious of Raph’s sons actually chuckled at Louve’s poor attempt at a joke, but one look from his father silenced him again. Sensing the somber mood, Louve apologized. “Forgive me for my crude attempt at humor.”

  Raph spoke up. “Actually, I think that is a very good idea. I have studied the maps of this area.” Louve gave him a surprised look and he shrugged. “Google is an amazing thing, ma copine. My guess is that they are staying in the city proper and only hunting for food and money in the surrounding areas. Marcel is a devious sort, even from his time as a boy. I think that he would cause trouble in the region around the farmhouse simply to throw us off
the scent, and to make Louve worry that investigations would bring authorities to her doorstep. Perhaps we should stay in the city too so we can run the streets at night and see if we can pick up any traces of him.”

  Annie, a born planner and organizer, saw an opportunity to give some input. “Um, excuse me?” Sarah looked at her younger sister curiously but otherwise didn’t interrupt.

  You can take the man out of France, but you cannot take France out of the man. Always the proper gentleman, Raph answered. “Yes, Miss Colby?”

  The young brunette made a face. “Eh, it’s just Annie, please. So anyway, Jesse and I are staying with Jill for a while. They felt it was safer for me if I had more people around at all times until the rogue wolves were caught. This means our house is currently empty. You three could stay there for the time being and you wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel. Not to mention coming and going at all hours would be easier if you were staying at a house.”

  Keller slapped her hand on the table causing half the people to jump. “That’s pure dead brilliant, A!” Annie blushed and waited to see what the rest would say.

  Jesse chimed in to sell her girlfriend’s idea a little more. “The upstairs has the main living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. And the basement is fully furnished with a bedroom, living room with a futon, and a full bathroom as well. There’s plenty of room for everyone.”

  Raph looked at his sons. “What do you think, should we take them up on their offer?”

  The younger men answered as one. “Yes, Papa.” Ranier added a bit more. “It does seem to fulfill our requirements while we search for Marcel.”

  Louve’s long-time friend nodded, his beard twitching slightly with the movement. “It is decided then. After this meeting we move to Mis—Annie and Jesse’s house for the duration of our stay.”

  There really wasn’t much to talk about after that. Raph and his sons would follow Keller and Jill’s cars back to Annie’s house. Romaric was speaking with Jesse as the others were bidding goodbye to Louve and Alain. “So, are there any good takeout places near your house?”

  Jesse cocked her head. “Well, it’s near enough to everything that you can get just about any kind of food you want delivered. Do you all like Thai?”

  Romaric grinned. “That’s like asking if we like hockey!”

  The nerdy werewolf laughed. “Well, you never know other people’s tastes. Anyway, if you like Thai food, you’re in for a real treat. I’ll show you the take-out menus when we get to the house. And we should all have dinner together tonight and get to know each other.” She called out to Annie who was standing next to the car ahead of them. “Hey, babe, Romaric says they like Thai food! Let’s all have dinner tonight at the house.”

  Romaric made a face. “Just call me Aric, please.”

  Jill was standing next to Annie as Jesse and Aric walked up. “Thai Guys? Ooh, I’m in!” The four of them laughed but Jill’s laughter cut off abruptly as an icy chill seemed to wash over her. Following her instinct, she tightened her shield and turned her head in the direction of her discomfort. In the distance she could see two blonde women approaching from a large pole barn set in the back of the property. The women looked fairly non-threatening, but she stiffened none the less.

  Sarah noticed Jill’s reaction as she walked up to the group. “What’s wrong?” Jill merely shook her head and continued to stare at the approaching pair. When Sarah followed her gaze, she swore under her breath. As the two blonde women got closer to the group Marie looked at Annie and then turned her gaze to Jill. Sarah almost wrote off the gaze as simply Marie being antagonistic. Almost. When Marie was looking at Jill her expression turned to that of hunger, and she licked her lips seductively. When she noticed Sarah watching, she smirked at the singer. In that exact moment, rage blossomed in Sarah’s chest. In an instant she was across the lawn slamming her body into Marie’s in a spectacular tackle. The Frenchwoman easily flew twenty feet through the air before landing with a muffled thud onto the grass. Before she could rise, Sarah was on her again. She pinned Marie to the ground and forced a sharp shaft of power–infused aura through Marie’s shield. She screamed as she held the struggling blonde down. “It was you! You will never touch my family, you will never hurt another person again!” Sarah watched with satisfaction as blood started to trickle from Marie’s nose. She heard a popping sound and knew the werewolf was trying to change form. Before she could drink the Frenchwoman’s energy to prevent her from changing, she was plowed into from the side.

  Keller sensed Sarah’s anger but not before the singer attacked Marie. She knew Sarah’s anger could easily take over and lead to serious injury or death of Louve’s employee. If Marie was innocent, it would truly be a tragedy. Once she knocked Sarah away, she pinned her lover to the ground. “Sarah, no! This isn’t the way, and I won’t let you take someone’s life in anger.”

  Sarah struggled below her lover but she was no match for Keller’s powerful reservoir of strength. “Let me go! She did it and she has to pay!”

  Before Keller could respond, they heard more popping and a choked scream. When they glanced toward the sound, all they saw was Marie dashing toward the woods in wolf form. Everyone came rushing toward the two women on the ground. Sarah bucked Keller off when the smaller woman was distracted by Marie’s escape. “Look what you’ve done!”

  “You can’t just attack her, Sarah. We have no proof, you could have killed her forcing your power like that. And even if she is guilty, you would be no better than she is. What you were doing was mind rape!” She looked into her lover’s green eyes and tried to drive home her point. “Do you want to be the same kind of person that hurt Jill? You’re not like that!”

  Sarah’s fury boiled over and she shoved Keller away from her with all her strength. “Don’t you ever accuse me of that again! If anything happens to my family or friends, it’s on you!” The singer stalked away from the shocked group. Keller watched her go with a look of fearful worry on her face.

  The younger Colby watched her sister walk away, then turned to her friend. “Are you okay?” Keller just shook her head. “I don’t get it, I’ve never seen her angry like that. It was like when she was caught in that rage loop thing with Marcel, but Marie wasn’t angry when Sarah attacked her. What could have set her off?”

  With her words, something clicked into place for Keller. She immediately looked around their gathered group. Louve stood a few yards away speaking with Alain. Raph, Romaric, and Ranier were back by the vehicles where they had retreated during Sarah and Keller’s private falling out. Keller was puzzled. Annie was right, it really wasn’t like Sarah to carry that much anger. The singer was a fairly laid-back person. But someone could have triggered her anger; someone powerful could have directed it toward her. She cast out her senses to see if she could pick up Marcel in the area. She was familiar with the feel of him but unfortunately he was nowhere around. She discounted Marie because the blonde wasn’t strong enough to direct that much emotion. She continued to search all the people with other blood. She felt what she would consider the “flavor” of them all in her head, with the exception of Alain. His shields were so tight that nothing leaked through. Keller raised her eyebrow at such an unusual state for a werewolf. It was in that moment that he looked up from his conversation with Louve and met Keller’s eyes. For just an instant his eyes flashed a challenge, then it was gone. It was certainly nothing she could call him on, but she remembered it regardless.

  Now she just had to deal with her irate girlfriend. The problem was that Sarah was right. If Marie did anything to Annie, Keller would feel responsible. She realized that her thoughts had wandered off while Annie was speaking with her. “I don’t really know, A, but it worries me. I should go talk to her.” She looked around, just realizing that Sarah was nowhere in sight.

  Jesse noticed her confusion and chimed in. “She went up to the house, and Jill followed her. Jill said she was going to have a talk with her and try to calm her down.”

Keller felt a brief flash of jealousy before quickly pushing it away. She knew she didn’t have anything to worry about with Sarah and Jill. But there was a small part of her that was always aware of the solid bond of friendship the two women shared. It was a bond that had lasted many years, and through many heartaches. While Sarah and Keller were soul mates, it was still a fairly new bond. And Sarah was known for running from things that were emotionally difficult. “Maybe I’ll just let them talk it out for a bit. Perhaps Jill can get through to her while she’s so angry at me.”

  Jesse, ever the optimist, tried to reassure her. “Don’t worry, Keller, She’ll come around. I just don’t think she was thinking clearly. Sarah’s not a killer.” Jesse wandered off toward the visiting French Canadians and Keller glanced at the unusually silent younger Colby sister.

  “And what do you think?”

  Annie gave her a worried look. “I think we both know that the death of our parents seriously affected Sarah. And right now I’m not so sure she wouldn’t lose her mind to protect me. I think she would do anything to make sure I’m safe.” She shrugged. “Keller, she sacrificed her life to save me once. I don’t think she’d bat an eye about sacrificing someone else, especially if it was someone she saw as the bad guy.”

  Keller nodded. “That’s what I’m afraid of. Don’t get me wrong, I’d sacrifice anything to protect you all. But if it comes down to taking someone’s life, I don’t want her to do it. I’d rather it were me. I’ve been there many times. It’s a dark road that I don’t think she’d do well to travel down.”

  The younger woman looked at her and realized that there was still a lot she didn’t know about her friend. “Will you tell me some time?”


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