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Mistletoe Magic (A Holiday Romance Novel Book 2)

Page 17

by Amanda Siegrist

  He wasn’t fast enough to prepare the rest of his surprise. He stood with a blue towel wrapped around his waist. Both of them stood almost naked.

  “I’m tired. It’s been a long night. Should I sleep in anot—”

  “You’re sleeping with me.” His voice was firm.

  Didn’t she understand how much he loved her? Then his mind went back to yesterday when she asked if they could be friends. He agreed, but said he’d still kiss her under a mistletoe any time they stood under one. She kissed him a few minutes ago, but perhaps she still wanted to be just friends.

  He forced himself to loosen his limbs and not sound so angry. “Unless you want to sleep in the spare room.”

  “I…I want to sleep in here. I’m…” She frowned. “I’m just confused what’s going on here. About everything…is there an us?”

  Two long strides and he was by her side, grasping her hands in his and guided her to sit on the edge of the bed. His hands held hers tightly as he gazed into her eyes. “I want there to be an us. I screwed up. I got…scared.” He took a deep breath.

  Then it came out. Every single thing he held inside about Cynthia. The hurt, the anger, the pain. Through it all, Theresa held his hands, her eyes glued to his with concern and understanding.

  “I haven’t felt as happy as I do now in a long time. You bring me happiness. You fill up my darkness with light again. Please say you’ll forgive my idiotic behavior and give me another chance.”

  She bit her lip, her eyes looking into his as if searching for something, an answer he hadn’t offered yet. “I think what hurt the most was how you could ignore me after we shared something so special. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk. It’s okay if you need time to yourself. But please don’t ignore me like that again.”

  “Never again.”

  Her eyes finally turned down. “Did you mean it when you said you loved me?”

  He didn’t like how she pulled away from him by turning her head down. With a light nudge, he raised her chin. Her eyes were locked with his once again. “Today, tomorrow, and forever.”

  The sweetest, most beautiful smile touched her lips. “I love you, too.”

  A kiss would make this moment perfect, but he needed one more thing before he did.

  “Don’t move.”

  He got up and walked to his closet, shuffling a box down from the top shelf. Pulling out the last mistletoe he made, he walked back to the bed, sitting down gently as he held it out to her.

  Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “It’s gorgeous.”

  It was a simple mistletoe, but beautiful. At least he thought so. He picked out the best one he made for this moment. Simple artificial green leaves with red holly berries mixed in. Tied on the top was a deep red bow. Not a perfect bow, but the best he could do. He was damn proud of himself for all the mistletoes he and Bentley made.

  “Not as gorgeous as you. I made it myself. I made all of these hanging in my house. With some help from Bentley.”

  She looked surprised. “You did? You really made all of these for me?”

  “I’d make a hundred more if you asked me to.”

  Her smile widened. “I feel like I’m seeing a whole new side of you right now. No one has ever been this sweet, kind, and loving to me.”

  “And I’ve never felt inclined to act this way. Everything I did is because I wanted to, not because I had to.” He glanced at the mistletoe in her hand. “You missed something important.”

  Surprised again, she jerked her attention from him to the mistletoe. A lone tear slid down her cheek as soon as she saw it. Her fingers trembled as she plucked the diamond ring off one of the green leaves.

  He slid off the bed to kneel on one knee as he placed his hands on her bare thighs. “It hasn’t been long. Hell, I know it’s crazy to even contemplate getting engaged so soon. But I know what I want. I’m damn sure of what I want.” His fingers tightened on her soft thighs. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Theresa?”


  Her emotions were tumbling everywhere at the moment. Joy. Nerves. Exhilaration. Panic. Happiness. Wariness. But the one feeling overriding it all…love.

  She loved him. He said he loved her. He said so many things tonight that gave her a better understanding of his attitude. This whole time she thought he was pulling away because he loved Cynthia too much to love another. Not even close. He shied away because he loved her so much it frightened him.

  She wanted to soak up every little moment from tonight and savor it until the end of time. She had no idea he could be this sweet and romantic.

  “You’re making me a little nervous. Say something.”

  Aiden’s whispered words had her smiling wide and slipping the ring on her finger.

  “Yes. A thousand times, yes.”

  His fingers slid up her thighs as he leaned forward to kiss her. It melted her on the spot. The kiss was soft and soothing, tender and sweet. His kisses always had a way of filling her heart with delight and contentment.

  She felt him grab the mistletoe from her lap and a quiet thud hit the floor. Laying back as he pressed her further into the mattress, the kiss started to turn fierce and hungry. Moaning a little at the ache he was creating, she wrapped her arms tighter around him.

  Breaking the kiss, his lips stayed almost pressed to hers as he whispered, “I need you. Badly. But not if it’ll hurt you more.”

  Besides her arm that throbbed a little bit from the incision, she felt fine. A little shaken from the night, but she needed him. Just as badly. He’d soothe the shakes with his gentle kisses and smooth hands.

  “I want you.”

  He grinned, a sweet, almost rakish grin. “Good.” Lifting up some, he grabbed his towel and flung it to the floor, then removed her shirt just as easily. “Move to the center of the bed.”

  She scooted back until she found the middle and sighed happily when he pressed his wonderful body to hers. Small, light kisses started on her lips, making a trail down her chin, neck, then gradually up to her ear where he nibbled for a taste. The entire time she slowly rubbed her hands up and down his back in smooth, small strokes.

  A kiss landed on her shoulder where the faint mark of his hickey he gave her last time showed. “Wow. I don’t remember doing this.”

  A chuckle left her lips. “I do. It felt wonderful.”

  His eyes sparkled with a strong craving. “So I have permission to do it again?”

  Nodding with a wily smile, she inhaled sharply as he slid down her body and his warm breath touched her most intimate spot.

  “And here? Do I have permission?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  He said nothing else but to lay his soft lips down, his tongue darting out and spiraling her body into passionate bliss. Her hands fisted the comforter tightly as he stroked and licked and suckled every tiny emotion hidden inside her. His mouth just knew what spot to touch and how to touch it, she couldn’t help but squirm and moan and enjoy every little sensation he pulled out of her.

  It didn’t take long for her to cry out with ecstasy. He moved back up her body lazily, kissing her lightly on the lips.

  “You taste delicious.” His hands cupped her cheeks. “Are you really mine?”

  She wrapped her arms tightly around him. Her legs circled his waist with no wiggle room to escape. “I’m all yours. You can never escape.”

  He chuckled. “Good thing I never plan to.” Brushing his mouth against hers again, his tongue ducked in briefly before he pulled away. “Can I escape for a moment to grab a condom? I’m not sure how much longer I can hold off.”

  She released him and he quickly darted to the bathroom and back within a few seconds. He sheathed himself and then thrust into her with happy abandon. He felt perfect and right and everything she always dreamed of.

  She couldn’t believe he asked her to marry him, or the wonderful surprise of all the mistletoes dangling in his house. Such a romantic gesture. Something no one had ever done for he
r. She liked this hidden sweet side of him. It would be impossible to walk around his house without stepping under a mistletoe. Which was probably his intention. So he could kiss her anytime he wanted. With a good excuse to do it.

  And his kiss at the moment had her toes curling and her belly flipping and her heart soaring as he moved in and out of her like a wild stallion bucking away.

  The magic in the room grew so high she swore she saw stars as another orgasm, more epic than the last one, tore through her. He followed her shortly, thrusting a few more times before resting his heavy weight on her. She adored the feeling so much she tightened her arms around him so he couldn’t move.

  “I love you, Theresa. I plan to show you how much every day of our lives.”

  Sighing happily, with a soft kiss to his neck, she whispered, “I love you, too. I can’t wait to make beautiful memories with you.”

  Chapter 19

  Theresa tried not to hesitate as they walked to the door of the diner. Aiden opened the door, allowing her to walk in first. Her feet almost stalled until he turned her in his arms and planted the sweetest, toe-curling kiss upon her lips.

  With a small chuckle, his eyes turned up. “Mistletoe.”

  She followed his gaze and laughed as well. Above them hung the first mistletoe that brought them together with a small, chaste kiss to the cheek. They already had so many wonderful memories.

  “I can sense your nervous and I’m not sure why. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Appreciating his concern, she laid her head to his chest. “I’m homeless. I lost all of my belongings. And it just hurts.”

  “You have a home with me. And your belongings…” He sighed. “I’m sorry about that. We’ll get through this. Together. I’m not leaving your side, okay?”

  Lifting her head, she smiled. “Thank you.”

  They started to walk again, a few sets of eyes on them as she led the way with Aiden following her, his hand locked with hers. Before she could make it behind the counter, the kitchen door swung open and Bonzo’s concerned face filled the space.

  “Theresa, my girl!” He pulled her into the biggest, warmest hug she ever received. Almost fatherly-like. She loved it because he was about the closest thing to a father she had, considering her real father wasn’t the greatest in that department. “How are you?”

  He let her go. She took a step back, leaning back into the comforting body of Aiden, who must’ve known she needed the extra support.

  “I’ve been better, Bonzo. I…”

  “Well, butter my biscuit. Congratulations.” Bonzo’s eyes widened in surprise as they zoomed in on her hand that sparkled with the diamond ring.

  It didn’t take long for a round of congratulations from the other patrons in the diner to circle them. A few regulars that came every Sunday for brunch, and Mrs. Wayworth.

  “Oh, that is a stunning ring. You’re a lucky man, Aiden, for snatching up this wonderful lady.” Mrs. Wayworth winked at him as Theresa slightly blushed at the compliment.

  “I am the luckiest. There’s no way I was letting her get away.”

  She patted his arm. “Well, it’s good to see you happy again. And that handsome smile of yours.” Then Mrs. Wayworth turned her attention to her. “My sister received her Christmas present in the mail, and boy, I chided her for it, but she opened it already and loved the necklace. Absolutely loved it. I gave her your number because she wouldn’t let it go until I did. I do believe you’ll have more orders soon.”

  Theresa wanted to smile at that, and she did somewhat. But she had no idea how she could make any kind of jewelry anytime soon. All her supplies were destroyed in the fire. Even her phone. She couldn’t take any phone calls until she bought a new one.

  Maybe Mrs. Wayworth saw all of those harrowing emotions on her face because she smiled tenderly. “I’m sorry to hear about the fire last night. I’m so glad you made it out safely.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Wayworth. I’m very happy to hear your sister liked the necklace. Please tell her it might be a few days before I can return any phone calls. My phone was destroyed, along with all my jewelry supplies.”

  “I’ll let her know. Don’t you worry about a thing, Theresa dear. Everything always has a way of working out.”

  Mrs. Wayworth said a few more encouraging words and then went back to her meal.

  “Come on.” Bonzo gestured his head to follow him to the kitchen.

  Aiden grabbed her hand and ventured to the kitchen with her. Bonzo set a small box on the counter near the door and smiled.

  “Mrs. Johnson was in here earlier, picking up her jewelry order. Sure am glad you kept your inventory here. It would’ve been a shame to lose all that hard work making all these beautiful presents for people. What can I do to help you, Theresa?”

  Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes at the kindness shimmering back at her. “I have no idea. This is all new to me. I feel like I’m starting all over.”

  “Well, you just let me know what you need and I’m there. Take a few days off.”

  “Oh, no, I can’t do that, Bonzo. I need the money.”

  Aiden wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly as he laid a kiss to the side of her head. “If you need a few days for yourself, take it. I don’t want you to worry about money. I’ll take care of you.”

  Bonzo’s eyes twinkled with delight. “What he said. Let someone take care of you for once. You work too hard. You deserve it.” He tossed a hand to the box. “You didn’t even need to come in for this today. I would’ve handed them out.”

  She wiped a stray tear from her eye. “I appreciate that, Bonzo. I’d like to make sure everyone gets their order. I’ll be at work tomorrow.” Tensing slightly, she gasped. “How am I going to get to work? I always walked and now—”

  Aiden swiftly turned her around and cupped her cheeks lightly as he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’ll drive you. You can borrow my car. We’ll buy you a car. It doesn’t matter how you’ll get to work, because you will. We’ll figure this out. Together. Maybe I’m suddenly coming on strong, but I never want you to doubt how I feel about you again.”

  Her breathing, that had skyrocketed when she panicked, gradually returned to normal as he laid a few more delicate kisses to her lips.

  “We’re in this together, right, Theresa?”

  “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Oh, they were so in this together. He had been her rock all night, loving her passionately and without restraint. This morning when she woke up in a panic, last night’s events rushing through her mind, Aiden had been there to calm her down, telling her everything would be all right. She believed it would be. Because they’d be together. His strength would help keep hers together when all she felt like doing was falling apart because she lost everything.

  “I can still hand these out. Leave them here. You worry about you. There’s no sense in going around dropping these off.” She turned around, Aiden’s arms still holding her together as she looked at Bonzo as he continued, “You never planned to go deliver them house to house. Why change the plan? You let them come to the diner to pick these up.”

  How could she explain the sudden need to make sure everyone got their Christmas gifts? The fire, the loss of everything she owned, it burned a hole in her gut the entire morning until she finally told Aiden she had to go to the diner and pick up her jewelry and deliver it, not wait for the people to come to the diner for it. Maybe she just wanted to make sure they all had a wonderful Christmas when she wasn’t sure she would. How could she believe she would when she didn’t even have a proper change of clothes? Right now she was wearing one of Aiden’s shirts and a pair of sweats that she had to tie tightly so they wouldn’t fall down, and one of his large winter coats that almost made her look like a drowned rat. She had to look ridiculous, yet every time he glanced her way, she felt like the most beautiful woman on earth.

  “I…” She hesitated. The words wouldn’t come, the explanation still difficu
lt. Okay, maybe it was a silly thing to worry about. “Okay. Thanks, Bonzo.”

  She wouldn’t worry about it. At least she completed all of her orders and brought them to work before the fire wiped out every single thing she owned in one swift move.

  “Go home. Let Aiden take care of you. Just relax. If you want to come in tomorrow, then I’d love to see you. If not, you don’t worry about a thing.”

  She hugged Bonzo in response, said a quick hi to Shelly, his wife, and left. As she buckled her seatbelt, the nerves she experienced back in the diner came rushing back. What was she going to do? How was she going to replace all of her possessions? The supplies for her jewelry weren’t cheap. Clothing could get so expensive. Everything felt like a huge weight on her shoulders.

  A warm hand enveloped hers. “Look at me, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes glided to his.

  “It’s going to be the best damn Christmas this year. You know how I know? Because I get to spend it with you. That’s what matters right now. Everything else, well, we’ll figure it out.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I love you.”

  When he said it that way, she believed him. Everything would work out.

  “I love you, too.”


  The doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it,” Aiden hollered as he walked out of the kitchen.

  He figured Theresa assumed he’d get it, especially since she’d been engrossed in arranging her jewelry in just the right way. She said there was a certain order she liked all of her pieces to be organized.

  They had both been surprised when the doorbell rang the first time, soon after they arrived home from the diner. Standing with a sweet smile, Betty from the craft store had a whole bag of goodies. So many supplies to fill up a new jewelry box that Theresa had adamantly insisted Betty take back. Betty wouldn’t hear any of it. She insisted Theresa take it all and make her a beautiful necklace in thanks. That’s all she wanted.

  Shortly after Betty left, Daphne showed up with some clothes. The light in Theresa’s eyes at the sight of everything made tears form, almost in his eyes as well.


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