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Mistletoe Magic (A Holiday Romance Novel Book 2)

Page 18

by Amanda Siegrist

  Person after person after person stopped by, dropping things off for her. Crazy things from wonky looking Christmas decorations they thought she’d like, to practical things like a brush and hair accessories.

  He knew the town could get into everyone’s business on occasion, rumors spreading, gossip running rampant. But he’d never seen people come together in such a beautiful way. Theresa lost everything she owned in the fire last night. Now his house was so full of things, it’s as if they had packed up her house and moved her in. The town had come forward to make Theresa feel loved and happy and that everything was going to be okay. Just as he told her repeatedly today, even as he said it, wondering if it really would be. He hated seeing the pain and sadness in her eyes. A few times it made him nervous he wouldn’t be able to remove it all on his own. And he didn’t. The entire town helped him. He couldn’t be more grateful.

  Pulling open the door, he smiled at Chief Duncan, Lynn, Laura, Gregory, and Gabby, who all stood on his porch, their arms full of things he wasn’t sure where he’d put.

  “We’ve come bearing gifts,” Chief Duncan said with merry, leaning in a bit closer to him, “and some news.”

  Aiden nodded, anxious to hear what he had to say. “Come on in. Theresa’s in the living room sorting her jewelry and in heaven at all the beads. You guys are too kind to bring more stuff.”

  “It’s just terrible what happened. We don’t mind helping out.” Lynn glided by him with Laura right behind her.

  He winked at Laura. “Hey, pipsqueak.”

  She blushed and giggled. “Hey.”

  “We thought you might be busy and overwhelmed, so Gabby brought some fixings for a delicious roast dinner. We’ll go get that started.” Gregory smiled wide as he followed Gabby, who had a large pan in her hands.

  He closed the door, then turned to Chief Duncan, the only one left in the hallway. “I hope this is news I’ll enjoy hearing.”

  The chief grinned and nodded as he set the box he was holding to the floor. “This is just some kitchen stuff Lynn thought Theresa would need.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “Maybe you already have them stocked yourself. I hear congratulations are in order. I’m happy you two worked things out.”

  “Because of you. Thanks for helping me get my head out of my ass. Last night…if I would’ve lost her…”

  Chief Duncan squeezed his shoulder. “But you didn’t. We didn’t.”

  Aiden steeled his spine, not wanting to cry in front of the chief, even though the tears threatened to flow. He almost lost the woman he loved in a brutal fire. He hated thinking about it. Of course, it was difficult to erase last night’s events with the reminder every time someone stopped by with more gifts.

  “So, the news?”

  Chief Duncan nodded. “We found Dusty earlier this morning sleeping in his car on the outskirts of Mason. Pretty sure he was sleeping off a drunken night. Fire Chief Monroe hasn’t completed his investigation yet, but there are signs it was started deliberately. It didn’t take long, with a little prodding, for Dusty to confess to starting the fire.”

  Aiden shook his head. “This will put Theresa at ease that she wasn’t at fault, because it bothered her that she might’ve been. But damn, now it makes it my fault.”

  “How so?”

  “I might’ve told him to stay the hell away from her or else…right before you hauled him away the night of the bar fight.”

  Chief Duncan waved his hand carelessly in the air. “It’s not your fault either. Dusty’s a loose cannon. How about you two focus on your upcoming nuptials and put all this behind you. Just have a merry Christmas.”

  “I plan to have the best damn Christmas I’ve ever had.”

  He didn’t doubt it for one second. With Theresa by his side, Christmas couldn’t get any better.

  The evening went by quickly, the house full of loud laughter and happiness. It was the first time he ever had a little gathering at his house. He liked the picture in front of him, of the beautiful merriment ringing. Theresa finally looked at ease and the worry gone, especially when he whispered to her Dusty was the cause of the fire. She had tensed at first, then slowly smiled, obviously relieved she wasn’t the cause because she constantly forgot to unplug the Christmas tree. She told him firmly he had to double check the tree was unplugged before they went to bed every night. He smiled, kissed her, and assured her he’d take the responsibility of that task.

  By the time they finished the wonderful roast Gabby cooked, eating a piece of pie Lynn had baked, and played a board game picked by Laura, the sun had descended and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky. Everyone left. They finally had the house to themselves.

  Aiden made a fire, plugged in the Christmas tree, and pulled Theresa into his arms to the floor.

  “What a day, huh?”

  She nodded, resting her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, tucking her into his body.

  “You feeling okay?”

  “I feel wonderful. I feel grateful for such wonderful friends. I have no words.”

  He kissed the top of her head as the fire crackled and the tree lit up with delight before them. “I was surprised myself. But it just shows how much everyone cares about you. See, I said it would all work out.”

  “Do you want to know what my favorite part of everything that happened today is?”

  “Of course.”

  She inhaled deeply, snuggling more comfortably into his arms. “This. Sitting here with you. It just makes me feel…happy.”

  She made him feel the same. Just happy. Content. As if everything in his world was good, bright, and merry. She took the darkness filling him up inside and washed it away with her lightness.

  “You are my happiness, Theresa.”


  Christmas morning

  Underneath the Christmas tree wasn’t brimming with loads of presents. Only two, in fact. One for him. One for her. He couldn’t wait for Theresa to open the gift he bought her. When he first pulled it off the shelf, he hesitated. Would she think it silly? Would she find it offensive? Would she grace him with the sweet smile he loved?

  Well, he was about to find out.

  “Open mine first.”

  Or not. Guess she wanted him to open the present from her first.

  He gently took the gift from her outstretched hand. Even though they only had these two gifts, they sat in front of the tree as if they had a mountain of gifts to open. Oh, and there’d be plenty of gifts to open later. They planned to celebrate Christmas with his parents after lunch. Theresa had no idea there were gifts waiting for her. He wanted to surprise her.

  While she appreciated people in town coming to her rescue and giving her things she needed instead of draining her savings to buy it, she didn’t want anything else. She didn’t want to be the center of attention.

  Because she was such a sweet and generous woman, she created a beautiful piece of jewelry for each person that stopped by bearing gifts. She wanted to show her thanks with more than just simple words.

  Yesterday had been a very long day. They dropped off each gift, saying thanks and receiving hugs, thank yous, and so many merry Christmases he almost got Christmased out. Was that even possible?

  She worked hard each night stringing beads, tying knots, and organizing each piece of jewelry into something magical. Of course, he sat next to her helping as best as he could. Not because he felt like he had to. Because he wanted to. He loved the joy that filled each facet of her face when he first offered. Anytime he could elicit that sweet sensation out of her, he’d do whatever it took.

  He even pulled some strings so she could see her brother, which he did yesterday. Normally visitors weren’t allowed, and with his behavior the night of the fire, they almost didn’t let him back into the program. They also wanted to slap charges on him. After a few kind words from Chief Duncan, Aiden asking him graciously to do it, for Theresa’s sake, of course, they decided not to press charges for him hitting the security guard.r />
  Her brother looked good, ragged but good, like the program was tough and tiring, but working. He had a long road ahead of him. Theresa would be there to help him, as would he. Only for Theresa’s sake. Because he still didn’t like James. Just as James didn’t like him. Although, they were cordial only because neither wanted to upset Theresa.

  “Open it. You’re killing me here.”

  He chuckled, swiped a kiss, and pushed all other thoughts out of his mind as he tore open the present. Brushing the white tissue paper aside, he couldn’t hold back the laughter as he pulled out a red mug with the sweetest saying written in bold white letters around it. Give me a kiss, I’ll give you a coffee.

  “Is this your way of telling me I don’t get my daily coffee unless I give you a kiss?”

  She smirked in the most adorable way. “Maybe.” Her eyes shifted down, a light red blush coating her cheeks. “I wasn’t sure what to get you. It’s been so crazy these past few weeks with…everything. I saw that and it just said buy me! So I did.”

  Wrapping a tender hand around her neck, he pulled her closer for a kiss. Light and tender. Because anything more passionate would’ve had him carrying her back to the bedroom for a different kind of Christmas fun.

  Pulling away slightly, his mouth still close to hers, he whispered, “It’s the best damn present I’ve ever gotten. I’m going to use it every day.” He chuckled, pressing his lips to hers. “I can’t wait for you to open your present.”

  She shifted away, the reluctance in her eyes, almost saying she wanted to go back to the bedroom like him, but instead she picked up the gift he bought her.

  Biting her lip, she took her time unwrapping the paper around the box, then her eyes widened in surprise as she broke into a bout of laughter that was contagious. His middle almost hurt as they laughed together, the loud noise ringing around the room, filling it with so much happiness he was surprised he didn’t burst from it all.

  Sitting on her lap in all its glory was a top of the line coffee maker.

  He planned to teach his beautiful, wonderful fiancé how to make a delicious cup of coffee. Even if he failed, he’d stop at the diner every day before his shift, with his new coffee mug, and get one of her cups of coffee. Because no matter how horrible it tasted, he knew she made it with love. He didn’t doubt that for one second. Because why else would he keep going into the diner, day after day, paying for a cup of coffee that never slid down his throat with delight?

  Because he probably loved her for a long time and was just too afraid to admit it. Not anymore.

  “This is the perfect present.”

  “Goes well with mine.” He lifted his mug.

  They started to laugh as if it was the funniest joke of the century. He didn’t care if it wasn’t that funny. It felt good to laugh again. It felt good to be happy. To be in love.

  He set the cup aside, took the coffee maker from her lap, and slid over her body, making her drop gently to the floor so she was flat on her back.

  “I don’t think I can make it to the bedroom. I’m going to love you right here. In front of this gorgeous Christmas tree.”

  She brushed a lock of his hair back. “Sounds like a beautiful memory to make.”

  His lips found hers.

  The moment turned into a memory they would never forget.


  Thanks for reading my book and I hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear your feedback. Please leave a review.

  ♡ Much love,

  Amanda Siegrist

  For the complete story of Elliot & Lynn check out

  Merry Me

  Chief Elliot Duncan hasn’t enjoyed Christmas since his mother passed away three years ago. She always managed to make each day, from the start of December to Christmas morning, a special one. When an unmarked gift lands on his doorstep, an elegant card attached with such Christmas wisdom, it touches his heart. But a sudden compulsion to find the owner and promptly return the gift consumes him. He never imagined searching for the owner would lead him to an amazing single mother with a delightful seven-year-old little girl.

  Lynn Carpenter is a vision of beauty, and she loves Christmas. Wanting a woman who loves Christmas is just wrong. Yet, he can’t stay away from her. As Christmas approaches, Lynn manages to make the holiday pleasant for once. Apprehension fills his soul that she’ll hate him for lying, keeping the gift a secret. She’s a proud woman. He knows she won’t like him trying to give it back. The only thing he wants for Christmas is her heart.

  More books

  For more great reads, check these titles out.

  A Holiday Romance Novel

  Merry Me

  A McCord Family Novel Series


  Protecting You

  Trust in Love

  Deserving You

  A One Taste Novel Series

  (Romantic Suspense)

  One Taste of You

  One Taste of Love

  One Taste of Crazy

  A Romantic Suspense

  The Danger With Love

  A Lucky Town Novel Series

  (Romantic Suspense)

  Escaping Memories

  A Romantic Suspense

  Sunrise Awakening

  Sunset Darkening

  A Sweet Short Story



  A Spine-Chilling Mystery

  (Note: Not a romance)

  Follow Me, Sweet Darling

  A Romantic Suspense Short Story

  Paint By Murder

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  About the Author

  I love anything that has to do with romance. As long as there’s a happy ending, I’m a happy camper. I love baseball (Go Twins!) and creating awesome crafts. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, working in that field for several years before I became a stay-at-home mom. When I’m not hanging out with my wonderful family, I’m writing a sweet contemporary romance or a romantic suspense that keeps you guessing until the end. I have a few more amazing stories in the works. If you would like to connect with me or see important news, head to my website at Or you can also check out my Facebook Page or follow me on Twitter (@amanda_siegrist). Thanks for reading!




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