Book Read Free

Only You

Page 19

by Kaleigh James

  “We broke up,” Shane enunciated each word slowly, “because we didn’t love each other, and we were better as friends.”

  “I DID love you,” Daphne pouted. “I DO LOVE YOU!” she yelled.

  Shane’s eyes widened at her outburst.

  “It isn’t going to happen, Daphne. I’m with someone now, and I’m very serious about her.”

  Daphne’s eyes narrowed. “I know you’re with Camden.” She spat Camden’s name as if it were vile. “She broke your heart once, Shane. I’ll never do that,” she promised.

  “I love her, Daphne. I've always loved her. We’re having a baby.” Shane tried to remain calm. What wasn’t she understanding?

  “But she’s dying,” Daphne whispered. “I can take care of you and the baby.”

  Fury filled Shane beyond any anger he had ever experienced.

  “SHE IS NOT DYING!!!” he roared.

  A squeak from the stairs caused both Shane and Daphne to still.

  “Wh-wh-who’s there?” a timid voice called. “Vin, is that you?”

  Shane’s shoulders relaxed, and he audibly sighed as he turned and ran toward the stairs.

  “Melia? It’s me,” he called as he ran. “Shane.”

  Melia hurried down the stairs, bat still raised comically above her head. When she saw Shane, her arms dropped to her side. Hands still shaking, she dropped the bat, and they heard it clunkily roll down the stairs.

  “Shane?! What are you doing here?” she cried. “Is everything okay with Camden?” She hurried to the bottom of the stairwell.

  Shane smiled at her genuine concern. “Yeah, she’s home sleeping. What are you doing here?”

  “Well, you see,” she began nervously. “Javier said that I could use your place to hide from Vinnie.” Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Shane grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

  “That’s fine, Melia. Use it as long as you need.” He gently pushed her to arm’s length and looked her over. She looked okay, thankfully, as far as he could see. When she stepped into the light, however, Shane gasped audibly. Her black eye was yellowish-green and in the process of healing, but Shane was livid.

  “He hit you?!?” Shane roared. Melia flinched at the sound.

  “It was on Camden’s last chemo day. Javier and Brody got me and Aiden out of there. He won’t do it again,” she reassured. “I won’t let him. Apparently, I have family now.” She grinned. For the first time ever, she had a family. It may be composed of her co-workers, but people were looking out for her.

  “Excuse me,” a disgruntled voice interrupted. “I was here for a reason, and I’d like to get back to our conversation, Shane.”

  Melia’s eyes widened, and she looked at Shane accusingly. “Why are you meeting her here in the middle of the night, Shane Hunt?!? You have a family to care for.” She smacked him on his shoulder.

  Melia turned to Daphne. “And you!” she hissed. “This man has a family. He has a baby on the way. You have no business messing with that!”

  Shane raised his hands to Melia in surrender. “She stole Javi’s phone, Mel. Tricked me into coming. I didn’t even know she’d be here.”

  Melia looked at him skeptically, and Shane placed his gun on the bar counter, retrieving Javier's phone. He shoved his and Javier’s phones into her hands. Melia took a moment to look at the text Shane had received. Eyes blazing, she lifted her bat from the ground and stepped between Shane and Daphne.

  “What fucking part of ‘he doesn’t want you’ do you not understand?” she growled.

  “Shane and I were good together!” Daphne yelled in reply.

  “Good,” Melia stated cattily. “Let’s have a grammar lesson. ‘Were’ is past tense. You WERE good together. You are not good together ANY MORE.” Daphne began to reply, but Melia lifted her hand to silence her.

  “I like this. Let’s continue this lesson with one on superlatives. Good, better, best….Good, great…. Hmmm. You and Shane WERE good together. He and Camden ARE great….ARE better together. Both verb and superlative trump you.” Melia smirked.

  Daphne’s eyes flashed in anger, and Shane tried to hold in his laugh. He never would have thought that Melia would defend his relationship with Camden.

  “Daphne, she’s right,” he spoke gently. “I’m happy with Camden, and no matter what happens with me and her, you and I will never happen.”

  For a moment Daphne looked hurt, but before she could say anything else, Melia raised her bat and yelled, “Now get the hell out of Shane’s bar!” She rushed Daphne, who in turn hurriedly exited the front door.

  Melia set her bat down and broke into giggles. Shane couldn’t help but laugh with her.

  “That was awesome,” he grinned at her.

  “It needed to be done,” she stated matter-of-factly. She set the bat down and turned to Shane. “You don’t mess with a man’s baby mama, and you definitely don’t mess with true love.” Melia’s eyes softened. “I may not have it, but I know it when I see it. You and Camden? You’re the real deal. You’re my new heroes,” she teased.

  “Thank you,” Shane whispered before hugging Melia and kissing her temple.

  “You got it, boss man. Now, hurry home to your woman,” she ordered. “It’s almost four in the morning, and she’s going to want you there when she wakes up.”

  Shane nodded in obedience. When he reached the door, he turned back to Melia, who was watching him from the stairs.

  “You fool people that you’re tough and mean, but you’re good people Melia. You’re real good people.” She smirked at Shane and hurried up the stairs to check on Aiden.


  Chapter 30

  Shane felt as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning. He lay still on the bed, Camden draped over him sound asleep, but inside he was running sprints. They were going to see their baby today, and Camden was finally far enough along that they might be able to find out whether they were having a boy or a girl. Shane couldn’t be happier.

  “Stop wiggling,” Camden complained against his chest. Shane grew sheepish.

  "Sorry. I’m just too excited to sit still,” he whined.

  “Be excited somewhere else,” she grumbled.

  Shane gasped in mock outrage. “Camden Elisabeth Shepherd, are you kicking me out of bed?”

  Camden couldn’t help but smirk. It was always easier for Shane to joke during her good week. She was glad they’d been able to schedule this ultrasound during the strongest time of her chemo cycle. She was usually incredibly weak and nauseated during the first week and a half after chemo. By her last week before a treatment, she wasn’t a hundred percent, but she had a little more energy and was in a lot less pain.

  “Only until I get up,” she laughed. “I need all the sleep I can get, and your restlessness isn’t helping.”

  “Fine,” Shane pouted. “I’ll go, but I’ll be back in exactly two hours to wake you.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “Love you, Sunshine.”

  "Love you, too, Hunt,” Camden mumbled before rolling to her side and snuggling her pillow.

  Shane chuckled as he tagged a t-shirt off the floor and slipped it over his head. Leaving Camden to get a couple more hours sleep, Shane headed to the kitchen to get breakfast.


  Javier shoved Brody impishly as they walked through the door of Uncommon Grounds.

  “Dude, I need coffee before I can put up with your shit.”

  Javier laughed. “I’m just saying. Only YOU could get propositioned at six a.m. at a gas station…” He guffawed, hand to his chest, trying to catch his breath. “By a MAN in an Armani suit. Can we say sugar daddy?” Javier was shaking with laughter. “The look on your face, Brody!”

  “Shut up, Javi,” Brody growled before stomping towards the counter. “Stupid Javi,” Brody grumbled. “Made us late and now he won’t keep his freakin’ mouth shut.”

  “Wow, I know it’s been a couple of months, but I didn’t know you’d started talking to yourself,” an angelic voice teased.
r />   Brody stilled his body, but his heart began racing. He turned slowly to face Stella.

  “Hey!” he greeted her, a little too enthusiastically. He was embarrassed by his outburst, but Brody felt like he could suddenly breathe. He hadn’t realized until this moment that her absence caused him to feel as if he was holding his breath, waiting for something. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Well,” Stella teased,” it’s a coffee shop, so I was thinking about ordering some coffee.” He smirked in reply.

  “Yeah, I got that,” he explained. “Last I heard, though, you were out of town for work.”

  Stella smiled. “I just got back this week. After the party in Milton, I went to New York City to plan a wedding for some hot shot, and then I was in San Francisco organizing a corporate retreat.”

  “Wow,” Brody exclaimed. “Sounds like your business is doing really well.”

  “It really is. I think Soirees by Stella might go international next year,” she grinned. “So how are things with you and Tiffany?”

  Brody’s eyes widened. “You haven’t talked to her?” He was shocked. It had been more than three weeks since he and Tiffany had broken up.

  “Tiffany’s not so good at long-distance contact,” Stella laughed. “Out of sight, out of mind, you know?”

  “I could see that,” Brody smirked. Stella’s gaze shifted to something past his shoulder.

  “Javier,” Stella grinned, and the sight of that pure smile caused Brody’s chest to tighten. “Small world this morning, huh?” She gestured to Brody.

  “Actually,” Javier explained, “I’m here with this loser.” He winked at Stella before bringing his gaze to Brody. Javier lifted his to-go cup into the air. “You need to order so we can get on the road, man. Camden will kill us if we’re late.”

  Brody grumbled something about it being Javier’s fault they were late, and Stella giggled.

  “How is Camden doing?” she asked, genuine concern on her face.

  “Still fighting cancer,” Brody replied, his tone morose. Stella looked at him with compassion.

  “We’re headed to meet everyone for her sonogram,” Javier grinned. “Some 3-D or 4-D thing. They’re hoping to find out the gender.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Stella’s eyes watered. Shane and Camden deserved a little happiness. “You guys should definitely hurry, then.”

  Brody nodded. “It was great seeing you, Stella.” He grinned at her. He turned to step back to the counter to order, but hesitated. Looking back to Stella, he caught her eye.

  “About Tiffany,” he started hesitantly, but he stopped, startled by the sudden approach of a tall, muscular man.

  “Sorry I’m late, sweetheart. My alarm didn’t go off, so I overslept,” his deep voice murmured. Brody stood frozen as the large, chestnut-haired guy pressed a kiss to Stella’s lips. Stella blushed and turned to the man.

  “David, this is Brody. He’s Tiffany’s boyfriend.” Stella looked back to Brody, who was still staring in shock. “Brody, this is my boyfriend David.”

  It took a moment for Brody to register that David’s palm was outstretched. Robotically, he shook the man’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Brody.” David chuckled, brown eyes amused. “Wow, Tiffany, huh? You must be a special guy to keep that girl on a leash.”

  Dumbfounded, Brody just nodded his head. Thankfully, Javier came to his rescue at that moment.

  “Got you a latte since you were taking so long.” He looked apologetically at Stella and David. “We really have to get going,” he explained. Javier grabbed Brody’s arm, yanking him towards the door. “Nice seeing you, Stella!” he called as they exited the shop.

  Stella stared after them, a puzzled expression on her face.


  “Eric, put the damn camera away,” Shane griped.

  Eric gasped. “Language, Shane. I am documenting today for Baby Hunt. No swearing,” he ordered.

  Shane held his hand in front of the camera, as if he was a celebrity blocking the paparazzi.

  “You’d better not follow me into this bedroom,” Shane commanded. “Camden could be undressed.”

  “Nothing I haven’t seen before,” Eric said, obliviously following Shane into the bedroom. Shane turned and glared at Eric through the camera lens. Eric held one hand in to the air in surrender.

  “It did nothing for me. I promise.” Eric waggled his eyebrows. “Now, if you on the other hand, want to get naked, let me know.” He smirked. “That I’d pay to see.”

  Shane frowned. “You tell me not to cuss on film, because my child would see this, but you talk about seeing me naked?!?”

  “Hey now,” Camden teased, as she entered the room from the en-suite bathroom. “Get your own hunk, Eric. This one’s mine,” she grinned.

  “Camden, he’s talking about sex and naked people on a film for our baby!” Shane whined. “He’s going to traumatize our child.”

  Camden giggled. “Eric, out!” she ordered. “You can film later. I need a minute with my man.”

  “You got it, Camicake.” Eric winked at her and backed out of the room, camera recording the entire time.

  As soon as the door closed, Camden grasped the front of Shane’s shirt. She thought he looked sexy in his dark-washed jeans and his white button-up shirt. A dark gray beanie covered his shiny head.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Camden murmured, while pulling him to her. “What happened to the excited guy from this morning?”

  Shane sighed. “The closer we get to the appointment, the more I’m worried.” He lowered his head shamefully. “What if the baby is not okay?”

  Camden’s face softened. She understood his concern. Every time she had chemo treatments, she worried about the baby.

  “Dr. Stevens said the placenta protects the baby from the chemo,” Camden said, the words meant to reassure them both. She grabbed Shane’s hand and held both their palms to her belly.

  “I love you,” Shane whispered, staring into Camden’s eyes.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, before their lips met in a gentle kiss.


  Anyone walking past Discovery Ultrasound that morning would have found it odd that two grown men were running across the parking lot at full tilt, but Brody and Javier didn’t care. Javier had sped the entire way to get them there, and they had still barely made it to the clinic in time for Camden’s appointment. Chest heaving, Brody opened the door and hurried into the waiting room. A room full of eyes stared at him gasping for breath.

  “Dude, you need to work out more,” Javier teased, equally out of breath.

  Camden grinned at her brother from across the room. He thought she looked healthier than she had the last time he’d seen her, and he found that encouraging. A silk scarf was wrapped around her head, the pastel design matching her lavender maternity top.

  “You can calm, down, Brody.” She smirked at him. “They are running a few minutes behind. Brody groaned as he staggered across the room to the water fountain, and Camden giggled in reaction.

  “Baby Hunt is going to love this!” Eric declared. Brody and Javier looked across the room at the blonde man, who stood recording the entire scene. “I saw you pull into the parking lot,” he laughed. “Got the whole sprint on camera.” Everyone except Brody and Javier, who were still trying to catch their breaths, laughed.

  “Camden?” A technician wearing stork covered scrubs stepped into the waiting room. “We’re ready for you all to come back.” She smiled and motioned for the group to follow her.

  Shane grabbed Camden’s hand and squeezed tightly. He was nervous, but excited to see their little one in 3-D. They followed the technician to a large room that was decorated in soft blues and pinks. There were two pale blue couches in the middle of the room and a large rocking chair. The ultrasound machine was placed next to the bed on which Camden would recline, and there were cords running from the machine to a large flat-screen television.

  Camden nervously stepped up to
the bed, but Shane reached for her waist and lifted her onto it, kissing her nose before he released her.

  “Awww,” Eric fussed. The couple turned to look at their resident cameraman, and he couldn’t help but laugh at their opposing expressions. Camden’s look was full of whimsy and amusement, while Shane glared at the intrusion.

  Molly walked over to the bed and placed her palm on Camden’s cheek. “Thank you for letting us be part of this, sweet girl.”

  Camden’s cheeks flushed in response. “I wouldn’t have you anywhere else, mom.” She turned to Jack as he approached the bed.

  “Hi, precious,” he whispered, placing a kiss on her cheek. “I’m so happy for you both. And I’m so glad you made me a grandpa.”

  Camden’s eyes watered, and Shane cleared his throat.

  “Thanks for taking care of my girl, Shane.” Jack clapped him on the back and then led Molly to the nearby couch.

  “You ready for this, baby?” Shane whispered. Camden’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “So ready,” she breathed.

  “Alright, I just need you to lie back,” the ultrasound technician instructed. “I’ve got everything set up and ready to go.”

  She smiled as Shane helped Camden lay back and get adjusted. Lifting the lavender top and sliding the panel on Camden’s maternity jeans lower, the technician warned, “This will be a little cold.”

  Even though she was expecting it, Camden shivered when the cool gel touched her belly. She and Shane stare at the little screen in front of them in anticipation of the moment their baby came into view. Similarly, across the room, their friends and family had their eyes glued to the large television in front of them. A collective gasp could be heart throughout the room the moment they all saw Baby Hunt.

  “It looks like a baby,” Shane wondered aloud.

  The technician laughed. “Yeah, they tend to do that as they grow.” She moved the transducer, taking note of the baby’s size.

  “Right on track,” she declared happily. “At this age, babies tend to be about five inches long and weigh about five ounces. Your baby looks like its growing at the normal rate.” She flipped a switch, allowing them to hear the baby’s heartbeat. Brody’s eyes widened, and Jack rubbed Molly’s back soothingly, his teary eyes meeting her watery gaze.


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