Book Read Free

Only You

Page 20

by Kaleigh James

  “Heart rate is healthy, too. Everything is looking good, mom and dad.” Shane grinned at Camden.

  “Look, it’s sucking its thumb,” Molly cried.

  “It looks kind of like an alien,” Javier noted, earning him a slap from Molly.

  “It kind of does, mom,” Brody defended, earning himself a matching slap.

  “Oh, you two,” Molly growled. “I can’t wait until you have your own babies.”

  Brody and Javier looked at each other in horror, and everyone burst into laughter.

  “You guys want to know what you’re having?” the technician asked when the room calmed.

  Shane nodded vigorously. “You can tell?” he asked, his tone hopeful.

  “Sure can.” The technician grinned and moved the transducer to show the area in question. “Sure you want to know?”

  “Yes!” Camden and Shane answered in unison.

  “Congratulations! You are having a girl!”


  Chapter 31

  “Sunshine, wake up.” Camden felt soft kisses being pressed all over her face. “Camden,” the deep voice sang. “Wake up, beautiful.” Camden felt her lips tip in a smile.

  “Why are you torturing me?” she moaned. She felt her shirt being lifted to her ribs and then sensed short kisses trailing her baby bump.

  “Because I have to drive to Jackson for a problem with payroll, and I wanted to say goodbye to you and Lauren.” Shane grinned when he said the baby’s name. They had picked it a month ago, within an hour of learning they were having a little girl. Lauren Elisabeth Hunt…he loved the sound of his daughter’s name.

  Camden frowned and blinked her eyes, her vision slowly adjusting to the light. “You’ll be gone all day?” she questioned.

  “Most likely,” Shane frowned. “I’m hoping to be back by dinner.”

  Camden looked pensive for a moment.

  “Okay,” she replied succinctly.

  Shane looked puzzled. “Okay? No pouting or getting emotional. Just...okay?”

  He climbed her body and stared into her eyes. Camden thought Shane almost looked disappointed. She rolled her eyes in response.

  “Shane, I haven’t been left alone since the moment you found out I had cancer. I was pretty self-sufficient before that, so I think I’ll be okay spending a day by myself.”

  His lower lip jutted in a sexy pout. “I just don’t like leaving you alone right now,” he protested. “Eric is with his dads, so he won’t be here to check on you.”

  “I have a cell phone, Shane. I can call him if I need something.”

  “I guess,” he harrumphed. “Won’t you get bored without me here to entertain you?”

  Camden smirked. “Of course I will, baby,” she cooed. “But I’ll just watch some sexy men on television to distract me from that pesky boredom.”

  Shane growled and leaned into her. His mouth met hers in a hot kiss, leaving her breathless. He finally pulled away, but it was obviously a struggle for him.

  “I really have to go,” he complained.

  “Go, baby,” Camden instructed. “We’ll be just fine.” She caressed her baby bump.

  “Okay,” he muttered. He kissed her softly. “Call me if you need anything.” He pressed a final kiss to her forehead and forced himself to leave the room.

  Exhausted from the pregnancy and the effects of chemotherapy, Camden knew she had no chance of getting into trouble. She would be nice and safe in her warm, toasty bed. She snuggled into her pillow, grasping Shane’s pillow, as well, and pulling it into her chest. She inhaled his scent and moaned. God, she loved that man. Within just a few minutes, Camden was once again sound asleep.

  When the phone rang later, rousing her from her sleep, she was certain Shane was already calling to check on her. Grumbling under her breath, she reached for the phone, not bothering the check the caller ID.

  “Uhh, ‘lo?” she answered groggily.

  “Miss Shepherd, is that you?” came the masculine reply.

  “Dr. Stevens?” she murmured, still trying to wake fully.

  “Yes, Miss Shepherd, it’s Dr. Stevens. Sorry to wake you. I was wondering if you and Mr. Hunt could make it to my office today. We got some results back on your PET scans and blood work. I’d like to go over it in person.”

  Camden scrunched her forehead and rubbed it smooth again with her free hand.

  “Shane’s out of town today, but I can come in,” she replied.

  “Will Eric be accompanying you?” There was too much hope in the doctor’s voice, and Camden cringed at the insinuation.

  “Eric is busy today. It will just be me,” she informed him.

  “Oh dear, I don’t know if that’s wise. We can discuss it tomorrow, if you’d rather,” he offered.

  Camden was getting a little irritated with everyone treating her like a porcelain China doll. She could drive a freakin’ car without hurting herself. She wasn’t an invalid, and she was only twenty one weeks pregnant. It wasn’t like she was due to have this baby any minute. She was an adult who had taken care of herself for years, and people needed to start remembering that.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can, Dr. Stevens.” Her tone was angrier than she would have preferred, but at this point, her self-control didn’t exist.

  “If you’re sure, Miss Shepherd,” he agreed hesitantly. “I’ll see you shortly.” He hung up the phone, leaving Camden bewildered. She climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower.

  After showering, Camden put on a pair of black yoga pants and her Nike slides. She pulled on a t-shirt that Shane had given her that said “Baby on Board” and put on the cap that Eric had knit for her. Stepping out of their apartment, Camden hurried to the elevator. Once she was in the sunshine, she took a moment to relish the warmth of it before hurrying to her car. She hadn’t driven it in what felt like months, but she found she hadn’t missed it. She liked riding in the center of the bench seat in Shane’s truck, tucked underneath his arm.

  It took just fifteen minutes to get to Dr. Stevens’ medical complex, and his receptionist immediately directed Camden to his private office. She sat across from his desk, waiting for him to join her. The minutes felt like hours, and Camden felt a strong sense of foreboding.

  Her fears were confirmed when Dr. Stevens stepped into the office, his face void of any happy emotion. He didn’t even go to his own side of the desk, but chose to sit in the chair directly beside hers. The doctor gently grasped her hands, but when he spoke, his voice was firm.

  “Miss Shepherd, the news so far is mixed. Your pregnancy is progressing well, and the baby seems to be developing as it should be. Your white cell counts are good, but that is probably due to the reduced strength of the chemotherapy regimen.” He paused before continuing, and his expression was apologetic. “Your PET scan results and all our other testing show that your cancer is progressing. It has spread further into your lymphatic system, and the tumors are growing in size. I believe the chemo is slowing the progression, but it is not killing the cancer sufficiently. As Dr. Hyler mentioned, we want to deliver the baby as soon as you get to thirty-six weeks. That would allow us to start the high dose chemotherapy right away. With these most recent test results, I am even more convinced that you will need the high dose chemotherapy to survive.”

  “What does this mean for the baby?” Camden murmured.

  “The baby is doing great, Miss Shepherd. You have a strong little girl. She is going to be just fine. Right now, it’s her mother that I am worried about.”

  Camden nodded in understanding. “So, what is the worst case scenario?” Dr. Stevens hesitated to answer. “Dr. Stevens, I need to know what to expect so that I can be prepared.”

  The doctor sighed deeply and met her eyes. “Worst case scenario, you deliver the baby at 36 weeks, and the cancer has progressed too far for us to beat it. You would have just a few months to spend with your daughter.”

  Camden nodded again, numbness spreading throughout her as she shut down emoti
onally. Dr. Stevens squeezed her hand. “You are not a worst case scenario girl, Miss Shepherd. We will keep on our current treatment path, and you will fight with all you have. You’re stronger than you were two years ago, and even then you were a fighter. You have more to live for now, too.”

  “Dr. Stevens?” Camden’s voice sounded hollow.

  “Yes, Miss Shepherd?”

  “Don’t tell anyone else, okay? They don’t need to worry more than they are already. Don’t tell them the treatment isn’t working.”

  The doctor looked at her, a struggle in his eyes. He wouldn’t violate doctor-patient confidentiality, but he did not agree with her decision.

  “Of course, Miss Shepherd.”

  Camden’s cell phone began to ring, and she slipped it from her pocket. She looked at Dr. Stevens and stood. “I have to take this,” she told him, her voice a discomforting monotone. “Thank you for talking to me, Dr. Stevens.” Lifting her phone to her ear, Camden exited the doctor’s office.

  “Camicake, she’s having the baby!” Eric squealed through the phone.

  Momentarily confused, Camden replied, “Eric?!?”

  “Of course it’s me, baby. You okay?” Giddiness oozed from his voice.

  “Who is having a baby?” Camden asked, completely befuddled.

  “Tori!” he screamed. “Get your ass to the hospital, because I am going to be a big brother!”

  Camden nodded for a moment, still in shock from her meeting with the doctor. Realizing after a moment that Eric couldn’t see her, she finally answered.

  “Be right there, Eric.”

  His tone grew concerned. “You sure you’re okay, sweetie?”

  Camden schooled her tone to mimic that of a living person. She wasn’t sure if she fit that description any more.

  “Absolutely. I’m on my way,” she answered.

  She pressed the end call button and walked to her car. Maybe going to the hospital would be a good distraction. Seeing Marvin and Tim always raised her spirits. Camden checked her mirrors and exited the parking lot.


  Chapter 32

  “I’m worried about Camden.”

  “Me, too, Molly,” Shane replied. “Something has been off with her for the last week.” Shane shifted his cell phone to his other ear as he paid the barista in front of him.

  “Exactly,” Molly answered. “I’m not even there, and I could tell just through phone calls.” Her voice quieted, and her next words were almost a whisper. “It reminds me of the week before she left home.”

  Shane froze mid-stride. “What?!” his voice cracked with emotion.

  "I said it reminds me of the week after you broke her heart, Shane Hunt. Is something going on with you two?” she demanded.

  Shane swallowed. “No. Everything has been great…other than this last week, and even then there isn’t a problem with us. She’s just walking around like a zombie. I haven’t heard her laugh in days, Molly.”

  “That’s what I was afraid of. It sounds just like before.”

  Shane did NOT like the sound of what he was being told – that the last time Camden had acted like this, she ran away for three years. He’d hardly lived through that, but he knew he couldn’t survive losing her now that he’d had a chance to be with her.

  “What do we do, Molls?” he murmured, grabbing his coffee cup when his name was called. “I can’t lose her.”

  “I want to come visit,” she pleaded. “I can come this weekend, stay through chemotherapy on Monday, and then keep her company for a few days afterwards. I’d feel better seeing her with my own eyes.”

  Shane smiled softly. “That would actually be an excellent idea,” he replied. He opened the door to the coffee shop and started to walk down the street. “Javier needs me to help with a big event this weekend at the bar, and I couldn’t figure out how to make it. Would you mind staying with her Saturday and Sunday night while I’m gone? I’ll be back Monday in time for her chemotherapy.”

  “Sure, Shane. That sounds perfect.” Molly sounded encouraged, now that she would be able to spend time with Camden. Hopefully, she’d be able to get to the bottom of whatever had Camden in this funk. “I’ll tell Jack. And Shane?”

  "Yeah, Molly?”

  “Thanks for everything you are doing for her. I’ll see you Saturday.”

  “See you Saturday, Molly.”

  Shane disconnected the call, hopeful for the first time in days. When he’d come home the previous Thursday, Camden was still at the hospital with Eric. He had wondered at her empty tone over the phone, but assumed she was just tired from the long day. When she’d seemed down the next day, he thought maybe it was the emotional upheaval of seeing Tori give her baby to Marvin and Tim, but a week had passed and she was still down. The sparkle in her eyes was just gone.

  Once he was settled in his truck, Shane dialed Javier to tell him that he was able to come to Jackson for the weekend. After he ended that call, he prayed that Molly would be able to work one of her miracles. He wanted Camden back, not the imposter currently sharing his bed.


  Someone was pounding on the front door and Camden wanted to kill them. She had finally fallen asleep in the blissful silence of the apartment. Shane had run some errands, and Eric had gone to visit his dads and then had classes, so she had several hours that she could sleep uninterrupted. Apparently the jerk at the front door didn’t get the memo, because he was most definitely interrupting her sleep.

  For a week straight, she’d been having the nightmare again. She hadn’t had it for six weeks, but it had returned the night of her meeting with Dr. Stevens. She wanted to be logical about everything, and she knew from what he told her that her chances of survival were slim. Unfortunately, that didn’t matter to her heart, which currently was shredded every time she pictured someone else loving Shane…someone else raising her daughter.

  Finally, she had been enjoying a dreamless sleep, but the pounding would NOT stop! Camden slowly rolled to her side and crawled out of bed. It was getting harder to just sit straight from a reclining position, her protruding belly getting in the way. She pulled her comforter around her and shuffled down the hall.

  “Hold your horses!” she called. “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  The knocking ceased once the visitor heard Camden’s demand. Ready to verbally thrash whoever was on the other side of the door, Camden grasped the handle and opened it. She froze as she stared at the voluptuous red-head in front of her.

  “I think you’ve got the wrong apartment,” she informed the woman. The woman’s green eyes flashed with something Camden didn’t recognize and then her gaze slowly traveled Camden from head to toe. A look of distaste crossed her face.

  “I most definitely am at the right apartment,” she stated. “I’ve been waiting hours for your keeper to leave.”

  Camden’s brows scrunched in confusion. “My keeper?”

  The woman smirked and raised her hand above her head to indicate height. “About this tall, blonde, kind of yummy but batting for the other team?”

  “Eric?” Camden clarified.

  “I don’t know his name. It doesn’t matter,” the woman declared. “All that matters is that he is gone now, so that I can talk to you.”

  “I don’t even know you,” Camden replied, more than a little bit confused.

  The woman held out her hand as though she was royalty. “I am Daphne Cruz.”

  Camden cautiously shook the woman’s outstretched hand. Daphne scoffed at the confused look on Camden’s face.

  “He didn’t tell you about me,” she surmised.

  “Who didn’t tell me about you?” Camden questioned.

  “Shane, of course.” Daphne tutted. “I knew he wouldn’t.”

  Camden’s eyes widened. “You’re Shane’s Daphne?!?”

  Daphne grinned. “So he did mention me. I can only guess that he didn’t tell you that I was back in the area.”

  “He hadn’t mentioned it,” Camden admitted.

>   “Boys…always leaving us girls out,” Daphne sympathized. “Well, we’ve got a lot to talk about, don’t we?”

  “We do?” Camden wished that she hadn’t just woken. She felt like her brain still had to turn-on, and her thoughts were sluggish.

  “Of course we do. You deserve to know the truth. For instance, Shane wouldn’t admit it to you, of course, but he never wanted to have children. He told me on several occasions.”

  Camden’s heart clenched. “What do you want, Daphne?”

  Daphne reached her hand to pat Camden’s shoulder. “I just feel it is only right that you know everything that he is keeping from you. Would you like me to come inside? This is such an awkward conversation to have in the hallway.” Daphne grimaced.

  Thrown completely, Camden stepped to the side and allowed Daphne to enter the apartment. Daphne immediately walked to the sofa and made herself comfortable.

  “What is it that you think I need to know, Daphne? Shane isn’t hiding anything from me.”

  Daphne raised a single eyebrow in question. “Are you sure about that? He hasn’t told you that I’ve been in town, and he first saw me six weeks ago.” Camden inhaled sharply. “He also didn’t tell you that he didn’t want kids. But you know Shane.” Daphne smirked. “Always has to do the right thing, even if it isn’t what he truly wants.”

  “You’re wrong. Shane is excited about Lauren,” Camden argued.

  “Oh, he may have come to terms with becoming a father,” Daphne murmured, “but you can’t tell me Shane would walk away from any woman who was having his baby, EVEN or especially if she has cancer.”

  Camden’s stomach turned. “Shane is not with me because I am pregnant, and he definitely isn’t with me just because I have cancer.”

  “I’m curious,” Daphne derided, “did he know about the baby or the cancer first?”

  “The baby, but what does that have to...”

  “Do you think he would have stuck around to learn about the baby if you’d only told him about the cancer?” she asked accusingly. “Shane Hunt loved you once. That’s true. He told me so himself.”


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