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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 21

by Vera Quinn

  The smell of Shelby’s hair helps to keep me calm. She is what keeps me anchored. She has been that for me since I first found out I was pregnant with her. Kendall may not have wanted her since he found out she was a girl but she is my world. I would do anything to keep her safe. I snuggle her close. I try not to squeeze too hard so she doesn’t wake up. I know she senses something is wrong. I am trying to keep it from her. That is what a good parent does for their child.

  The house is quiet. Too quiet. I am just starting to relax when I hear the back door close. Brody must be home. I pick Shelby up carefully so I don’t wake her. Shelby doesn’t sleep in our bed with us so I take her back to her room and put her in her bed and turn on her princess nightlight for her. I kiss the top of her head and tip-toe out of her room. I remember I forgot to turn the monitor on so I go back and turn it on but I leave her door cracked open when I leave. When I turn to go back downstairs Brody is coming up the stairs. He stops when he sees me shutting Shelby’s door. “Why are you still awake? Shouldn’t you be getting some rest after such a long day?” Brody’s voice is flat. He sounds almost cold towards me. I look at his face and I can see the worry and how tired he is. That must be why he sounds so strange.

  “After I gave Shelby her bath, she was sleeping in our bed. I just couldn’t let her out of my sight for a while. I heard you come in so I was bringing her back to her own room.” I feel almost nervous talking to Brody. There is something about him that is unsettling to me.

  “I’m just going to get a quick shower and then I am going to be in my office running down some more leads. I was just coming up to grab some clothes. I’ll shower downstairs so I don’t disturb you and Shelby.” His eyes are avoiding looking straight at me.

  “You’re not going to sleep any?” Brody frowns at me. “You have to get a little sleep or you’ll be good to no one.”

  “I’ll be fine, Gracie. I need to find something, anything to get us one good lead. If I’m not here in the morning, I’ll be at the hospital to see Jilly. I need to ask her some questions to see if I can get her to remember anything at all.” Brody is short and to the point. It’s almost like he is angry with me.

  “I’d like to go and see Jilly. I wanted to take her some fresh clothes and some magazines. I was going to get her some flowers and balloons, as well.” Brody’s eyes hit the floor.

  “You need to keep Shelby away from the hospital.” He sounds like he is telling me I can’t go. I don’t understand what is wrong.

  “Ms. Audie—” That’s all I get out.

  “You can’t keep depending on other people to take care of your daughter. You need to be with her.” My eyes fill with tears. Brody has never talked to me like this. I will not cry in front of Brody. I know he is worried about Jilly and he may be exhausted. Worry and exhaustion. I just need to cut him some slack.

  “Sure, Brody. Whatever you think. I’ll call the florist and do an order over the phone. I can go over to her house and send the clothes and things with you.” I need to do something to help. I feel helpless here.

  “The flower thing will be fine but our family will take care of the rest, so don’t worry yourself. Just take care of Shelby so no one else has to help you.” I don’t know exactly what to do with everything he just said. I just know it made me feel like I take advantage of others. Does Brody think that? What did I do to make him this way towards me? I need to bite my tongue to not retaliate at his words. I just shake my head. I try to pull Brody into me for a hug but he pulls away from me. That hurt.

  I move passed Brody and back into Shelby’s room. I don’t want to sleep in our bed alone. I go to Shelby’s toddler bed and lay down beside her and curl around her. I hear Brody shut our bedroom door and go back down the stairs.

  With Brody a safe distance away I finally let the tears go. I guess I am not the only person that blames me for Jilly’s accident. I know I am being selfish thinking about myself. I’ll just have to suck it up and grow a thicker skin. It’s just these damn hormones. I am stronger than this. Jilly helped me get stronger than this. I have almost drifted off to sleep when I hear voices downstairs. I get out of bed quietly. I see Brody and Shane, one of his partners, in the living room talking. I can see them but they can’t see me by the way they are standing. I know I am snooping and I shouldn’t, but it doesn’t stop me.

  “I think this has to do with Gracie and not Jilly. Jilly was just an innocent person in all this.” Brody tells Shane.

  “Have you told Gracie that or even talked it over with Kaden?” Shane asks Brody.

  “No, Kaden has been busy at the hospital. Kevin showed up and Kaden is running interference. All Kevin is here to do is get the divorce faster.” Brody tells Shane.

  “Why haven’t you spoken to Gracie?” Brody looks at Shane and shakes his head.

  “I am so mad right now if I bring up the fact that Jilly may have been hurt because of Gracie I’m afraid of what I might say to her.” I am shocked. Brody really does blame me. I thought I was being oversensitive. I feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. I should have never come here. Brody is right. Then I hear his voice but I can’t see the man, Rebel.

  “That is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. You blame Gracie when she’s done nothing but come here for protection for her and Shelby. You married her and now you want to put this at her feet.” Rebel is pissed but isn’t he always. He’s taking up for me and I don’t deserve it. “You don’t even know what’s going on yet and you blame Gracie. Real loving there, buddy.”

  “Look Rebel, I only let you in my house to see if you got any new information and I have a favor to ask you.” Brody is trying to hold his temper. Shane is looking at Brody like he doesn’t know what Brody is going to say and Rebel is furious.

  “I don’t think I owe you any favors, Brody. We aren’t friends anymore, remember?” Rebel says in a deep voice that sounds deadly.

  “Shane and I are going to be in and out of here until we catch whoever did this. I need you to keep an eye on Gracie and Shelby. I know you have club members watching the house but I need you to be sure they’re doing a thorough job because I won’t be here much. My family will be taking care of Jilly so Gracie needs to stay away from the hospital. When Jilly gets to come home, she needs to keep her distance from there, too. I told her tonight but I need to make sure she listens. I need to make sure Jilly is okay so when I’m in town I’ll be with her.” I see Shane’s face and he is shocked.

  “Let me get this straight so there are no misunderstandings. You think whoever did this is after Gracie but you’re going to be staying with Jilly. You want me to look out for your wife who you know I’m in love with.” Rebel waits for Brody’s response.

  “I’m not giving my wife to you. All I’m asking is for you to keep an eye on her so I can keep Jilly safe.” I can’t believe what Brody just said. I must have misunderstood. The tears won’t stop. I feel like my heart just broke into a million pieces. I must be strong. I can do this. I want Jilly protected but I need to protect my daughter.

  “So, you’re abandoning Gracie and Shelby for Jilly. The last time I checked, Gracie being married to your sorry ass, made her your family. That means she’s a part of this family of yours taking care of Jilly but you’re going to shut her completely out. How do you think that is going to make her feel? I don’t believe for a second that Gladys, Laura, Charlie, or Kaden know anything about this because they all love Gracie and would never leave her out.” Rebel’s voice sounds low and menacing.

  “I am doing what I think is best for everyone. I just want you to take responsibility for your child. You know the one Gracie is carrying?” Rebel is moving toward Brody. I have heard enough. I go down the stairs. Brody is surprised to see me.

  “Please, just stop.” I look at Rebel and I see his apology in his eyes. Shane has the same look but Brody doesn’t have that look at all. He just has a determined look. “I can take care of myself and my children. Rebel, I am sorry Brody brought you into this. I’ll be fine and s
o will Shelby. Brody do whatever you need to do to take care of Jilly. I will stay away. Just find out what happened and who did this. You have enough to worry about without worrying about us.”

  “Gracie, don’t be so stupid. You need someone to look after you. It’s too risky.” Brody looks at Rebel. “Just quit being so stubborn and do something useful, Rebel.” Another knife to my heart.

  “Brody, you have me all wrong. I will gladly take care of Gracie, Shelby, and our unborn child. I never have a problem with that. They will be taken care of.” Rebel looks at me and then back to Brody. “Gracie is your wife and should be your top priority. Let me take care of Jilly and you protect Gracie.”

  “I think you have done enough to Jilly for one lifetime. Just do what I ask or I’ll get someone else to do it.” I see the determined look on Brody’s face. I look at the clock and see it is ten o’clock. Ms. Audie should be watching the news right now. I go over to the house phone and dial her number. All eyes are on me. The phone rings three times before I hear Ms. Audie on the other end.

  “Hello.” Ms. Audie answers.

  “I’m sorry I’m calling so late but I need to ask a favor.” I say softly.

  “Honey, you know you can ask me anything. What can I do to help?” Ms. Audie is always so helpful.

  “Can Shelby and I stay with you for a little while? As soon as I can find us a place to live I’ll be out of the way, I promise.” I know she hears the desperation in my voice.

  “Of course, sweetheart. You can stay with me indefinitely. Is everything okay?” Ms. Audie sounds so concerned.

  “Everything is okay. Brody just needs to concentrate on finding out what happened and who did it so I’m going to give him some space to do that. I’ll be over in the morning. Goodnight Ms. Audie, thank you.” Problem solved for a few days.

  “Gracie, you and Shelby can stay with me at the clubhouse as long as you need to. I never have a problem with that. I want you both there. I was going to bring Ma in tomorrow, anyway, until we find out what happened. All three of you can be set up there. I just need to take care of a few things tonight then we’ll move you tomorrow.” Rebel tells me. I can do that if Ms. Audie is there with me.

  “I’ll be ready.” I don’t say anything else and I go back up the stairs so I can be with Shelby. I hear one last thing before I enter the bedroom.

  “You are a piece of shit, Brody. You devastated your wife. Are you happy now?” Rebel is completely right.

  Chapter Five


  I am furious with Brody. Yes, I want Gracie as mine but the devastation that was on her face made my chest hurt. I couldn’t stand the look of defeat in her eyes. Brody is blaming Gracie. Maybe he isn’t coming right out and saying it but his actions speak louder than words. I couldn’t be happier about Gracie being under my protection willingly but I can’t stand the pain she is in. I will make her forget this asshole ever existed. No one will harm Gracie or Shelby on my watch.

  All the way back to the clubhouse I have been going over everything we have found out. I know Jade is the one who did all the leg work for this Giles woman. That is on me. I should have dealt with Jade instead of sending her out of town. I never make the same mistake twice.

  The Giles woman is a different kind of crazy. I don’t know what she thinks she can achieve. Her jackass of a son has already signed the papers to relinquish his parental rights to Shelby. I need to have Tip research grandparent’s rights in Texas. Maybe she has an angle there. What else could be driving her? It’s time to take this to the table.

  “Let’s do this. Kaden will be here soon so we need to know where we stand. Table time.” I get up to walk in for the meet and all my brothers follow behind me. Sin waits by the door and takes all the phones and weapons. The prospects will be on alert while we take care of a quick vote. My brothers take their spots so we get this done. “What have we found out?”

  “Jade’s plastic was used in Quitman at the Zip Line Express and the Pack Out. We have eyes on Whinny and Sugar they’re the only friends we know of hers. I worked my magic and her bank account is now empty and I turned her cards in as stolen so she is going to be hurting for money soon. The Giles woman has set her up in a house in Dallas. I have a feeling that something is going down soon. That place is heavily armed and has more guards than an armored truck.” Tip updates us.

  “I have the nomads watching the woman’s place. We haven’t located Jade yet but I have her mom’s house being watched. We are rotating shifts on Brody’s house.” Spinner puts in.

  “I am bringing Gracie, Shelby, and Ma here tomorrow. We need to dispose of our guest.” I look out at my brothers.

  “What is Brody going to say about that?” Salty asks.

  “That asshole blames Gracie for what happened to Jilly. He asked me to keep an eye on Gracie so he can be with Jilly. He’s pushing Gracie away and that is fine by me. Gracie and Shelby are mine, just like I said.” I look for my brother’s reactions. Not a one opposes. “Ma is being brought in for precaution and so she can help Gracie.”

  “That’s a dick thing to do. Gracie can’t help what those bitches did. You can’t fix batshit crazy.” Cue Ball says. He’s got that straight.

  “We need to vote on how much the club is going to be involved and how much to tell Kaden.” I watch all their faces.

  “You claimed Gracie. I vote we are all in. The same way we always are for family. She was pregnant with your kid before Brody married her and you had already claimed her. Until you say it’s done, she’s yours.” Spinner says with determination.

  “I second it.” Sin says loudly.

  “All for voting yes?” There’s not one brother against it.

  “Vote carries. Thank you.” I am relieved. It’s not like I thought my brothers wouldn’t have my back. We are a family and loyalty runs deep with us.

  “Now the Kaden thing. My opinion is to share with Kaden. I think he is at the point he will do what it takes to protect his sister and Gracie. I think he will cross that line for justice but this could fall back on all of us so we need to vote.” I can only say it was the look in Kaden’s eyes that convinced me.

  “Are we going to release this man or put him six feet under? If we’re releasing him, then I’m all for sharing with Kaden. If not, then I vote no. Too risky.” Salty has a point.

  “I agree. Rebel, this would be too easy to come back and bite us in the ass. Brody is going to pull his shit together sooner or later, and then he’s going to want you out of Gracie’s life. Family is family.” Spinner speaks up.

  “That’s what I thought.” Sin said that yesterday and it makes sense the more I hear it.

  “Anything from anyone else?” I look around at everyone. No one speaks up.

  “We can’t afford to let Garrod go. It’ll make us look weak. We’ll deal with him when we’re done with him.” I know we need to send a message to everyone that you don’t fuck with anyone associated with the Demented Revengers MC.

  “There may be another way to handle this.” Tip says. “What if I dig up dirt on our man? Garrod had no problem running down an innocent woman for money. He must have enemies somewhere that he has double-crossed or ripped off. What if we just hand him over to an enemy if I can find one? That way our hands are clean if someone comes looking.”

  “That could work.” Dawg Man agrees.

  “That can get messy but worth a shot. We still have Jade and the Giles woman to deal with.” Spinner says.

  “One step at a time. I need a motion on what to do with Kaden. He’ll be here soon.” I look at my brothers waiting for one to make that motion.

  “I move we give Kaden the information but not the details of how we got it.” Sin is the first to speak up.

  “I second it.” Dawg Man puts in.

  “All for.” Again, everyone agrees. I do, too. “Motion carries. Tip, try to find information on Garrod and keep an eye on the money of the Giles woman and Jade. Spinner, be sure the nomads are keeping an eye on Dallas. Dawg Man
, I want you on Jade. Salty, just to be careful I want an eye on old man Giles and Kendall. I don’t want any more surprises. Anything else?”

  “What about the brothers?” Lingo speaks up.

  “Good idea. Get an eye on them. If we need help, get some from the Smith County Chapter. They’re close enough to help. I’ll give Cap a call to set it up.” I don’t like asking for help but we have markers to call in if need be, and all the chapters of the Demented Revengers MC are always ready to help.

  “I heard Shine done went and got him an ol’ lady. It’ll be good to catch up.” Spinner says laughing.

  “That it will. Let’s all get a beer before Kaden gets here.” I bang my gavel down and we all head out to the bar. Everyone needs a minute to take in everything we just went over. I want a beer and just relax a minute but I see that Kaden is already at the bar with a beer in his hand. Not something I am used to seeing. Kaden is not a drinking man, never has been. I motion for the prospect to bring me one.

  “Let’s take a seat over here so we can talk uninterrupted.” I point to a table in the corner. Kaden walks on over there and sits down. I wait for my beer. The prospect hands it to me and I take the first drink. Cold and smooth. I make my way over to Kaden and sit. I motion for Spinner to join us. He walks over with his own beer and takes a seat.

  “You have any information, Rebel? I don’t have much time. It’s been a long damn day.” I hear a coldness in his voice that isn’t usually there and it puts me on alert.

  “Something else happen to Jilly? Is she alright?” Kaden shakes his head.

  “No change. She’s going to be okay except for this heart thing but we will find a way to cope with it. Jilly is strong and she can do what she needs to. I went home and did some research on it and she can still live a long life, she’ll just have adjustments to make. It’s serious but I know she can do it.” Kaden is right about that. I don’t understand it all but if it is possible Jilly can do it. Hell, if it is impossible she can do it. That woman makes miracles happen.


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