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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

Page 22

by Vera Quinn

  “That she can. I have some information but you’re not going to like it and if you blame Gracie, then you and I are going to have a problem.” I don’t want a repeat of the scene with Brody.

  “What the hell does that mean? If you have information, share it!” Kaden is gripping the beer bottle in his hand tightly.

  “Are you sure you want me to do that? The law could let the assholes responsible get away with it. The Demented Revengers don’t have that problem. Are you sure you wouldn’t just prefer for us to handle it? That way you don’t have to get your hands dirty.” I ask him carefully. I am watching his every reaction, so is Spinner.

  “I’m not here as the sheriff. I am here as Jilly’s brother!” Kaden’s voice has been getting louder as he says it and I can see the agitation in him.

  “Chill, Sheriff. We’re not the enemy.” Spinner tells Kaden.

  “Fuck you, Spinner! I want some damn answers.” Kaden is sitting at the edge of his chair now and he is looking for a fight. I need to get in front of this before Kaden and Spinner go head to head. I put my hand on Kaden’s shoulder.

  “We are here to help you, not start a damn fight. Calm your ass down.” Kaden takes a drink of his beer and looks at me over the bottle. “The man that ran Jilly down missed his target. It should have been Gracie or maybe it was both Gracie and Jilly. We haven’t proven any of this but it doesn’t take a fucking genius to connect it all. The Giles woman withdrew a large amount of money from a private account of hers and a couple of days later Jade deposited a large amount into her account. The man that supposedly ran Jilly down was Jade’s half-brother. Tip is trying to run down the money trail and connect it all, but it fits.” Kaden looks skeptical.

  “How are the Giles woman and Jade connected? I understand the Giles woman wants Shelby but why Jade? What does she have to do with it and what does Jilly have to do with any of it and why would they go after Jilly?” The lawman in Kaden is trying to make sense of the damn women. “And how did Tip find any of this out if the sheriff’s department couldn’t?”

  “Did the sheriff’s department consider financials for the Giles woman?” Spinner asks Kaden.

  “No, why would we?” Kaden answers

  “Kaden, just hear me out.” I look at him and he nods his head yes and takes another drink of his beer. “We couldn’t figure out why anyone would be after Jilly. She has no enemies. She just moved back here. Only Kevin and his new woman could have any dispute with Jilly. Jilly agreed to an amicable divorce, so where is the problem there?” I wait for Kaden to agree.

  “That’s true. Kevin only had property dissolution papers for Jilly to sign. He didn’t want to have to wait on attorneys. He’s in a hurry to get the divorce through so he can get married before the baby gets here. It’s not like they’re arguing over anything. Jilly would have signed the papers.” I agree with Kaden on that.

  “So, we thought of Gracie’s problem with the Giles woman and we got her financials but I couldn’t see her getting her hands dirty. Then I thought about Jade. I sent her packing out of town after the stunt she pulled with Gracie. We found the big deposits in her account. Jade has never had shit. I know her half-brother has a bike.” I know half of this is lies but I am not giving Kaden the real story. I must go with the vote.

  “That’s a lot of ifs and conclusions. It’s not that I don’t think the Giles woman isn’t capable of it but how would she even know about Jade? I wouldn’t know about it if Brody hadn’t mentioned it.” Kaden is right about that.

  “It’s a place to start and I am going with my gut.” Maybe Kaden and his connections can come up with more.

  “I would never blame Gracie for what that Giles woman does or did. Gracie didn’t make her crazy. The Jade thing is on you and not Gracie. I heard what Jade did to Gracie and you sending her away seems reasonable as long as it wasn’t done with force.” Kaden raises his brow waiting for me to respond.

  “Jade got on the damn bus on her own legs. No one held a gun to her head.” The rest Kaden doesn’t need to know. I think she was treated better than she deserved.

  “Then if she is involved, it’s on her. Why would you think I would blame Gracie? That doesn’t even make sense.” I guess he hasn’t talked to Brody.

  “Have you spoken to Brody? He seems to be blaming Gracie. He didn’t come right out and say it but he wants me to watch out for Gracie and Shelby so he can be there for Jilly. He’s also pushing Gracie out of your family. He’s being an ass towards her but that is fine by me. I am bringing Ma, Gracie, and Shelby here to stay until this is settled.” Kaden looks shocked.

  “Brody is okay with that? That doesn’t sound like him at all.” Before tonight I would have agreed with Kaden.

  “I was over there earlier checking things out. Making sure everyone had an eye on them and he asked me to watch over her since she’s carrying my kid. Gracie overheard it and she was fighting the tears back. Brody told me to keep Gracie away from Jilly. He and Shane were setting things up in Brody’s house. I have a guy on each end of the street watching them.” Kaden is shaking his head.

  “Brody is screwing up. Jilly doesn’t want him there. She wants you. Was Tyler there, too?” Kaden looks deep in thought.

  “Cue Ball texted that Tyler showed up and he and Shane left again.” Spinner tells us. I see Tip approaching us.

  “I got that research for the grandparents’ rights in Texas. It didn’t take much digging. In the State of Texas grandparents have no rights for visitation unless they can show the parents are not fit to raise the child or if they helped raise the child. There have been a few times that they get visitation but not very often but the grandparents are the first people they look at if something happens to the parents. Maybe that’s what the Giles woman is thinking.” Tip reads off his paper.

  “So, if Gracie was taken out of the picture and Kendall had signed his rights away, this Giles woman would have a claim to Shelby?” Kaden asks.

  “Yes, if Gracie hasn’t left a will.” Tip answers.

  “Damn.” Spinner says.

  “That trail of yours might not be so far off track, Rebel.” Kaden agrees.

  “Damn crazy-ass woman. It looks like this is going to be a hell of a ride. We need to get something on that woman, fast.” I tell Tip.

  “I’m getting out of here so I can go by the office and see if we have any new leads there. I’m agreeing that there is something here and I’m going with it.” Kaden stands up and stands behind his chair. “Rebel, Brody isn’t thinking straight right now. He’s shocked over Jilly’s health. He loves Gracie and he may be asking for your help now but he’s not going to let Gracie go. Think long and hard before you make a move on your feelings for Gracie. She’s been through enough. Do not play with her feelings. That’s all I’m saying. Think with your head and not your cock.” I understand what Kaden is saying but it is not stopping me.

  “I didn’t start this, Brody did. He knew I had claimed Gracie but that didn’t stop him from marrying her behind my back. I don’t want to hurt Jilly but the feelings aren’t there anymore. Jilly is under my protection and I will help how I can but my priority is Gracie, Shelby, and our child. The way Brody treated Gracie tonight, I think it’s already too late for that relationship and this subject is closed. I don’t get in your business, so stay the hell out of mine.” Kaden knows I am serious.

  “Fair enough. Talk to Jilly tomorrow. She wants to discuss her situation with you herself. If you find anything else, let me know and I’ll do the same. We all want the same thing, to get this asshole off the streets and keep everyone safe. Then we can take care of anyone else involved.” Kaden turns and leaves. I watch him walk out the door and I know this situation is going to get worse before it gets better.

  “Everyone needs to watch their backs. My gut tells me this is just getting started.” I tell Spinner.

  “I’m going to go check on our guest one last time before going home.” I shake my head at Spinner.

  “We all better get som
e sleep tonight. We’re going to need it.” Spinner gets up and walks out of the back door. I finish my beer. Warm beer, not the best thing. I head out to my room to get at least a few hours of sleep.

  Chapter Six


  Brody showed up first thing this morning and I am trying to find a nice way to tell him when Rebel gets here he needs to give us some privacy to talk. I know if I can make Rebel remember how good we used to be for each other that he will realize we belong together. I will never regret the time that Kevin and I had together. He was what I needed at that period in my life but we grew in different directions. Kevin needs the type of woman that is needy. That is not me.

  It is killing me to be in this bed and not out there helping find the person that did this to me. Kevin says I am too independent for my own good and I guess sometimes he is right about that. That is why Rebel and I make sense. One thing, our chemistry is beyond words. In my mind, I always compared Kevin to Rebel. I know that sounds bad even in my head but I couldn’t help it. The two men are my whole experience when it comes to sex. I mean, doesn’t everyone compare sex partners?

  With Kevin sex was good but it wasn’t scream his name until the neighbors beg us to stop good. Rebel, on the other hand, was claw his back until it bleeds good. Just the thought of it makes my heart beat faster. I feel my face getting heated. Thank goodness Brody stepped out to get us some more coffee and to find a newspaper. I need coffee even though the doctor wants me to skip the caffeine.

  To be honest, I just needed some space from Brody. He’s moody and he won’t answer me when I ask him where Gracie is. All he says is she is busy. I know Gracie better than that. Something is up. My mind is all over the place. It’s like I have a sugar high. I need to get centered and figure out exactly what I am going to say to Rebel. I reach for my phone and look at it. It’s only seven-thirty. My door opens and in walks the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on, my Rebel.

  “Morning, sweetheart. You sure have a way of getting attention. Don’t ever scare me like that again.” Rebel makes his way over to the bed and he bends down and kisses the top of my head. He smells so damn good. Not some cheesy smelling cologne just leather and bath soap. I love this smell. It’s all Rebel. It’s home.

  “Good morning, handsome. What took you so long?” He has that sexy grin on his face that I love so much.

  “I thought I would have to fight my way through a whole line of people to get to you. You had a lot of folks worried about you yesterday.” Then the smile falls from his face and I know what is coming and I am glad we are alone. “Why didn’t you share with us about your heart, Jilly? That shit is serious. You have family that cares. That’s what we’re here for.”

  “Sit down here.” I pat the bed beside me. Rebel sits on the edge of the bed. Not exactly what I meant. “Do you want to move up here beside me so you’ll be more comfortable?”

  “There’s no way that little bed is going to be comfortable for both of us, besides that, we need to get a few things straight.” He looks into my eyes closely. “Jilly, I am here for you as a friend.” He takes my hand and squeezes it and rubs his other hand down my face. So tenderly. “You were my first love and you will always own a piece of my heart, but babe, I am not in love with you. I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m just giving it to you straight. That’s the way we have always been and I am not going to change it now.”

  “Rebel, won’t you even give us a chance? I still love you. I think I always have.” I tell Rebel. Trying to change his mind. I just need him to give me a chance. Rebel gets up and walks over to look out the window.

  “How long have you known about your heart condition?” I don’t want to talk about my heart. I want to talk about us.

  “The only thing I’m going to say about that is I have known a few months. It is manageable. I will have to take better care of myself, take some medication, and change my diet. I will be restricted on a few things but I have plenty of time to live, so don’t worry about it. I’m not afraid of what is to come. We have plenty of time for our life together.” Every word I say is exactly how I am handling my heart situation. I know the diagnosis and I know the way to handle it. I am a nurse, after all. I know what I must do and I will handle it.

  “You think it’s that simple? Your heart is damaged. Can you please, just take it a little more seriously? This is your life we’re talking about, babe. We need you to be okay.” I see the concern in Rebel’s eyes.

  “I promise I am taking it seriously. I’m just not going to let it keep me from living my life. That kind of defeats the purpose of living longer if I’m afraid to live, don’t you think?” That’s just the way I look at it. Quality over quantity.

  “Okay Jilly, as long as you know there are people that care about you and it would be hard to face a day when you were not on this earth.” I know it’s hard for Rebel to show his feelings so I am sure how he feels. It makes me brave enough to broach the subject again.

  “You know we would be good together, if you would just give us a chance.” Rebel turns back around and looks at me. I see the determination on his face but I will not give up on this.

  “I am not going to sugarcoat this for you, Jilly. I don’t want to hurt you but I am in love with Gracie.” Rebel rubs his hand down his face. “I am not going to beg her or chase after her but I also am not going to lie to myself or you.”

  “Gracie is married to Brody. They are happy. How are you going to fight that?” Rebel smiles.

  “I’m not fighting anything. You need to talk to your friend Brody about that situation. He’s sending Gracie and Shelby to me to protect so he can be available for you. He’s pushing her away from him and you. He blames her for what happened to you.” That can’t be true. Brody didn’t even mention it. I asked him about Gracie. That must be why she’s not here. Rebel wouldn’t lie to me. He’s honest with me even when it hurts.

  “Brody didn’t say anything. He’s here. I don’t know what’s taking him so long. He went to get coffee and a paper.” Rebel’s face turns angry.

  “What do you mean Brody is here? Who’s with Gracie?” Rebel pulls his phone out and he is texting someone. My door opens and Brody walks in.

  “I went down to the donut store and got you a banana nut muffin and some decaf coffee.” Brody quits talking when he sees Rebel. Rebel’s phone rings.

  “Yeah!” Rebel answers. “Find her now! I’m on my way. Check Ma’s house and Gladys’.” Rebel charges towards Brody. He has Brody up against the wall by the throat.

  “Rebel stop!” I yell at Rebel.

  “Why the hell did you leave Gracie alone? Your damn door was kicked in and Cue Ball can’t find Gracie. So, help me, if she is hurt, I will end you.” Brody doesn’t fight Rebel. Someone is trying to get in the door. Rebel releases Brody, spins him around and Kaden walks in the door. “Gracie is missing.” Rebel says and he walks out. Kaden looks at Brody.

  “Did you leave Gracie and Shelby alone?” Kaden asks Brody.

  “I haven’t been gone that long and I thought she would be fine. She was still asleep when I left. One of Rebel’s guys was outside so I thought it would be alright.” I don’t understand why Rebel and Kaden are so upset with Brody.

  “You said one of Rebel’s brothers. There should have been two. Oh shit!” Kaden leaves too. Brody looks angry.

  “What is going on Brody? Why would something be wrong with Gracie? Where would she have gone and why are you sending her to Rebel?” Brody takes a deep breath.

  “Jilly, we need to talk. I thought I could put this off for a little while but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen.” Brody takes his phone out and texts someone and then comes over and sits on the bed beside me and takes my hand. “We need to talk about us.” I am blown away. There is no us, or is there?

  “Brody, what are you talking about?” I try to not freak out too much.

  “Jilly, I’m going to be with you every step of the way. You have a long road ahead of you with your heart an
d I want you to know I am here.” Brody looks down at our joined hands. “We’re not children anymore. I want to be here for you. I know I shouldn’t have left Gracie alone but I’m sure she is fine. You’re the one who was run over.” Brody looks torn in what he is saying. “Everyone thinks all this has to do with Gracie. I need to keep her away from you until you’re better. I don’t want anything else happening to you.”

  “Brody, if someone did this and it was meant for Gracie she could be in danger. None of this makes any sense. What aren’t you telling me? You should be at home with Gracie and Shelby.” I can’t believe Brody is here with me instead of at Gracie’s side. Brody starts to say something but Kaden comes through the door and he looks pissed.

  “Why would you leave Gracie and Shelby by themselves? You could have called someone. Gracie is on her way here and someone grabbed Shelby.” Kaden looks like he is losing it.

  “Why is Gracie on her way here?” Brody asks. He is on his feet.

  “Gracie was knocked out cold. They kicked your door in.” Kaden is yelling now.

  “Kaden, calm down before you upset Jilly. Where were Rebel’s men? I only saw one when I left but he said last night he had one on each end of the street. Gracie was supposed to leave first thing this morning to go with Rebel.” Brody is pacing back and forth in my small hospital room.

  “Rebel was doing what he was supposed to this morning. He called me at six this morning. Remember, he was supposed to talk to Jilly first thing. I don’t have any other answers. I only talked to the dispatcher.” Kaden’s phone rings and he walks out of the door without another word. Brody follows him. I need to know what is going on.

  Chapter Seven


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