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'Tis the Season: A Collection of Mimi's Christmas Books

Page 49

by Mimi Barbour

  “I’ve been the best girl. Mommy and I are going shopping for more pwesents. You wanna come?”

  Belle stiffened and so did Jack. His eyes flew to her and he waited. She knew he was silently asking for permission and his consideration charmed her into giving an affirmative nod. “You can help me keep this monster munchkin under control.”

  Chapter Forty-one

  Jesse came around the corner just in time to see Jack Foster helping Belle and Layla onto the downtown bus. Flashes of anger consumed him and that made him feel guilty. They looked so happy together which was a good thing.

  Sam wanted to run to them and he restrained the anxious puppy. Once they’d disappeared, the thwarted dog ran in circles and whined his disappointment until Jesse hauled him to his side and bent to pet the shivering animal. “Hey, pal. I know exactly how you feel.”

  Jesse picked the pup up in his arms and slowed his pace in comparison as to how quickly he’d moved earlier. Anxious to see Belle, he’d cut the usual routine by quite a bit.

  Sam’s searching tongue persuaded Jesse to move the nuisance under his arm. Another bus caught his eye and he thought about Belle and the man she’d chosen to spend her time with. He couldn’t believe she’d just taken off with Jack who’d frightened the hell out of her only days before.

  A thought popped in and made a lot of sense. Maybe she left a message with her sister or her dad. He hurried back inside and met with looks of confusion and dismay.

  Harry spoke first and grumbled his distress. “Bloody hell! I wanted to spend the day with Layla and Belle. Why would she leave like that and not include us in her plans?”

  Marilyn, who also looked concerned by their absence, wondered aloud. “She might have had chores to do, maybe Christmas shopping that needed to be done on her own, Dad.”

  “She didn’t go alone. Her brother-in-law Jack went with them.” Jesse’s tone caught both Marilyn and Harry’s attention and he knew he had to control his resentment. He didn’t own the girl, but after what they’d recently shared, he felt as if she owed him a little more courtesy than to just up and leave with no warning.

  Another thing, going out with a man who she’d spurned not that long ago, one who’d ripped her safe world apart, didn’t seem too sensible either.

  From Phil’s last update, he was aware that Jack had come a long way. His medications had been altered and were now working well. It brought some relief, but the worry tearing him apart wouldn’t go away. What if she became attracted to her husband’s twin? Jesse had sensed the innate goodness in Jack, and Belle already admitted that she’d liked the man in the past.

  “Call her and ask her when she’ll be home.” Harry’s insistence brought Jesse’s attention back to the others.

  “I won’t, but you can.”

  “Okay, I will. I only have a short time with them and I’ll be damned if I’ll sit around here while they spend the day without me. I’ll see if we can meet them somewhere.”

  While the other two waited, Harry pulled the cell from his pocket and pressed the automatic dial. He let a number of rings pass before slamming it shut. “She’s not answering.”

  Chapter Forty-two

  Knowing that time had run out and she had no more excuses, Belle sighed and put away the wrapping paper and ribbons. Layla, who’d lost interest in the detailed wrap job minutes ago, waited impatiently.

  “We’re going, honey. You can stop pestering. Grab the small parcel for Auntie and I’ll bring the others.”

  Before leaving to go down the hall, Belle turned on the lamp and went to close the drapes. Since the late afternoon had darkened the room, she wanted to ready it for their return later.

  Shocked, Belle saw the large white flakes and stood spellbound. “Yaya. Come and see. It’s snowing outside, baby. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Yaya ran to the large window and stood beside her. “Oh Mommy, can we go out to play in the snow?”

  “Maybe later, after dinner. We’ll see if grampa wants to go for a walk with us and we’ll take Sam on an outing. Now, we’d better go next door.”

  Guilt ate away at her confidence. Aware that she’d dropped the ball with her family, her conscience had niggled at her all day. Just because she didn’t want to be near Jesse, didn’t mean that she could mistreat her sister and father. If the many phone calls she ignored were a ruler to go by, they were very annoyed. And with good reason.

  When she opened the outer door and called out, three voices rang from the inner room.

  Her father arrived to confront her first. “About time! I was ready to call the police and report you two as missing.”

  Marilyn approached and seemed almost shy. “I’m sorry we couldn’t spend the day together. Did you go shopping?”

  Jesse held back, and it wasn’t until they’d all entered the livingroom that she saw his displeasure.

  Good! Her inner meany had an opinion and it made her grin, or maybe sneer would be closer to the truth. She looked away and focused on the others.

  Of course, Yaya, not aware that Jesse was in the doghouse, ran to him with her arms raised. When he lifted her and gave her a huge hug, she hugged back with enthusiasm and kisses.

  “I missed you, Jesse. Mommy and I went shopping for pwesents and Uncle Jack came with us. He’s nice again. But I didn’t want to be so long—”

  Belle cut in. “Layla. Stop and take a breath. I’m sorry Marilyn, Father. I never meant to be away so long. I wanted to get gifts for everyone and it was crazy-busy downtown. We had to wait in long lines everywhere, and the buses were loaded coming home.”

  Jesse interrupted. “You could have called and I would have come to pick you up.”

  And I’d rather have an appendectomy without anesthetic. Refusing to look at him, she gave him her back. “I didn’t want to bother you. What did you all do today?”

  Harry answered with a droll tone that, from what she’d remembered, meant trouble later. “Called you! Waited for you to get home. We really wanted to spend this time with you and Layla. Now the day is almost gone.” Crabbiness rang through loud and clear and intensified her shame.

  Marilyn stepped toward Belle as if shielding her from the men’s wrath. “It’s Christmas Eve, everyone. Let’s not waste another minute. What were you planning for the evening meal, Belle?”

  “I’ll help you get it ready.” Jesse’s tone brooked no opposition.

  No way would she be stuck in the kitchen with that playboy jerk! “I’d rather have Marilyn’s help. We haven’t had much of a chance to catch up yet.”

  This time her eagle-eye dared him to argue and though she knew he wanted to, Jesse backed down. “Call if you need help. Harry and I will play checkers with this whiz kid who laughs at me every time she wins.” He lowered Layla who now anxiously exhibited her need to be put down.

  “Goodie!” Layla ran to the end table that housed her favorite game.

  Belle followed Marilyn to the kitchen and was ashamed when a nasty thought popped into her head. Does she always have to dress in high heels and outfits more suitable for fancy restaurants?

  Squashing down the green-eyed monster, she tried even harder to be nice. After all, just because Marilyn preferred dresses to Belle’s own choice of well-fitting jeans, whether she liked it or not, Marilyn was part of her family.

  A random thought entered and whipped her stomach into an absolute whirlwind. Pray God that doesn’t mean that one day I’ll be related to Jesse through marriage.

  Intruding on her personal nightmare, Marilyn began. “How did Layla handle all the crowds today?”

  Good, a subject she loved to discuss. Relief made her relax and she poured a glass of wine for them both. Surreptitiously, she watched her sister whose irrational nervousness made her uneasy. Did Jesse tell Marilyn about their affair? No, he wouldn’t. She just knew he wasn’t the type of a man to play and tell.

  Therefore, Marilyn’s behavior didn’t make any sense. Shaking off her unease, Belle took out the potatoes and passed Marilyn a pe
eler while she used the paring knife.

  “You know it’s weird. Ever since the other day—”

  “It’s okay, Jesse told us the story of her going missing.”

  Belle nodded and continued. “The munchkin seemed to sense my worry. Today, both her and Jack stayed real close.”

  Belle went on to describe their trip downtown and began to actually enjoy being with Marilyn, who seemed to have a lot of questions. In fact, they put Belle at ease. Happily, she began to share the best and worst parts of being a mom.

  Then Jesse appeared and all the lovely tranquility disappeared. “Can I help you girls?”

  Marilyn joked, “Who’re you calling girls? Don’t you recognize grown women when you see them?”

  Belle felt Jesse’s glance sear her skin as he answered, his voice husky. “Sorry, my mistake.” He reached for her hand as if he had all the right in the world and she pulled away like a fire had scorched her raw. His surprise turned to a frown and then morphed into anger.

  But what right did he have to be angry? She hadn’t spent the night with another man. Just a day in a crowd with her little girl as her chaperone!

  Chapter Forty-three

  That night, dinner again dragged as Belle tried to ignore Jesse’s pointed stares. Whenever he spoke, she got up to fix something so she wouldn’t have to interact.

  When he directed a question toward her, she’d mumbled any answer that came to her and promptly changed the subject. Finally, to get him off her back, since it seemed he’d taken to riding her just to be annoying, she turned to Harry and started a conversation between them.

  “I’m sorry you’re angry about today, Harry. Layla and I didn’t mean to stay away as long as we did.”

  “I get the feeling that being away meant you didn’t have to share my company. Baby, I’m sorry I was such a rotten Dad, but I’d really like a chance to make up for that by being a much better Grandfather.”

  Belle’s heart dropped from the weight of her shame. She hadn’t thought about how her going missing would affect her father. She took his clenched hand in hers, threaded their fingers like she used to as a little girl and hung on tight. Her eyes begged him to understand as she opened her heart. “Dad, I promise, my staying away today had nothing to do with you. I really didn’t mean to be gone so long. Truly, I’m very sorry we didn’t invite you to come along.”

  Harry’s eyes glistened and he had to clench his jaw to stop the telltale quivering. “Let me tell you, I was heartsick thinking I’d forced my way in where I wasn’t wanted.”

  “Don’t ever talk that way, Dad. I do want you and Yaya’s thrilled to have a… a gwampa.”

  He threw a wobbly smile her way. “She’s a miracle. Says we have to go out after dinner and take that crazy mutt for a walk. Guess the snow is calling to her.”

  “Truth to tell—me too. I love walking in the snow. So, let’s worry about cleaning up the kitchen later and get ready now.”

  Before Belle could make it clear to him that she’d like to keep the trip between her, Layla and her father, Harry clinked his glass with his spoon to get everyone’s attention.

  “We’re off for a walk in the snow. Anyone else want to join us, beside Sam?”

  Belle wasn’t surprised when a short time later they were all wrapped up in mittens, scarves and warm jackets trudging along on the residential street through the growing banks of snow.

  Even Marilyn had changed into slacks and had accepted Belle’s ski jacket to wear in place of her expensive coat. She seemed to get into the spirit and acted very happy when Yaya had taken her hand so they could walk together.

  Flakes as large as quarters fell from the sky in a never-ending cascade of white and silver, enough to delight both the child and the puppy. And truth to tell, it thrilled the adults too who soon began to act like children themselves.

  At one point, Marilyn, looking particularly young and beautiful, decided to show Layla how to make snow angels. While the rest of the adults stood watching them and laughing, the two dropped to the ground where the snow lay pristine.

  Jesse, being such a boy, threw snow on them and slipped when he tried to get away. Arms flailing, he landed beside them. Marilyn rolled over him, shouting. “Stop being a pest.” Handfuls of snow landed on his laughing face. “We’re being angels and you’re being a little devil.”

  Layla, loving the fun, crawled close to his face to give him instructions on how to be an angel too. “Jesse, just put your arms out and wave them. Up and down.”

  He grabbed her and cuddling her close, he sat up, threatening with her with a cold nose rub. Loving the play, Sam leapt into the fray and tried to lick all three faces at once.

  Standing nearby, arms entwined with her father’s, Belle watched their fun with envy and sorrow battling against her good nature. Lost in thought, she didn’t notice that Jesse had snuck toward her. Reaching up he had her in his arms, lying over his knees while the other two were busy again making their angels.

  In a voice filled with laughter, he whispered, “You don’t have to make like an angel. It’s just who you are.” Before she could stop him, he rubbed his cold nose against hers and then hugged her close.

  Tears flooded and had to be choked back. Her body couldn’t seem to stop from convulsing and, not being a complete idiot, Jesse soon picked up on her distress.

  She felt him pull back so he could see what was wrong. His expression scrambled her brains and she didn’t know what to think. Protecting her heart, she looked away and refused to look back. He muttered, his voice rough with resolve. “Okay, that does it. We need to talk.” He held her head so that she was forced to return his stare.

  She swiped at her cheeks. “Not now. I couldn’t bear it.”

  “Tonight. After the rest are in bed. We’ll sneak away and talk, Belle. Promise?”

  “Okay. Yes.” Belle wrenched away from his arms and rolled over so she could get to her feet. He wanted to talk, did he? What could he say? That he wanted another woman? Sweet Jesus, she already knew.

  Chapter Forty-four

  On their way back to the apartment, Layla firmly riding Jesse’s shoulders like a princess who accepted her just dues, was in her element.

  Happy for her baby, Belle refused to think about what had just happened in the snow. The mixed signals she’d gotten from Jesse threw her into a tailspin and she didn’t know if she could deal with any more emotion without a breakdown.

  Feeling physically better didn’t mean her mental state had recovered completely. The strength of will she’d relied on to get her to where she was today had deserted her since her illness and it hadn’t quite recovered. Now, she wobbled between right and wrong. It was right that Jesse find his happiness. But it was also right that she find hers. Too bad it wasn’t something they could do together.

  Back at the apartment, they all pitched in and had the kitchen cleared in no time at all. Marilyn produced the fancy box of chocolates she’d brought with her to be added to the Christmas goodies.

  Meanwhile, Belle helped Yaya decorate a tray with the cookies they’d baked together. Next, they displayed the works on the coffee table in the livingroom.

  Harry decided he made the best hot chocolate and that they all needed to taste his creation. So a tray of Christmas mugs appeared and were soon passed out, marshmallows decorating each drink.

  Jesse, being hounded, finally agreed to play Christmas music and the glowing tree and twinkle lights threw a wonderful radiance of holiday spirit around the room.

  Everyone was in an especially great mood—except for Belle. She worried that her heart, already sore and heavy, had yet to take one more lash of pain when Jesse broke things off between them.

  Not that they had anything serious to end. After all, they’d only been together for two nights—albeit two of the most wondrous nights of her life. But then, men didn’t feel the same about these kinds of things.

  “Jesse, dance with me.” Marilyn held out her hand and forced him to take it. Being a gen
tleman, he had no choice and Belle understood it on one level. On the heart level, all she wanted to do was push Marilyn aside and let her know she was messin’ with Belle’s man.

  “Sweetheart, wanna dance with your ugly old man?” Returning to the moment, Belle noticed that Jesse had picked up Yaya and had included her in his dance with Marilyn. The pain lessened and she took her dad’s hand.

  “I’d love to dance with the handsomest man in the room.”

  They both laughed when Jesse let out a roar of disapproval. “Hey, that hurts!”

  No one heard the doorbell at first. Not until the song came to an end and the bell rang continuously, annoyingly.

  “Who can that be?” Harry questioned Belle and a tiny fear grew. Maybe Jack? God no!

  Jesse went to the foyer and stopped. “Stay here until I find out who it is.”

  Belle heard a man’s loud voice overriding Jesse’s and she quickly picked up Layla and hid her face against her neck. She backed toward the bedroom and waited, not being able to leave completely until she knew that Jesse wasn’t in any danger.

  A man stomped into sight, a stranger covered in snow and looking half-frozen. She still had no idea who he was until she heard Marilyn speak up.

  “Steve? What in the world are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come for my wife, is what I’m doing here. You took off and left no address. By the time I figured you’d be with your step-father and found his name in your files, you’d left there also.”

  “Why did you follow me?” Marilyn stepped closer, her cheeks bright and her hands shaking.

  “To bring you home. I’ve changed my mind, Mari. I don’t care about kids. Without you, kids don’t matter.”

  Marilyn’s smile shone with delight. “You’re too late.”

  “Aww, Mari. Don’t say that.” Steve hesitated.

  “I’ve changed my mind too. I want to have your baby.”


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