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Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3

Page 7

by Helen Bright

  Chelsee coughed before raising her voice and speaking to the crowd.

  “Well, I think as a mediator, that I should call a short break to this meeting. I do believe that there’s tea and coffee being made available in the next room by the wonderful women of the Barrowfield and Rothley Ladies Group,” beamed Chelsee. The room seemed to heave a collective sigh of relief.

  “In a professional capacity, I normally wouldn’t have done that,” said Chelsee as she turned to retrieve her bag from the arm of the chair. “But that awkward bastard wasn’t going to shut up, so I threw something none PC into the mix. Works every time, although I’ve never really had to do that before. Now come on Keeley, lead me to the coffee. I think I’m going to need it if I have to sit and listen to Dave the huff and puff Higgins again.”

  I watched as Keeley led Chelsee towards the back of the room. They stopped to talk to a couple of people on their way, and I turned to see Nik picking up his chair before coming to stand next to me.

  “I feel sorry for Alex and Keeley having to deal with that prick over the last few months,” he said as he nodded his head towards where Dave was standing. I was pleased to see Chloe shrug her arm out of his grasp as she walked away from him. Good. I would have ripped his hand off if he had touched her a moment longer.

  I began to tell Nik about Keeley’s run in with the prick at the last meeting, and her subsequent revenge. Nik was as pleased as I was, and I thought I could see him plotting something similar. Nik had always been like a dog with a bone when it came to things like this, and I dread to think what would happen when he inevitably involved Sergei.

  I excused myself from Nik, and watched him smirk at me a little as I made my way towards where I had seen Chloe disappear. I followed her down a short corridor to the left and watched as Chloe made her way out of the ladies’ bathroom. I quickly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards me.

  “Gregor, what are you doing?” she asked, as I turned the handle on the door next to the bathroom. It was locked. The next door I tried opened up to a supply cupboard, so I bundled us both inside and closed the door behind me.

  I brought my mouth down to hers and kissed her hard. I had wanted to be gentle, but in my head, I could still see that fucker’s hand on her back and the way he had grabbed her before she walked away. I needed to wipe away the scent of him on her skin and clothes. In truth, I needed to fuck her hard and deep and fill her with my come so I could scent myself on her in the most obvious way. But now wasn’t the time or the place. Although I could give her something to think about as she sat next to the butcher.

  Chloe pulled away from me and frowned. “You kissed the woman next to you,” she said angrily.

  “On the hand,” I said defending myself. “You let the butcher touch you,” I countered.

  “I did not.”

  “He had his hand on your back when you walked in. I wanted to tear it off,” I admitted.

  “Gregor that was nothing. And please don’t talk like that.”

  She seemed scared, and it bothered me that she flinched a little when I put my hands on her cheeks.

  “Don’t, Chloe. Don’t ever be scared of me. I will never hurt you, ever.”

  “I just, I don’t know Gregor. Sometimes you can be a little intimidating, especially recently. It’s like something has come over you.”

  “Something will come over me in a few moments, Chloe, and that something will be you,” I said as I took off my tie. I spun her around and leant her against a broom handle which had been placed against the wall. I quickly tied her hands around the handle and unbuttoned her trousers as I kissed and nibbled her neck softly.

  “Gregor, we can’t have sex in here,” Chloe said with a groan.

  “Sshh, Chloe. We are not having sex… yet. I’m going to make you come with my fingers; then I’m going to lick them clean. Are you ready?” I asked as I pulled her panties down below her bottom.

  I could tell she was half about to object, even though the scent of her arousal was thick in the air. So I opened her folds, quickly sought out her swollen clit, and began to rub it firmly. She let out a soft moan, and I pressed my straining erection against her bottom as I tried to seek out some relief.

  I carried on kissing from her neck to her shoulder, desperate to sink my fangs into her throbbing pulsing vein. I felt and heard her breath quicken, and I moved my hand to slip two fingers inside her tight wet sheath as I strummed her clit with my thumb.”

  “Oh God, Gregor, I’m going to come. Please,” she begged although I’m not sure what she was asking for.

  She came seconds later with a low cry and several deep panting breaths. She was truly exquisite, my little flower girl, and I told her so as I kissed and nibbled on her ear.

  Reluctantly I removed my fingers from her dripping sex and brought them to her mouth. “Lick them,” I commanded, and to my utter delight, she obeyed without an argument.

  “Good little flower girl,” I praised. “I’m so glad you like the taste of yourself my darling, as you will be sucking it off my cock later.” I took my fingers away from her mouth and licked them clean. Then I took a silk hanky out of my pocket and cleaned her wet sticky folds, before pulling up her panties and trousers.

  “Um, Gregor, I’m still tied up.”

  “You need to get used to it, Chloe. You will be spending hours that way later,” I told her as I loosened my tie and removed it from her wrists before rubbing them gently.

  This time, when I kissed her, it was soft and gentle and filled with all the love I had started to feel for this amazing woman.

  “So, you like a little kink then, Gregor,” Chloe quipped, and I felt her smile against my mouth.

  “Oh my darling Chloe, you have no idea,” I said, giving her one last toe-curling kiss before I opened the door.

  On opening the door, I came face to face with a woman who had been sitting next to the baker. I assumed from how she had held his hand during the meeting, that she was his wife.

  “Oh!” she said as I walked out of the cupboard with an extremely red-faced Chloe behind me.

  I looked the woman directly in the eyes and told her that she did not see either myself or Chloe in the supply cupboard and that she had just noticed that Chloe had come out of the ladies’ room. When Chloe realised that I was using mind control on the woman to make her forget she had seen us, she gave me a scowl. But even with the scowl, I could see she was relieved not to be subject to any questions from this woman.

  Chloe took her leave and walked away with the woman, without giving me a backward glance. Maybe I should show her later how I felt about that little act of defiance with a well-delivered spanking. The thought did appeal to me and, unfortunately, sent my rapidly softening erection back to life.

  I hung back in the small corridor until I could see people start to work their way back to their seats. Just as I was about to step back into the room, Nik came into the corridor.

  “There you are,” he declared as he stepped towards me. I saw his nostrils flare before a huge grin spread across his face.

  “If you would have told me what you were planning, Gregor, I would have directed you to the office next to the kitchens. It has more room than the cupboard,” he said with a wink.

  “Fuck off Nik,” I said trying to act as if I didn’t know what he was talking about. But I was in no doubt that he could smell Chloe on me. A real disadvantage when trying to hide something from another vampire, as our sense of smell was one of the strongest senses we had, our hearing following a close second.

  “Well, here’s the thing Gregor. The scent I’m picking up is from Chloe and not you, so although I commend you for the fact you’ve proven that you’re not a selfish lover, I also sympathise with your plight. So what do you say to us getting out of this building and into our women as quickly as possible?”

  “I would say that sounds like the best idea I have heard in a long time,” I said with a sigh.

  “Good,” said Nik as he slapped me
on the back. “Now follow my lead.”

  We walked out of the corridor, and I saw Nik stop a portly looking gentleman, and say, “Dougie, you can smell gas. You had better tell someone.”

  It took a few moments to figure out what Nik was up to, but then he stopped a woman that I seemed to recognise and said, “Moira, is it me or can you smell gas in here?”

  The woman stood still and inhaled through her nose looking a bit confused. Nik held her gaze and said, “You can smell gas Moira, and you think you should tell everyone from your ladies group.”

  Moira nodded her head and said, “You are right, Nik, I can smell gas. I’d better tell the ladies group so we can evacuate everyone and get the emergency gas team out.”

  “Good thinking Moira,” replied Nik as he leant down to place a kiss on the top of her head.

  I followed his lead and used mind control on three unsuspecting business owners, and very soon the noise level in the room had raised, as the rumours of a gas leak spread.

  Keeley walked up to Nik and I watched as he whispered a few words in her ear. She then approached the confused council spokesman who had been sniffing the air suspiciously. Within ten seconds he seemed to panic a little then announced, “I can smell gas, so can everyone please leave the building as quickly as possible and do not use the light switch or mobile phones. Oh, and please can anyone who smokes avoid lighting a cigarette until they are well away from the vicinity of the building.”

  Keeley took hold of Chelsee’s arm and led her safely out of the building. I watched as Higgins tried to guide Chloe towards the door, but she shook him off and turned to look for me. She smiled in relief when she saw that I was making my way towards her.

  Nik followed Chloe and I out of the door, and as a few people were already making their way to the car park across the road, I heard the councillor shout, “We will reschedule tonight’s meeting. I will let everyone know by email, and I will include the matters discussed earlier tonight. Have a safe journey home everyone.”

  “I do feel a bit sorry for him, Gregor,” said Keeley. “He will have to stay here until the gas board come out and deem it safe.”

  I walked up to the man and said, “I didn’t smell gas, and you didn’t smell gas, but after that man Higgins approached you and said he could smell it, you became worried. You think he started a rumour to get people out of the building as the meeting wasn’t going his way. You are so angry with him that you wish you could ban him from the next meeting.”

  Nik and Keeley quickly caught on and used their natural vampiric skill of mind control to get everyone to think on the same lines. Unfortunately, Chloe had witnessed this and looked mightily pissed.

  “I don’t like it when you do that Gregor. I get worried that you could be doing it to me, and I wouldn’t know.”

  “I do not need to use mind control to get you to do anything Chloe,” I whispered. “I have other skills I prefer to use on you to make you more compliant.” Chloe was just about to rebuke my statement when Higgins approached us.

  “Chloe, everyone has decided not to go to the pub tonight, so if you want, we can grab a bottle of wine and ...”

  The low growling sound I made seemed enough to cut off whatever proposition Higgins was about to make. Keeley stepped towards us and told me she was taking Chelsee home so they could have a catch-up, which left me free to take Chloe home.

  Higgins didn’t seem to like the sound of that and once again put his hand on Chloe’s arm. Before I could reach the slimy fucker, Nik stepped in front of me and blocked my way.

  “Not here Gregor, he’s not worth it,” Nik said as he used his chest to shield Higgins.

  “Get the fuck away from my woman,” I yelled at Higgins. Obviously, the man had a death wish as he once again tried to touch her.

  “She’s not your woman, you stuck up Russian bastard” he countered.

  We had quite an audience by now, so although I felt like picking the irritating man up by his throat and squeezing the life out of him, I kept what little I had left of my control and turned to look at Chloe instead.

  “Come home with me Chloe,” I demanded. I thought for a moment she would deny me as I saw her bristle at my high-handed demand. But I followed it by softly saying, “I need you.”

  Chloe pushed Nik to the side and stepped into my waiting arms. I placed a gentle kiss on her lips, then on the tip of her nose before taking her hand and leading her to my SUV.

  Before Higgins could hurl any insults our way, the councillor went over to him and started yelling about all the trouble Higgins had caused by spreading rumours of the gas leak. I didn’t look back. I didn’t need to. I knew that Nik, Keeley, and Chelsee had things under control.

  No wonder I felt more at home in this place. I had everything here that I hadn’t known I needed, and it would be even harder when I had to go back to Russia. Unless, of course, I could convince my little flower girl to come back with me. But I knew the outcome of that could very well depend on what happened at my home tonight.

  Chapter Twelve


  We made the short journey to Gregor’s home in silence. There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but the sexual tension in the vehicle was so high, I felt as If someone had removed the oxygen out of the air. By the time, we pulled up outside the Manor my heart beat fast, and my breathing was choppy.

  Gregor left the vehicle, and as he always did, came around to open my door. Tonight, he lifted me out of the vehicle, but kept me a short distance away from his body. When I tried to pull him closer, he said, “Don’t Chloe. If you touch me, I will fuck you where we stand, and I need to show you something tonight. I need to be sure you can accept me for what I am, and for all my needs.”

  He sighed heavily and for all his confidence and cockiness he displayed earlier, I could tell he was nervous. Vulnerable even. And it made me want to hold him even more.

  “What did you mean when you said I was your woman, Gregor?” I asked as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

  “I meant just that. You are my woman Chloe. I recognise you as such. I pursued you without fully realising what you meant to me at first. But in doing so, I managed to fall in love with you anyway, and I want you to agree to be mine.”

  “I don’t understand, Gregor,” I said as I swallowed nervously. I think I more than understood what he meant. But how could he mean it when we hadn’t been in a committed relationship or any sort of relationship, other than being friends?

  “You doubt me, Chloe. Why do you doubt me? Have I ever not been honest with you? When an immortal finds the one they recognise as being theirs, there is no mistake. I feel blessed that it is you moya malen'kaya tsvetochnitsa.”

  Oh wow! With him looking at me with such love in his beautiful blue eyes, and then calling me his little flower girl in Russian, I couldn’t help but want him. Right here, on this remote tree covered driveway.

  Gregor’s eyes seemed to grow wider as his nostrils flared. I knew that he could sense how aroused I was, but in this instance, it wasn’t a bad thing. It meant I didn’t have to let him know how much I craved him right now.

  I expected him to push me up against the SUV, or on top of the cold, hard, pebbled drive. Instead, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking back at me with a sexy smile. He held out his hand and said, “Come with me, my darling. There is something I want to show you.”

  I may have pouted a little, as well as letting out a disappointed sigh. This just made Gregor laugh, as he tugged me along with him through the huge oak door of the Manor.

  Gregor began to tense a little as we approached a door I hadn’t noticed before. He took out a key from a pocket in his jacket, and the door opened with a slight creak. “After you,” Gregor said as he motioned me inside and onto what appeared to be a stone stairwell.

  He closed the door behind him and after pressing a couple of light switches, he followed me down the steps. I thought we were going to look at his wine cellar, but when I got to the
bottom step, I stilled in shock.

  I wanted to say something, but I found myself suddenly mute. All around the room were exquisitely carved oak …. Well, I wasn’t sure what to call them. I had noticed the St Andrews Cross first of all, but as my eyes slowly wandered around the room, I noticed that every piece of what I could only describe as sex furniture had leather straps and cuffs.

  “Say something, Chloe,” Gregor said anxiously.

  “It’s sex furniture,” I almost whispered.

  Gregor nodded, then held out his hand to me. I placed my hand in his and looked down at them as he wove his fingers through mine. I don’t know what I was looking for. It was the same hand that touched me in the cupboard at the community centre earlier. The very same hand that had caressed me so gently last night as we made love. But I began to see this hand being used for different purposes in this room, and although I wanted to appear strong and confident, I couldn’t stop myself from starting to tremble a little.

  Gregor pulled me towards him, then cradled my face in his hands as he tilted my head up so I would look at him.

  “Don’t be scared Chloe, you know I won’t hurt you,” he almost whispered. Like he was trying to calm a scared animal.

  “But you will hurt me, Gregor. You want to strap me into some of that sex stuff, and as soon as I can’t move, you will want to hit me with something. Well, I’m sorry, Gregor that’s not going to happen. Not to me, not again.”

  “What do you mean, Chloe? Have you experienced something like this before?”

  “No, nothing like this. I…. I need to go,” I told him as I tried to pull out of his arms. But he held me tight to his body.

  “Who hurt you, Chloe? Was it your ex-husband?”

  “No, it wasn’t Craig. He was as gentle as a lamb.”

  “Tell me who put this fear in your eyes, because I know it wasn’t me. I have never caused a woman pain unless it was in a room like this and was specifically requested by her beforehand. You must believe that Chloe.”


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