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Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3

Page 8

by Helen Bright

  I could tell deep down that Gregor was being sincere, but I was too nervous at the moment to listen. All I kept doing was scanning these wooden contraptions and visualising being held, unable to move so I couldn’t defend myself.

  I started to feel clammy and lightheaded as memories I tried to keep suppressed began to surface. Gregor caught me as my knees gave way. He picked me up and carried me to what looked like a huge grey chaise, which was placed against a wall at the side of the room.

  Turning me slightly in his arms, he began to cradle me like a baby. I shivered slightly, and Gregor took a silver grey fleece from the back of the chaise and wrapped it around me, before holding me close again. He placed gentle kisses on my forehead, eyes, the tip of my nose, and then on my lips. I could tell he was desperate to ask me questions, but I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to relive the horror that had once been my life.

  “I know you don’t want to tell me about it, Chloe, not just yet. But you can trust me; you know this. I would never hurt you. You are more precious to me that anything on this earth. I would kill anyone who ever hurt you without a second thought. You are mine, my love, for always.”

  “You talk about me like I am a possession. That’s what he did. I don’t like it. I won’t be anyone’s possession ever again,” I said, as defiantly as I could while wrapped in a blanket being cradled like a baby.

  “And you are talking about possession only going one way, my love,” he said as he ran the tip of his nose down the side of my face.

  “But you would also possess me. I would be yours. You would own me heart and soul, as well as everything else I possess. We would share eternity together, and raise a family if you wished it. But throughout it all, I would never hurt you. I could never raise a hand to you or any women in anger. That type of behaviour is abhorrent to me and most everyone I know.”

  “I believe you, Gregor. I just, I didn’t expect this,” I gestured around the room. “I don’t think I would like to be strapped onto one of those contraptions. Earlier in my shop, you said I would be bound and at your mercy. I thought you meant you wanted to tie me up during sex. With your tie, like you did at the meeting. Not one of these contraptions you have down here with the built in wrist and ankle restraints.”

  “But what’s the difference, Chloe? You are just being bound by different material. A silk tie. Leather cuffs. They all serve the same purpose. Why would one scare you above the other?”

  “Because I’ve read the books, Gregor. I know what goes on once you have someone bound against something like that. You hit them, or whip them, and they can’t get away.”

  “You keep talking about hitting Chloe. So someone hit you. What with?”

  “He didn’t need anything more than what God gave him. But I don’t want to talk about it anymore, Gregor. I just… I don’t know what I need right now.”

  “What if I said that the purpose of these machines was for pleasure only. That there would be no contact other than kissing, caressing and the sexual act itself.”

  “So you wouldn’t want to hit me with anything?”

  “Do you see anything I could hit you with?”

  I looked around the room again and shook my head. I expected to see whips and floggers somewhere in the room, but there wasn’t anything of the sort.

  “I won’t lie to you, Chloe; there are several implements hidden away in here that can be used to cause both pain and pleasure. But they will stay hidden if you wish. Your pleasure is all I want to experience tonight and every night. And most mornings too, plus a quick tumble whenever we can throughout the day. Certainly something naughty during meetings at the community hall,” he laughed.

  He was so handsome, but even more so when he laughed. Gregor had a strong jawline and perfectly sculpted cheekbones. Although he was gorgeous, he could look quite hard and intimidating. But when he laughed or even gave a smile, his features captivated you. His blue eyes sparkled and crinkled slightly at the corners, and it seemed like he had cast a spell on me at that moment.

  “You can say no to me, Chloe. I would never make you do something against your will. But would you let me give you pleasure in this room tonight? I will not bind you down, and you can say no to anything I suggest. But let me try and dispel some of the fear you have shown about the contents of this room. Please.”

  I looked around the room one last time and tried to view its contents differently. Now that I didn’t have fear keeping my chest in such a tight grip, I could relax in Gregor’s arms and fully appreciate the workmanship in this furniture. The wood looked like highly polished oak with intricate carvings around some of the edges. They looked like letters of some sort.

  “What does all that writing say, Gregor,” I asked. He stood up and let the blanket fall from my arms.

  “Come, my curious little flower girl. Let me show you.”

  I took his hand, and he led me to the St Andrews Cross. I could see close up that the letters were in Russian.

  “It’s written in Cyrillic,” he said as he placed my hand over the carvings and ran it down along the edge. “This says with trust comes pleasure.”

  Taking my hand, he began leading me over to what looked like my school gym horse.

  “Are those wires?” I asked, as once again Gregor ran my fingers over Cyrillic letters.

  “This says to give pleasure is to receive pleasure. And yes, those are wires. Most of this furniture can be altered mechanically to suit the Dom and the sub. I have them made to my own specifications.”

  “How many women have you had down here, Gregor?” I asked sharply, feeling a slight pang in my chest at the thought of Gregor placing other women in them.

  “Keeley and Freya have seen this room when their inquisitiveness won out. But I have not had any women in here for sexual purposes. You would be the first and only one, that is if you decide you would like to try it. But there will never be any pressure from me, Chloe. The decision is yours.”

  I looked around at the other items in the room. Carefully taking in what looked like the least threatening pieces.

  “I don’t think I would ever want to use the stocks,” I said, pointing towards them. “And that thing next to them looks way to complicated.”

  “Ah, you mean the swing. I assure you, Chloe, once you get the hang of that particular item, the pleasure you feel will be out of this world,” Gregor almost whispered, against the back of my ear, before running his tongue down the side of my neck.

  “What about this one. It looks like something we used at school for gymnastics.” Of all the furniture it this room, I thought that this looked the least threatening.

  “You made an excellent choice for your first time in an environment like this, my darling. I’m sure we can do something special here without using the restraints. For the moment anyway.”

  He began to lift up the lightweight lemon sweater I was wearing, and I raised my arms to aid in its removal. I expected him to go for my bra next. But instead, he chose to remove the linen trousers I was wearing. He tossed them to the floor along with my sweater, and I couldn’t help but think how badly creased they would be later. Ridiculous really, to be considering my poor clothing choices, when I was standing in my undie’s, in what for all intents and purposes was Gregor’s Dungeon.

  “Chloe you need to let go of whatever thoughts are distracting you at this moment. Don’t think, just feel. Feel the reaction on your skin when my hands trace over the edges of the pretty white lace of your bra and panties,” Gregor said as he traced every inch of skin around my underwear, leaving goose bumps along wherever he had touched.

  “Tell me, Chloe, did you wear this see-through lacy underwear to entice me? Because it is enticing to look at you just now, my darling.”

  I watched as Gregor walked all the way around my body until he was once again in front of me. He reached out with both hands, pulling at my nipples through the lace of my bra, before lowering his right hand down and tugging slightly on my pubic hair through my

  “I think you wanted me to see how your rosy-brown nipples look as they are kept confined in your bra. And how the brown hair covering this moist warm heaven looks, as it pokes through the patterned lace of your panties.”

  His voice sounded soft and kind of melodic as he gazed at my body. Suddenly he stepped forward and closed the distance between us, and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. It wasn’t hard and punishing, but it wasn’t soft and delicate either. It was a perfect combination of both, and when his tongue flicked against mine, I felt my body go weak and pliant against his.

  But that didn’t stop him. If anything, it made him take the kiss one step further, as he ran a hand along my spine, pausing a little around my bra before reaching down to grab my bottom in a firm grip. I felt him slip his hand inside my knickers before lowering them down my legs so I could step out of them.

  When I moved, I felt my bra slip forward and realised he must have undone it as he caressed my back. I now stood naked in front of him, but as I took a glance at the wooden and leather furniture, I realised some of my nerves had been replaced by anticipation.

  Gregor stood, picked me up and sat me down on top of the gym horse. There were wooden handles next to the cuffs over the back of the horse, and Gregor whispered “Lean back slightly and grab the handles.” Once I had done so, he lifted my legs and opened them wide, exposing everything I had to him.

  For a moment he just stroked my inner thighs with both hands, running them up and down without letting them meet in the middle like I was so desperate for.

  I had become so wet at this point, and I could feel it cooling slightly against my opening. Gregor dropped to his knees and placed his hands under my bottom, lifting me to his face, before burying his tongue deep inside me. I screamed in pleasure and tried to push against his tongue, but Gregor stayed as he was for a few seconds, controlling my movements with his firm grip.

  When I was just about to beg for him to move, he seemed to curl his tongue slightly, rubbing it against the sensitive spot inside me that made me pant and moan. I could feel an orgasm start to build, but before I could climb any higher to reach that desired peak, Gregor removed his tongue.

  “No, please,” I groaned as I watched him sit back on his heels.

  “Patience, my beautiful flower girl. You will get what you need tonight, and so will I. But there is no hurry; we have all the time in the world to do so.”

  Before I could process his words, he leaned forward again and fastened his mouth around my clit, flicking out his tongue in hard firm strokes until I felt the build up to orgasm race through my core. Just as I was about to hit my peak once again, Gregor sat back on his heels.

  “Oh god, Gregor you have to let me come, please,” I yelled, both horny and angry at the same time.

  “Do I, my darling?” he smirked, but before I could say anything more he leaned forward and seemed to bury his face in my whole sex.

  He licked and sucked on every part like a starving man eating his first meal in days. This time, the orgasm came speeding towards me like a high-speed train, but Gregor tore his face away from my body before that train could reach its destination.

  “No,” I screamed, so frustrated at this moment in time that tears escaped me.

  Before I could do anything, Gregor commanded, “Let go of the handles, Chloe.”

  As soon as I did so, Gregor flipped me over, placing my arms and upper body over the leather top. My legs were pressed against the wooden structure and once again, Gregor demanded that I hold on to the handles. My knees were resting on padded leather that was cool at first, but then began warming to the same temperature of my skin.

  While my orgasm starved body was relatively comfortable in this position, my mind was not. I began to imagine how bad my dimpled thighs looked and how huge my bottom must appear from this position. But before I could start to protest, I felt Gregor’s tongue trace my cheeks before kissing each one.

  “I fantasised so many times about seeing you bent over, naked, and bound to this machine. But the true vision I have before me appears even more satisfying than I had imagined,” Gregor said, as though he was awed by what he saw.

  Impossible. Cellulite did not inspire awe.

  “Gregor, my arse and thighs are too fat to fantasise over.”

  “My darling Chloe, I know that physical discipline is not on the agenda tonight, but I could spank your ass so hard for doubting me, and for doubting how fucking sexy you look right now. If you only knew how many times I had to take myself in hand to get some relief after imagining you like this. Since meeting you, I haven’t been able to look at another woman in a sexual way. You have ruined me for any other.”

  He sounded so sincere as he said that. His lips were moving softly against my ear as he leaned over my body, his erection a hard pulsing rod against the cleft of my bottom.

  Gregor turned my face to his slightly so he could kiss me, melting away the last semblance of fear and self-doubt that I had harboured for many years.

  Oh, how this man could kiss. If there was ever a kissing manual, I’m sure Gregor Antonov wrote it, being the expert that he was. There was no doubt in my mind I had fallen in love with him. The thought didn’t scare me. Instead, it felt freeing, which is strange, because love ties you to the very person or thing that holds your affection. Nonetheless, I still felt free, and also ready to place my trust in the man I loved.

  “Gregor, would you still like to bind my hands?” I asked when I pulled my mouth from his. Gregor stroked my cheek as he looked into my eyes.

  “If you would like me to use the cuffs next to the handles you are currently holding then I will. But I will apply them loosely, so you don’t feel so restricted.”

  I nodded my head, and Gregor kissed me once again before he got to his feet and came to stand in front of me. He ran his hands up and down my arms before taking each of my wrists and fastening them loosely inside the cuffs, just as he said he would.

  I raised my head and looked into his eyes and the smouldering look that I saw in them once again made wetness gather over my sex.

  He slowly began to unbutton his shirt revealing the hard set of abs covered by a trail of brown hair. After throwing his shirt to the side, he began to unbutton then unzip his trousers, keeping his eyes locked with mine the whole time. When he began to remove his trousers and boxers, I chanced a look down so I could admire his erection and I licked my lips in anticipation.

  Gregor stepped forward, took his granite hard cock in his left hand and tapped me on the cheek with it before saying in a raspy voice “Open.”

  I opened my mouth, and he pushed inside repeatedly, going slightly deeper each time, until I felt myself gag as he hit the back of my throat. He stilled for a moment, telling me how utterly beautiful I looked just now, and how much he adored me and the strength I possessed to be able to overcome my fears; and how much it meant to him that I had given him my trust.

  I felt more saliva gather in my mouth as Gregor started over again, only quicker this time.

  It felt so different this way, without the use of my hands. I couldn’t control the act, yet for some strange reason I didn’t fully understand, I found the whole thing so empowering. Maybe it was because I had this powerful man/vampire panting, and throwing his head back in utter ecstasy because of what I was doing to him? Or maybe it was just because as Gregor had said before, I didn’t have to think, I just needed to feel and allow someone else to control what happened.

  I would never have thought I would ever be able to do that again, but here I was surrendering to a man who was deserving of my faith and trust.

  Gregor loudly hitched in a breath as I felt his balls draw up towards my chin, and I thought he would come, but he didn’t. Instead, he stilled once again before withdrawing from my mouth. He then knelt in front of me as he kissed me hard, thrusting his tongue in and out of my mouth like his cock had been moments before. I tried to grind my clit against the wood of the furniture; my hard nipples were pr
essing into the leather that my upper body was spread over. I was so desperate for sexual release right now, that I didn’t care what I did as long as I could come.

  “I want to bind you tighter so you can keep in position when I fuck you hard. Do you want that Chloe?”

  I nodded my head as I tried once again to build up the friction against my clit.

  “That won’t do, Chloe; I need to hear you tell me exactly what you want.”

  I knew what he was trying to do, but God help me if I just didn’t care at this moment in time. So I gave in willingly.

  “Bind me tighter, Gregor, do whatever you want as long as you make me come, please.”

  “I love you, Chloe,” he said as he tightened the leather cuffs. Then he stood and picked up what looked like a little box, before walking behind me and kneeling. I was just about to try to push back against him, when I felt the padded leather beneath my knees begin to lift, raising my body higher.

  I realised the box was a remote control that Gregor was using to get my body to a height that made it easier for him to fuck me in this position. What I didn’t expect was that after he was done lifting me, he would use the remote to spread the knee rests wide apart, fully baring my sex to him.

  “I’m going to bind your legs to the knee rests, so you don’t slip as I thrust. This is for your safety and enjoyment, Chloe, so that you can fully give yourself over to orgasm without the fear of falling. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I said expectantly. The words thrust and orgasm seeming more important than bind at that moment.

  Gregor worked quickly to secure my legs then pressed his body against mine. I expected him to push inside me straight away, and wanted him to do so with everything I had, but he didn’t. Instead, he placed soft kisses all over the back of my neck and shoulders and ran his hands all over my body.

  My sex felt heavy and was throbbing with a need so great, I was on the verge of orgasm without even being touched there.

  Because my knees were bound and separated, I couldn’t even get relief by closing my legs as I clenched my internal muscles together. When Gregor finally placed the head of his cock where I needed it most and thrust inside, I immediately spiralled into an orgasm so strong I began to sob with relief.


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