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A Table for Three: New York, Book 1

Page 6

by Lainey Reese

  Cade told the sales clerk they had all they needed for now and sent her to box everything. Then he looked at Trevor. They had sat through this for hours, being tortured by seeing her in one sexy get up after another. Legs and luscious ass showcased one minute and then that mouth-watering rack of hers displayed the next. She’d twirled, posed, and flirted with them without a bit of shyness. It had been like a red flag dancing in front of a couple of bulls. Then she’d gone into that damn changing room and hadn’t come back out. Within a few short moments, they heard the rustling and slightly wet sounds that could only mean one thing. Her soft sighs confirmed what didn’t need confirmation. At first, the image that came to his mind of what she was doing and how she must look doing it was so hot he’d been shocked into silence. Then he recognized the sounds that indicated she was about to come, and he had managed to croak out her name in warning.

  Trevor had to clear his throat and brace his hands on his knees. He opened his mouth to speak, but only a groan came out. He couldn’t remember being this turned on in his life. The little vixen was going to pay for it. They were in a public place. Not that the public part concerned either Cade or him very much. It was the security cameras everywhere that prevented them from being able to deal with it here and now. Oh yeah, she was going to pay for this big time.

  “Get out here, little one,” he managed to get out after a couple of deep breaths to clear his head. “Now.”

  “Um, okay,” Riley said meekly. Both men ground their teeth. She peeked out at them before opening the door all the way and coming out. She was back in her red party dress, the ruined straps tucked out of sight. It made the front keep slipping and show her bra, but since the men seemed to like that she tried not to let it bother her. As she got closer to them, she noticed that they were not shocked and repulsed as she had feared they would be. Instead, they looked aroused, and angry. Not mean angry, but intense angry. Uh-oh.

  Riley flushed with the awareness that she was going to pay for this, and pay for it with a vengeance. Quick as lightning, each man grabbed onto a wrist and bent her forward until her eyes were on a level with theirs.

  Cade spoke, his voice the deep gravel she had learned meant he was highly turned on. “I thought you understood. That is ours. You need to come; you come to us to do it for you.”

  Trevor tugged to get her to look at him. “You are going to get punished for this. For turning us on like this in a place where we can’t do anything about it.”

  Riley didn’t say anything because there was nothing she could think to say. But her whole body was humming like a tuning fork and, if they thought their words were scaring her, they were in for disappointment.

  They each kept a grip on her wrist as they walked through the store to pay for Riley’s clothes. Cade dropped her hand long enough to complete the transaction and order everything delivered to his place. Then he grabbed her again, and they marched her out the doors.

  Trevor looked to Cade and said, “The townhouse is closest.”

  Cade shook his head and answered, “The little tease likes public displays of affection. I say we give her one.” Riley stopped dead in her tracks and almost stumbled to her knees because they just kept walking. “Wait. No. I do not. Not like that.”

  She started tugging in earnest because they didn’t seem to be paying her any mind. “Hey! That’s not fair. I don’t know what came over me. Sheesh. I haven’t known what’s come over me since I met you two. It’s just that I was looking at all the love bites and then I started thinking about the shower and well…well it just kind of took over… I swear I didn’t even realize I was touching myself until you said my name, Cade.”

  Both men stopped, and Cade swept her up in a furious kiss while Trevor grabbed a handful of her ass and kneaded. Cade broke the kiss and spoke nose to nose with her. “We know that. Why do you think we’re so turned on?” They started walking again.

  “But but…then I’m not getting punished right?”

  Trevor shot her a look full of fire. “Of course you are. You need to learn to control yourself and wait for us.”

  Then they turned and took her into a restaurant.

  Chapter Six

  It was a dark, classy place with a candle on every table and the rich spicy smells of Italian food filled the air. A maître de hurried over and spoke in rapid Italian to them, a big simpering grin on his face. Riley thought she would fall over when Cade answered back in the same language.

  They were led to a table in a back corner booth. She was surprised when the two men sat side by side after they seated her on the outside curve of the booth. Her mouth fell open again when Trevor ordered for them in Italian just as fluent as Cade’s had been.

  “Don’t look so surprised, Riley,” Cade said to her. “Remember we went to the same schools.”

  “Oh, yeah. That makes sense.” Riley looked around and didn’t quite know how to ask what she was thinking. After fidgeting for three endless minutes while they stared at her from across the table, she broke. “Would you guys tell me why I’m way over here? Is this part of the punishment? Not being able to touch you?” It certainly felt like a punishment to her. It was shocking to realize how quickly she had gotten used to having their hands on her constantly.

  Instead of answering her, Trevor asked a question of his own. “Are your legs open, Riley?” The way she snapped straight up in her seat was answer enough, and Trevor tsked tsked. “Just batting a thousand today, aren’t you?” The silence continued until the food came. There were only two plates and the waitress didn’t know what to do with them until Cade spoke to her, in Italian, and she smiled put the plates in front of the boys and left.

  “What did you say to her?” Riley asked.

  “That you’d be leaving soon so you decided not to eat,” Cade answered as he scooped up a huge bite of pasta and cheese.

  “Riley,” Trevor said without looking at her. “I believe I dropped my napkin under the table. Will you get it for me?” Then he dabbed at the corner of his mouth with his napkin.

  As she just sat there staring at him in shock, Trevor took another bite of pasta and added, “Cade’s too.” Riley looked around the restaurant. She was afraid everyone would know what she was doing. It was dark. They were in the back corner booth. The table was tall with a thick red tablecloth that pooled on the floor and now she understood why the boys sat side by side. They weren’t so close that it would look suspicious, but close enough.

  There was smooth mood music pumping out from somewhere—Tony Bennett if she wasn’t mistaken. The music was loud enough that it made sense to sit close so you wouldn’t have to talk too loud to be heard. Oh God. Everything was foreign and decadent—it just kept getting more and more amazing. Could she do this? She had just learned how to do what she was pretty sure they wanted her to do, but she liked it.

  She loved the way it felt to have that smooth hard flesh in her mouth. It was amazing how it throbbed and pulsed and burned between her lips. She loved the smell and taste of her two men, each earthy and musky but also with their own distinct essence. Most of all, she loved how powerful she felt that she could bring them shuddering and shouting the way they brought her. Yeah, she could do this.

  Before she lost her nerve, she yanked up the tablecloth and dropped under the table.

  She scooted to them and reached a hand to each of their knees. She pulled and brought their legs together until she had them sitting spread-eagle. For a second, her courage left her, and she rested her forehead on their knees in despair. Who was she fooling? She couldn’t do this.

  She shook her head where it rested and felt Cade’s touch on her cheek. His fingers were a gentle caress, tender and soothing. It was not a demand to get on with it or even a caress of desire. It was affectionate, loving, and the simple brush of his fingers told her that if she couldn’t do this, it was okay.

  Trevor smoothed his hand over the back of her hair, conveying the same message, and Riley’s courage and desire came back with a flood of

emotion that got her moving. She reached up and tugged open the flies of both men’s pants. They had dressed in slacks today, both loose fitting and she was grateful as she was able to get their shafts out without any problems. Her hands slid up each cylinder of flesh in smooth firm strokes, and her breathing became heavier as they grew under her touch. She tightened her fingers around them and started to pull in faster glides over the hardened flesh. Both men shifted and tilted their hips forward for her.

  She smiled in satisfaction when she heard one of them not quite stifle a moan. Then she leaned forward and took Cade deep and fast into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. There was no tickling swipes of her tongue, or starting at his head, she swallowed him whole and almost came herself when his whole body jolted and she heard him swear. One. Two. Three deep, hard suckling times down his shaft with a little tongue swirl at the head. She pulled off and slammed her mouth down on Trevor. He jolted as much as Cade and she heard his muttered, “Holy shit, little one,” as she sucked him just as hard and deep as she could get him. Back and forth between the two she worked, so turned on she felt little rivers of her own juices trickling down her thighs as she worked them over.

  She never took her hands off them. When she had her mouth on one, the other was getting firm tight pulls of her fist. She paid attention to them as she went and noticed that Cade liked it when she added an almost pinching twist to the head between her thumb and her palm when she was stroking him, and Trevor shivered every time she let her fingernails scrape a bit at his base.

  Four strong swallows on Cade, then three on Trevor. Then Trevor got five and Cade got two, trying hard not to set any predictable pattern, knowing that keeping each guessing when her mouth was coming back and how long it was going to stay had to be adding to their excitement. With a deep tongue swirling pull, she lifted off Trevor and back onto Cade. She gave him three hard glides to the back of her throat. She fisted her hand tight against her lips and tried a twisting slide of her wrist as she went up and down on him. She was just about to pull off and try that out on Trevor when Cade’s leg muscles bunched like steel, and she felt his shaft swell just before he shot off and it splashed against the back of her throat. She heard his groan and a thump against the table but was too far gone with her passion to care if he was attracting attention.

  As soon as the flow ebbed, she pulled off him with a soft pop and tried out her wrist twirl on Trevor. His dishes clattered with the first twisting stroke down, and his hand came under the table and gripped her hair. She was trying to keep her hand gentle on Cade now that he was done, but it was hard when she was still so hot and still working to bring Trevor too. It didn’t take long. He liked her new trick. Four suckling, twisting pumps and he filled her mouth with his come while his whole body trembled for her.

  She slowly eased back and continued to soothe and pet at their softening flesh and tried to will her body to relax and stop throbbing. Trevor and Cade reached down and closed their flies. They reached for her next and brought her up to sit between them.

  Cade felt like he’d just been turned inside out. They had thought to teach the little minx a lesson. That she would be there for a moment, then they would pull her up so they could go home and finish what she’d started in the dressing room. At first she’d lost her nerve and they had been about to help her up, but she had found the courage somewhere and set to blowing their minds along with their cocks. She’d learned quickly, and he shuddered as his mind flashed on that last stunt she’d pulled that had him going off like he was fifteen again and had no control. He felt a little dizzy and gave up trying to act cool to lean his head back against the booth until the room stopped spinning.

  Cade lifted his head from the back of the booth and leveled an intense stare at Riley’s flushed face. She was panting, and her lips were swollen and dewy. She had her gaze locked somewhere in the distance and hectic color bloomed on her face. She was obviously embarrassed and probably wondering what they thought of her. She was such a joy to him. So new to this kind of passion yet so open to it. Embracing them and their desires. She had trusted him from the first second and that kind of naivety was both heartwarming and frightening to him. She trusted them not to hurt her and to protect her. It was a trust he wouldn’t see broken.

  “Riley.” When she wouldn’t look at him he repeated, “Riley.” Her gaze shyly lifted to meet his and with his eyes never leaving hers, he kissed her with all the tenderness he possessed. He sat back and brought a club soda with lime up to her lips for a sip. He watched her throat swallow, and his eyes squinted as he flashed back to what they’d shared, what she’d been swallowing and lust again stirred in his blood.

  Trevor adjusted her legs and Cade smiled when he heard him say, “Damn, little one. You’re wet half way to your knees.” When Riley moaned and squirmed to bring Trevor’s hand where she needed it most, Cade said, “No, sweetheart. This is part of the punishment. To make you burn for us the way you made us burn for you.” He ran a finger from her lips down to the shadow between her breasts. “There’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Riley groaned and felt like crying. She was so hot and turned on and everything in her wanted to scream with the pressure that was built up inside of her. But no matter how she wiggled or pleaded, they wouldn’t kiss her again. They took turns feeding her from their plates until they were satisfied that she had eaten enough, paid the bill and led her out the door.

  The walk to Trevor’s townhouse really wasn’t that far, but it seemed like it took a year to get there. It was evening and dark, but from what she could see it was a glorious old building. It was furnished in wood tones ranging from a light tan to a deep black walnut. There were some soft buttery yellow and shades of blue to add color, and Riley thought it looked like a page right out of a decorating digest or something. They didn’t give her time to look it over, but instead pulled her upstairs and into the master bedroom. Or to be more exact the master closet. It was the biggest closet she had ever seen. It had floor to ceiling racks and shelves and enough clothes in it to open a store. If her guess was right, this closet was bigger than her bedroom at her new apartment. Moreover, it had a floor to ceiling mirror on the back wall. She stood in the middle of the closet and turned to look at them as it started occurring to her just what they were doing in here. Without speaking to her the men tuned on their heels and left her only to return moments later each holding a chair.

  “Now, sweetheart,” Cade said as he sat and crossed one ankle over the other knee, “why don’t you show us just what you were doing in that dressing room.”

  “What? What?” Riley looked from them to the mirror and felt her cheeks flame. They sat side by side, Cade with his legs crossed and Trevor spread out in the classic man sprawl. Waiting. Waiting for her to masturbate for them. Did this never end? Would she forever be shocked and tantalized by every word out of their mouths? Her body was still on fire the way it had been for hours. Not having a release since this morning’s shower, she was intrigued and excited by the idea of showing them what she’d been doing. She wanted to watch them while they watched her. Wanted it so much she felt a new rush of moisture between her legs. But… “I have never done anything like this…”

  “Like what, sweetheart?” Cade asked, seeming absorbed in a search for hangnails on his fingers.

  “Never put on a show or whatever this is…”

  “Just show us what you did. Talk us through. Step. By. Step.” Cade’s gaze lifted from his contemplation of his fingers to blast her with the heated look on his face. Riley’s breath took on a rapid shallow pace, and her nipples tightened.

  “Well, at first I just went in and took off my clothes,” Riley began.

  “Oooh,” Trevor said, “I love a story that begins with you taking off your clothes.” Riley made a face at him and stuck out her tongue. Then she slowly reached behind her to slide her zipper down and let her dress pool at her feet. The strapless bra was gone next and she was naked since they had refused to let her w
ear any panties. Both men stared at her exposed body with hungry avid gazes. Devouring her with their gazes from her pink-tipped toes to the fiery blush staining her cheeks. Riley worked hard to keep her hands at her sides and tried to act like she was naked in front of fully dressed men every day.

  “Go on, Riley,” Cade urged in a soft compelling voice. “What happened next?” Riley made a sharp half turn to look in the mirror behind her, so she was standing in profile to them and the mirror.

  “I don’t know what came over me. Honest. I saw this.” She lifted her hand to the dark hickey where her neck met her shoulder. Then her hand slid slowly, gently over her chest and down the slope of one breast to the perfect set of faint teeth marks that spanned the bottom curve of it. “And this,” she continued, losing her shyness and caution as her hand brushed on every new mark that adorned her body. “And this one. And I thought, oh this one is Cade’s and this one is Trevor’s. And this one? Who did this one? Or whose fingers made those prints here on my butt?”

  She tilted a little and curved so that cheek of her ass was displayed to them. Her hand went to a bright purple mark high on the inside of her left thigh, almost where her thigh met her pussy and she widened her stance to show the mark clearly in the mirror. “What about this? Which one of them bit me here?”

  She looked at them in the mirror, her hand running in light circles over the sex-bruised flesh. It was making gooseflesh appear all over her body and sending chills racing from her fingers out. The men were transfixed, and she stopped thinking this was a show. This felt as intimate to her as any encounter they had shared so far. They were as elemental a part of this as her hand. Her fingers tipped with pink polished nails drifted over her newly shaven mound. “The skin here is sensitive, and it felt good to run my hand over it, like this—” her fingers trailed light circles over the outer lips, tickling, “—and it looked nice too. I’ve never looked at me here. I thought, I don’t know, I guess I thought it was pretty.” Another blush came to her cheeks as she admitted this in a whisper.


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