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A Table for Three: New York, Book 1

Page 7

by Lainey Reese

  The men responded with affirming murmurs. “I liked the way it felt. I mean the skin was soft and damp, and I liked the way it felt to touch myself, and then I kept remembering this morning and what you both did to me, and I slipped my finger inside…like this” There were three groans as her tiny middle finger slipped thru her labia and disappeared into her wet channel.

  Riley’s breath got choppier as she continued. “Ahhh, and…umm…I, uh, then I did this…” Her finger slipped back out, wet and shiny and circled her clit. Her knees gave a little, and she leaned against the mirror resting her whole side against it while she moved her finger in faster circles and dipped in and out. The men said nothing as she worked her hips against her hand while those fingers slipped and slid over her wet glistening flesh.

  Her movements got sharper. She was breathing harsher as her climax got closer, and Riley started to moan, lost in the erotic thrill of watching them watch her while she did this forbidden thing. Her head fell back with a groan as she dipped two fingers inside and with two sharp thrusts, she came, flushing and panting while her body ebbed and flowed against the mirror.

  Her eyes had closed with her climax, and she didn’t hear the men come over. She felt Cade first as his mouth covered her fingers and his tongue slid between them to press against her clit. Trevor was behind her, his hands spread her ass cheeks and his tongue ran in a wet hot line from the base of her crack to the base of her spine. His grip was strong and amazing as he massaged and squeezed her cheeks while his tongue and lips and teeth covered every inch of her backside. Cade dipped two thick fingers deep into her slit, pulled them out and plunged his tongue in and then switched again.

  Almost as if they’d planned it, Riley was turned, and it was Trevor who had his tongue on her clit and Cade who bit and sucked on her ass. They turned her again and Trevor slipped one long hard finger up her tiny back hole. Riley screamed in a mind-blowing blast of ecstasy that had her coming in a flood over them, her knees giving out, but the men wouldn’t let her crumble. They kept her upright, and Trevor added a second finger to her small tight hole while Cade started to suck hard and fast on her clit. It was amazing. The orgasm kept pulsing, throbbing and blasting through her as her muscles clenched around the fingers that were buried deep inside her. Before long, it was too much, and Riley thought she was going to go insane from the overload.

  Cade stood, keeping his fingers buried deep and whispered fiercely in her ear. “We’re going to fuck you back there, Riley.” Riley’s knees buckled, and she would have fallen if not for the men’s grip on her. “We’re going to fuck that tight little ass of yours, and you’re going to love it.”

  Cade pulled out of her pussy and hooked his hand under one of her knees. He brought that leg up high, and Trevor crawled under her and started to suck on her throbbing clit. The fingers of his one hand were lodged deep in her ass, and he used two fingers from his other to pump an opposite rhythm in her pussy. Riley’s head whipped back and forth on Cade’s shoulder as he bent to her breasts. He tongued the hard tips and sucked them as though his life depended on it.

  “I can’t!” Riley panted. “No more. Oooh!” Her nerves were too raw, and she thought her mind might break if she had another orgasm. Cade growled and bit into her breast. Hard. Trevor spoke against her quivering flesh, “Just one more, baby. Just give us one more from this sweet pussy.” Then he added a third finger to her clenching dripping sheath and scissored the two fingers he had in her ass. That was it. Every muscle in her body seized, and she shot up to the tips of her toes in an orgasm that screamed through her system like a hurricane.

  In the aftermath, the men soothed and caressed her, making shushing sounds as she continued to pant and jerk with aftershocks.

  After the men undressed, Cade picked her up and carried her out of the room while Trevor jogged ahead and opened doors for them. Two turns down a hall and up a flight of stairs and they were in a glass atrium bursting with plants. In the middle of the room was a huge hot tub. Riley thought she’d died and gone to heaven when Cade stepped in with her and sat in the steaming water with her on his lap.

  Trevor was on the other side of the room, and she was just about to ask what he was doing when hundreds of soft twinkle lights gleamed on. The hot tub jets started up, and he was coming back to them. She smiled while she reached a hand out to him. At first he tried to sit on the other side of the tub, but Riley was having none of that and tugged until he was close enough that his thigh touched Cade’s. She leaned forward to kiss him, long and deep while she held Cade’s arms tight around her middle. She wiggled and shifted until she was practically floating over them both. Her head bumped against Cade’s shoulder while her butt floated and bobbed against Trevor’s lap.

  She fell asleep that way and would have drowned if not for Cade’s hand holding her head up. Trevor traced lazy patterns around her bobbing breasts as he spoke, keeping his voice low so he wouldn’t wake Riley. “We’re going to kill ourselves at this rate.” He sent Cade a look that let the other man know he would die happy. “Have you ever seen anything like her in that mirror? My God, we’re two lucky sons o’ bitches.” His voice was almost reverent.

  “I’ve never seen anything like her with everything she’s done.” Cade’s voice was just as reverent as he met his friend’s gaze. “How many girls have we shared? Twenty? They were good right? Great. So why, I ask you, is it that I can’t remember a damn one of them? Why does it feel like every time we touch her and everything we’re doing is the first time we’ve done it?”

  He shook his head wondering why a man, who didn’t believe in love at first sight, was suffering from it. He was a practical man. He had been head over heels because of a girl so many times he’d lost count. He’d always loved women. They both had. He reveled in the newness of each one that came along, the adventure of discovering the secrets that each woman’s body held. However, it was the same sense of discovery he felt for, say a new artist he’d stumbled upon, or a new culture that fascinated him. It was exciting and fun, not earth-shattering. Not life-changing. But this, this was unlike anything he’d ever known. He never bought into this crap. He ran a club that thrived on debauchery and on any given night over half of its occupants were married and there without their spouses.

  He came from a healthy family with two parents who were devoted to each other, and Trevor had the same thing so he knew that there was such a thing as happily ever after. But he also knew that was rare. It was a life he had never seen for himself. Until now and he’d only known her for a day. He also knew Trevor was suffering the same transformation that he was. “I feel like I’m in some sappy movie and any minute Julie Andrews is going to start singing.” Cade smiled at Trevor, and the two of them sighed in contentment and held onto the one woman who had changed their entire world in just a small handful of hours. “It’s ironic, don’t you think?” Cade asked. “This morning we thought she was the one whose life was being turned upside down. That she was the one who was taking all the risks.”

  Trevor grunted in agreement and said, “To think we almost missed her because we were going to take Annie out.” Cade nodded at that. They shared one woman at a time—they did not take on multiple partners. If they had started dating Annie, he would not have been free to act on what Riley brought out in him, no matter how much he’d have wanted to. He just sighed deep again and thanked God he hadn’t asked Annie out last night like he’d planned.

  Chapter Seven

  Ann Tucker was pissed. Her thoughts were an angry roiling boil as she stewed in the employee lounge and silently ranted. I hate working here in this stupid restaurant, she thought to herself. I hate having to simper and smile at all these hypocrites. For over a year now she’d worked at a job she hated. “For what?” she muttered out loud to the empty room, “For a shot at being the one to be served for a change. Dammit, I know it was finally supposed to pay off tonight. Tonight I know, know that it was supposed to be coming to an end.”

  Tonight she was sure Cade
was finally going to ask her out. Then the bastard hadn’t come in. It was well past the dinner hour and therefore well past the end of her shift, and he was a no show. She’d planned this for too long and worked far too hard to sit back and take this.

  She had known Cade and Trevor since she was six years old. Her father was groundskeeper at the Marshall’s summer home. She had grown up in a dinky two-bedroom apartment above the Marshall’s five-car garage. The place was only one of the Marshall’s many homes, she thought bitterly, and yet they were so stinking rich they could afford to keep her father there year round to make sure the house was pretty and perfect for them whenever the frickin’ urge came over them to breeze in for a stay. Jeez it really burned her that they could come and go from one home to the next whenever they fucking wanted to. It wasn’t fair she thought, why should they have so much when she had so little?

  She stormed around the room in her tantrum and stopped in front of the full-length mirror on the door to look critically at her reflection. She was tall for a woman, five ten, and she had the lanky, slinky build of a runway model. She liked how svelte she was and often went without eating to ensure that she stayed willowy. She ran her hand along her side and felt pride in the fact that she could feel each rib. Every woman on earth wanted to be skinny like her, but nobody she knew was quite this slim. She tugged on her skirt and tried to get a good look at her ass. It was small and even if it was kind of on the flat side, she shuddered at the alternative. The latest craze of big butts just did not make sense to her, and she was sure it would pass. Nevertheless, until then, she had taken to wearing shaper pantyhose that added lift and padding to her rear.

  Satisfied, she turned her attention to what she considered her best asset, her breasts. They were small, tight and perfect. She opened another button and pulled until the shirt gaped open and her breastbone gleamed out from between them. They were a small perfect A cup. So small that they stayed right where they were without a bra. She was a looker and she knew it with her white-blonde hair and green eyes. She didn’t care that the blonde came from a bottle, brightening up the otherwise mousy brown. She also didn’t care that her natural eye color was a much softer and cloudier green than what the contacts gave her. It didn’t matter, everyone wore contacts and colored her hair, it didn’t change the fact that she was hot. Her lips were a slim pink line, and her father had paid a fortune to make her teeth white and straight. There was nothing wrong with her. So why wasn’t Cade asking her out?

  She had done everything she could to make this happen. She had begged and pleaded and pouted for months until her father gave in and asked Cade’s dad to get Cade to give her this job. At first her dad had balked, telling her that she needed to earn things on her own and that he was sure she would get the job if she just applied herself…and yadda-yadda-blah-blah. It took forever, but he’d finally given in and she started. No interview, no hassle and no chance that he would turn her away.

  As she went back out front to pretend that she even cared about the others and getting the last of the dinner crowd out, she continued to stew behind her super sweet smile.

  She had wasted a whole year pretending to be the proper well-placed young lady she thought he would like. Her clothes were professional, and she acted as sweet as candy to anyone and everyone whenever he was around. Wanting him to make the moves, that way he would feel responsible and feel he had to take care of her. But after the longest, most boring year of her life, she’d snapped and couldn’t take it anymore. She had tightened and shortened her skirts until she could hardly move in them, and she’d stopped wearing her bra. Her little breasts poked at her blouses and bounced softly whenever she walked. Cade had noticed from the very first night. He had stopped dead in the middle of his phone call and swept his gaze from her head to her toes, stopping appreciatively at all the right places. He hadn’t said anything to her that night, but after that, he came in every night she worked and that was new.

  Last Tuesday Trevor came in with him, and they sat at a table. She knew about them. Of course, she knew. She had made a habit out of spying on them the whole time she’d been growing up. They were almost six years older than she was, so she was never on their radar. They always saw her as just some harmless little kid, most times they’d just smiled at her, and never minded if she hung around. Sometimes she would slip into the boathouse and hide in the rafters and listen as they talked, practically drooling with envy as they talked about the places they went and people they knew.

  Then, one week before she’d started hounding her dad about getting her a job here, she’d heard them talk about a woman they’d shared.

  They had talked about how hot she was and how good she was in bed. Cade had said how he wanted to get her something, like some painting she’d liked. Trevor said they should get her a collar, since she liked being led around by one so much. In the end Cade had said he was going to send her that painting and Trevor was getting her the collar, a diamond one. At first, Ann had thought the woman was just some slut, but the more they talked, the more she had come to see that they didn’t think she was. They’d talked about her as if they liked her. They thought she was wonderful, and Ann decided right then that no matter what, she would be the next woman they thought was wonderful. She would be the one they were buying presents for. Moreover, she would make sure they kept her for a lot longer than they had that other woman. She would make damn sure her claim on them was lifelong.

  So when Cade had brought Trevor in she knew what he was up to. He had wanted Trevor to check her out. To see little Annie grown up. At first, she had simply led them to the table and seated them. Prim and proper, pretending she didn’t know her skirt was so tight it was about to bust at the seams, or her boobs were all but falling out of her opened-down-to-there shirt. But when they just continued to stare at her as she walked back and forth she’d thought, fine I’ll make this move too, stalked up to the table they were sitting at, slapped both hands down on it and leaned forward. Her shirt gaped open, and she watched as both sets of eyes had riveted to her exposed breasts. She’d smiled, liking the way arousal had tightened their faces, and had spoken in a throaty voice she’d hoped went straight to their crotches. “What’s the matter, gentlemen? You haven’t ordered yet. Isn’t there anything here you want?” Trevor had laughed a little, but Cade had just lifted his eyes and stared at her, hungry. “Not tonight. Perhaps this weekend.”

  She knew that this was supposed to be the night. Only, her shift had been over for an hour, and he had not come in. What the hell? She could not chase after them. She would not make any more moves. They had to do it. If she made the moves, then they would think that she had asked for it. Then they wouldn’t feel as responsible for her as she wanted them to. As it was, she had already made it clear that she was open to them both, which was already off from her plans.

  She had planned to act shocked and reluctant to their twisted demands. She had planned to make them beg and woo her into it. She had planned to make them take turns for a couple weeks first and beg and plead to her before she let them do it to her together. Then she was going to cry and act fragile. They would be thankful to her for letting them do that to her, grateful. She wanted them to be mad for her. She wanted them to be absolutely insane for her, giving her more presents than they had ever given any other girl.

  When she was tired of them, when she had gotten enough from them, then they would give her money that would last forever…or at least eighteen years.

  A kid that they would both pay out the nose to see had the same luxuries and benefits that they had. It was a drastic step she knew, but the kid would be with nannies and boarding schools just as they had been, so it wouldn’t bother her too much. It would be worth it. Because the mother of their child would rate the same lifestyle as that child. As close as they were, and considering that they both would be sleeping with her, they would both take responsibility for her and the brat—that meant double the money.

  It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been kn
ocked up before. Of course, those times had been taken care of in a nice uptown clinic. The desperate daddies had paid nicely to make her and the problem disappear.

  But this was no small-time banker or stockbroker like she’d usually gone for, these were two of the country’s most precious trust-fund princes. She was not going to have them slip through her fingers after all she’d done to get this far.

  “Hey, Mike?” She snagged one of the bus boys cleaning up a table, ignoring the way he jumped when she picked him out. “Have you seen Cade lately? Or heard why he hasn’t come around this weekend?”

  Mike ignored her and kept cleaning up the table.

  “Hello?” Ann snarled with a shake of her head. “I asked you a question.” Jeez. What was with this guy any way? No wonder she didn’t talk to the other workers, they were just a bunch of rude nobodies. She stomped off to find someone else to ask. That little prick probably didn’t know anyway. He was just a busboy for crying out loud, what would he know?

  She reigned in her temper and sauntered up to Gary when he came in from the club. She knew that Cade and he were friends so she always made it a point to be nice to him. She flirted with him a little and did things like bring him his favorite drink whenever he came in for his breaks. She smirked at him when his eyes bugged out at her outfit, thinking it was funny how easy it was to make a man want her.

  “Hey, Gary,” she said as she got close to him. “Want me to get you a drink?” She brushed a delicate hand across his forehead and smoothed his hair back. “You look like you could use a break. Is it crazy over there tonight?” Gary smiled and starting talking about what was happening over there, not even guessing that she could care less. She caught herself at the last minute from rolling her eyes and just nodded and waited for him to stop talking so she could ask him what she wanted to know. “Gary,” she interrupted when she couldn’t stand hearing him drone on one more second, “um, I’m sorry, sweetie, but have you seen Cade around? I mean, he’s usually in here every weekend when he’s in town, and I haven’t seen him since Tuesday.”


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