Capital and Imperialism: Theory, History, and the Present
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colonial period, capitalism during
colonial states: land augmentation in; see also China; colonial economies; India; tropical regions
colonial transfers: account deficits with Continental Europe; account deficits with United States; capital exports; commodity gold imports; deficit budgets and; through diffusion of capitalism; drain of wealth, macroeconomics of; exchange rates and; export surplus and; from India earnings, for British deficits; during interwar period
colonialism: capitalism and; deindustrialization and; demand management and; economic decolonization; in Japan, lack of; land taxes after; mass poverty and; per capita income reduction as result of; postwar dirigiste regimes and, legacy of; see also British colonialism; colonial economies
colonies of settlement, exogenous stimuli and
commodified wage goods
commodities: conversion into money; economic agents and; fixity of value of; as form of wealth; money supply and; natural prices of; non-money; prices of production for; primary; in Walrasian system, circulation of
commodity export surplus: from drain of wealth, through colonialism; in India (1871-1901)
commodity gold
commodity money
commodity price levels; during Golden Age of capitalism
commodity-composition of demand
competition: free; in Marxian system; in monopolies; under oligopolistic conditions
compulsory savings
confidence: see investor confidence
consumption bans, in England
contract employment
Corbyn, Jeremy
Corn Laws: in England; repeal of
Council Bills, in India
Crimean War
currency: convertibility of; debasement of; increasing supply price and; paper; tropical, depreciation of; see also rupee; sterling; U.S. dollar
Danielson, Nikolai
Deane, Phyllis
debt, of British sterling, in India
decolonization: capitalism and; economic; during Golden Age of capitalism; political, ; postcolonial governments and
deferred incomes
deficit spending, war financing through
deindustrialization: agricultural populations influenced by; colonial arrangement influenced by; in colonial economies; colonialism and; dirigiste regime and; second-order effects of
demand management: colonialism and; globalization and; during postwar boom, state intervention in; state intervention in
democracy, globalization as influence on
depreciation of currencies: of paper currency; in popular culture; rupees; of tropical currencies
destabilization of money
diffusion of capitalism: through colonial transfers; neoliberalism and; in postwar dirigiste regimes
diminishing returns: increasing supply price and; Ricardo on
dirigiste regimes: bourgeoisie in; Bretton Woods system; capitalism restructured during; consequences of drain of wealth and; contradictions of; deindustrialization and; financialization; global; globalization compared to; gold standard and; Golden Age of capitalism and; inflationary pressures in; neoliberalism in; political decolonization and; during postwar era; state interventions and; Third World
distribution theory; money wages and
dot-com bubble
drain of surplus: colonial arrangement and; from colonial economies; globalization and; from semi-tropical regions; from tropical regions
drain of wealth, through British colonialism: colonial transfers, macroeconomics of; colonial transfers and; commodity export surpluses; through commodity gold imports; conceptualization of; consumption bans; depreciation of silver and; dirigiste regimes and; East India Company and; external dimension of; from India; internal dimension of; in Ireland; land revenue collection and; under Navigation Acts; property rights and; protectionist policies as element of; through special trade; state budgets and; through tariffs; tax revenue and; tax-financed; transfer process in
Dutt, R. C.
East India Company: drain of wealth and; as monopoly
economic agents, commodities soled by
economic booms: innovations and; long boom, in colonial markets; war boom, in England and Wales; see also postwar boom
economic bubbles: dot-com bubble; ex ante overproduction and; exogenous stimuli and; housing bubble
The Economic Consequences of the Peace (Keynes)
economic decolonization
economic growth, in Third World dirigiste regimes
economic theories: heterodox; money in; non-heterodox; see also specific theories
emigration, colonial economies influenced by
employment: capital goods production and; casual; contract; inflation and; in money-using economies; see also involuntary unemployment levels; unemployment levels
employment rationing
Enclosure Movement
endogenous stimuli, for economic growth
England and Wales: agricultural output in (1701-1801); agricultural revolution in; capitalist farming in; cereals output in (1701-1801); consumption bans in; corn imports into (1720-1880); Corn Laws in; corn output in (1700-1850); domestic primary sector output in; Enclosure Movement in; food deficits in; food price inflation in; food shortages in; grain imports into; grain production in; gross domestic product in (1701-1801); income distribution in, inequality of; Industrial Revolution in; Overton position in; population indices; reservation wage in; war boom in; wheat imports into; wheat output in
epistemic closure
epistemic exteriority
epistemic interiority
epoch-making innovations; automobiles as; monopoly capitalism and; railways as
equilibrium level of employment
equilibrium value of money
An Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock (Ricardo)
European Keynesianism
ex ante excess supply: of commodities, in Walrasian system and; in Marxian system of money; of produced goods
ex ante overproduction: agricultural revolution and; degree of monopoly and; de-segmentation and; development of; economic bubbles and; in emerging countries; in Global North; in Global South; Golden Age of Capitalism and; high-wage migration and; income inequality and; during long nineteenth century
exchange rates: Bretton Woods system; colonial transfers and; depreciation of; fixed; nominal; for rupee, against British sterling; for U.S. dollar, against British sterling
exogenous markets, global capitalism and
exogenous stimuli: authenticity of; capacity of utilization; capital stock and; capitalism and; colonial markets and; colonies of settlement; commodity-composition of demand; economic bubbles and; for economic growth; economic historians on; Great Depression and; inflation and, as cushion against; innovations and; involuntary unemployment and; metropolitan capitalism and; migration and; in pre-capitalist markets; semi-colonial markets and; state expenditures and; warranted rate of growth and
export earnings, by India
export surplus: colonial transfers and; in India; monopoly capitalism and; producers of
external markets, capitalism and
factor-price frontier
A Famine Warning System for Bengal (Hunter)
farming: see capitalist farming
fascism: authoritarianism and, supplementation of; capitalism and, during rise of; contemporary, limitations of; finance capital and; during Great Depression; international finance capital and; military Keynesianism and; nationalism and; neo-fascism; neoliberalism and; populism and; Trump and; U.S. response to
finance capital; in fascist countries; functionless investors; globalization and; Great Depression and; as highest level of capitalism; income levels; international; Kalecki on; Keynes on; multiplier theory; neoliberalism and
financial gold
First World War: British colonialism before; colonial arrangements after, unraveling of; see al
so war financing
Fisher, Irving
fixed exchange rates, return to gold standard and
fixed money incomes
fix-price economy
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
food deficits, during agricultural revolution
food price inflation
forced savings
forex earnings, in India
France; trade deficit with Britain
free trade, in colonial economies
Friedman, Milton
functionless investors
Galbraith, John Kenneth
The General Theory (Keynes)
genetically-modified crops
George, Lloyd
George III (King)
global capital: China and; India and
global capitalism: exogenous markets; Great Depression and; New Deal policy interventions and; state expenditures and
global dirigiste regimes
global exchange earnings, appropriation of
global foreign exchange earnings, for India
global income distribution
Global North: ex ante overproduction in; wages in
Global South: ex ante overproduction in; neoliberalism and; wages in
globalization: of capitalism; capitalism and; de-linking from; demand management and; democracy influenced by; dirigiste regime compared to; drain of surplus and; of finance; finance capital and; financialization of economies and; functionless investors; income deflation and; investor confidence and; neoliberalism and; in periphery regions; social legitimacy of capital and
gold: commodity; financial; from India; in India, as earnings; in Marxian system of money
gold flows, in Ricardian system for money
gold prices, increasing supply price and
gold standard, return to: British finance capital and; British sterling and, exchange rate and; colonial arrangement and, unraveling of; dirigiste regime and; fixed exchange rates and; in Great Britain; imperialism and; loss to Japanese markets and; money illusion and; money wage rates and, reduction of; opponents of; proponents of; wage deflation and
Golden Age of capitalism; Bretton Woods system and; commodity prices explosion during; convertibility of U.S. dollar; decolonization during; dirigiste regime and; ex ante overproduction and; Great Depression and; metropolitan banks; New Deal policies and; in postcolonial governments; public expenditures on research during; public extension services during; public investment in irrigation; after Second World War
goods, metropolitan
Great Bengal Famine of 1943-1944; age structure for mortality rates; from engineered profit inflation; final death toll of
Great Britain: agricultural crisis and; capital exports and, financing of; colonial markets in; gold standard in, return to; trade deficit with France; triangular trade in; universal adult franchise in; wartime economic policies in; wholesale price index in; as world capitalist leader; see also British colonialism; colonial markets; colonialism; imperialism; sterling; war financing
Great Depression: alternative explanations of; from closing of frontier; colonial arrangement during, unraveling of; colonial period and; exogenous stimuli and; in fascist countries; finance capital and; Golden Age of capitalism and; imports of gold during; India during; investment stimulus and; Keynes on; leadership of global capitalism; monetarist explanation for; monopoly capitalism and; postwar boom after; state intervention during
Great Rebellion of 1857
gross domestic product (GDP): in colonial economies; in England and Wales (1701-1801); neoliberalism and; in pre-colonial economies
gross revenue collections, in India
growth, economic: endogenous stimuli for; exogenous stimuli for; warranted rate of
Habib, Irfan
Hahn, Frank
Hansen, Alvin
Harrod, Roy
Hayek, Friedrich von
Herschell Committee
heterodox economic theories; see also specific theories
high aggregate demand
high-wage migration
Hilferding, Rudolf
Hilgerdt, Folke
hoarding of money
Hobsbawm, Eric
hot money flows
housing bubble
How to Pay for the War (Keynes)
Hume, David
Hunter, W. W.
Hyndman, Henry
imperialism: definition of; gold standard and, return to; increasing supply price and; Lenin on; Marx on; postwar boom and; postwar dirigiste regimes and, legacy of; in Third World dirigiste regimes
import surplus, production capacity asymmetry and
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
imports, production capacity asymmetry through
import-substitutes; in Third World dirigiste regimes
income deflation: globalization and; increasing supply price and; in India; postwar dirigiste regimes and; poverty from
income inequality: ex ante overproduction and; Say’s Law and
incomes: during agricultural revolution; capital goods production and; colonialism as influence on; deferred; distribution of; finance capital and; fixed money; global income distribution; globalization as influence on; in India; in money-using economies; national; taxation of, war financing through; see also income deflation
increasing supply price: accumulation and; capitalism and; commodities as form of wealth and; definition of; depreciation of exchange rate; diminishing returns and; with fixed money incomes; forced savings and; gold prices and; imperialism and; income deflation and; in India; inflation and; labor coefficient and, increases in; land augmentation and; market encroachments and; Marx on; negation of threat; during postwar boom; profit inflation and; terms of trade; tropical currency and, depreciation of; value of money and; wage deflation and
India: Bangladesh as market competition for; British war expenditures financed by; Cambridge Economic History of India; canal colonies of; colonial markets in; commodity export surplus (1871-1901); Council Bills in; drain of wealth from; as emerging country; exchange rate for rupee, against British sterling, 140; export earnings by; export surpluses in; external earnings in; food price inflation in; foreign earnings in; forex earnings in; global capital and; global foreign exchange earnings; gold earnings in; gold imports from; Great Bengal Famine of 1943-1944; during Great Depression; Great Rebellion of 1857; gross revenue collections in; Hindutva nationalism in; income deflation in; increasing supply price in; independence for; merchandise export surplus (1833-1919); merchandise export surplus (1833-1940); merchandise export surplus (1901-1919); merchandise trade growth in; in multilateral trade system, balancing role of; opium production in; Opium Wars and; per capita incomes in; primary product prices in, collapse of; profit inflation and; public investment projects in; Reserve Bank of India; Sri Lanka as market competition for; sterling indebtedness in; taxation of profits in; taxation revenues in; trade balances for, during interwar period; in triangular relationship, with Great Britain; war financing, from Indian earnings; wartime economic policies in; wartime restrictions on imports; see also East India Company; Great Bengal Famine of 1943; rupees
Indian Currency and Finance (Keynes)
inequality: see income inequality
inflation: acceleration of; capitalism and; Cobb-Douglas Production Function and; destabilization of money and; dirigiste regime and; employment rates and; of food prices; during full employment; increasing supply price and; in isolated capitalist sectors; labor and; money illusion and; in money-using economies; money-wage increases and; monopolies and, degree of; NAIRU and; non-acceleration of; Phillips Curve and; during postwar dirigiste regimes; unemployment rates and
inflationary barrier: in Keynesian system; postwar dirigiste regimes and; Robinson on
innovations: economic booms and; epoch-making; exogenous stimuli and; routine
international finance capital; fascism and
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
international trade, in isolated capitalist economies
investment goods, production of
investment stimulus, Great Depression and
investor confidence; postwar dirigiste regimes and
involuntary unemployment levels: exogenous stimuli and; in Keynesian system; in Marxian system of money; in money-using economies; in Ricardian system; Say’s Law and; in Walrasian system; wealth demands and
Ireland, drain of wealth from, through British colonialism
irrigation, as land augmentation; public investment in
isolated capitalist economy: inflation in; international trade and; in Keynesian system; in Marxian system
Japan: as capitalist power, emergence of; colonial arrangement and, unraveling of; colonial markets in competition with; colonialism in, avoidance of; gold standard and; after Meiji Restoration
Juglar business cycle
Kahn, Richard; multiplier theory
Kaldor, Nicholas
Kalecki, Michal; on finance capital; intermediate regimes in; Keynesian system and
Das Kapital (Marx)
Keynes, John Maynard; Bretton Woods Conference and; Collected Writings; on compulsory savings; on deferred incomes; The Economic Consequences of the Peace; on finance capital; General Theory; How to Pay for the War; Indian Currency and Finance; marginal efficiency schedules, in competitive conditions; military Keynesianism; on national incomes; on profit inflation; on taxation of profits; A Treatise on Money; on wartime policies, in India compared to Great Britain; on wealth demand for money; see also Bretton Woods system; Keynesian system
Keynesian Revolution
Keynesian system: accelerating inflation in; aggregate demand alterations in; alternative pricing-distribution systems and; capitalism and; equilibrium level of employment in; inflationary barrier in; involuntary unemployment in; Kaleckian formulations in; labor growth in; labor power in; labor productivity increases in; Marshallian system compared to; Marxian system and; monetarism rejected under; money illusion in; money in; Phillips Curve and; price increases in, causes of; Ricardian system compared to; Say’s Law rejected under; unemployment constrictions in; unemployment rates and; unutilized capacity in, maintenance of; value of money in, stability of; wage growth in; wage units in; Walrasian system compared to; wealth demand for money in; see also military Keynesianism