Capital and Imperialism: Theory, History, and the Present
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Keynesianism: European; see also military Keynesianism
Kindleberger, Charles
Kitchin business cycle
Kondratieff business cycle
Korean War; postwar boom after
Krugman, Paul
labor: in colonial economies; inflation and; as non-money commodity; from periphery regions
labor aristocracy
labor growth: in Keynesian system; during postwar boom
labor power, in Keynesian system
labor productivity: in Keynesian system; money wages and; reserve army of labor
land augmentation; through agricultural production; in colonial states; formal rules of; increasing supply price and; irrigation as; Marx on; neoliberalism and; new production methods and; during postwar boom; in semi-tropical regions; state role in; in tropical regions
land redistribution, in Third World dirigiste regimes
land revenue collection, through British colonialism
land supply, long-run supply price and
land taxes, after colonialism
land-augmenting investments
Lange, Oskar
League of Nations
Lenin, Vladimir: on imperialism; on super-profits
Lewis, W. Arthur
long boom, in colonial markets
long nineteenth century: colonial markets during; ex ante overproduction during
long-run supply price: acceleration of inflation and; land supply; land-augmenting investments; in money-using economies; primary commodities and; profit margins and; profit rates and; profit share decreases and; wage share decreases and
Luxembourg, Rosa
market price, of money
markup pricing
Marshall, Alfred
Marshallian system, for money; Keynesian system compared to; see also Cambridge Quantity Equation
Martin, Montgomery
Marx, Karl; Capital; on imperialism; on increasing supply price; on land augmentation; money wage movements and; The Poverty of Philosophy; rejection of Say’s Law; reserve army of labor; Wages, Prices and Profits; on wealth demand for money
Marxian system, money and: aggregate demand for commodities in; capitalism and; center of gravity equilibrium prices; commodity money in; commodity price levels in; competition in; critiques of; endogenous money supply and; ex ante overproduction and; exogenous money supply and; expanded reproduction of capitalist sector; factor-price frontier in; fixity of value of money in; fix-price economy and; gold in, value in; involuntary unemployment and; isolated capitalist economies and; Keynesian system and; labor in, as nonmoney commodity; labor values in; monetarism and; money hoarding and; money wage rates in; money-using economies and; multiplier effect in; non-money commodities in; paper money in; prices of production for commodities in; rate of profit in; Ricardian system and; Say’s Law rejected under; trade unions and; unemployment levels and; wage levels in, increases in; wealth demands in
Marxism, accumulation and
mass poverty, modern: in colonial economies; colonialism and; metropolitan capitalism and; roots of
Meiji Restoration
merchandise export surpluses, in India: from 1833-1919; from 1833-1940; from 1901-1919
merchandise trade growth, in India
merchandise trade surplus, of United States, with United Kingdom
metropolitan capitalism; modern mass poverty and; neoliberalism and; in postwar dirigiste regimes
metropolitan goods
migration: exogenous stimuli and; high-wage; to semi-tropical regions; temperate; to tropical regions
military Keynesianism; fascism and; postwar boom and
Mill, James
Mill, John Stuart
Minksy, Hyman
Mitra, Ashok
monetarism: circulation of money and; Great Depression and; under Keynesian system, rejection of; Marxian system and; in Ricardian system for money; unemployment rates and; Walrasian system for money and
money: commodities converted into; destabilization of; in economic theory; endogenous supply of; equilibrium value of; exogenous supply of; fixity of value of; hoarding of; in Keynesian system; in Marshallian system; natural price of; quantity theory of; in Ricardian system; stocks; for transaction purposes; value of; in Walrasian system; as wealth, inefficiency of; wealth demands for; see also currency; Marxian system; money illusion; money supply; money wages; money-using economies
money demand, in Cambridge Quantity Equation
money illusion: gold standard and, return to; inflation and; in Keynesian system; money wages and; Phillips Curve and
money stocks
money supply: in Cambridge Quantity Equation; commodity price levels and
money supply index
money wage movements
money wages: capitalism and; distribution theory and; fixity of; increases in; inflation and; labor productivity and; of manufacturing workers; in Marxian system; money illusion and; in money-using economies, flexibility of; see also increasing supply price
money-using economies: accumulation in; capital goods in; capitalist economies as; ceteris paribus in; definition of; employment levels in; income levels in; inflation in; involuntary unemployment in; long-run supply price in; Marxian system and; money stock in; money wages in, flexibility of; multiplier effects in; Ricardian system in; Say’s Law and; value of money in; Walrasian equilibrium and; wealth demands in
monopolies: competition in; East India Company; ex ante overproduction and; inflation and; rise of, during colonial period
monopoly capitalism: in colonial markets; epoch-making innovations and; export surpluses and; Great Depression and, ; investment expenditures and; Keynesian policies and; New Deal policies and; oligopolistic firms and; overproduction in
Moosvi, Shireen
moribund capitalism
Morison, T.
multilateral trade system, India’s role in
multiplier effects: in Marxian system; in money-using economies; war financing and
multiplier theory
Naoroji, Dadabhai
Nasser, Gamel Abdel
national incomes; in U.K.
nationalism; Hindutva, in India
natural price, of money
Navigation Acts, Great Britain
neoliberalism: definition of; diffusion of capitalism and; in dirigiste systems; employment rationing; fascism and; GDP growth rates and; in Global North; in Global South; globalization and; international finance capital; land augmentation measures; long-term implications of; market signals and; metropolitan capitalism and; migration of capital and; national interests under; in periphery regions; petty production and; postwar dirigiste regimes and; poverty and; primitive accumulation and; state intervention and; urban middle class under; WTO and
new capital goods
New Deal policies; global capitalism and; Golden Age of capitalism and; monopoly capitalism and
nominal exchange rates
non-acceleration of inflation
non-heterodox economic theories: Say’s Law in; wealth demand in; see also specific theories
non-money commodities
oil price hikes, OPEC formation and
oil shocks
old capital goods
oligopolistic conditions: capital goods in, price levels of; competition in; monopoly capitalism and
opium production, in India
Opium Wars
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
overproduction, monopoly capitalism and
Overton position
paper currency: depreciation of; in Marxian system of money
Patnaik, Prabhat
Patnaik, Utsa
periphery regions: globalization in; income deflation in; labor from
petty production; employment rationing; encroachment of capitalism; income distribution and
Phillips Curve; inflation and;
Keynesian system and; money illusion and
Pigou, A. C.
Piketty, Thomas
political decolonization
The Political Economy of Growth (Baran)
postwar boom: demand management during, state intervention in; government expenditures; after Great Depression; imperialism and; increasing supply price during; inflationary barriers; after Korean War; labor growth during; land augmentation during; military Keynesianism and; Phillips Curve and; primary commodities during; profit-squeeze hypothesis; under Social Democracy; Third World dirigiste regimes during; trade movement during; wage growth during; wage-tax spiral; working class resistance during; see also Golden Age of capitalism
postwar dirigiste regimes, end of: Bretton Woods system, collapse of; colonialism and, legacy of; diffusion of capitalism; finance capital and; global income distribution; globalization of finance; imperialism and, legacy of; income deflation and; inflation during; inflationary barriers and; investor confidence and; in metropolitan capitalist countries; neoliberalism and; oil price hikes and, OPEC formation and; oil shocks; Phillips Curve and; primary commodity prices; Reaganomics and; Ricardo on; stagflation; Thatcherism and; trade movements and, terms of; Vietnam War and; wage growth during
poverty: capitalism and; from income deflation; neoliberal regimes and; see also mass poverty
The Poverty of Philosophy (Marx)
pre-capitalist markets; production in
precious metals: see gold; silver
pre-colonial economies: agricultural production in; gross domestic product in
prices: of capital goods; of commodities; elasticity of; markup; system for, functioning of; see also theory of price
primary commodities; end of postwar dirigiste regimes; during postwar boom
primary product prices, in India, collapse of
primitive accumulation: of capital; consumption reduction as result of; neoliberalism and
produced goods, ex ante excess supply of
production capacity asymmetry, in Great Britain; in Continental Europe; import surplus and; through imports; re-exports; for tropical goods
profit inflation; Great Bengal Famine of 1943-1944 from; increasing supply price and; Keynes on; war financing through
profit margins, long-run supply price and
profit rates: long-run supply price and; in Marxian system; super-profits
profit share decreases
profits: See profit inflation
profit-squeeze hypothesis
property rights, under British colonialism
protectionist policies: for colonial markets; drain of wealth through; in newly emerging economies; in Third World dirigiste regimes; in U.S.
provisioning for troops
public expenditures, war financing and
public extension services
public investment projects, in India
public sector enterprises
Qianlong (Emperor)
quantity theory of money
railways, as epoch-making innovation
recoverable expenditures, from war financing
research, public expenditures on
reservation wage
reserve army of labor
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Ricardian system, for money: capitalism and; center of gravity in; conceptual representation of capitalism in; equilibrium value of money in; gold flows in; income velocity of circulation in; involuntary unemployment levels in; Keynesian system compared to; market price of money in; Marxian system and; monetarism in; in money-using economies; natural price of money in; quantity theory of money and; Say’s Law and; theory of price and
Ricardo, David; on diminishing returns; on postwar dirigiste regimes
Robinson, Joan; on inflationary barrier
Roosevelt, Franklin, New Deal policies
routine innovations
rupees: appreciation of; depreciation of; exchange rate for, against British sterling; revenue collections
Sanders, Bernie
Saul, S. B.
Say, J. B.; see also Say’s Law Say’s Law: income inequality and; under Keynesian system, rejection of; under Marxian system, rejection of; Marx’s rejection of; in money-using economies; in non-heterodox economic theory; Ricardian system and; Walrasian equilibrium and; Walrasian system for money and
Schumpeter, Joseph
Second World War: Golden Age of capitalism after; surplus extraction during; see also war financing
semi-colonial markets; exogenous stimuli and
semi-tropical regions: drain of surplus from; land augmentation in; migration to
Sen, Amartya K.
Shaikh, Anwar
silver: depreciation of; free coinage of; Herschell Committee; price decreases in
Sivasubramonian, S.
Skidelsky, Robert
Smith, Adam; theory of price
Smithies, Arthur
Social Democracy; postwar boom under
source-of-surplus extraction
Spanish Influenza pandemic
Sri Lanka; market competition for, India as
state expenditures: exogenous stimuli and; global capitalism and
state interventions: capitalism and; in dirigiste regimes; epistemic closure and; during Great Depression; in neoliberal regimes
Statistical Abstracts for British India
Statistical Abstracts for India 1920 to 1940
Steindl, Josef
sterling, British: gold standard and, exchange rate for; indebtedness of, in India; rupee exchange rate against; U.S. dollar exchange rate against; war financing and
Stiglitz, Joseph
supply price: see increasing supply price
surplus extraction, during Second World War
surplus production: see ex ante overproduction
Sweezy, Paul
tariffs: drain of wealth through; in Third World dirigiste regimes
tax revenue, drain of wealth through
taxation: in India, revenues from; of profits, in India; see also land taxes
temperate migration
theory of price
Third World dirigiste regimes: agricultural growth in; developmental bureaucracy in; economic growth in; imperialism in; import-substitution in; intermediate regimes in; land redistribution in; during postwar boom; protectionism in; public sector enterprises in; tariff barriers; trade restrictions in
Togliatti, Palmiro
trade: free, in colonial economies; global networks; increasing supply price and; India role in multilateral trade systems; merchandise trade balances, for major countries and regions; merchandise trade growth in India; multilateral trade networks and systems; in Third World dirigiste regimes, restrictions of; triangular, in Great Britain; see also international trade
trade deficits, for Great Britain: colonial transfers from India earnings for; with Continental Europe; earnings from colonial India and; with France; with United States
trade movement: during postwar boom; postwar dirigiste regimes and
trade unions, Marxian system and
transaction demands, in Walrasian system for money
transfer processes, in drain of wealth
A Treatise on Money (Keynes)
triangular relationships: in colonial markets; India in, with Great Britain
tropical goods
tropical regions: drain of surplus from; land augmentation in; migration to
Trump, Donald; fascism and
Tsuru, Shigeto
Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail
unemployment levels: inflation and; in Keynesian system; in Marxian system; in monetarist theory; see also involuntary unemployment levels
United Kingdom (U.K.): national incomes in; Thatcherism in; United States merchandise tr
ade surplus with; see also England and Wales
United States (U.S.): fascism in, response to; fiscal deficits in, after Vietnam War; global account deficits for; merchandise trade surplus with United Kingdom; New Deal policies in; protectionist policies in; see also U.S. dollar
universal adult franchise, in Great Britain
unutilized capacity
U.S. dollar: convertibility of; exchange rate of, against British sterling
Vietnam War
wage deflation: gold standard and, return to; increasing supply price and
wage growth; in Keynesian system; during postwar boom; during postwar dirigiste regimes
wage share decreases
wage units, in Keynesian system; see also money wages
wages: deflation of; in Global North; in Global South; in Keynesian system; in Marxian system, increases in; reservation
Wages, Prices and Profits (Marx)
wages fund theory
wage-tax spiral
Wales: see England and Wales
Walrasian equilibrium; Keynesian system compared to; money-using economies and; Say’s Law and
Walrasian system, for money: aggregate demand deficiencies and; capitalism and; circulation of commodities in; circulation of money in; C-M-C circuit and; constraints in; ex ante excess supply of commodities and; involuntary unemployment and; monetarism and; Say’s Law and; transaction demands in
war financing: Bretton Woods system and; central government outlays; through colonial economies; deficit spending and; with earnings from India; government provisioning for troops; through income taxation; for Korean War; money supply index; multiplier effects and; Pakistan and; through profit inflation; public expenditures and; recoverable expenditures; Reserve Bank of India; sterling balances and; through tax revenues; total deficits
warranted rate of growth
wartime economic policies: in Great Britain; in India
wealth: through commodities; money held as, inefficiency of
wealth demands: ceteris paribus and; involuntary unemployment and; Keynes on; in Keynesian system; Marx on; in Marxian system; for money; in money-using economies; in non-heterodox economic theories
Weston, Citizen
White, Harry
wholesale price index, in Great Britain
Wilde, Oscar
Wingate, George
working class: money illusion and; Phillips Curve and; during postwar boom
world capitalism
The World in Depression
World Trade Organization (WTO)