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Unnecessary Roughness

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by GA Hauser

  Unnecessary Roughness

  G.A. Hauser


  Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2009

  Cover art by Stephanie Vaughan

  Edited by Nicole Bunting

  ISBN Trade paperback:

  The G.A. Hauser Collection

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or

  reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

  permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  This book contains material that maybe offensive to some:

  graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations.

  Please store your books carefully where they cannot be

  accessed by underage readers.

  First G.A. Hauser publication: October 2009


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  For those of you who have purchased this book legally, I would like to personally thank you for your support. For those who have obtained it by illegal websites, I hope you get what’s coming to you as well. Because you will, count on it.


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  “The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000." And a hex on you from the author!

  A percentage of the royalties of this novel will be donated to the charity Gay American Heroes. Thank you for giving.

  Mission Statement

   To honor and remember LGBT victims of hate crimes.

   To engage and inform the public about hate crimes against LGBT persons.

   To inspire compassion and greater appreciation and acceptance of diversity.

  What is the Gay American Heroes Foundation?

  The Gay American Heroes Foundation is creating a National Traveling Rainbow Memorial and Educational Exhibit celebrating the lives of all LGBT persons who have been murdered because of their sexual orientation and /or gender identity.

  They are Heroes

  All People who live honestly about their sexual orientation are heroic, as it takes great strength and courage to face the daily struggles for personal freedom in the face of enormous opposition; to ultimately give their life for said freedom makes them HEROES.

  “It’s time to show the world…our HEROES…because our family and friends are being stolen from us because of hate and those who teach it. We should not, and will not, live in fear. We will face the ongoing violence against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people head on and fight those who want to enslave us in their beliefs. So, until we are given the same rights, freedoms, and protections as every other American, we will be united in this fight for respect, dignity, and protections under the law. We will win this fight through awareness, education, and perseverance for the good of all humanity.”

  Scott Hall

  Founder, Gay American Heroes Foundation

  Scott Hall definition of hate,

  June 8th 2009

  What is your definition of Hate?

  Hate is poison, and those who teach it are poisonous, and need to be held accountable for their teaching and insidious actions.

  The same hate that Murdered

  Martin Luther King

  Is the same hate that Murdered

  Mathew Sheppard,

  And is the same hate that Murdered our fellow Americans in 911,

  Hate is un-American and unacceptable.

  Please help stop the Hate.

  Honor our HEROES

  By supporting our


  Chapter 1

  Connor Andrew Worthington knew from an early age he was different from other boys.

  The enormous campus of UCLA was a maze to Connor the first time he tried to navigate it in his freshman year. Now, three years later, he knew this place by heart.

  He was cutting it close after a workout at the Wooden Center and jogged with his backpack across Bruin Walk. “Fuck,” he said, wishing he had more time. The rushing around to find time for his training was exhausting. He passed through the door of the math and science building, catching his breath.

  “Connor? You have a second?”

  Connor spun around to see one of his instructors flagging him down. “What’s up, Professor? I’m running late.”

  Professor Patrick glanced quickly over his shoulder as the classroom cleared. “I know you’re very busy with a full academic schedule and lacrosse...”

  Unsure where this conversation was headed, Connor concentrated on the short man’s thinning hair and small moustache.

  “We have some students in the class that need extra help. They meet once a week with the physics club. I was wondering if you had any time to help out.”

  Thinking of his already loaded schedule and the pressure from his dad to get a four-point-oh average, Connor replied, “I don’t know, sir.”

  Professor Patrick stepped closer to him, staring at Connor’s chest. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you. But you’re doing excellent. I thought perhaps you can assist the students who aren’t doing as well.”

  “Do you need me to tutor someone in particular?” Connor touched his lower lip. “Can I think about it and get back to you?”

  “Sure, Connor. If you can help me out, I’ll make sure your grade reflects the extra effort.” Professor Patrick smiled and laid his hand on Connor’s biceps, squeezing it firmly.

  Connor stared at the contact with suspicion. It wasn’t the first time someone had made “promises” to him in order to get sexual favors. “If I can’t fit it into my schedule, will I get graded down?”

  “No, I won’t hold it against you. Of course not.” Professor Patrick’s fingers smoothed up and down Connor’s arm. Connor was getting the feeling the friendly gesture was something else. Being propositioned upset Connor. “Right, then I’ll let you know.”

  Professor Patrick dropped his hand to his side and smiled. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “See ya.” As Connor left, he mumbled under his breath, “What the hell was that all about? Can’t I get through one fucking semester without a come on?” He was hoping it was about tutoring
and that was all. But he knew better.

  Just making it to his seat before the lecture began, Connor tried to remember his assignments for all the other classes he had later in the week. They were starting to accumulate and he didn’t want any of the work interfering with his first love: lacrosse. It was January and that meant the beginning of the season.

  “Hi, Connor.”

  He glanced over at the woman seated next to him and said, “Hi, Mary.”

  “Did you finish the reading assignment?”

  “Yes. I thought it was pretty interesting. I liked the part about axioms and the scientific model.”


  “Never mind. Class is starting.” He pointed to the front of the room where his teacher was standing.


  Connor packed away his book while his mind ran over the amount of reading he had to do by the end of the week. He checked the clock. Lunchtime.

  Mary lingered next to him. “Do you have plans for lunch, Connor?”

  “Sorry. I’m meeting someone,” he lied, just wanting to eat quickly and not sit and chat.

  “Oh. Too bad.”

  Connor shrugged politely to soften the blow.

  After she left, he finished packing up his notebook. Christ, I don’t have time for this. The workload loomed ominously and his father’s threats to cut him off financially if his grades faltered was monumental pressure.

  As he was preparing to leave the classroom, zipping up his backpack, he noticed a pair of shapely legs in pantyhose and high heels standing next to him. He glanced up at his hot biology teacher and exhaled tiredly. Oh no.

  “Can I speak to you for a minute, Connor?” Professor Jacobs asked.

  “Sure.” He dropped his book bag at his feet and crossed his arms over his chest. He had a feeling this would happen. Yes, he was sitting in the front row, but Professor Jacobs had stared at him through her entire lecture.

  The room emptied quickly around them as the students rushed to grab food in the break between classes. Connor needed to be one of those rushing students.

  She walked to the back wall and closed the door, waiting until the last student was gone, then leaned against a desk. “I know you’re very busy with all your studies, Connor.”

  He had flashbacks to Professor Patrick’s chat. “Professor Jacobs, I don’t have time for extra work. I’m already fully loaded with credits and sports.”

  “I know.” She ran her hand down his chest seductively.

  He stared at her fire-cracker red nails and cringed. He’d been fighting to “come out” without it ruining his life. Acting straight was exhausting and killing him.

  When he didn’t respond, she gazed into his eyes.

  Oh crap. Feeling the impending proposition as he studied her pink lipstick and long dark hair, Connor closed his eyes. Why me?

  “Connor Worthington, whatever will I do with you?” She fingered his bangs.

  “Look, Professor Jacobs, I appreciate the compliment. But—”

  She wrapped her arms around him and went for his lips. He blinked in surprise and nudged her back. “Look, how can I put this politely? I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  Instantly she appeared embarrassed and backed off. “I just thought—”

  “It’s my fault. I must have given you the wrong idea.” Connor knew he had done nothing to encourage these advances but dreaded failing a class for deflecting a proposition.

  “My mistake.” She stepped back and pretended to fix her hair.

  “Sorry.” Moving slowly to escape from what felt like a snare, Connor raised his backpack to his shoulder and slipped out of the classroom. After he was outside in the fresh air, he shook his head in annoyance and walked to the Bruin café to get something to eat. Mother-fucker! What the hell am I? A walking sex toy?


  Kyle William Baker showed up for the first day of lacrosse practice a new transfer student from the University of Oregon. A Duck now wearing a Bruin uniform. Playing midfield, he ran across the intramural field as another teammate tossed the ball. He caught it in the webbing, passing it a few times as he looked over the choice of potential players.

  It was cool and brilliantly sunny out. Not a cloud floated past in the clear blue sky. A few men were running wind-sprints up and down the length of the field. Some were sitting on the trimmed green sod, stretching their legs while a few more were throwing the ball back and forth, attackers in training, whipping it at the goalie.

  Kyle smiled. He loved this sport. He was getting ready for his final year in undergraduate studies, deciding on whether to continue on to graduate school. Yes, he had a full credit load of classes, but there was always time for lacrosse as far as he was concerned.

  He scanned the empty bleachers and field happily as he stretched out his back muscles using the crosse, holding it behind his head. One of the men running wind-sprints caught his eye. His brown mane flowed out from behind his lacrosse helmet. He was the only one of the guys practicing out the field with hair that long. Other than his hair, he was certainly all man. He was tall. Kyle assumed he was about his own height, six-foot-one or two, and slender, but very muscular.

  Shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight, Kyle walked closer to him for a better look.

  The man ran two more times with another team member, beating the other man every time. Finally both men stood to catch their breaths and stretch their leg muscles. It was the chance Kyle needed to get a better look at this long-haired man’s face through the face mask and chin pad.

  He felt his mid-section go into a deep flutter. “Holy crap,” he mumbled under his breath.

  The guy was so incredibly pretty at first glance he looked like a woman. Under closer inspection Kyle could see the man’s dark shadow of one day’s beard growth on his sharply angled jaw. His padded shoulders were broad and straight.

  Instantly hard under his uniform pants, Kyle licked his lips hungrily and panned down to ogle the man’s narrow hips and long, solid legs. The cup bulge in his crotch was imposing. Kyle swallowed down a dry throat as he imagined fucking or sucking this creature. Oh, he is too much!

  The head coach called them all to gather around. Kyle deliberately positioned himself behind the handsome man to check out his ass and tanned legs. His butt was tight and perfectly rounded in his gold lacrosse uniform. The urge to run his palms over those gorgeous cheeks was almost impossible to fight. Scooting closer, Kyle allowed himself to brush against it with the back of his gloved hand.

  At the touch, the man glanced over his shoulder at him. To Kyle’s surprise, he received a warm, affectionate smile and got a good look at shining sky blue eyes. Immediately Kyle returned the friendly smile, growing so excited he had to cross his hands over his crotch to hide his erection even though it was occurring under a cup. In the tight circle of men, Kyle overheard another teammate whisper into this man’s ear, “Connor, what’d the coach just say?”

  Connor. Kyle salivated, wanting to be the one comfortable enough to whisper in his ear.

  Kyle couldn’t keep his eyes off of him. When he got the chance, Kyle managed to stand near Connor as they waited their turn on the field. Feeling slightly intimidated by this man, Kyle cleared his throat nervously. When it caught Connor’s attention, Kyle extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Kyle Baker.”

  Connor took the mouthpiece he was gnawing out of his teeth. “Connor Worthington.” He reached for Kyle with his free hand.

  Kyle removed his glove and shook it firmly.

  The contact of their palms set Kyle’s body on fire. He couldn’t get over the raw sexuality oozing out of his man. “Look at this day. Isn’t it fantastic? Perfect for lacrosse.”

  “Yes, perfect.”

  “Are you a senior?” Kyle leaned close enough for a sniff at Connor’s scent.

  “Yes, thank fuck. One more year of this torture.” Connor laughed shyly. “How about you?”

  Kyle didn’t get the chance to reply.

  “Shit! I’m up!” Connor stuffed his mou
thpiece into his teeth and sprinted onto the field.

  Trying to control the desire to hump him like a dog in heat, Kyle leaned against his stick, using it to prop him up, completely infatuated with Connor. He wondered if he...could possibly be... Nah.

  Looking relaxed and confident, Connor, an attackman, quickly gained control of the ball and avoided an aggressive cross before whipping the ball into the net past the goalie to score.

  With no boasting of any kind at the feat, Connor left the field as the coach waved him off.

  Once Connor took his mouthpiece out, he nudged Kyle, “Coach is waving you in. Your turn.”

  Lost in his awe of Connor, Kyle came back into focus and pushed his mouth guard in, racing out to the field.


  Kyle searched for him through the chaotic mass of half-naked male bodies in the locker room while he quickly undressed at his locker A loud commotion caught his attention. He spotted Connor getting teased as he walked by a group of his teammates while he headed to the shower. Kyle was slightly shocked at the homophobic overtones of the taunting.

  “Nice hair, Worthington!”

  “You get your nails polished too?”

  “You hang out in West Hollywood at night, Connor?”

  Geez! Kyle cringed.

  It appeared Connor was playing the good sport, a tiny white towel wrapped around his narrow hips, the blush hot in his cheeks. “All right. Leave me alone, you dumb jocks.”

  Watching Connor walk, Kyle was in heat, his mouth actually watering at the sight. It was so fricken’ obvious that all those macho men needed an excuse to toy with Connor. Or at least Kyle hoped it was good-natured.


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