Book Read Free

Unnecessary Roughness

Page 2

by GA Hauser

  Kyle lost himself on the lovely bronze color of Connor’s skin, his round, smooth, solid completely hairless chest. The guy looked like a model. Jesus, what, twenty years old? And absolutely perfect.

  Wanting to see this man in all his glory, Kyle stripped the pads and sweaty uniform off quickly and grabbed a towel. So what if I have a hard on? It happens to guys all the time, right?

  Connor hung the white terry cloth on a hook and tested the water as it burst out of a shower head coming from of a wall of spigots. Kyle hung his towel on the spot next to Connor and reached to do the same. While Connor was wetting down, Kyle thought he may spontaneously combust at the sight.

  He kept trying to get a good look at Connor’s cock without being seen doing so. When he finally was granted a full frontal view he moaned before he could prevent it.

  Running the soap over his arms, Connor smiled sweetly at Kyle. “Hey, Kyle. Looks like we have an excellent team this season.”

  With his face on fire from his attraction, Kyle was trying to hide his erection. “Yeah, we look really good. Beats playing in high school.”

  “What position do you like best?”

  Kyle froze and his eyes widened in shock.

  As if he were confused by the reaction, Connor stopped soaping up and stared at him curiously. “Hello?”

  “What position do I like?” Kyle gaped at him in disbelief. Could I be this lucky? This hunk is gay and propositioning me? Holy crap!

  Tilting his head, Connor shouted over the echoing noise to clarify, “Yes. I assume you were a midfield-man in high school too. No? Defense? What?” Connor continued washing and shook his head. “What did you think I meant? Where did I lose you?”

  Kyle exhaled when he realized his mistake. “Oh, I thought you meant…never mind. Yes. I played midfield.”

  Connor nodded and continued washing.

  Disappointed by the confused communication, Kyle rinsed the soap off quickly when he realized Connor was done. “You’re amazing out there, Connor,” Kyle complimented him. “You’re one of the best players on the team.”

  Connor connected with his eyes instantly. “You think so?”

  Kyle melted. Those irises were as blue as sapphires. Just shoot me now. “Yes.”

  “I thought the same about you, Kyle.” Connor made sure he was soap free. They shut off the water simultaneously and reached for the towels.

  Even though he was scared to death Connor would think he was hot for his bod, Kyle asked, “You wanna go out for a bite?”

  Connor looked up at the large clock on the wall, as he rubbed the towel through his hair. “Sure. But it’ll have to be quick one. I have a ton of reading to do. I guess I gotta eat, don’t I?”

  “Yes. A man can’t live on lacrosse and academics alone,” Kyle teased.

  He received a nice smile in return.


  They walked out to the parking lot silently. Kyle was deep in thought trying to decide if Connor could be gay or not. “Not” was winning his internal argument.

  Connor gestured to his black MG. “You want me to drive us? Or follow me there?”

  “You can drive, if that’s okay. Sweet little car.”

  As Connor unlocked it, he replied, “Yeah, my first set of wheels. Thank you, Mother.”

  Kyle couldn’t stop his heart from beating wildly as he sat next to this man.

  Connor placed his sunglasses his face, then turned to Kyle and asked, “What’s your pleasure?”

  Again thinking of something overtly sexual, Kyle paled. “What?” My pleasure? Can I suck your big dick?

  Connor lowered his glasses down his nose and peered over them. “Which restaurant? Bar? Why do I keep losing you?”

  Chiding himself for behaving like an idiot, Kyle replied, “No. It’s not you. I’m just exhausted. Uh, how about the sport’s bar on Santa Monica Boulevard?”

  “That’ll work.” Connor slid his Ray Bans back on his nose.

  Kyle peeked at Connor’s legs; solid and muscular in his tight jeans. Next, he found Connor’s hand as it rested on the gear shift, finely boned, smooth skinned. His navy blue, sleeveless t-shirt was stretched taut across his broad rounded chest. Slowly Kyle raised his eyes to Connor’s profile. It was perfect. His mouth started watering again. Connor was incredible. Absolutely amazing. How was Kyle supposed to control himself around this man?

  Clearing his throat as if Kyle felt his silent appraisal, Connor turned to him. “So, tell me about yourself. What’s your major?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just taking math and science classes hoping an idea strikes me.”

  “Ditto.” Connor cringed. “The only thing worse than math and science would be law or medicine. Fucking sucks.” After pulling out of traffic, Connor drove into the parking lot of the bar. “Are you in any of my classes?”

  “I could be. Some of the lecture halls are so big, we probably are.”

  “We’ll have to check our schedules. Now I’m curious why I’ve never seen you before.”

  Me too, you gorgeous fucker. “Well, I just transferred here from Oregon, but I’ve been here since the start of the semester.”

  Connor glanced again at Kyle over the top of his sunglasses.

  Trying to stop acting like a schoolgirl with a crush, Kyle noticed someone pulling out of a parking space. “Look, an open spot.”

  Connor pulled in quickly. “Great. That was good luck.”

  “Yes. Today is my lucky day.” Kyle grinned slyly to himself.

  Once inside the dim interior of the bar, they found an unoccupied booth. Connor first slid his sunglasses to the top of his head, then as if reconsidering, he removed them and set them on the table. Kyle studied every move Connor made, watching him run his hands through that thick head of damp hair. Strangely enough, Kyle thought Connor’s actions appeared self-conscious, not confident as Kyle would have expected with a man as talented, intelligent, and charming as Connor was.

  The waitress came over and handed them menus. “You want something to drink first?”

  Connor smiled at her sweetly. “How about something from the tap?”

  Kyle was under twenty-one and assumed Connor might be as well. He waited for the inevitable request for proof of age and the denial of the alcoholic beverage.

  The waitress went over the short list of beers on tap and Connor picked one. Kyle just nodded, same for him.

  “You guys got ID?” She popped her chewing gum.

  Connor gestured for her to come closer.

  Put completely off guard, she smiled shyly and moved nearer to him. Connor whispered something in her ear. Suddenly she went beet red, giggled, and left.

  Trying not to be jealous, Kyle rested his elbows on the table. “What did you say?”

  “I told her if she was a good girl, she’d be rewarded.”

  “I hope you mean we’ll give her a good tip.”


  Slightly let down at Connor’s sign that he was straight, Kyle couldn’t prevent his pout. “You get away with a lot with women, don’t you?”

  “Get away with a lot?” Connor replied. “What do you mean?”

  “Never mind. Do you have a girlfriend?” Kyle asked.

  Before Kyle got his answer the beers were set before them. The young woman smiled dreamily at Connor and handed him a piece of paper. “Call me and I’ll tell you what I want for my reward.”

  Connor let out a one syllable laugh and grinned invitingly at her. “Do you have a friend?” He gestured to Kyle. “We shouldn’t leave my handsome friend out in the cold.”

  “You bet! When can we go out?”

  Connor shrugged casually, the prefect gesture of indifference, and glanced over at Kyle. “You free this Saturday night? We have to take a break from the studies some time.”

  Unable to prevent his mouth from forming a frown, Kyle inspected the petite brunette. She was so cute he wanted to strangle her. “That depends.”

  Connor asked her, “Will your friend be as pretty as y

  “Don’t worry, she will be. What time?”

  “Is seven okay with you, Kyle?” Connor whispered softly.

  Kyle tried very hard not to grimace. “Sure, seven is fine.”

  As if just remembering, Connor read the slip of paper he was handed. “Hannah. Okay, Hannah. What’s your friend’s name?”

  “Vicky. Oh, she will love you.” She pointed at Kyle. “She adores jocks.”

  Connor muttered something under his breath.

  As Kyle tried to figure out the missed comment, Connor said, “I’m Connor, and this ‘jock’ is Kyle.”

  “Hi. Write down your cell phone number for me.” She went bright red as she handed Connor a pen and slip of paper. “I have to get back to the tables. You guys need another minute?”

  Connor nodded, handed her his information, and she left. He raised his beer and sipped it, the foam leaving a trace on his lip. “A nice flirty waitress is always good for an under-twenty-one beer.” Connor winked. “Down the hatch.”

  Kyle tried to stop watching Connor’s tongue lick the foam off his lip. “Cheers.” Kyle tapped Connor’s beer mug with his own.

  Connor reached across the table to him and touched his hand. “You okay about it? It was forward of me to make a double-date like that. Are you already going with someone? I didn’t think to ask.”

  As the contact once again ignited his groin, Kyle stared down at Connor’s hand before he met those brilliant blue irises. “No. I don’t have a girlfriend,” he breathed tiredly.

  “Good.” He raised his mug and gave Kyle a wicked smile. “Very good.”

  Hoping he was reading something else in his mischievous grin, Kyle couldn’t help but return the demonic expression. “Connor Worthington, why do I have a feeling that life will be very interesting if I hang around with you?”

  After taking a deep swallow of beer, Connor placed his mug down and stretched across the table to him. “Because, Kyle Baker, for the first time in my life I can almost taste freedom. One more year of college and I’m done. Do you have any idea what that freedom means to me?”

  Loving them nose to nose, Kyle imagined a kiss as he leaned over the expanse of wood. “No, what does it mean, Connor?”

  “It means that I will do as I please. No one will tell me what I can and cannot do any longer.”

  Tempted, so very tempted, Kyle wanted to contact those lush lips very badly. When Connor sat back and raised his mug once more, Kyle mirrored him. “Where are you living?” Kyle was mesmerized by Connor’s mouth while he drank.

  “Reiber Hall. It sucks. My roommate is a slob. I fucking hate it.”

  “You have a roommate?” Kyle blurted before he realized how stupid it sounded.

  “Yes.” Connor rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Big, fat, Baby Huey of a guy. Stuffs food into his face all night. I’m never there unless I have to be.”

  “I’m still in limbo trying to get settled in. I’ve been placed in temporary housing. Uh, do you want to try and find a small apartment off campus and live with me?”

  Appearing very surprised at the invitation, Connor took a moment to answer. “Are you neat?”

  Kyle laughed at the expression on Connor’s face. “Yes.”


  “Great?” Kyle felt his insides light on fire. You’ll live with me? After knowing me one day? I’m ganna die!

  Hannah returned with a dreamy smile on her lips. “Ready to order yet?”

  Connor opened the menu quickly. “Veggie burger and fries.” He closed it and handed it to her with a grin.

  “Veggie burger?” Kyle scoffed. “Oh no, a carrot cruncher.”

  In response, Connor reached over the table and whacked his arm. “Shut up or I’ll beat you.”

  “Oh baby! Is that a promise or a threat?” Kyle grew totally erect at the dirty talk.

  Connor’s eyes widened at the response. He blinked at Hannah and said, “He’s already tormenting me and he’s just met me. Go and get the ‘jock’ some meat.”

  Laughing, Hannah said “One meat and one veggie burger coming up.” She took their menus and walked away.

  Kyle stared at Connor in curious contemplation. Was he? The signals were all mixed up. No, he has to be straight. He is. This is just my wishful thinking, isn’t it?

  Connor downed the rest of his beer, tapped the table in front of Kyle, and sang out loudly, “Hellooooo? How is it I keep losing you? Am I boring you?”

  Kyle snapped back to the present instantly. “A bore? Oh, uh, no, not even close. You are not boring, dear.”

  “Dear?” Connor laughed at him. “Okay, honey-bun.”

  “Shit! How the hell am I going to keep up with you? You make me feel like an idiot.”

  Connor’s playful grin dropped.

  It was an unexpected reaction and Kyle wondered why the light left his eyes. “What?”

  “I’m sorry. You’re not an idiot. You’re very smart. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”

  “Connor!” Kyle reached across the table to him. “I’m kidding.”

  Connor glanced down as his arm as Kyle squeezed it. “If I ever make you feel that way, for real, please tell me. I’ll never do it again.”

  Before Kyle could reply to the odd statement their food arrived. They sat back and looked down at the plates.

  As if flipping a switch, Connor regained his composure, smiled, and reached out to Hannah. “Thank you, sugarplum.”

  “You can thank me Saturday night!”

  “Oh, I will. I promise.” He winked as she skipped away.

  Trying to ignore their playful banter, Kyle took a bite of his burger, staring at this confusing man as he did.

  Connor ate a french fry and sighed loudly. “Sorry about the comment earlier. I get paranoid I’ll turn into my old man. He’s a fucking asshole. He calls me an idiot on a constant basis. So, if I do it to someone else, I feel like shit.”

  “You didn’t do that to me. I know the difference between a tease and the real thing, Connor.” At least when it comes to insults. This sexual innuendo bullshit? I’m clueless.

  “Good. I like you, Kyle.”

  “I like you too, Connor. Now shut up and eat your vegetables. Let’s look for an apartment when we’re done.”

  “You want to move in with me that fast?”

  Kyle choked on his food and took a drink of beer to wash it down. “Oh, God help me.” His dick was throbbing like mad in his shorts.

  Connor sat up. “What?”

  Kyle mirrored his posture. “Yes. I want you that fast.”

  Connor appeared extremely flattered. “Wow. If I was a woman I’d think you were after my virginity.”

  Kyle died, avoiding his gaze.

  Unfazed, Connor continued, “We’ll work on it then. I have to warn you. I’m on a limited budget. It won’t be an expensive place. Mom can only send me so much allowance. Dad even objected to the car she bought me. He insisted I get a fucking degree in law. The minute he found out I wasn’t interested in becoming a lawyer he tried to cut me off.” Connor ate another bite of his burger. “I don’t get the bastard. I’m still going to get a degree. What difference does it make? But we’ve always been more like rivals than family.”

  “Some relationships are dysfunctional. What can ya do?”

  Connor shook his head and made a sour face. “If you ask me, the bastard’s jealous of me.”


  “Yeah. He’s always looking to have affairs, you know? And if he were broke, he’d have to pay for pussy.” Connor glanced over his shoulder first, before he added, “Fucker’s rich. So he buys all the whores he can get. My mother knows but she stays with him. You figure it out. Me?” Connor pointed to his chest. “I’d divorce the bastard and take half his shit.”

  “Sounds fucked up.” Kyle felt sorry for Connor.

  “Are your parents divorced?”

  “No. They’re still together.”

  Connor nodded in reply, eating his food.

>   “It’s tight for me as well. My mom and dad just send a few hundred to me a month so I get by. We can find something small just off campus. We won’t be there much. You know, with the classes and practice. I do most of my studying in the library anyway.”

  “Yes. Me too. I can’t concentrate in Huey’s pig sty.”

  “Good. We’ll get along just fine. And we can go to practice together.”

  “Geez! Hungry?”


  “You inhaled your plate.” Connor pointed at it.

  Kyle shrugged. “I get really hungry. You gonna eat all those fries?”

  “I like you, Kyle Baker.”

  Kyle stole a french fry from Connor’s plate. “I like you too, Connor Worthington.” Kyle grinned at him happily as he ate. Oh, yes, I like you a whole lot.

  Chapter 2

  When they exited the restaurant Connor pointed at a newspaper box. “We need one of those.”

  Kyle shoved a few coins in the slot and opened it up. “We really should check the board in the activities center. This won’t list the cheap ones.” Kyle skimmed it for the rental section.

  “Always thinking, Baker.” Connor hopped into the MG and stuck his sunglasses back on his face.

  Once they parked on campus, Kyle followed him into the building staring at Connor’s tight ass in even tighter soft, faded, blue denim. Glancing down, he checked his own khaki slacks to see if his hard-on showed. He’d been in a perpetual state of arousal since lacrosse practice.

  Connor stopped at the bulletin board and shoved his sunglasses up into his long hair once more. Leaning his palm on the wall, he read through the mass of tiny cut-out papers.

  His hand in his pocket touching himself, Kyle glanced around the hall first for witnesses before he enjoyed Connor’s sensuous posture.

  Connor pointed to a slip of paper. “This one’s cheap.”

  Kyle moved behind him and read over his shoulder.

  “Apartment, furnished, galley kitchen, bath in unit. Eight hundred and fifty a month. It doesn’t say how big it is. You think it’s a rat’s nest?”

  “Where’s it at?” Kyle inhaled the shampoo scent from Connor’s hair.


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