Book Read Free

Wicked Love

Page 56

by Michelle Dare

  She begins tapping her index finger on the center of his chest as magic builds in the air. The fine hair on the back of my neck stands and my body tenses. I’ve felt magic before. More times than I can count, however, it’s unnerving me tonight. I just hope whatever she’s doing leads us to Ariane.

  Rion’s eyes close and he takes a deep breath.

  “Do you feel her?” Robin asks.

  “I do, but it’s faint. A whisper of her. She’s not hurt, I don’t think. Angry, yes.”

  “Where?” I ask him. Now that we know she’s not injured, we have to find her. If Ari’s angry, I hope whoever made her that way is ready for her. Hell hath no fury like Ariane Raines.

  “Through the forest,” he mutters as if he’s following a trail. Usually, we just know where our mates are, but maybe because something is hindering that, it’s not as simple this time. Rion cocks his head. “At our house?” His eyes flash open. “Thank you,” he says to Robin. Then he’s gone, teleporting away.

  “See you on the flip side,” I say to those around me. Taking Sienna’s hand in mine, I use my other to snap and teleport us to Ari and Rion’s house deep in the woods.

  Instead of going inside their home, I keep us to the shadows along the tree line. I’m not sure where she is or what’s going on in there. I have no doubt Rion went charging in. I would have done the same had it been Sienna. However, I need to watch his back. There could be only one being screwing with the pack or more. Either way, I have to go at this smartly.

  Ari’s voice rips through the night. “I’m going to murder her!” A split second later the sound of wood splintering reaches us.

  With Sienna’s hand still in mine, I teleport us inside. Screw the sidelines. Something is about to go down and I want a piece of it.

  I’ve never been one to back away from a fight. No one in my family has. Now that I know Ari’s okay, it’s game on.

  We land in the living room and it looks like a tornado has torn through the place. The couch cushions are shredded. Multiple dining room chairs are in pieces. There are even claw marks in the walls.

  “What the fate did you do in here?” I ask.

  “That female thought she could tie me to a chair,” Ari growls as her wolf hovers just beneath the surface. “She thought she could use her magic on me and keep me down. Well, let me tell you, I put up one hell of a fight.”

  I take a moment to dive into Ariane’s mind so I can see whoever this threat is. Long, white hair with electric blue streaks in it, but not someone who is old. At least, from what I can tell. Bright, white eyes. An angelic face with flawless skin and full lips. If this being hadn’t attacked my bestie, I would think she’s hot.

  Someone smacks me in the back of the head again. I immediately turn toward Sienna but she raises her hands in an It’s not me gesture. When I glance the other way, I find Ariane with murder in her eyes.

  “What gives, princess?” I ask her.

  “That-that female kidnapped me and you’re over here thinking she’s hot?”

  “I can appreciate someone’s looks.”

  “Ford!” Ari’s hands ball into fists by her side. Her eyes blaze green. Luckily, her wolf loves me.

  “She doesn’t right now,” Ari states, reading my mind.

  “Okay, let’s put my thoughts out of your head. Why did this female leave you alone? Obviously, she bound you up but then fled? It doesn’t make any sense. And what kind of being are we looking at here?”

  Ari spins and starts pacing the room. I don’t have to ask where their daughter Phoenix is. I read in Ari’s mind that she’s safe at the pack house with Wake, Paige, their girls, and many others of the pack in the ballroom.

  “She’s fae since she has magic,” Ari starts. “Vampire because she can teleport. But I think that’s the only two kinds of paranormals within her. There was no changing color of her eyes or anything like that.”

  There was a time when paranormal species didn’t mate with other paranormal species, but I’m grateful it’s not the case anymore. Sure, there are still some out there who think shifters should only be with shifters and so on. More and more, paranormals are finding their fated mates with beings of all species.

  “She taunted me,” Ari continues. “Kept telling me I was only the appetizer and she was after the main course. That I was for fun. She didn’t say she wouldn’t harm me.” Ari scoffs, “Not like she really could outside of ripping my heart from my chest or severing my head.”

  “Which she could have,” Rion cuts in.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Ari keeps pacing. She’s not a meek female. Doesn’t like to be told what to do. Part of that is the alpha in her. Of course, she’s mated to another alpha, so there is a battle for control at times. Although, Ari wins the majority of them. When she doesn’t, I think it’s more that she gives in and not so much Rion winning.

  “If she’s referring to you as food,” Sol starts from behind me. When the fate did he get here? “That means her real target is someone else.”

  “I asked her about Eaton,” Ari mutters. “She said he got in her way and he was never who she was after. So who is, then?”

  Sol rubs his hands together as a wicked smile plays on his mouth. “You know what this means, brother?” I do. I really do and am not sure I’m ready for it. I’m also not sure if we’ll be the ones to solve this thing. If we don’t, it won’t be from lack of trying. “It’s time for the Verascue brothers to go on their first case.” He walks over to Ari and lays a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, ma’am,” he says in a formal tone. “We’ll bring her to justice.”

  “Remove your hand from me or I’ll rip it from your body,” Ari growls.

  Sol does as she says then sighs. “You couldn’t play along, could you?”



  There’s an extra spring in my step as I leave Ari’s house and walk into their front yard. No, I don’t like having my friends targeted, but I love exacting revenge. It’s one of my favorite things. That, loving on my kitten, and being all around fabulous.

  “I should have dressed as a detective,” I tell Ford. “I need one of those big magnifying glasses and a pipe. Maybe a hat, too. I’d look distinguished.”

  “You’d look ridiculous.”

  I turn my nose up at him. “You don’t know what’s good.”

  Ari and Rion went to check on their daughter, Phoenix, while I, my brother, and our mates are left to wonder where to go next.

  “Whoever this is has someone specific in mind,” Ford states. “If Ari were the appetizer, then she’s just getting started. Makes me wonder who the next target will be.”

  “I doubt she’d pick someone from the ballroom,” Sienna adds. “That would be too obvious and give her away. From Ari’s memory of the female, she wouldn’t be easily hidden.”

  “You’re forgetting it’s Halloween,” Ford says. “And since she’s part fae she can change her appearance to look like anyone or anything, even one of the pack. This female could easily hide in plain sight.”

  “Let’s go back to the pack house and split up,” Lilah suggests. “We’ll walk around the ballroom and slowly dip into everyone’s heads.”

  “That could work, kitten,” I murmur. “As long as whoever this is isn’t fae royalty, we should be able to tap into their mind.”

  “Won’t they expect that?” Sienna asks.

  I shrug. “Probably. I’m not sure what else to do at this point. We have to find them before they hurt someone else. Then again, she could have easily killed Eaton or Ari and didn’t. This is so confusing. It would be easier if we knew the target.”

  “Ya think?” Ford asks. “Let’s go.”

  The four of us teleport back inside the pack house and split up when we reach the ballroom. Everyone inside is getting impatient. I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t like staying in one room all the time either. However, it’s the safest place for them. Or so I hope.

  We each take a corner of the room and slowly work ourselves toward t
he middle, reading minds as we go. I get hit with so many thoughts, so much anxiety. Then, there are the few where the hatred is strong to see whoever this is brought to justice. Those are the ones I’m glad we have in this room. They won’t hesitate to end the female responsible.

  The fact that someone knew about this party outside of those invited and was able to infiltrate it surprises me. The Avynwood Pack aren’t the kind to blast an invite on social media. Not with the following Lealla has. Those are all accounts the pack has, pretending to be models.

  This has to be someone with insider knowledge of the event taking place. I’m not sure how that’s possible since Rion obviously read his mate’s mind and has never seen this female. He’s been with the pack almost his entire life.

  Like Ford said, she could be disguised as anyone. She’s fae. My bestie, Ky, wouldn’t invite someone like that here. He’s very private and so is his sister.

  I have a love/hate with playing this type of game. I have no doubt that’s what this is. Whoever is toying with us isn’t stupid and knows exactly what they’re doing. I hope I can help shed their blood at the end of the night. Nothing says an authentic Halloween party like raining real crimson down.

  When I reach the part of the room Dante is standing in, I stop and look him over from head to toe. “I’ve never seen anyone design their costume based on a pet.”

  The male growls at me. It’s so easy to irritate him. “I didn’t choose this because of the cat. Kaine picked it out for me. He wanted me to be something strong and tall like he says I am in real life.”

  “Awww, isn’t that sweet? Although, I think it would have been better if you were a mountain or something equally hard and unyielding.”

  Mira steps in front of her mate and slaps the front of his trunk. I snort. That sounded dirty in my head.

  Ford’s voice enters my mind. “Fate’s sake, brother. You’re a teenager locked inside a fifteen-hundred-year-old vampire.”

  “Gotta keep things fun. Admit it. You’d be bored to tears if I weren’t around.”

  “I’d be relaxed, not bored.”

  I roll my eyes and focus on Mira again. Her dark hair is just past her shoulders. She has some kind of crown on with vines woven into it and her dress is flowy down to the floor. Long sleeves, figure fitting. It’s this shimmering soft lilac color with a gold sash.

  “Oh, I get it,” I state. “You’re supposed to be Mother Nature. That fits pretty well with an ancient oak by your side.”

  “I will rip your arms off and beat you with them,” Dante growls in a low tone. It’s funny when he tries to intimidate me.

  Lilah appears out of nowhere by my side. “Did you just threaten my mate? I thought we’ve spoken about this before.”

  Glancing over, I find Lilah’s eyes solely on Dante and they are a brilliant sapphire. Seeing my kitten get so angry is a huge turn-on. I love it when her cheetah comes out to play. It’s even better when she combines all her shifter senses with her fae magic and vampire abilities.

  Dante lets out a sigh. “Lilah, you know I’d never hurt Solomon.”

  “I know I heard you just now. No, you’d never hurt him because you’d never get the chance. If by some fluke you got your hands on my mate, then I’d be the one to step in.”

  Mira takes a step forward. “While all this posturing is fun, could we maybe get back to the task at hand? Isn’t there someone out there trying to get to one of us?”

  “Right,” I say and straighten my leather trench coat. How does Ford wear this thing all the time? I’m sweating my butt off. It’s trapping the heat my body puts off. And it’s a lot. I’m that attractive.

  Lilah and I move on from Dante and Mira but not before Lilah gives the male one last hard glare before we do so.

  “You’re so sexy, kitten,” I say in her mind. “When we leave here tonight, I’m going to take you home and worship every inch of your body.”

  “Once Jupiter is asleep, of course.”

  “Of course. Which reminds me… How’s she doing?”

  “She’s fine. Your mother has her again. At least, with Jupiter in her arms, we know no one will ever get to her. Your mother may be a pain sometimes, but she’d die before she let anything happen to our daughter.”

  I nod. “That she would. And as proven by her exceptional age, nothing kills that female.”

  Focusing back on the female criminal on the loose, Lilah and I split up again and each comb through the minds of those around us. By the time the four of us meet, we discover we’ve found nothing regarding the female, which is oh so helpful.

  “I did learn something,” I say with a smile. “Sawyer and Gage are quite adventurous. The two of them are on fire together. You should see the places they’ve fooled around. There’s this one memory I found in Sawyer’s mind that was sitting right at the forefront. He must have been thinking about it, considering he loves the look of his mate in a suit. Anyway, so Gage is dressed like a CEO and Sawyer is one of his employees. Talk about a hot office scene. You should have watched the two of them go at it on the desk. Sawyer pushed Gage down and pulled his stiff—”

  “Sol!” Lilah yells at me.

  “What? I was going to say belt. Honestly, kitten. Get your mind out of the gutter.” I roll my eyes.

  A hand softly touches my forearm. I turn and find Lealla. “While I love each of you, I need you to get your heads out of the clouds and focus.” Her voice isn’t harsh but there is an edge to it. Lealla is one of the most kind and loving females out there. If she’s stressed, it’s for a reason.

  “What have you seen?” Ford asks her. Not only is Lealla the reason this pack exists, she’s also psychic.

  “Nothing. I have seen absolutely nothing. There are times when I get glimpses of things regarding other events but know that I can’t say anything for fear of altering the future. This isn’t one of them. I have no idea who’s hurting those in the pack. Well, she only hurt Eaton. What happened to Ari did nothing other than make our alpha female furious. She’s currently outside with Rion, both as wolves, as they comb the property with Carter and Cash.”

  “Good idea,” I say. “With their powerful senses of smell, hopefully they can find something.”

  Suddenly, magic begins to prickle my skin. I tense and scan the room. Lilah takes my hand in hers as she looks around as well.

  “Where’s it coming from?” Ford asks.

  “The door,” Sienna says.

  We shift our gaze to the doorway and find Whit there with his hands splayed and lifted in the air. The male is one of the more calm wolves in the pack. He’s been through a lot lately and isn’t one to draw attention to himself, so for him to use his fae magic—yes, he’s both shifter and fae, thanks to his parents—something must be wrong.

  With Lilah’s hand in mine, I begin to push through the crowd of paranormals and make my way over to Whit. We reach him at the same time as Camden does.

  “What’s going on?” Camden asks.

  “Caspian’s been hurt,” Whit replies with a slight tremble to his voice. Caspian is a member of the fae. He and Whit have become close friends since everything went down with Whit’s mom. “I’m putting a ward up over the room.”

  “Whoever this is has fae in them,” Lilah states. “I’m not sure a ward will do much good.”

  “Maybe not, although it may slow them down.”

  “And if they’re already in the room?” Camden asks.

  “Then they will have a hard time leaving. But I don’t think they are. Caspian and I were coming down the stairs to join the party when it was like the rug was pulled out from under him. He quickly tumbled down the stairs. He was barely able to use his magic to stop himself from hitting the floor hard. Then a deep gash appeared on his leg that wasn’t from the fall. It was like someone was flaying him open right in front of me. A second one appeared after that. I didn’t know whether to shift and go on the attack or use my magic. In the end, he healed while I put us in a small impenetrable bubble.” Whit’s eyes me
et Camden’s. “I can’t lose anyone else.” I’m not sure if he’s talking about Caspian or Camden or someone else in the pack at this point.

  This would be a good time to deep dive into Whit’s head to find out what he’s thinking. Lilah pulls my hand and brings us out of the room. I sigh. I’ll have to figure that mystery out another time. We easily pass through the ward. I’m sure Whit made it so all of us could move around but not a stranger to the pack.

  Caspian is in the hallway casually leaning against the wall. His hair is its usual dark blue and he’s not in costume, just casual, human clothes.

  “You okay?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, fae and all that. I healed quickly.”

  “You didn’t see who hurt you?”

  He shakes his head. “Once Whit built the bubble around us, nothing else happened. That male may only be half fae but he’s incredibly strong.”

  Whit emerges from the ballroom and comes over to Caspian to embrace him. Having lost the ones he loved most, Whit doesn’t deserve any more death in his life.

  Camden walks into the hall and looks over Whit and Caspian. His eyes flash green, signaling his wolf rising up before they return to their regular icy blue color. In the next breath, he’s gone, stomping down the hall toward the front of the house.

  Well, this is interesting.



  It’s official. I’ve crossed over from being mildly entertained to enraged to over the entire thing. I’m tired of chasing this female. Maybe if we go back to normal, she’ll show herself and come to us. Because this is grating on my last nerve.

  “More like dry humping your last nerve,” Sol says in my mind.

  “Do you need to be in my head right now?”

  “I think I do. You see, I, too am over this. I wanted to have a good evening, relax with my kitten, and have some adult fun later. None of that is happening. There’s no fun. Mother and Father are in freaking leather, which I’ll be having nightmares about for centuries. And there’s a paranormal out there hell-bent on ruining this night.”


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