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Wicked Love

Page 57

by Michelle Dare

  “The leather... I never want to see them dressed like that again.”

  “Why do you think when I teleport to Italy it’s always outside? I never just pop into their living room. I bet this isn’t a costume for them but rather a lifestyle.”

  “Oh, ewww!” I yell loudly, unable to keep my mouth shut. A sea of faces turns to look at me. “I’m just going to...” I stride down the hallway with no destination in sight.

  This evening needs to end already. I want to kill someone then go home and climb into bed with Sienna. A little or a lot of bloodshed would be the only way to finish this night on a positive note. And not the kind I want to drink. I don’t take pleasure in anyone but my mate. Death, on the other hand, is a different story. I have zero qualms about killing someone who deserves to die.

  When you grow up part of the most powerful vampire family out there, you accept death as a common occurrence in your life. And not death of the ones I love. Though, that has happened. I’ve lost friends and family to horrors I wish never happened. But death of those after us happen way more often. We prevail. Always. Anyone who gets in our way goes down.

  Lilah suddenly appears in front of me. “Where’s Sol?”

  “I have no idea. I left him in the hallway.”

  “I can’t find him.”

  “Why would you come to me? Use your internal compass.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She smiles. “With everything going on this evening, I just assumed something happened to him and didn’t think to track him.”

  “Sol may be inferior to me, but someone getting the best of him would be a slim to none chance of happening.”

  Lilah closes her eyes for a moment, no doubt searching for her mate. Then, she’s off walking down the hall again, turning when she reaches the kitchen. I follow because what else do I have to do? Sienna is in the ballroom safe with the others. Or relatively safe. We’ve combed this house and found nothing.

  When we enter the kitchen, we find my brother leaning against the counter spraying whipped cream into his mouth.

  “You really are a child,” I say.

  “What?” he asks with a mouthful of food. He chews for a moment then swallows. “Have you ever popped a piece of chocolate, a marshmallow, and some whipped cream into your mouth at the same time?”

  “Can’t say I have. Isn’t it supposed to be a graham cracker instead of whipped cream?”

  “It would be if I were making a s’more. I’m just here for the sugar high.”

  “Why don’t you drink from your mate instead?”

  There is no better high. No sweeter bliss than feeding off the one you’re mated to. Every single time I drink from Sienna, it’s like heaven on earth. If heaven were a thing. Which I don’t believe in. I’m a vampire, after all. Heaven, Hell, God, none of that exists to me. I’m all about fate and afterward, death. Pretty simple.

  While I’m standing here repulsed by my brother, Lilah is the opposite. She walks toward Sol with an extra sway of her hips. And that’s my cue to leave the room.

  Out in the hall, I find Sienna. “What are you doing out here?” I ask.

  She shrugs one shoulder and comes to me the same way Lilah did to my brother. Hell freaking yes. We may be in the middle of finding someone who is out to harm the pack, but that doesn’t mean I can't partake in a little drink from my mate. In fact, it would make me stronger, which I could use right now.

  Sienna’s laugh floats into my mind. “Whatever you need to tell yourself.”

  The second she’s within arm’s reach, I wrap mine around her waist then teleport us to our bedroom upstairs. Being part of the extended Avynwood family has its perks, including our own bedroom in the pack house.

  It’s quieter up here. The room is dark. Then I hear a low moan. Seems we’re not the only ones stealing a moment away.

  No one will say anything either. This life we lead could end today, tomorrow, or a thousand years from now. Paranormals live and love hard and fast. We don’t waste time once we’ve found the one we’re destined to spend our lives with.

  Sienna tugs me toward the bed and doesn’t stop moving until she’s lying down and I’m on top of her. “I know it’s not the right time, but you could feed from me. You didn’t this morning in anticipation of later tonight when we’re back home. But this is better. Let me give you more power. Let me feed you. Then, you can hunt for the being.”

  I don’t have to be told twice. Leaning down, I sweep my tongue over her breast. She’s still in her dress, which has way too much material. Luckily, enough skin is showing where I can drink from her.

  Sienna’s scent floats to me. The taste of her skin on my tongue floods my senses. So sweet. My fangs descend and, without warning her, I pierce her. Blood quickly floods my body. There’s nothing quite like it. Nothing like drinking from her.

  My body heats. My thoughts are solely focused on her. And like every other time I taste her, I’m completely turned on. The bite isn’t without its pleasure for Sienna either. She writhes on the bed below me. Her hands roam my body until they reach my pants and quickly open them.

  This won’t be drawn out. Not the languid lovemaking that happens frequently between us. No, this will be fast and built on our combined passion.

  After peeling back four hundred layers of fabric, I find my mate and bring us together. Sienna calls out my name as I take pull after pull of her blood while she welcomes me into her body. Her life sustains mine. I crave no other. My heart only beats for her.

  Her fingers grip my hair hard. Pulling and pushing me. I know my mate. I know how to drive her to that peak she’s so desperate to crest. I use my hands and body to bring her there and then we’re falling together. Our bodies, minds, and soul as one. The descent is perfect. The love I have for her is endless.

  Panting, Sienna finally loosens her grip from my hair. My fangs retract and I take my time to lick over her flesh, closing the puncture marks. Her body would have healed them if I hadn’t. I prefer to do it. The last drop of savoring my mate. No matter how many times I feed from her, the raw passion never ebbs.

  “Fate, I love you,” I tell her a second before my lips find hers.

  The taste of blood is still on my tongue. Sienna doesn’t care. She’s used to every part of me.

  I don’t rush us out of bed. I don’t hurry to right our clothes so we can join the others downstairs. For a few minutes, I’m going to enjoy my mate. The world can wait. I hear no screaming and no crying. Nothing else has happened since the last time we were downstairs.

  “Stay by me the rest of the night,” I tell her. “You’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, but I don’t want to be apart from you, psycho on the loose or not.”

  “I won’t. I love you, Ford.”

  Never has there been another female who could bring me to my knees like Sienna can. I may be powerful. Have slayed many adversaries. I will do anything she asks. Go anywhere. Give her whatever her heart desires. She’s my entire world.



  “I’m ready.”

  “Okay.” I roll to my back and zip up as she fixes her dress. The power thrumming through my body makes me feel invincible. “Are you hungry?” I don’t think I saw her eat tonight. I need to feed her now that she’s done that for me.

  “That’s not what I meant. Or rather, what I’m ready to talk about.”

  I turn and peer down at my mate, who’s still lying down. Her light green eyes hold mine. “What is it?” I could read her mind. It’s almost second nature to do so. Although something has me pausing, telling me not to do it. To let her say aloud what's on her mind.

  “I want to have a baby in the near future. That is, if you do. If not, that’s fine as well. It’s just that the more time I spend with Jupiter, the more I want that for us.”

  “I-I…” What the fate do I say? I had no idea she was going to say that.

  Sienna sits up and cups my cheek with her hand. “If you’re not ready, that’s okay. We hav
e an infinite number of years together, Ford. There’s no rush.”

  “I’m not sure what I am. We’ve done a lot in our time together. We’ve been staying home more lately, though. Well, home or here or somewhere our family is. Are you sure?” We’ve spoken about it in the past. My mother hasn’t been quiet in her want to have more grandchildren. It’s not up to her. It’s between me and my mate.

  “Yes. However, I’m more than willing to wait if this isn’t what you want.”

  A baby? Sienna wants to have a baby. With me. That’s a huge thing. A lot will change. But a lot will stay the same. Nothing will change the love I have for my mate. If anything, it will only increase. I’ve watched the way a child changes a relationship. Seen it first hand with my brother and Lilah. Sure, they argue, but no more than usual. Jupiter brought a whole other layer of love to their lives. A happiness that can’t be brought by anything other than a child.

  “Really?” I ask. Like I haven’t already.

  She smiles. “Yes.”

  “Well then, count me in.”

  “Seriously?” Her smile widens then she throws herself at me. I catch her and fall back on the bed. Sienna’s joy radiates through me. I hear her thoughts. Feel her love as I do every day.

  “Let’s do this.”

  “Yes!” I hear someone exclaim in the hallway. “Are you both decent?” Ari asks. Figures. When you’re in a house full of paranormals with exceptional hearing, nothing goes unnoticed.

  “We are,” I reply.

  The door to the room flies open as Ari rushes in and jumps on the bed to embrace us both, giant ballgown and all. Growing up, Sienna was one of Ari’s best friends, but then Sienna moved away and they lost touch. Sienna didn’t come back into her or my life in the best way, but it’s where she belongs. Where she was always meant to end up. With Ari as her friend and me as her mate.

  “I’m so freaking happy for both of you!” Ari yells. “Two of my best friends are going to have a baby. Oh, my fate. I’m beyond words.” Ari pulls back and I notice a couple tears falling down her cheeks.

  “Thank you, princess.” I smile. “You mean so much to us.”

  “You two are my family. I love you both. You’re going to make amazing parents. You’ve been wonderful with Phoenix.”

  “How did you manage to slip away without bringing more of the pack with you?”

  “I was up here doing another sweep of the floor when I heard your conversation. I’m not going to pretend I wasn’t listening. Of course I was. I had to know no one was in here hurting someone.”

  I smirk. “I did bite her.” Sienna slaps my chest without any real force.

  “I know that.” Ari rolls her eyes. “But then to hear you discuss having a baby. My heart is so happy.”

  “How about you let us tell everyone else?”

  “Too late!” Paige yells and rushes into the room, Wake right behind her. They both jump onto the bed and embrace us. Orion comes in next.

  Together, we sit on the bed, smile, and talk. Even with someone out there waiting to hurt one of the pack, we find joy in this moment on Halloween.



  I thought Lilah was going to devour me right there in the kitchen. Fate, was I wrong. As soon as she got close, all her desire fled. I guess that’s what happens when you’re dressed as your brother for Halloween.

  Lilah quickly departed back to the ballroom, wanting to check up on Jupiter. I continue my foraging for more food. I swear it’s like I’m a bottomless pit. Even though I feed from Lilah, I’m still hungry for human food all the time. Granted, it doesn’t sustain me like blood, but it’s a nice boost.

  “Oooh, a turkey leg,” I say as I discover it in the fridge.

  The food for the party tonight was made in advance so those who work for the pack could take the night off to spend with their family. I can’t wait until Jupiter is old enough to trick-or-treat. I’m taking her to our friend’s houses and getting candy. For her, that is. Not me. Okay, I’ll probably end up eating half of it, but the fun is in acquiring the treats.

  As I withdraw my find from the fridge, something slips over my eyes. “Kitten, you’ve returned. I love where this is going.”

  But just like that the world goes dark…

  When I wake next, it takes a second for me to get my bearings. First, I reach out with my ears. No sounds can be heard. Not even the rustling of leaves on a fall breeze. With my nose I smell blood. Not a strong odor, like I’m covered in it, but it does hang in the air. And turkey. Nice. I must have hung on to that leg while I was being abducted.

  The scent of a sweet flower hits me a moment before whatever is covering my face and eyes is pulled away. The light is dim in the room. My eyes adjust as I quickly scan my surroundings. Four cement walls and a floor with a drain at my feet. Nothing in the room but me on this hard metal chair and whoever is standing behind me.

  My hands are bound, as are my fingers. No teleporting for me. I try to break whatever is securing me but I can’t. My vampire strength isn’t doing me any good. Must be magical handcuffs spelled by a mage.

  “Oh!” I yell. “You’re the one we’re looking for!” I’m so excited. I didn’t need to find the being responsible for harming those in the pack. She came to me. “I’ve already seen what you look like in Ari’s mind. Please come forward so I can talk to you. I’m curious what your motive is.”

  The female walks in front of me and appears exactly as she did in Ari’s mind. “Are you always this chatty?”

  “I am.” I smile. I may not be able to break free, but I can hopefully win this nightmare of a female over with my charm. You catch more bees with honey is the saying, I think. I can’t remember, but I’ll be sweet as hell to get some intel. I am an investigator after all. “Ford hates it. I drive him crazy sometimes. That’s what brothers are for, though.”

  Her eyes widen. “You’re not Ford?”

  “Um, no. I look like him at the moment but it’s all in my costume. I really went for the authentic vibe with the trench. I had you fooled, huh? Wait. Does that mean you meant to take my brother and not me?”

  Her hands fist as magic crackles in the air. “I didn’t want you. I wanted Ford.”

  “Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed. I am the better brother. Your standards must be exceptionally low. Why would you want him and not me? I’m a far better vampire specimen.” I glance around her and notice my turkey leg on the floor. “Fate, did you have to ruin my snack? That was like finding gold in the fridge.” I’m honestly not sure if I’m more upset about the abduction or the leg. I really wanted that. It’s not the same now. Who knows what’s on this floor? Then again, is there a rule to eating food that fell when you can’t get sick? The five-second rule turned into a five-minute rule. The turkey leg is deemed… edible! “Could you maybe pick that up and put it in my mouth?”

  “You like taking your life in your hands?”

  “The wild side is my favorite place.” I wink.

  She steps closer and a blade appears in her hand. She presses it to my throat. “I’m seconds away from killing you.”

  “Not silver, then. Doesn’t burn like it should. Plus, you can hold it. So, are you half vampire or just have vampire gifted powers? And what’s your name? I’ve never seen you before. I do get around. Obviously, you’ve heard of our family. I mean, if you’re seeking out Ford, you must have heard of me. And let’s not forget Mother and Father Dearest. They’re legends in their own rights.”

  “Would you shut up?” she screams. “I know all about your family. I was there when your mother killed my brother.”

  “Vengeance, then.” I nod slightly in understanding. “Tell me, how long ago was this and where did it happen?” Maybe if I get her talking it will give my kitten time to find me. Then again, Orion needed Robin to help him locate Ari. I have no doubt this being put some sort of magic around me to block Lilah’s internal compass.

  The blade presses into my flesh. The scent of blood becomes stron
ger. That reminds me. “Where did the blood on my jeans come from? I didn’t feel any other wounds when I woke up.”

  “Leftover from someone else.”

  I cock my head to the side and dive into her mind. I’ve tried repeatedly but haven’t been able to penetrate it. No worries. I’m a Verascue. I’ll scale that wall and find out her secrets.

  “Get out of my head,” she hisses.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so. You’re too mysterious for me to want to do that. I think I’m going to take my time and find out just how deep your hatred of my mother runs.”

  The female slices the blade across my neck all the way to my spinal cord. I sputter and gasp for a moment, not able to breathe. It’s mere seconds before my skin and internal wounds mend.

  “That was uncalled for!” I yell once I can. “How would you like it if I did that to you? And here I thought we were making progress,” I scoff. “If I could, I’d cross my arms right now. Instead, I’ll just turn my head because I simply can’t look at you.”

  Her hand whips forward and clutches my completely healed throat. The blade she was holding clatters to the ground as she uses her other hand to teleport us away. When we land, we’re in the kitchen at the pack house. I wonder if she originally brought me to the basement of the house or if it were somewhere else.

  “I can’t stand you anymore!” she seethes in my mind. “But don’t think I’m through. I’m going after your brother next.”

  “You could have brought my turkey leg with us. The service these days. It’s like the customer doesn’t even matter.”

  The next thing I know, I can’t speak. The words form on my tongue though I can’t get them out.

  “That’s what you get for not shutting up!”

  Screw this female. I’ve had about enough of her. Not only did she cost me my snack, but she’s insulted me too many times. Using my feet, I push the front legs of the chair off the floor until it slams me backward onto the floor with a hard clatter.


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